2O2O Case Plans for District Courts Little Rock District Court (including Wrightsville and Cammack Village District Courts) North Little Rock District Court Pulaski County District Court Sherwood District Court Jacksonville/Maumelle District Courts Perry County District Court EXCHANGE AGREEMENT - STATE DISTRICT JUDGE The undersigned State District Judges, pursuant to and under the authority of Ark. Const. Amend. 80, Sec. 7; Ark. Code Ann. Sec. l6-t7-102 and Supreme Court Administrative Order No. 18, Sec. 6, agree that they permit the respective judges to sit in the respective courts other than their own. Further, by signing this Exchange Agreement, the District Judges will have the authority to hear circuit court cases with jurisdiction and venue in Pulaski County and Perry County that have either been referred to them or which have been transferred to them by consent In addition, the undersigned District Judges agree to the proposed Case Assignment Plan for the 6th Judicial Circuit and agree to hear child support cases originating with the Office of Child Support Enforcement, and other related issues thereto, final Petitions for Orders of Protection and unlawful detainer cases referred by the Circuit Court. The District Judges fi.tther agree to hear these cases at the Pulaski County Courthouse effective January 1,2020. Dated this 28th day of June,2019. Y¡e N6 fi¿spwvpd lr'4 e/44çÃ- þ"e044 ,#ttw*¡ h mÅ-{ - hf þ-tf Í,tåg" Rita Bailef ¡"hËë úic rtemíng err**!- ¡n 4 þ, ¿*;*"û-/¿'fulq ws 'Wayne 'Ft Åønø*<¿ Gruber Judgé Milas H. "Butôh" Hale øqåJ-6-to-ø nÌ' htß J Paula Juels Jones Judge Mark llils Aû-14 l]rrtwtl 4 e"r¿, baøf w J Melanie Judge Randy Morley Little Rock District Gourt Wrightsville District Gourt Cammack Village District Gourt (Abolished by Local Ordinance) DISTRICT COU RT ADMII t\¡ISTRATIVE PLAN Little Rack District court, wrightsvitte District Court, and Cammack vi$age D¡str¡ct court, oll in the Thirty-First District, os established by Ark. Code Ann. Sec. J-6-L7-1.j.0 whereas Arkansas code Annotated sectian 16-17-L10 (E) provides that ,.Ëffective January L,2a17, the Thirty-First (31st) District shall continue to have eleven (11) departments that shall be served by eight (g) state district judges,,; and, Whereas the referenced statute further provides that the judges of the above mentioned courts "shall be electecl districtwide and shall have district-wide territorial jurisdiction"; and, whereas the 31st District pulaski is defined as being County, Arkansas; and, whereas the referenced statute provides further that "The Little Rock District Court- First Division shall be served by one i1.)judge,,; and, "The Little Rock District Court- second Division shafl be served by one (L)judge,,; and, "The Little Rock District court - Third Division, the wrightsville District court and the cammack village Dístrict court shail be served by one (J.)iudge,,; and, Whereâs, it ¡s now appropriate pursuant to the applicable administrative orders of the Arkansas Supreme court, that the below three judges of the above referenced courts set forth the administrative plan for said courts, BE lT HEREBY RESOLVED, AGREED, ESTABLISHËD AND SET FORTH by the below signed judges as follows, for sul:mission to the Arkansas supreme court for its approvaf. 1"' Judges: The Liltle Rock District court is served by three state District Judges: Mel anie Martin Division 1 Vic Flenring Division 2 Mark Leverett Division I Additionally, Judge Marl< Leverett serves as a state District -ludge in and for the wrightsville District cor"rrt and the camnracr< Viilage District court. 2. CAURT SE55tOÂf5: LlrrLE RocK DtsrRtcr couRT sessí¿¡ns are reguiarly scheduled as follows; Division l" Mon.-Fri 8:30 a.m. * finish Division 2 Mon-Thu. B:30 a.rn. - finish Fri. As and rvhen needed Division 3 Mon., Wed., Thu 1-:00 p.m. - finish ïue. L:30 p.m. * finish WRIGHTSVILLE DlsTRlcT couRT sessîons are regularly scheduled as fo¡ows: 2nd and 4th Tue. 9:00 a.m. _ finish cAMMACK VILLAGE DlsTRlcT couRT sessions are regularly scheduled as follows: 4th Fri. 9:00 a.m. * firrish PULASKI COUNTY CIRCUIT coURT sessions: The 31st D¡str¡ct state D¡strict court Judges of the above courts sit for the sixth Judicial circuit courtJudges, in the Pulaskicounty courthouse (in the state District court courtroom on the second floor) on ceftain days, as follows: Judge Martin {1" & 3'd Thu.) 1:00 p.m. _ finisli Judge Fleming (Znd & 4rh Tue,) 1:00 p.m. _ finish Judge Leverett (1't & 3'd ïue.) g:00 a.nr. _ finish 3. TVPES AF CASES: a Little Rock District court, 600 west Marlcham street; Little Rock, AR7220r; Division L Non-traffic misdemeanors (arraignment, plea, trial) Felonies (probable cause and bond issues) Division 2 Traffic violations and misderrìeanors (arraignment, plea, trial) Felonies arising from traffic cases (probabie cause anci bond issues) Division 3 Environmental, civír, small claims, all city ordinance violations b' Wrightsville District Court, 13204 Hwy. 365 South, wrightsville, AR 72183:Any case that might properry be rodged in district courts in Arkansas. c. Cammack Village District Court, 600 West Markham Street, Little Rocl<, AR 72207: Any case that might properly be lodged in district courts in Arkansas. d. Pulaski County Circuit Court, 401 W Markham 5t., Little Rock, AR 7220:r: Any cases assigned by the Circuit Judges of the 6th Judicial Circuit. Currently, these dockets are limited to child support, paternity, domestic battery, and unlawful detainer cases. sET FoRTI-i AND APPROvED by the unde¡,.signed on the dates so indicated S-r¡ Melanie M Date 77*/ Mark Dist Date r-72-t1 Vic Flemin g, District iud Date SPECIALTY PROGRAMS: The following Specialty Programs are provided: Pulaski Counfy Mental Health Court Little Rock District Court-First Division Judge Melanie Martin, Presiding a. Tvne ofProsram and on of Onerations: Pulaski County Mental Health Court - Little Rock is a voluntary, post-adjudication, highly intensive supervision program designed to address the needs of high risk/high needs persons with a mental illness or co- occurring disorder with current misdemeanor criminal cases. Mental Health Court is available only to defendants meeting program eligibility requirements; the defendant must be an adult resident of Puiaski County, having no uruesolved felony offenses or active watïants, no prior or pending sex-related ofienses, and no prior or pending violent felony offenses. Mental Health Court is a minimum of twelve (12) months. Mental Health Court is held the second and fourth Thrnsday of each month at2:30 p.m., at Little Rock District Court-l't Div. Criminal,600 V/. Markham, Little Rock, AR. Admission to the Mental Health is comoleted in a serles of steos: o Step One: Application- Ifthe defendant meets the above criteria, he/she or defense counsel may make a request for a referral to Mental Health Court, which then must be submitted to the Prosecuting Attorney's Offrce. Speedy trial will be tolled during the entire process. o Step Two: Preliminary Approval - After the request is submitted to the Prosecuting Attorney's Office, the Deputy Prosecuting Attomey will review the pending charges and criminal history. If the Deputy Prosecuting Attorney determines that the defendant's request should be considered for fuither review and approved, the defendant will be scheduled for an assessment. o Step Three: Probation Assessment - An assessment will be administered by a Probation Officer to determine the defendant's risk and needs. The Probation Officer will schedule a subsequent assessment with a Mental Heaith Treatment Provider. o Step Four: Mental Health Assessment - Another assessment will be administered by a Mental Health Treatment Provider in order to determine clinical appropriateness for the program. Entry into Mental Health Court is usually limited to those who are determined as high risk/high needs and meet program criteria. o Step Five: Mental Health Court Team Review - After the completion of the assessments, the probation officer and treatment providers will share the information with the Mental Health Court Team for a final review. o Step Six: Plea - If the defendant's request is approved by the Mental Health Court Team, he/she will be provided a date for acceptance of plea before the Mental Health Court Judge. Prior to the court date, the defendant must make an appointment with defense counsel to complete all necessary forms. o Step Seven: Sentencing - The defendant will appear at a hearing before the Mental Health Court Judge to be formally accepted into Mental Health Court. b. Statutorv Authoritv: Pulaski County Mental Health Court - Little Rock was established pursuant to the Arkansas Code Annotated Sections 5 16-98-201 and $ 16-98-301-307 et seq. c. Certification of Compliance: Pulaski County Mental Health Court - Little Rock operates in compliance with all applicable sentencing laws. This includes fines, court costs, fees, probati on as sessments, and sentencing altematives. d. Use of Court Resources: The Pulaski County Mental Health Court - Little Rock team includes one (1) full-time District Court Judge, (1) back-up District Court Judge, (l) fül- time Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, (1) back-up Deputy Prosecuting Attorney" (1) full-time Deputy Public Defender, (1) back-up Deputy Public Defender, (l) Coordinator, (1) Probation Officer, (1) Law Enforcement Officer, (1) Court Coordinator, and (3) Representatives from community treatment providers, including Little Rock Community Mental Health, Professional Counseling Associates, Department of Human Service, and Children and Family Therapy. Team members have attended training programs offered by the State of Arkansas Administrative Office of the Courts. Pulaski County Mental Health Court- Little Rock was implemented and operates according to the MHC Best Practices and Arkansas law. e. Sources of Funding: Pulaski County Mental Health Court - Little Rock receives support from the City of Little R.ock, the Public Defender Commission, the Pulaski County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, and Federal Providers.
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