november 6, 2019 issue 6 | volume 30 nexusnewspaper.com camosun’s student voice since 1990 check out the new nexusnewspaper.com! education A look inside Camosun College’s new master plan Camosun to launch island’s page 6 Opinion: Camosun should have an first sonography program on-campus doctor page 2 Students get experienced with the Dunlop House pub page 3 Burlesque fest launches in Victoria page 8 student politics Camosun College Student Society election results in ADAM MARSH Also in this election, CCSS STUDENT EDITOR external executive Fillette Umulisa The Camosun College Student was voted in as a student repre- Society (CCSS) held its fall student sentative on Camosun College’s elections from Monday, October education council, as were Paige CAMOSUN COLLEGE A/V SERVICES 28 to Wednesday, October 30. 877 Martin and Isaiah Jurkuch. Umu- Classes for the new sonography program will be in the Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness. Camosun students voted, which is lisa says that being on the education EMILY WELCH approximately nine percent of the council ensures there is a student STAFF WRITER student population at Camosun. voice to provide input on how best On Thursday, October 17, “We are so thankful to the ministry for funding CCSS executive director Michel to develop curriculum to meet Camosun College announced that this program at Camosun. It is very good that Turcotte says those numbers are students’ needs. typical for the student elections, “Just be there to represent stu- it is launching Vancouver Island’s students on the island do not have to go all the first Digital Medical Sonography and that the numbers have in- dents so that there’s some sort of program next year. Diagnostic med- way to BCIT. It is only 16 seats right now, but I creased since switching from paper equality,” she says. “My whole ical sonographers are health care think it is a great change overall.” ballots to online voting in 2017 (by point of this is, I want to be there professionals who use sonography way of comparison, 697 students to make sure that students get the technology to take internal images FILLETTE UMULISA voted in the fall 2018 elections). best out of the programs that are of a patient. CAMOSUN COLLEGE STUDENT SOCIETY The elections serve a dual purpose, developed in terms of materials, “The college is really excited says Turcotte: to bring student rep- prices, tuition, and time.” about this,” says Camosun dean resentatives onto the CCSS’ board As an example of this, Umulisa of Health and Human Services was when I first started, almost six “So many people have worked of directors (which is the governing points to the cost of textbooks for Cynthia Smith. “Like any new pro- years ago,” says Smith. “In fact, together,” she says, “We have re- body of the CCSS), and to raise Camosun students. gram, it’s been a partnership right it’s been a vision at the college for ceived significant funding from the awareness of the CCSS. “Myself and the student society across education approvals, the about six or seven years, envisioned Ministry [of Advanced Education, “Sometimes students don’t are pushing toward more open registrar’s office, and the program first when we started the Medical Skills and Training] to be able to understand the distinctions be- education resources,” she says. chair. We’ve hired new faculty, who Radiography program.” offer it. It’s also a very exciting tween the college and the independ- Umulisa says the student soci- are sonographers, to be teaching in The Camosun program is the partnership with Island Health.” ent organization that represents ety, and the elections, are a funda- the program. It’s really involved all first time sonography will be taught Smith says that the applications their interests,” says Turcotte. mental part of democracy. kinds of people across the college, on Vancouver Island. for the programs have been arriving Melaniia Frolova was voted in “We are a democratic student including that it was a key part of the “There are two other programs fast, and that opening up a project as the CCSS international director; union. We believe in the power new construction in the teaching [in BC],” says Smith. “One is at like this one takes effort from every- Hayley Lamb and Shivam Gupta of democracy,” she says. “Every clinic in The [Alex & Jo Campbell] BCIT, and the other is The College one involved. were voted in as Interurban dir- student at Camosun College is a Centre for Health and Wellness.” of New Caledonia in Prince George, “It is so much work from all ectors-at-large. Yara Abaza, Mai member of the society; casting your Smith says that the new two- which just started this fall. So we parts of the college,” she says. Nguyen, Quinn Cunningham, and vote and having a say in who gets year program has been a large are the first on Vancouver Island, “It’s been a Camosun partnership, Katrina McNeely were voted in as to represent them is the first step investment—the provincial govern- and the third in BC.” as well as a partnership with the Lansdowne directors-at-large. toward our democracy legitimacy.” ment put in $1.4 million to support Camosun College Student So- government, both the Ministry of the development, launch, and deliv- ciety (CCSS) external executive Advanced Education and Island eyed on campus ery of the program and $4 million Fillette Umulisa says that the CCSS Health.” in capital funding for equipment is also very happy about the new Umulisa says that she recog- and the creation of classroom and program and the partnerships that nizes that the new program might lab space in the building—and that have formed while creating it. be expensive for students, and sonography is a growing profession “We are so thankful to the min- she hopes that the college keeps that is in high demand. istry for funding this program at tuition reasonable (the Camosun “We’ve had to purchase expen- Camosun,” Umulisa says. “It is very website currently lists the estimated sive but specific sonography equip- good that students on the island do program tuition at $36,461 for a ment,” she says, “equipment that not have to go all the way to BCIT. It diploma and $898 to $1,572 for a not only provides service but also to is only 16 seats right now, but I think one-term advance certificate; the simulate what students would see it is a great change overall.” (The program is not open to international if they were scanning someone, so college will be taking 16 students students). maybe simulating a cardiac concern into the program in May 2020; the “As a program, medical sonog- or a pregnancy.” second intake, in 2021, will be 32 raphy is a little expensive,” says Smith says that the college has students.) Umulisa. “We actually hope that been thinking of starting this pro- There have also been many Camosun will set the tuition at a gram for many years. other people and organizations rate that is affordable for residents “I remember walking across the wanting to get on board with Camo- of Vancouver Island. We want stu- GREG PRATT/NEXUS Lansdowne campus and hearing sun’s new sonography program, dents to take advantage of this Guerilla art spotted on Camosun College’s Lansdowne campus on the mor- about the need for this, and that Smith says. opportunity.” ning of Tuesday, October 22. 2 VIEWS November 6, 2019 nexusnewspaper.com NEWS 3 student editor’s letter open space student experience The popular vote Camosun College needs an on- Students bring Hollywood to Lansdowne Dunlop House pub camosun’s student voice since 1990 Urging people to get more politically involved is a good thing. In campus doctor Next publication: November 20, 2019 layman’s terms, your world as you know it depends largely on you giv- “I didn’t know how much work I Deadline: 9 am Monday November 11, LIZ WARDY ing a flying fuck. That can be said for everything: your education, your before it runs out, or about having “We want to make sure that people have a fun was getting into when we started.” 2019 CONTRIBUTING WRITER a nasty cough for a few weeks that relationship, your job, and even minor tasks like your weekly errands, the time. Dunlop House isn’t something that most Remus practiced for the themed Address: 3100 Foul Bay Rd., Victoria, BC, small things that make the world spin. One of the biggest shocks when doesn’t seem to be leaving. UVic has pub night by volunteering on other V8P 5J2 It can also be said for—look away if you have to—voting. I moved to Victoria back in July was a clinic on its campus (it even offers students even know about, or [they don’t know] nights at the Dunlop House. Location: Lansdowne Richmond House 201 But put voting aside for a moment. Imagine this: you’re with someone realizing how hard it is to find a flu shots and deals for students on about the pub nights that we pull off. Everything “I volunteered last week at the Phone: 250-370-3591 for the sake of being with someone. Pretty much anyone will tell you that family doctor. sports teams). Plus, do classrooms pub, so I got to see how it works, Email: [email protected] it won’t end well but it will end. Because eventually you stop doing the Locals told me it’s easier to just even come equipped with first-aid we create, we put a lot of hard work into.
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