Middletown's Days and Deeds The Story of I SO Years of liuing In An Old Kentucky Town Cy EDITH WOOD COPYRIGHT 1946 BY EDITH Woon MIDDLETOWN'S DAYS AND DEEDS To MIDDLETOWN ON ITS 150th BIRTHDAY PREFACE Back in 1930 I began to jot down bits of information about Middletown's days and deeds as told to me by my father. These with other accounts gathered from lifelong residents instilled within me a curious interest in Middle­ town's history and thus began my years of research at The Filson Club, the Louisville Free Public Library, the Ken­ tucky State Historical Society, the Jefferson County Court House, and other county court houses in Kentucky and Virginia. As time passed, my notes became voluminous and I began to realize that I was rescuing from oblivion many noteworthy incidents in the history of Middletown. There were two aims in writing the book. First, I wanted to share with the residents of Middletown and interested people elsewhere the historical information I had gathered, and secondly, I wanted to make a reference book on Mid­ dletown available for research workers and genealogists. It is impossible for me to acknowledge the many sources of inspiration and information for which I am greatly indebted, but special tribute is due Mrs. Evelyn Crady Adams for her invaluable suggestions and criticisms and for her kind and careful reading of the book while in manuscript form. I am deeply grateful to Miss Lillian I.ebmao of Okolona High &hool and to Mr. Wilbur L Davis for their painstaking editorial assistance. Thanks are due to Mr. Warren Frederick, a descendant of a pioneer family of Jefferson County, who lent me the picture of the Jefferson Female Academy. I am proud to acknowledge the contributions of two of my talented stu­ dents of the Anchorage High School. John Otmpbell White drew the sketch for the cover of my book, and William Dinsmore Blackwell reproduced the map of Mid­ dletown. KEY TO THE MAP OF MIDDLETOWN, KENTUCKY The numbers on the map correspond to the approx­ imate locations of property on Main Street and elsewhere. Due to the size of the map all ~£ the property· could not be listed. 1. H. R. Van Zant 26. Etta Witherbee Fisher 2. Omer Jones 27. Myers Funeral Home 3. Forrest Raley 28. Masonic Lodge 4. Julia Orr Mason 29. Lucy Witherbee 5. Forrest Raley 30. Henry P. Pear~y 6. Laura Orr 31. Hunt's Market 7. John Perrelli 32. Middletown Inn 8. William Harlan Wood 33. Baptist Church 9. Dr. James B. Jordan 34. Wetherby Apartment 10. Byland E. Brinley 35. James Sutherland 11. Luther P. Wetherby 36. Clifford Pearce 12. John Waters 37. Dr. J. K. Keyes 13. Methodist Episcopal 38. John Schindler Church 39. Sallie and Annie Dugan 14. Oara Jones Wheeler 40. Robert Jones 15. Leonard Jones 41. Neisius Garage 16. Rose Weigleb Agee 42. Harry McFarland 17. Olarles Downey 43. Benjamin T. Coleman 18. Anna Slattery 44. Carl Meyer I 19. Hattie Yenowine 45. J. M. Howey 20. Christian Cliurch 46. George Buechel 21. Fannie Y enowine 47. Sherman Kline Wetherby 48. R. C. Day 22. William H. Tharp 49. Margaret Simpson 23. Lloyd W. Gates 50. Mid<lletown Elementary :24. Aurelia Wisehart School ·25. Methodist Parsonage 51. Cyrus Herbert Bliss CONTENTS OLDEN TIMES IN MIDDLETOWN Page I. IN Tl-IE BEGINNING............. -•--·---·--·-··-··-·-····-··--·-·-- 1 Location and extent of the town·-··----·--·····-··-·······-·--····· 1 Naine source ·-·--·--·-·-·-··---··-·······-·-·----·--··-·············-···-····- 1 Topography ---------·---·----·---···---------·----·---------------------------- 1 White men here in 1769--------·-··--------------·-·--··--·--·--·------ 2 Indians and wild anmials _____ ·----------- ______ ------------------ _______ 3 Massacres ------ _____ -----·----.. __ .... __ -·-·-. -·---·-- ____ -·---·-. ______ .. __ __ _ 3 Middletown established ·-··--------·---·---·------·······--·--··-··-·-· S c 'Middle Station" before 1787.. ·-·····--·--···-·--··-·-·-·-····-··- 5 Philip Buckner acquired land from Myers and Harrison _··-·. ·--·--· ............ _-·- -· ..... ·--.. ···-·---·· -· ···-··· _-·· 5 Trustees appointed ···-··········-·············-·········--····-··········· . 6 William White laid out the town.................................. 6 II. LANDMARKS AND EARLY CUSTOMS.................. 8 Early dwellings and customs.......................................... 8 0 Id trees ..... .... .. ............ ... ............... ...... ......................... 19 Old fences and gateways................................................ 21 Old walks ·····························································-······· 21 Old watering places........................................................ 22 Funeral customs ............................................................ 24 Womack Graveyard Exhumation.................................... 26 Early business eriterprise................................................ 30 III. FOUNDERS, SETTLERS, AND OLD FAMILIES...... 36 Biographies-"Abell" to ..young." IV. TIIB OVIL WAR. ......... ·-····························-····-·-···· 141 Kentuckys allegiance divided........................................ 141 War surrounded Middletown... _................................... 142 Detachments in the town................................................ 142 I.etters of a veteran... ...·-··--··················-······················- 14 5 Deatli of J.incoln. ........--·····-··········-···-····· ·.................... 148 THE GROWTH OF MIDDLETOWN V. CHUROIBS -··--·-·---------·---·----··---·--·--------·---·- 149 Presbyterian Clmrch --------------------------- 149 Page Methodist Episcopal Church.. ......................................... 151 Christian Church ·········································-····-·······-····· 154 Baptist Church ·····-·--·-----------·---·--··--·-·--·---·---··--------------- 160 VI. SCHOOLS --··-··--·--·----··--·-·-------·------·-·--··-····--··----·----···-· 1_63 Early Kentucky school life.. ·--····--·-·····-··-··--·-··-···-·······-··· 163 Middletown's first schooL ....... -···············-····-··-···--········-- 166 Hope Seminary, 1819--·-·······-··········--···-·--···-·····-············- 168 Jefferson Female Academy, 1855-1878............ -·--·-··--···· 169 Public school system, 1909·-····--·--···--·-······-·-·--·-··--··-····- 1 7 0 High school, 1916-1920......... -----·--------------··-·--·--------·-·- 172 Affiliation with Anchorage High School._ .. _.. ------··-----·-·· 172 VII. TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION____ 175 Early roads and stage-coaches follow boats and horses .. 175 Lexington and Louisville Turnpike and toll gates._. _____ 176 Route No. 60 --------------····--······-·················-··················· 177 Louisville and Frankfort Railway, 1851..... ·-······-····--···· 179 Louisville and Interurban Railway, 1910-1934............ 180 Blue Goose and Greyhound Bus Line............................ 181 Airplane service ··-·················-·················-·-······-···--······· 182 Middletown Post Office ··········-············-·······-----·--·-······- 182 Telephone system installed, 1880.................................. 184 Radio, about L92 6 ..... ---······--·-········---.................. ........... 184 VIII. BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ....................:~.......................................... 185 General Store, 18 50........................................................ 185 The Bank of Middletown, 1910.................................... 187 Funeral Home, 1912.·-···-··················--······················-··· 188 Dairies ........... __ .. __ . ___ .. ..... ........ ..... ...... ......... .. ....... ....... 188 Barber shop -···-·-··························---·-·······················------ 188 Electrical shop -·--·--·-···----·········--·-····---·---·---·--··-········-··· 188 Garage service and gas statio~...................................... 188 The Middletown Apothecary .. ·-·····-···-························· 189 Hardware store ·--·--·······-·-···············--·-···-····-·······-········ 189 Feed stores ····-·-····---··--····-·-·-····-··-···-··-··-·-······--·--·· 190 The Old Inn Beauty Parlor-······-···-···-··-···········--·----·--· 190 The Arrington Dry Goods Store ..... ·-···-··········-----········· 190 Tourist homes and cabins .............................. ·--·--·-·····-· 190 Eat shop and ice cream factory...................................... 191 Strawberry cultivation ··································-················· 191 The Middletown Manufacturing Company.................. 192 The medical profession. ................................................. 192 Dentists, pharmacist, lawyers, ministers, and teachers .. 193 Page IX. COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS.......................... 194 The Masonic Lodge ·-······-·-····-·-····-·-·······-···-·--···-·-·······- 194 The Eastern Star.................................. ········-···-······-·-····-- 196 Boy Scouts ·-···········-··········-···························-···············-- 197 Boys and Girls Club ........ ·-····-······-·············-·-··············· 198 Croquet dub ···-··-···········-·····-····. .................................... 199 The Flood of 19 37 .........·-·-····-······-········-······················ 199 The Middletown Civic Club.......................................... 201 The Middletown Woman's Club... ·-········-····-·-··············· 202 The American Red Cross Chapter.................................. 204 X. CIVIC IMPROVEMENTS .......................................... 205 Electricity and Gas ....................... ···-·······--·-··-········-·-······ 20 5 Cemetery Restoration
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