- Index 18th Nov 15th Nov Change % Change The Bourse ends on positive note … ASPI 5,824.48 5,810.97 13.51 0.23% S&P SL20 3,200.31 3,174.68 25.63 0.81% The Colombo bourse re-entered into the green terrain Market Statistics 18th Nov 15th Nov and closed the trading date on a positive note. The ASPI Value of Turnover(Rs.) 936,442,175 234,292,593 gained 13.51 points or 0.23% to enter the green terrain Domestic Purchases 801,840,456 166,486,154 and settled the day at 5,824.48. The S&P SL20 gained Domestic Sales 878,381,961 196,869,291 25.63 points or 0.81% to settle at 3,200.31. A total of 49 Foreign Purchases 134,601,719 67,799,909 Foreign Sales 58,060,214 37,416,772 companies gained during the day whereas 108 companies posted drops in share prices; Singer Volume of Turnover (No.) 143,648,036 19,776,603 PER 15.26 15.22 Industries (Ceylon) PLC (10.82%) led the price gainers, on PBV 2.01 2.01 the other hand Ceylon Printers PLC (-24.57%) led the price losers. As at the daily closure, the total market capitalization as at the day’s closure moved up to LKR 7,000 2.42Tn, extending the year to date gain to 11.78%. The 5,812.84 5,816.04 5,829.05 5,810.97 5,820.46 6,000 market PER and PBV were 15.26x & 2.01x respectively. 5,000 The turnover for the day amounted to record LKR 4,000 936.4Mn, indicating a gain of 299.7% from its previously 3,000 3,190.66 3,178.28 3,185.96 3,174.68 3,214.18 recorded. Commercial Leasing & Finance PLC (CLC) 2,000 stood out as the top subscriber for the day providing 1,000 LKR 650.0Mn, while accounting a significant share of Sch890111149 0 69.4% of the day’s accumulated turnover. The counter 12th Nov 13th Nov 14th Nov 15th Nov 18th Nov was predominantly supported by two negotiated deal ASPI S&P SL20 worth of LKR 650.0Mn, being a result of 130Mn shares blocked at price LKR 5.00/-, thereby assisting the counter 1,000 160 to top the highly traded counters for the day as well. CLC 140 closed the day at LKR 4.10/- , up by LKR 0.10/-. 800 120 Contributing LKR 90.9Mn, John Keells Holdings PLC 600 100 (JKH) secured the second place, with most of this traded 80 in by two blocks worth of LKR 74.8Mn resulted by 350K 400 60 40 shares being crossed at LKR 214.00/- and LKR213.50/-. 200 20 JKH closed the day at LKR 218.00/-, gaining 3.6%. The 0 0 total subscription provided by Nation Lanka Finance PLC Rs.Mn 12th Nov 13th Nov 14th Nov 15th Nov 18th Nov Volume Mn (CSF) worth of LKR 19.2Mn, was a result of 2.4Mn shares Turnover Foreign Purchases Volume being dealt from prices ranging from LKR 7.80/- and LKR 8.10/-. CSF settled the day at its intra-day low of LKR 7.80/- down by LKR 0.10/- or 1.3%. Moreover, the three prime th contributors for the turnover CLC, JKH & CSF accounted to more than 3/4 of the daily aggregate turnover. Under the sectorial round-up, Bank Finance and Insurance (BFI) sector topped the list providing LKR 715.7Mn and Diversified Holdings (DIV) sector stood next in line providing LKR 108.0Mn to the daily aggregate turnover. A total of 143.6Mn shares changed hands during the day resulting in a gain of 626.4% compared to the previous trading day. Nation Lanka Finance PLC (2.4Mn shares) & PC House PLC (2.1Mn shares) were also amidst the top subscribes to the daily volumes. Foreign participants appeared to be bullish during the day resulting in a net foreign inflow of LKR 76.5Mn, resulted by foreign buying of LKR 134.6Mn and selling of LKR 58.1Mn. This assisted the year to date net foreign inflow to reach LKR 22.67Bn. Looking at the local FOREX markets, the USD is selling at 132.74/- and is buying at LKR 129.48/ -. Market Capitalisation Company Name Price Issued Qty Mkt Capitalization As a % (Total) JOHN KEELLS HOLDINGS PLC 214.50 989,977,201 212,350,109,614 9.30 CEYLON TOBACCO COMPANY PLC 1,069.50 187,323,751 200,342,751,694 8.77 NESTLE LANKA PLC 1,868.20 53,725,463 100,369,909,977 4.39 COMMERCIAL BANK OF CEYLON PLC 114.40 794,450,814 90,885,173,122 3.98 CARSON CUMBERBATCH PLC 380.00 196,386,914 74,627,027,320 3.27 DIALOG AXIATA PLC 9.00 8,143,778,405 73,294,005,645 3.21 SRI LANKA TELECOM PLC 38.70 1,804,860,000 69,848,082,000 3.06 THE BUKIT DARAH PLC 675.00 102,000,000 68,850,000,000 3.01 DISTILLERIES COMPANY OF SRI LANKA PLC 186.70 300,000,000 56,010,000,000 2.45 HATTON NATIONAL BANK PLC 144.50 319,251,393 46,131,826,288 2.02 Highest Volume Highest Turnover Company Name Share Turnover (Rs) Company Name Trade Share Turnover (Rs) Vol. Vol. Vol. COMMERCIAL LEASING & FINANCE PLC 130,000,422 650,001,705.20 COMMERCIAL LEASING & FINANCE PLC 9 130,000,422 650,001,705.20 NATION LANKA FINANCE PLC 2,428,251 19,244,741.10 JOHN KEELLS HOLDINGS PLC 143 425,174 90,901,617.00 PC HOUSE PLC 2,100,994 1,470,697.00 NATION LANKA FINANCE PLC 296 2,428,251 19,244,741.10 PANASIAN POWER PLC 760,850 1,901,975.00 CHEVRON LUBRICANTS LANKA PLC 34 67,286 17,831,160.60 TESS AGRO PLC 545,377 817,849.30 DISTILLERIES COMPANY OF SRI LANKA PLC 30 92,318 17,209,016.00 RICHARD PIERIS AND COMPANY PLC 492,806 3,203,439.20 DFCC BANK 20 115,701 13,886,639.00 TESS AGRO PLC 471,563 47,657.00 LANKA IOC PLC 82 357,942 10,053,891.50 TOUCHWOOD INVESTMENTS PLC 465,752 1,453,915.10 CEYLON TOBACCO COMPANY PLC 27 8,837 9,444,667.00 JOHN KEELLS HOLDINGS PLC 425,174 90,901,617.00 LANKEM CEYLON PLC 11 60,756 8,498,668.00 CENTRAL INVESTMENTS & FINANCE PLC 363,136 394,273.90 SAMPATH BANK PLC 55 46,925 7,746,798.50 Top Gainers Company Name VWA Prev VWA Days Change Change High Low No. of Turnover Close Close (Rs.) % (Rs.) (Rs.) Shares (Rs.) SINGER IND. 110.00 121.90 11.90 10.82 122.10 118.00 525 63,984.00 COMMERCIAL DEV. 65.20 71.80 6.60 10.12 71.80 65.20 2 137.00 FINLAYS COLOMBO 276.00 298.90 22.90 8.30 299.90 221.10 83 24,812.80 ELPITIYA 17.10 18.40 1.30 7.60 18.50 17.80 98,513 1,795,513.80 LANKAORIXFINANCE 2.80 3.00 0.20 7.14 3.00 3.00 1 3.00 Top Losers Company Name VWA Prev VWA Days Change Change High Low No. of Turnover Close Close (Rs.) % (Rs.) (Rs.) Shares (Rs.) CEYLON PRINTERS 1,750.00 1,320.00 (430.00) (24.57) 1,320.00 1,320.00 6 7,920.00 MET. RES. HOL. 23.50 20.10 (3.40) (14.47) 20.30 20.00 4,700 94,330.00 ON'ALLY 49.90 43.50 (6.40) (12.83) 43.50 43.50 200 8,700.00 CEYLON LEATHER [W] 1.90 1.70 (0.20) (10.53) 1.70 1.70 805 1,368.50 THE FINANCE CO 9.70 8.70 (1.00) (10.31) 9.60 8.70 42,974 376,984.90 Market Highlights - Sector Wise Sector Price Index Turnover Sector Today Privious Value (Rs) Volume Trades P/E PBV BANK FINANCE AND INSURANCE 12,603.93 12,596.17 715,698,254 134,117,978 1,166 7.90 1.40 BEVERAGE FOOD AND TOBACCO 18,824.32 18,870.07 30,485,696 298,488 243 21.00 6.10 CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING 2,785.85 2,803.78 2,192,552 96,249 47 13.60 1.60 CHEMICALS AND PHARMACEUTICALS 6,489.00 6,429.77 9,173,264 175,207 49 7.50 1.30 DIVERSIFIED HOLDINGS 1,761.84 1,733.27 107,977,963 2,002,582 531 21.10 1.90 FOOTWEAR AND TEXTILE 758.14 779.39 269,713 22,872 29 0.00 0.90 HOTELS AND TRAVELS 3,205.43 3,213.31 2,770,965 198,801 192 46.00 3.10 HEALTH CARE 706.88 707.49 4,658,877 208,421 52 28.40 2.60 INVESTMENT TRUSTS 18,524.81 18,755.75 2,341,379 218,817 102 19.50 1.10 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 63.33 62.77 1,581,368 2,112,905 145 10.60 0.90 LAND AND PROPERTY 546.62 548.50 6,150,554 758,542 215 10.50 0.90 MANUFACTURING 2,860.01 2,867.11 25,099,285 521,655 455 12.90 1.80 MOTORS 14,649.51 14,767.06 1,254,226 10,884 20 7.30 1.10 OIL PALMS 98,384.95 98,384.95 15,445 22 3 89.70 4.50 POWER & ENERGY 118.70 121.35 15,881,762 1,322,212 247 12.00 1.50 PLANTATIONS 705.37 706.89 7,914,327 396,430 295 6.70 0.70 STORES SUPPLIES 19,492.80 19,524.42 355,169 742 15 18.50 1.70 SERVICES 22,373.97 22,461.34 24,492 5,167 14 8.40 1.70 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 158.66 158.56 1,187,160 131,252 24 15.00 1.40 TRADING 13,671.03 13,733.60 1,408,417 1,048,790 141 10.90 1.30 Exchange Rates Indicative Rates 18th November 15th November 18th Nov 15th Nov Currency Currency Buying Selling Buying Selling Ind: Value Ind: Value Dollar (USA) 129.48 132.74 129.47 132.73 Yuan (China) 21.52 21.52 Pound (UK) 207.96 214.52 207.36 213.91 Rupee (India) 2.08 2.08 Euro (EU) 173.50 179.75 173.12 179.36 Won (Korean) 0.12 0.12 Franc (Sw itzerland) 140.47 146.03 140.18 145.72 Dinar (Kuw ait) 462.43 462.83 Dollar (Canada) 123.36 127.92 122.98 127.54 Ringgit (Malay) 41.00 40.99 Dollar (Australia) 120.43 125.32 119.98 124.87 Rial (Oman) 340.52 340.52 Dollar (Singapore) 103.29 106.98 103.31 107.01 Riyal (Qatar) 36.01 36.01 Yen (Japan) 1.29 1.33 1.29 1.33 Riyal (KSA) 34.96 34.96 Dirham (UAE) 35.69 35.69 Central Bank's Policy Rates Description Rate ( Per Annum) Central Bank Repurchase (Repo) Rate 6.50 Central Bank Reverse Repurchase (Reverse Repo) Rate 8.50 Bank Rate 15.00 Statutory Reserve Ratio (SRR) 6.00 Treasury Bills AWPLR AWDR This week Last week This Week Last week This Month Last Month 91 Days - - Weekly 11.23 11.25 Monthly 9.79 9.93 182 Days 8.89 8.94 Monthly 11.45 11.84 6 Months 10.26 10.41 364 Days 9.79 9.82 6 Months 12.10 12.45 1 Year 12.38 12.57 Colombo Consumers’ Price Index (CCPI) 2013 2012 Description August September October August September October Year on Year Change 6.30 6.20 6.70 9.50 9.10 8.90 Annual Average Change 8.00 7.80 7.60 6.30 6.50 6.80 SLIBOR & LIBOR Description Over Night 7 Days 1 M 3 M 6 M 12 M SLIBOR (18th November) (%) 7.88 8.45 9.27 10.12 10.81 11.74 LIBOR - GBP (15th November) (%) 0.46750 0.47563 0.48875 0.52406 0.60063 0.87875 LIBOR - USD (15th November) (%) 0.10490 0.12925 0.16750 0.23810 0.35140 0.58410 (CBSL.lk, Global-rates.com) Foreign Stock Exchanges Country Foreign Markets- Index 15-Nov-13 % Change 14-Nov-13 % Change 13-Nov-13 USA Dow Jones Indus.
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