The Miami Hurricane VOLUME XXVII UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, CORAL GABLES, FLA., FEBRUARY 22, 1952 No. 14 Registration Sinks To 9,357 Story On Page 2 * * * * * * * ¥ * Blood In Demand Again; 300-Pint Goal Set Story On Page 2 • • • * • • * * -¥• Turnout Below Par For Monroe S/iow; Fund $1100 Richer Story On Page 3 Hurricane Highlights Tempo Out Wednesday; Editors Claim Issue Is 'One of Best' Page 2 Ashe Administration Building Fund Climbs To $230,000 Page 3 Engineering School Students To Get Own Honor Court This Semester Page 12 Hurricane Cagers Get Bid To National Hoop Tournament Page 20 SENATOR PAUL DOUGLAS of Illinois holds an informal discussion with U-M faculty members during his recent visit to the University campus. The Democratic solon is shown chatting with A rim Hill, assist­ ant professor of speech; Alvah Hefty, head of tlie Miami statistical bureau; William L. Shea, assistant professor of speech; James C. Vadakin, assistant professor of economics; William G. Heuson, assistant professor of economics; and Dr. Grover A. J. Noetzel, dean of the School of Business Administration. Hurricane Honey No. 14 Photo hv Either WE BOH SOMEONE told our ,irsl Hurrirane Honey of the semester that the bus strike is over. Anyhow, she's cute Karhel Pereda. who likes to be known as just plain "Cookie." The 19-year-old transfer from Queens college. New York, is a junior majoring in Hispanir- Photo bv I «l«r Ameriean studies. Rachel weighs 115 pounds and is 5 feet 3 inches POPULAR ORCHESTRA LEADER and singer Vaughn Monroe presents a bouquet to Eve Forbes, who was tall. She has hazel eyes and light brown hair. Hurricane Business named Miss Tempo last week. Monroe and his entire radio show appeared in person last Saturday night at the Coral Gables Coliseum in behalf of the student building drive tor a library and administration Manager John Basil will leave his bank vault jusl long enough to pin building. Eve was crowned Miss Tempo during the Monroe show. the orchid on Rachel at I p.m. today in the Hurricane office. FEBRUARY 22, 1952 PACE Two THE MIAMI HURRICANE Count Shows Spring Blood Drive Starts Tuesday; 50 Organizations Vie For Trophy Enrollment Dip The Spring semester blood drive begins on campus Tues­ day and Wednesday, when mobile units from the armed For New Term forces blood donor program will be set up in the Student Club lower lounge. " By KATHRYN VAN SCOY Awitttnt N«wt Editor Students may donate blood both days from 9 am.-4 p.m., according Donn Donates U-M's early spring enroll­ to chairman of the drive, Jim Sand­ ment figures fell well below burg. the 10,000 mark for the first U-M has been participating in Gallery Garden time in recent years, according to the nation-wide blood donor drive Work on a landscaped sculpture Registrar K. Malcolm Beal, who re­ since October, when the first mo­ garden which will surround U-M's ported only 9,357 registered by Wed­ bile units collected 206 pints from students. This time, Sandburg Lowe art gallery should begin nesday as compared with 9,686 at the said, a goal of 300 pints has been about April 1, Dr. Bowman F. Ashe, same point last year. set. University president, announced last Of the day students, 2,187 are Organizations are competing for week. veterans and 4,865 are non-vets, a trophy to be given in honors as­ Named the Donn garden, the land­ Beal announced. Comprising the sembly to the group which contrib­ scaping is a gift of James Donn, evening students are 828 veterans utes the highest number of pints per and 1,558 non-vets. head of Exotic Gardens, a Miami capita. More than 50 fraternities, firm, and donor of the planting Law school enrollment remained sororities, religious groups and in­ around North campus tennis courts. dependent clubs are registered in about the same as last semester, He made that gift to the University Beal said. There are 280 evening the drive. 10 years ago. and 805 day law students, a total PIHHO by Aronow DEAN OF THE EVENING DIVISION Dan Steinhoff, jr., signs up Mrs. Age limit for contributors is of 1,085. Groups of matured trees, including Ann Todd and John Refan during registration last week. More than 17-60, but boys and girls under mahogany, palm and oak, will be "The drop came a year after it 3,000 students enrolled in night courses with the final registration 21 and all girls living on campus planted on the Miller road side of was expected," Beal said. "Most figure yet to be announced. An incomplete total of 9357 students have must have written parental con­ the gallery, and a sculpture garden colleges lost enrollment last spring registered for the spring semester. sent before giving. Donors must will lie between the western face because of enlistments and the weigh at least 110 pounds. of the building and the waterway draft," he explained, "but U-M Mobile units will be in the lounge it borders. soared to its highest spring semester Tempo On Sale Wednesday; two days each month, as the drive A formal statuary mall, leading then with 10,533 students." continues through the semester. from the northern end of the garden Before the semester ends, how­ Blood which is collected will be to the waterway, will hold a display ever, the total number may 'One Of The Best; Say Editors turned into plasma and shipped to of sculpture, Alan McNab, gallery surpass 10,000. Evening division One of the best issues of the year of the "lost island" of the Univer­ Korea immediately. director said. Later, he added, sculp­ six-week courses, which begin is forecast when Tempo hits the sity. The article gives a general sur­ ture will be placed throughout the during the term, will bring the stands Wednesday, according to co- vey and more complete information garden area. count up, Beal said. editors Ray Fisher and Jim White- on the research being done in the "The Donn garden will give the shield. Air Force ROTC Band A faster, more efficient procedure food department. gallery an extra room, a huge one helped 7,052 day and 2,305 evening "We have such a variety of ar­ The work of three new staff ar­ Travels To Hollywood with the sky for ceiling," McNab students complete registration in ticles and pictures that we think tists, Richard Schippits,, Lou Hertz said. "It will be available for out- record time. every reader will be satisfied, no and Walt Shearer is shown for the U-M's air force ROTC band, under - of - doors receptions, sculpture matter what his particular interests," Attributing the major speed-up to first time in the forthcoming issue. the direction of Cadet Major Robert 'studio talks,' classes and meeting Fisher said. removal of checkers and pricers Another newcomer to the staff, J. Wells, will give a concert Sun­ of friends." from the business office to PZI On-the-spot- pictures reveal femme photographer Lark Harwood, day afternoon, 2:30 p. m., in Holly­ this semester, Beal also said advis­ backstage events of the recent displays her wares in a series of wood, Fla. Voice Talent Sought ory systems were improved. New Miss Tempo contest and show candid pictures of students study­ The AFROTC band, whose 50 and transfer students were assigned Evangeline Forbes, the winner, ing for finals. members are all members of the For University Chorus to an adviser before registration. with all her prizes. Writer Stan Leon and photo­ University symphonic band, played Students may join the University Also contributing to a more A three-page feature on South grapher David Greenfield show at the Hollywood bandshell dedica­ chorus within the next two weeks, rapid registration was the "prac­ campus presents a comprehensive the number of books needed for a tion, and are returning to the band- the music school announced recently. tical elimination of most Saturday coverage, pictorially and story-wise, complete four-year college edu­ shell for this concert. Rehearsals are held Monday, Wed­ classes." Beal said his office reports cation. Band executives are Lt. Ted An­ nesday and Friday in two groups, derson, Lt. Gordon Salyers, Sgt. the first at 10:30 a. m. and the sec­ much fewer class changes than in Lory Snipes, a February gradu­ Police Crack Down Harold Supand and Sgt. Jerome ond at 12:30 p. m. previous years. ate, takes his leave of the U-M with Students will be given tickets Barnes. Cadet Captain Charles Pow­ an Out of Step article featuring car­ All voices, soprano, alto, and ten­ For trie set'onrl time rreflnmew for illegally parking in areas des­ ell is assistant director. were registered first this semester," ignated for special groups, such as toon additions. He also spoofs his or and bass are needed. the registrar said. "This helps new faculty and disabled veterans, Sgt. fellow graduates with cartoons de­ students, who ordinarily will not L Edwards of the U-M branch of picting the superlatives of the class. schedule upperclassmen's courses." Coral Gables police, announced A new feature, In Focus with Latest tabulations show 422 new this week. Tempo, is a page of pictures of in­ freshmen registered for the term. He said that current inspection teresting people who visited the Processed grade reports, available stickers are required for each car. campus during the past month. to students before registration, were SALE ^lltliiiiniiiiiiiiiimiiililiililiiiitiiiiilllillllilljllitllmmtiimiiiiiiieimiiiiiu a new feature last term. Students whose cards were not on file may obtain them at the registrar's office at the end of next week, Beal said.
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