Revue d’histoire des math´ematiques, 5 (1999), p. 7–59. MATHEMATICIANS AT WAR POWER STRUGGLES IN NAZI GERMANY’S MATHEMATICAL COMMUNITY: GUSTAV DOETSCH AND WILHELM SUSS¨ VOLKER R. REMMERT (*) It is generally difficult to deny having committed a given act, or that such an act was committed; it is, on the contrary, very easy to alter the motivations which led us to an act and the passions within us which accompanied the act itself. Primo Levi ABSTRACT. — The article discusses several examples of power struggles in Nazi Germany’s mathematical community. Amongthem are the fate of German participation in J.E.L. Brouwer’s journal Compositio mathematica in 1934/35. Ludwig Bieberbach put an end to this participation for political reasons. Special attention is paid to developments in the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV ), above all to the presidency of Wilhelm S¨uss in the years 1937 to 1945. The pre-war years of his presidency were overshadowed by Bieberbach’s opposition to the DMV .Oneof the most important events is the expulsion of non-Aryan DMV -members in 1938/39 (Judenfrage), which was central to the DMV ’s success in dealingwith Nazi government officials. In World War II the DMV ’s successful professional policies, though they were threatened by S¨uss’ FreiburgcolleagueGustav Doetsch, were carried on by S¨ uss in close collaboration with Nazi government officials. His efforts were crowned by the foundation of a central institute for mathematics in the Black Forest (Oberwolfach). RESUM´ E´.—MATHEMATICIENS´ EN GUERRE. LUTTES DE POUVOIR DANS LA COMMUNAUTEMATH´ EMATIQUE´ DE L’ALLEMAGNE NAZIE: GUSTAV DOETSCH ET WILHELM SUSS¨ . — L’article analyse plusieurs luttes de pouvoir dans la com- munaut´emath´ematique de l’Allemagne nazie, dont celle concernant la participation allemande `a la revue de J.E.L. Brouwer Compositio mathematica dans les ann´ees 1934/35. LudwigBieberbach a mis fin `a cette participation pour des raisons poli- tiques. Une attention particuli`ere est par ailleurs port´ee `alaDeutsche Mathematiker- Vereinigung (DMV )et`a Wilhelm S¨uss, son pr´esident, de 1937 `a 1945. Les ann´ees de (*) Texte re¸cu le 18 mars 1999, r´evis´e le 6 septembre 1999. V.R. REMMERT, AG Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, FB 17-Mathematik, Johan- nes Gutenberg-Universit¨at Mainz, D-55099 Mainz (Allemagne). Courrier ´electronique: [email protected]. CSOCIET´ EMATH´ EMATIQUE´ DE FRANCE, 1999 8 V.R. REMMERT sa pr´esidence situ´ees avant guerre ont ´et´emarqu´ees par l’opposition de Bieberbach `a la DMV.Undes´ev`enements les plus importants a ´et´e l’expulsion des membres non- aryens de la DMV en 1938/39 (Judenfrage). Il a ´et´ed´eterminant pour les relations f´econdes de la DMV avec les officiels du gouvernement nazi. C’est en collaboration ´etroite avec le gouvernement que S¨uss a poursuivi, durant la seconde guerre mondi- ale, les politiques professionnelles de la DMV ,mˆeme si elles ont ´et´emenac´ees par son coll`egue de Fribourg, Gustav Doetsch. Les efforts de S¨uss ont ´et´ecouronn´es par la fondation d’un institut central de math´ematiques dans la Forˆet Noire (Oberwolfach). TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ........................................................... p. 8 2. Gustav Doetsch (1892–1977) ............................................ p. 11 3. Wilhelm S¨uss (1895–1958) .............................................. p. 13 4. Compositio mathematica and DMV :DoetschandS¨uss together ......... p. 14 5. S¨ussaspresidentoftheDMV in the pre-war years ...................... p. 24 6. Mathematicians at war: Doetsch and S¨uss in World War II .............. p. 37 7. Exchanging gifts, or building networks of influence and power ........... p. 43 8. Denazification and continuity in the post-war years ..................... p. 49 9. Concludingremarks .................................................... p. 52 10. Bibliography .......................................................... p. 54 1. INTRODUCTION Anybody plunging into the deep sea of historical research on science in the Third Reich will be confronted with some major theses and problems which have been the subject of much discussion during the last decade1. Some of these are directly rooted in German scientists’ legitimising and vindicatory discourses of the post-war era. Such is the thesis of “subversion from within”, which Werner Heisenberg and the physical scientists working on the atomic bomb took recourse to after the war. According to them they had deliberately slowed down the progress of the bomb project. This myth has been convincingly demolished by Mark Walker [Walker 1989]. Closely related is the construction of “apolitical” scientists who did not perceive their own research agenda and professional contexts as part of a nazified world or an active process of 1 For surveys of recent literature on science in Nazi Germany see [Beyerchen 1992], [Hopper 1996], [Harwood 1997]. For general orientation cf. [Ludwig1974], [Walker 1989], [Macrakis 1993], [Olff-Nathan 1993], [Renneberg/Walker 1994], [Hentschel 1996, xix–xcix]. For the case of mathematics cf. [Siegmund-Schultze 1993], [Mehrtens 1996]. The research for this paper was kindly supported by the Volkswagen Stiftung. Thanks for their help and comments go to Moritz Epple, Nina Gleichmann, Ben Kern, David E. Rowe, Dieter Speck and the Revue’s referees. MATHEMATICIANS AT WAR 9 nazification [Hopper 1996, pp. 168-171]. “Apolitical” scientists still linger about in recent publications, notably Wilhelm S¨usshasbeendescribed as such [Hammerstein 1999, pp. 464 and 469]. “Apolitical” scientists were often portrayed as ideal brokers who could acquire maximal professional autonomy for their particular discipline, while at the same time keeping their distance, their innocence and their purity. Herbert Mehrtens has given a stimulating discussion of this, calling it “irresponsible purity” [Mehrtens 1994]. These questions are deeply entangled with moral standards and judge- ments, and naturally so, as they are rooted in the discourse of justification in post-war Germany, where questions of right or wrong, good or bad, Nazi or not, quickly became part of everybody’s everyday business. Recent his- toriography of Nazi science has cautiously come to “encourage a shift of emphasis away from judgements of guilt and innocence toward a histori- ography more concerned with understanding and explanation” [Harwood 1997, p. 145]. This does not imply that moral concerns should be super- seded by explanatory ones, but rather that the assignment of personal guilt to individuals will not help in the investigation of the nature and scope of collaboration between scientists and the Nazi regime. Investigat- ing the entanglement of mathematicians’ professional policies with issues that were at the very core of the Nazi state, such as its anti-Semitism, is a starting point to get to grips with the relations of scientists and the Nazi regime. Apart from this general problem there are two other topics on the agenda of this paper, which might invite further study. Firstly there is the nature of scientific relations between Nazi Germany and the international scientific community which is illustrated here by the affair involving the international journal Compositio mathematica in 1934/35 (Section 3)2. The other topic is that of denazification and the continuity of professional ´elites after 1945, some aspects of which are discussed in Section 7. The National Socialists’ seizure of power in 1933 soon triggered a process of redistribution of power within the German mathematical com- munity, and the two professors at the Freiburg Institute of Mathemat- ics, Gustav Doetsch and Wilhelm S¨uss, were from 1934 to 1945 to be 2 Research on the Third Reich’s international scientific relations is still young: [Richards 1990a, 1990b], [Walker 1992], also [Knoche 1991], [Siegmund-Schultze 1993, pp. 177–192]. 10 V.R. REMMERT found in the midst of the pursuit of and desire for this power. Strange as it may seem to choose such a seemingly localized focus in dealing with this process, such aperspective does not merely stem from alove for micro-historical detail, as will become apparent. For the discussion of these men’s respective roles and activities in these power struggles, I heavily draw on two corpora of papers, namely those of Wilhelm S¨uss and the papers of the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV ), which are now both accessible at the University Archives of Freiburg3. These provide an extensive basis for the future investigation of many hitherto scarcely documented aspects of the history of mathematics in Nazi and post-war Germany. Furthermore, the papers of Gustav Doetsch from the war years, only fragments of which survive4, shed light on the early history of L.E.J. Brouwer’s journal Compositio mathematica, especially its fate in Germany in 1934/35. Neither Doetsch nor S¨uss had played an influential role in the German mathematical community before 1933. But in 1934 both tried to benefit from the changing circumstances and took keen interest in the reorgani- zation of the DMV along the lines desired by Ludwig Bieberbach. They supported Bieberbach’s futile efforts to nazify the DMV, but at the same time they disagreed with his opposition to Germans being members of the editorial board of Brouwer’s newly founded journal Compositio mathe- matica, which included many Jewish mathematicians. Bieberbach’s stance concerning the Compositio proved successful, but he fell from power in the DMV, and Doetsch and S¨uss were left in an ambiguous position vis-`a-vis the hierarchy of influence and the process of redistribution of power within the German mathematical community (Section 3). The ambiguity was resolved in 1937 when S¨uss was chosen president of the DMV.S¨uss soon established himself in the role of a very effective representative of mathematics in Germany. The acid test for him was the handling of the non-Aryan DMV members in 1938/39, the so-called Judenfrage (Section 4). With the outbreak of the war Doetsch entered the scene of professional policies in mathematics as representative of the 3 For a guide to the archival material see [Remmert 1999d] for the papers of the DMV and [Remmert 2000b] for the papers of S¨uss.
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