EEK'S COMPLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS THE SUNDAY OR H ERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL MA AZINE News Highlights of Clifton East Paterson Fair Lawn j Garfield Haledon •4awfhorne Lodi Little Falls >.1ounfain View ß North Haledon Paterson Passaic Pompton Lakes Prospect Park Singac To;-½:wa yne West Paterson 'CAMPING SEASON 26, 1960 OL. XXXII, No. 26 435 STRAIGHT STREET PATF_•SON, N.J. MlYlberry 4-7880 Gift Dep•rtment. Living Roo, n• ß Bedrooms-- Bedding "' i111 .. .: Dining Rooms ..•r J.I *. -.::2 Furnitu• Aceesso•es ß Carpeting ApplEsnoes THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE ITCHElf VIEW FROM THE BOOTH- I•aC News commentators Chet ' Huntleyand David Brinkleytry out a mockup of the broadcast ASPECIALTY ',, I booth from, which they will cover the national political conven- SEA•1• r00D'-- tions this summerß At both Los Angeles and Chicago, the two ß newsmen will watch the nomination proceedings from the booth BROILEg LOBSTER • -- •ILY located high above the conyenrich floor. With them will be thei• TROUT - N.•!•r - 5A•NON - I - •A••- news assistant, •:'•rya McLau_qhlin, shown servin• coffee. OYSTERS - CLAM - COD FISH Ill BELMONTAVE (Cot. I. PARRILLO Save ... Borrow... f and Check with TheMan from Equitable asks- Willyou leae yourfamily a home --or a mertgage? THE ODDSthat you •v'11die beforeyou pay off your mortgageare 16 times greaterthan the chanceyour house will catch fire. Yet, most prudent families wouldn'tthink of beingwithout fire insurance.Whg be without mortgageinsurance? TRUST OMPANYß :"' . Equitable'sremarkable mortgage repayment insur- anceplan protectsyour family againstforced sale... ß .., lossof savings... cr lossof home. Costsare low for ß . .., ........... o this basicprotection. For full informationcall... MemberFederal Reserve System ß MemberFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation I. PARRILLO THE FULL SERVICE BANK 200 EAST RIDGEWOOD AVENUE 0.0 0 RIDGEWOOD, N. J. CLIFTON ß HALEDON LITTLE FALLS ß NORTH HALEDON ß PASSAIC GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 PATERSON ß WEST PATERSON Leffhe man from Equilable bring you peace of mind Page Two THeE CHRONICLE Published Weekly by THE CHRONICLE COMI'ANY LoS 170-172 Butler Street Paterin, N.J. LAmbe• 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARRIS, Publisher VINCENT N. PARRILLO, Managing Editor Entered as SecondClass matter August 24, 1926,at the Post Office at Pairs(m, N.J., under •e act of March 3, 1879. •... JUNE 26, 1960 -- VOL. XXXH, No. 26 Siagle Copy 10 Cents $4.00 a Yesr-by Mail GO WEST,' YOUNG LADY -- NBC-TV statist Marilyn Chase i8 shownwith someof the NBC Hewsequipment heading for the Democratic Convention in Los Angeles. She carries a portable. CONTENTS TV camera and transmitter which will be 'usedby NBC newsmen':, on the floor of the convention hall. At her feet are a TV set and I a radio microphone and transmitter -- all portable. At right is a! full-size TV camera, which will also be used at the convention• i FEATURES Feigner Owns Bushel of Records The Psychology of Fatherhood Focus Crossword Puzzle ................... lO Television Highlights 12 The End of the Rainbow A Complete Short Story ....................... 14 DEPARTMENTS-' Social World 7 FAitoriMs 8 Editor Speaks ................................... P Complete Television .................... ..... 11-12-13 COVER PICTU 'E- Camping seasonis with us again. During the next two months not only Scouts, but entire families will take to the road, their BACHELORFATHER'S DAY -- The bridle path beckonsactor vehicles loaded down with tents, air mattresses,cooking uten- John Forsythe who beams at the thoughtfulness of his real-life sils, and hiking and fishing gear. The great outdoors will daughters, Page and Brook. (six and eight. respectively). He is the star of NBC-TV Network's "Bachelor' Father" situation corn-, be enjoyed and explored by countlessthousands of campers. edy series Thursday nights'as a bachelor bringing up a teenage -nlege. Forsythe'i wife is former actroll Julie Warren. Page Thr• Alber 3o Baisch Celebrates SOYears As L al Bank.r JERSEY FACTS The State of New Jersey has Albert J. Baisch, executive vice pres:dent 1937. Two years later, Mr. Baisch •vas elected set aside 240,000 acres for hunt- of the First National Bank of Passaic County, to the Board of Directors. ing and fishing. The State-owned reached a milestone June 10 when he celebrated He became president of United States Trust land is underwildlife control, and his fiftieth anniversary in banking. in 1947 and remained in that post until 1951 a systematic restocking program In observance of the event, he was inductcd when the Bank merged with First National. He is conducted at all streams. as a member of the Half Century Club of the was then appointed Executive Vice President New Jersey Bankers Association at ceremonies and a Director of the consolidated bank. The five mile boardwalk and held recently in Atlantic CitY. This is an honor Mr. Baisch has been President of th?. Em- five mile beachat Atlantic City achieved":byfew since reaching the Go]den An- ployees' Retirement System of Passaic County attract some 16 million visitors niversary mark means that man must enter since 1949 and is a member of the Hamilton annually. An estimat'ed 450 ho- banking circles at a very early age and must Club and the Upper Montc]air Country Club. tels; 2,000 motel units; 1,000 cot- dedicate most of his life to his profession. He also belongs to the Money Marketeers, a tages; and 1,700 guest houses are Mr. Baisch's career started in 1910 when he group of men who have studied under Dr. Mur- available at the internationally joined the German .American Trust Company of cus Nad]er, Professor of Finance at New York famous resort. Paterson. This later became the United States University. His other interests are go]f, fishing Trust Company, and in 1925 he was named and gardening. Approximately 400 diversified sistant Trust Officer of that organization. From Mr. Baisch makes his home at 30 Valhalla industrial plants are located in then on his .climb was rapid and he rose from VVay, Wayne, with his wife. They have a daugh- the City of Trenton, Mercer Trust OfficePi:::"•d Assistant Treasurer., to As- ter, 1VIrs. Mary Folk of Laurelton, and two County, providing .continuingem- sistant to the President and Trust Officer by grandchildren, John and Kathleen. ployment for an estimated 50,000 persons. Annual production is ap- proximately $225,000:000 in man- ufactured goods. Women's Travel Authority Fishing and Weather Everyyear, more fa•nilies find time for fishing on vacation trips. You may be a woman who has never baited a hook, but you can help your family make better plans if you rememberthis- Weather plays a big role in fishing. /. _// . ß Experts say fish bite best just after a "cold front" has moved through. A cold front is a mass of cold air, usually accompanied by thunder storms. It makes for ideal fishing conditions.Rain has wa•shed down insects and cooled the surface water; there's a dark sky for protec-' tion and a rising barometer that seemsto pep up the fish. When this happens,the fish forget their usual caution. They'll come into the shallows and snap up any- thing that looks good--and this in- cludesyour bait or artificial lures. I The important thing is timing-- beingin the right placeat the right time. Beforegoing fishing, check the local weather forecast. If a cold front is due, get out your gear and head for your favorite fishingspot. Oneprecaution: Take along arain-: coat. You may find things a bit MISS 'AND MISSILE-- Rocketryand coquetry- touch to celebrating Independence Day. 8he damp. But, as far as the fishinggoes, will come dd .Fourth in July as NBG-TV starlet want8 to be sure that her ho.liday..talute it con. it'll be worth it. • .Sandy Lowell applies a festive pyrotechnical veyed to great height• and di•tences. Page Four THeE 'CHRONIC• Million Dollar? WhereI)oes FIovd Patterson The first heavyweight in history to moneyto impresseven a heavyweight titleholder (or former titleholder, in regain the world's championship, Floyd FLOYD PATTERSON Patterson made his own mark in fistic this case). He. indicates that he feels .no annals this week when he punched his bad effects from this knockout defeat, way to a convincing knockout victory the first of l•is professionalcareer, and within four months from last Monday over Ingemar Johansson, the Swede that he is anxious to. meet Patterson in night's fight, which ended in' the fifth who had dethron-ed him a year ago. a third bout for the championship. In- round. Give or take a few rounds, it is It was the sweetest kind of nectar to gemar goes on to say that next time., it due to be fought this year. this 25-year-old Negro who had attain- will be different and that he will be. the However, the point has been made. ed dubious honors when he first won one to regain the crown. that it may not be worth the time. and the title and who never had realized the If this storybook feat does come. to effort of the participants to go ahead pass, then we could envision endless with this third bout during the current sort of rewards which ordinarily are . assdciated with the most precious prize years in which Patterson and Johans- year. Since. each of them was slated to pro boxing- and its fat fortunes -- son will be fighting each other, playing wind up with a purse of nearly a million can provide. Johansson, on the other hopscotch with the title. However, His- dollars for this last performance, the hand, .lost no time cashing in on the ti- tory and Fate have a way of avoiding bulk of any money received fro.m an- tle and certainly extracted heavy mile- such disastrous circumstances so fans other bout would be.
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