The Passing Show AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. ** I Where and When THURSDAY, APRIL 3. I»V.> A-29 Musketeer | Current Theater Attractions AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. Flavor of a Fairy Tale j And Time of Showing STARTS TODAY! Maureen Stage. ““ Caught in 'Royal Journey' Arena “Three Men on a Miss O'Hara Has Horse”; 8:30 p.m. INTRIGUE! ADVENTURE! By Jay Carmody New Gayety “The Cocktail and There is something of fairy tale enchantment woven into the e Fine Sword Hand Party”; 8:30 p.m. atmosphere and texture of 1952 in “Royal Journey,” the new filma Catholic University —"Macbeth”; MURDER!... which opened yesterday at the Dupont. In Keith's Film 8:30 p.m. This gives a singular attractiveness to the vividly photographed “AT SWORD S POINT.” an RKO pic- S produced by Screen. _ lyre, Sid Rogell Uerrold T. story of the visit of Princess’ Brandt i. directed by Lewis Allen, screen- Ambassador “The Greatest They by Fight a FINAL pay Walter Perris and Joseph Hoffman, 1000 WEEK Elizabeth and the Duke of Edin- the Princess at Washington air- -'from story by Aubrey Wissberg Show on Earth”; 1:10, 3:55, 6:40, and Jack ¦ § burgh to Canada and the United port Po'lexfen At Kicth's. land 9:25 p.m. Dangers -1 and the extraordinary en- , fe jHjRr in the Orient’s last Fall. The Cast. States ergy of the news cameramen. 1. D Artagnan Cornel Wilde | Capitol—“Steel Town”; 11 a.m., •Royal Journey,” made by the ‘ Nevertheless, special Maureen O’Hara 1:45, Most Exciting City! it adds its 1 Lavalle Robert Douglas 4:30. 7:15 and 10 p.m. Stage: National Film Board of Canada, Queen Gladys Cooper 4tA flavor to the film. j12:50, 3:35, 6:20 and 9:05 p.m. is a factual work whose drama ** * * Claudine June Clayworth Aramis Dan OHeriihy I Columbia “African Queen”: exceeds that of so much Porthos Hale, jr. cinema While the film concentrates S Alan a.m., 1:05, 3:15, 5:25, 7:35 and fiction. It is a documentary in iv adame Michom Blanche Yurka [ll upon the larger elements of the e Princess Henriette Nancy Gates :9:45 p.m. the tradition of the late Robert people and the lovely landscape „ Queen's Chamberlain Edmond Breon Flaherty. ; Louis peter Miles ! Dupont—“Royal Journey”; 1:00, J. This n akes it a of ihe Royal Journey, it has much T| Chalais George Petrie poetic visualization of wonder- - Old Porthos Moror.l Olsen :3:20, 5:40, 8:05 and 10:25 p.m. W*— RONALD RHONDA u jto reveal of the personalities ofI Dr. Fernand Boyd Davis ful journey, photographed Mallard in color, jits two principal actors. Princess 3«.| Holmes Herbert 1 Keith’s—“At Sword's Point”; and to music. Corpi. Gautier Lucien Littlefield 3:50, set Elizabeth and Philip were tw'o 0 Pierre Claude Dunkin 11:50 a.m., 1:50, 5:50, 7:50 With a Princess and her hand- human beings caught up in an 1 and 9:50 p.m. husband —“St. Passion”; NO WOROS BIG ENOUGH some as its stars and enormously testing experience. By Harry MacArthur Little Matthew mm IK ARE the obviously delighted people of 5:30, 7:05, 8:45 and 10:20 p.m. n Paramount For all the protocol that sur- * The musketeers who saved two countries as its supporting I , rounds their normal lives, they France that time are riding again , Metropolitan “Hong Kong”: TO DESCRIBE 1 / cast, it claims for itself a charm were here required to extemporize in the persons of their sons in i 11:40 a.m.. 1:40, 3:40, 5:40, 7:40 | that is both rare and irresistible. at a dozen different turnings of* “At Sword's Point,” at Keith's. and 9:40 p.m. Its stunning success in cities every day. For each of these, | the ? Three of them are, at any rate, Ontario—“The Green Glove”: where it has opened earlier is in- Princess is always prepared with Cecil B.DeMille’s Si being by p stantly explained by the 1 while the fourth, played 1:40. 3:45, 5:55, 7:55 and 10 in. film a gracious and delighted human Maureen O’Hara, is a daughter- Palace —“Sailor Beware”; 11:00 itself. Her more consort 1 ** ireaction. relaxed type son-of-a-musketeer. 3:15, 5:25, * * -1 ia.m., 1:05. 7:35 and makes an equally dramatic par- 9:50 p.m. The effect of “Royal Journey” l ticipant in the endlessly dynamic ’ She is quite a hand with a CITY OF ADVENTURE is that of seeing far away places rapier, though, a match with the , j Pix “French Scandal”; 3:55, Cirnyurest scene. 7:10 and 10:20 p.m. First D. C. Showing through the eyes ** * blade, in fact, for any one in[ of two extra- * Playhouse J ordinarily travelers, France except D’Artagnan, who , “Five Fingers”; TECHNICOLOR attractive “Royal Journey” is a relatively 11:20 1:30, names of Elizabeth and Philip. to be the son of D’Artag- , a.m., 3:30, 7:35 and brief film and is supplemental at , 9:40 p.m. These particularly percep- : nan. She rides right into battle are the Dupont by wistful little item Plaza —“The Browning tive They a ; with the musketeers, too, and Version”; Set Tickets Now Fori travelers. represent a called “When I Grow' It is thread of continuity, that of Up.” keeps up with them on all but 11:30 a.m., 1:00, 2:50, 4:20, 6:10, Bunny LOWELL GILMORE OANNY CHANG the of comparatively small conse- “Bugs Cartoon British Royal Family, running 'itwo scores. She doesn't drink very i8:00 and 9:50 p.m. « quence. Trans-Lux —“The Sniper”; 11 Party”Sat.HffH 1 1 through the violent shocks of re- Imuch wine and she maintains cer- | 1 a.m., 12:40, 2:30, 4:25, 6:15, 8:10 TV’W s cent history. They are objects of tain reservations about that “all April 12th 10 a.m. On EtfOH p.m, T|l a deep, abiding for one, one for all” motto. and 10 11 jJ|] I Color by sentiment which Warner “Greatest Show’ 11 TECHNICOLOR starring \\ rig envelopes them all the on touchingly Hollywood It is possible, come to think of Earth”; 10:30 1:10, 3:50, BETTY CORNEL CHARLTON DOROTHY way across the landscape of a.m., \s a lit.for a reviewer to maintain some 6:35 and 9:25 p.m. ' proud dominion and its rich, con- reservations, too—about the gen- genial neighbor. Diary eral merit of “At Sword s Point.” science, and pleasant pastime, mWKMRI "Royal Journey” is a travelogue, a | lt isn’t a bad picture, really: just likely henry wilcoxon lyle iettger raised to a kind of unique fascina- By Sheilah Graham ; but it is not to befuddle nifinmr lan empty-headed one. It's all [ you into thinking “At Sword's LAWRENCE TIERNEY-EMMETTKBIT / tion. It is a brilliantly colored HOLLYWOOD. about the reckless attempts of HAHAML Peter Lindstrom sold the , the Point” is a classic of the silver UllnllnmL Antoinette conceuo film of faces and places. Tire faces Dr. sons-of-musketeers to save the in- cucciou• CTru**** I Bergman house here for $85,000, screen. NW Ml IncM h titt lltNil tatart nit Ik omelet tl of glowing, healthy children; of ’ fant king of France, hidden away /i]/hWih'r f with Ingrid’s share going into let lane lIkn U» Scon* *M< I lot. leii Red Indians whose tribal history ’ in a monastary from a sinister TODTk, on, like / I daughter, i o , pUMnSkb ik) kk pi (MU trust their Pia. N ¦M.Mmit hat and customs are so dramatically for *;duke named Lavalle. You probably I Vleptf j Roberto Rossellini, without Ingrid, i different from those of their vis- ' never film starring Toto, cared less about the fate « itors. And the faces, too, of wheat is shooting a an infant king of France than T.r: SI COMrrAH the w'orld-famous Italian clown.'jof farmers and their wives, of factory jyou will while Musketeers O’Hara workers, fishermen, soldiers, . Bob Hope wanted to do a ; WARNER AMBASSADOR mili- Cornel are 1 iH but the ’land Wilde duelling at ——¦ tary aviators, officials, etc. show in Honolulu, Army Iswords and amour. ¦ ¦ ¦ M WL couldn't come up with a plane [ e| They special ffl wear a dra- x owwEirp and j in time for his troupe, so he and I There is some action, of course, matic expression on the occasions . the musketeers riding up of this visit of a princess and her Wife Dolores are resting instead—- With and down the countryside trying to hi- gracious, democratic for five short days. TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES consort. That jack princesses for their own good heroine of the has subse- ; Mel Ferrer can't remember iffi [steel ' the film and W'hatnot. there is some S.ns«ti,n„ Children Sr. Mon. through Thurs Victoria's he had chicken pox as a child, but Oriental W,y tltl> Ail Sidney Lust Theaters I WARNER quently inherited Queen j creaking inaction, too. During the 11 BROS. TREATERS mantle and the remainder of her so he'll live in the Bel Air hotel [ fIIWM j For Information Call REov.blic PROP first hour or so the of ta>, °' Bl<d ot empire, adds dramatic until his two youngsters recover, Queen - a dimen-; France keeps turning up with DRIVE-IN AMBASSADOR slow & .
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