Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 8-1-1971 The Kentucky High School Athlete, August 1971 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, August 1971" (1971). The Athlete. Book 163. http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete/163 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HighSchoolAthMe DAVIESS COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL TEAM K.H.S.A.A. CHAMPION— 1971 (Left to Right) Front Row: C. Truman, G. Jones, D. Crowe, D, Zuerner, J. Rhinerson, J. Baker, G. Taylor. Second Row: Coach R. Embry, R. Hen- dricks, N. Lively, E. McCoUam, J. Ralph, J. Church, J. Ferrell, R. Acton, J. Hodskins. Official Organ of the KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION AUGUST 1971 — ——— — — — ——— KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL TRACK MEET—CLASS AAA Louisville, Kenlucky, May 21, 1971 Liniis\illc Male HiL;li Sclnxil Track Team—K.H.S.A.A. Champion 19^1 ILell tc Right! Fronl How: R. Buller, L. Tennyson, R. Carpprter, W'. Gordon, C. Childers, J. While, C. Smilh Second Row: K. Waller, H. Crawford, M. Long, G. Sanderson, E. Gray, B. Sistrunk, K, Walkins. Dorsey, G. Wise Third Row: D. Calfcy, D. Thornton, J. Caffey, D. Hickersor. O, Gaines, T. Thomas, R, Robertson. Fourth Row: E. Hill, E. Murphy, M. Beckley, Z. Laird, T. McCrane. Fifth Row: Mqr. W. Kolman, Mgr, A, Yates. 100 Yard Dash 120 Yard High Hurdles— High Jump 1. Cluldej-s-Male Pettv.a,\ -Seneca 1. Rnlston-Central 2. Holt-Seneca :,'' Northington-Thomas Jefferson Goldsmith-Valley S. Greenuell-Waggener First-Thomas Jeffeisoji :^. Stapp-Stuart Carter-Valley 4 Randle-Seneca 4. Wade-Stuart 5, Norfleet-Thomas Gordon-Male f>. Childers-Male Jefferson Time-9.9 Tlme-14,4 Height-6' 3" Long Jump ISO Yard Low Hurdles 27.0 Yard Dash 1. Stapp-Stuart 2. Baumer-Durrett 1. Pettway-Seneca 1. Baiimer-Durrett ^. Johnson-Manual 2. Sims-Thomas Jefferson 2, Stapp-Stuart 4. Firman-Jeffersontown .3. Carter-Valley :i, Northington-Thomas Jefferson •5. Remstedler-St, 4. Baumer-Durrett 4. Mudd-Trinity Xavier 7" 5, Raible-Trinity 5, Deacon-Jeffersontown Distance-22' Tinie-21,a Time-19.4 Triple Jump 1. Waller-Male 440 Yard Dash 380 Yard Relay— 2. Johnson-Manual 3. Stephens-St. Watson- Westport Xavier 1, 1 Thonias Jefferson 4 Randle-Seneca 2, Tennyson-Male 2. Seneca '' Gray-Thomas Jefferson Montgomery-Thomas Jefferson 3. Male Distance-46' 5" Wal'cott-Fairdale 4. Eastern Shumann-DeSales 5. Valley Discus Time-49.7 Time-l:30,l 1. Bates-Doss 2. Parrott-Fairdale 880 Yard Run Mile Relay- 3. Edwards-Thomas Jefferson 4. Kohler-Dui-rett Summitt-Fairdale 1, Male 5. Purcell-Flaget Long-Male 2, Thoinas Jefferson Distance-148' 7" Jefferson Lively-Thomas :i, Westport Gordon-Iroquois 4, Fairdalc TOTAL POINTS Carpenter-Male 5, Eastern Male ___ Time-1:54.7 Time-3:20,8 36 Thomas Jefferson 35 Seneca II__I___ 32 Mile Run Shot Put Sluarl 27 Ourrett I"IZ_III"" 18 ~ 1. RUey-Alhcrton 1, Stovall-Stuart Fairdale _~ 14 Tennyson-Male 2. Wvatt-Vallev Valley "II II__II 14 Hartlage-DeSales :;, Ratliff-Moore Iroquois I 11 Walls-Irr quois 4. .Mayer-Seneca Westport __ 9 Jen ny-,If-fferson town ^. "Cowley-St. Xavier DeSales II "l_.l_. 8 Time-4:20.0 Distance-56' 8 1/2" -Mhcrlon . I 8 ~^ "I ~~ Manual 7 Doss II _I" II G 2 Mile Run— Pole Vault— Centra! 6 Jeffersontown _.. 5 1. Cook-Seneca 1. Mmter-Stuart St. Xavier 5 2. Pendleton-DeSales 2. WUlett-Durrett Eaf^tern 3 3. Adams-Iroquois 3. Watkins-Iroquois Flccict 3 4. Hagan-Alherton 4. Cunnin.yham-Flaget Cunningham-Jcffersontown Tri.nily 3 5. 5. Epjjerson-Iroquois V/aggener 3 Time-9:39.6 Height-13' 6" Moore 3 ' — The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association VOL XXXIV—No. 1 AUGUST, 19V1 $1.00 Per Year DISBURSEMENTS: Report of Audit Board of Control Expense . 7,446.35 Commissioner's Salary (Base Sal. 521,500) 16,610.60 1350 Soulh 1st St. Expense— Commissioner's Office 835.29 Louisville, Ky. Ass't Commissioners' Salaries (Base Sal. S32, 000) 25,012.10 July 9, 1971 Travel Expense—Assistant Commissioners 2,233.28 Secretarial Salaries 14,029.77 Secretary Treasurer Mr. Theodore A. Sanford. and Janitors Salary 1,741.22 Ke.ntucky High School Athletic Association Postage . 3,757.00 Lexington, Kentucky Office Supplies 1,564.42 Dear Sir: Janitor's Supplies .. 48.80 received, we have made an Pursuant to instructions New Equiom^nt __ . 31.45 records of the KENTUCKY HIGH audit of the books and Insurance ._ _ . 2,951.65 SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION for the period of one n'quipmeni Repairs & Service Contracts 950.85 year beginning July 1, 1970, and ending Jujie 30, 1971. In BIuo Cross and Blue Shield 1,944.55 addition, we have prepared and attached hereto state- Building Repairs & Grounds Maintenance 1,631.00 ments of the Receipts and Disbursements which, in our Mew Office Building .. 62,190.34 opinion, reflect the :rue fina.ncial condition of the Associa- Utililies 1,348.00 tion as of June 30, 1971. Telephone & Telegraph . 1,706.91 The Cash Funds on Hand and U. S. Savings Bonds and Area Meetings 583.91 savings accounts were the Building and Loan Associations Fitielity Bonds ._ . 45.00 verified by generally accepted found to be correct and Printing - _ _.. 4,640.00 auditing procedures. Appropriatiori to K.A.P.O.S. 300.00 We find the records presented to us for the purpose of 'Purchase of Publications 6,199.10 audit to be in agreement and in good condition. Delegates to Nat'l Fed, Meetings 7,468.04 Respectfully submitted, Nat'onal Federation Dues 205.45 L. Johnson Huet Film Rental __ . 700.23 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ,^udll 150.00 Bad Checks _ . 61.00 Meals- Annual Banquet 2,520.00 KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASS'N Speaker —Annual Banquet . 270.30 PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 1970, TO JUNE 30, 1971 STATEMENT OF Taxes and Wilholdings: RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Federal Income Tax Withhf 10,651.60 Social Security . 4,489.94 City License Fee Withheld 1,101.52 RECEIPTS: Staxe Income Tax Withheld 2,078.22 Balance in checking account July 1, 1970 . -_S 32,353.51 Slate Sales and Use Taxes 2,921.43 .Annual Dues: 348 n 33.00 S 1,044.00 Officials' Dues: Football: 702 a S3.00 __ 2.106.00 Transfer o^ Funds: Basketball- 15B5 a S3. 00 4,695.00 Saving Certificates 40,000.00 Baseball: 637 fl S3.00 1,911.00 Insurance Subsidy 33,128.50 Wrestling: 36 a S3.00 108.00 K.H.S.A.-2\. Retirement Fund 5,000.00 Reciprocity Officials: Football: 58 a Sl.OO 58.00 Magazine: Basketball: 35 'S Sl.OO 35.00 Printing and Engravings 7,904.15 Officials' Fines 415. CD — S Mailing . ._ 300.00 8,204.15 Redepositi (Bad checks made good) 42.00 Advertising in Magazine _- 1,825.00 Sale of Publications 633.70 Oftiicals' Division: Sale of U. S. Treasury Bills 59,432.00 - Honorariu:ns & Expenses-Clinics S 1,001.45 Ticket Sales Annual Meeting . 535.00 Int. Rec'd from Certificates of Printing ?z Miscellaneous Expenses 75.00 Deposits & Savings Acc'ts 1,813.60=*' Schools for Officials 2,291.20 Interest Rec'd from U. S. Bonds & Expenses-Regional Clinics 359.14 Treasury Bills . 3,752.90-^ Emblems ._ 228.99 Sale-lsi Security Nat'l Bank & Trust Co.—Saving Certificates 40,000.00 Transferred from State Basketball Swimming: Tournament Account 180,386.03 State Committee Expense .-. S 827.07 Refunds 220.02 Trophies & Medals (State Meets) 1,090.62 Tourname,nt 2,405.00 Receipts—Slate Baseball Officials (State Meets) _ . 340.65 Football Playoffs: Mileage and Local Entertainment A & AA Ticket Sales __S 12,594.00 (State Meetsi 3,092.10 AAA Ticket Sales 30,162.50 Pool Rental & Additional Services 832.00 A, AA & AAA Program Ticket Sellers and Takers Profit 1,376.87 (State Meets) 78.00 6,260.44 A, AA & AAA Program State Tax 50.78 44,184.15 Golf: Wrestling Tournament: Mileage and Local E;ttertainment State Tournament (State Tournament) _ S 2,506.21 Receipts 3,169.75 Trophies and Awards 1,956.42 Regional Tournament Regional Tourname.nt Expense _. 181.23 Profits 175.52 3,345.27 State Tournament Expense 720,50 5,364.36 Track Meets: State Meets Receipts Tennis: (Lexington) 1,116.50 Mileage and Local Eniertainment State Profits Meet (State Tournament) S 1.217.05 (Louisville) 907.09 2,023.59 Trophies and Balls 3.082.88 Expense-Tournament Managers 242.50 Receipts—State Swim Meets 655.00 Receipts—State Gymnastics Meet 200.00 351,825.26 S 384,178.77 (Continued on Page Eleven) Page Two THE KENTL'CKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR AUGUST, 1971 AUGUST, 1971 VOL. XXXIV—No. 1 Minutes of Board Meeting of nf the Kentucky High Published monthly, except June and July, by the The Board Control Kentucky High School Athletic Association Scliool Athletic Association met at the K.H.S.A.A. Oifice of PubUcation, Le.xington, Ky. 40501 office, Lexington, on Thursday morning, June 10, Second class postage paid at Le.'cington, Kentucky 1971. The meeting was called to order by Presi- Editor THEO.
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