THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY. JULY. 2, 1904. 3 WOULD ISSUE DEATH DEPRIVES WORLD CABINET HOLDS DEMOCRATIC LEADERS MEET OF ART OF GREAT MASTER AND PREPARE FOR BATTLE WRIT TO MOYER At Age of Eighty-Seven George Frederick Watts, LAST MEETING English Painter, Lays Aside Brush That for Boom Is Launched for Platform Is Receiving the Plans .for the Organization Judge of Colorado Gathering Is Marked by Re- • Steele More Than Sixty Years Has Won Him Honors Folk of Missouri for the Serious Consideration of of the Convention Are Dissents From Decision tirement of Old and In- Presidency. the Delegates. Xot Complete. : Rendered in Miners' Case coming of New Officers ¦ His Candidacy Becomes En- Effort to Be Made to Have National Committee Will SCORES FELLOW JURISTS OATHS OF OFFICE TAKEN tangled With the Illi- It Meet Views of All Meet on Monday to Hear Says They Evaded 3Iain Secretaries Metcalf and Mor- nois Contest. Factions. Contests. Questions and Based Their ton Are Sworn In and CHICAGO, July 1.—Word was re- ST. LOUIS, July 1.—Longer In ad- ST. LOUIS. July 1.—Former Senator Opinion on False Theories Moody Takes Knox's Chair ceived from the East to-day which vance than usual the platform ques- James K. Jones, chairman of the Dem- launched in Illinois the boom of Joeaph tion Is receiving the serious considera- ocratic National Committee, arrfvetf la Demo- • — W. Folk of Missouri for the tion of delegates and others interested the city to-day and took apartments 'DENVER, July 1. Justice Robert Special Dispatch to The Call. cratic Presidential nomination. Dur- In the party's welfare and it is already at the Jefferson Hotel. He said that no Steele of the Colorado State Su- WASHINGTON, July 1.—At the ing days representative* !W. Cabi- the last few evident that there will be a persistent definite arrangements for the organiza- j-reme Court to-day filed his opinion meeting to-day William H. Moody of prominent Eastern party interests net effort to secure an expression of party tion of the .convention yet Been •dissenting the' of the formerly have been in conference withthe lead- had. from decision moved up to the chair occu- views which willmeet the approval of made, and predicted that none would '¦majority of the court in refusing a pied by Attorney General Knox, and ers of both of the Illinois factions with sounding the can- all factions. be made until the meeting of the full, «*rlt of habeas corpus to Charles H. the a view of them on committee, Paul Morton of Illinois took seat didacy of the St. Louis attorney. "We must get a pronouncement national which will tak» Mover, president of the' Fed- Moody years place Monday. However, Western has for the last two occu- This was followed up to-day with which will the demands of all next he advo- eration-of'Miners, meet the Sharp when he was held pied as Secretary of the Navy. the announcement that Senator Gor- Clay- cates selection of John Wil- Democrats," said Representative Mississippi, * as a military prisoner at Telluride by To-day General (now Senator) Knox, man who have been unable liams of leader of the and others ton of Alabama, "and Ibelieve it is House, ;cr.der of Governor Peabody. The.opin- although no longer a Cabinet Minister, to hitch up with either of the extreme minority in the for the position ' going to be a comparatively easy mat- of temporary chairman, and Jthera la Jon. containing nearly- 10,000 words, was in attendance. Former Repre- elements of the party will go to the convention city next week prepared to ter to accomplish that result." now little or no doubt that the selec- tearls exhaustively with the situation sentative Victor H. Metcalf of Califor- tion willfall upon Williams,. support Folk. Other party leaders on the ground cVcated in this State by military rules nia did not arrive in time to attend the permanent chairmanship Indirectly Folk's candidacy has be- expressed themselves in like optimistic The 'will tnd- cites a mass to n.eeting. He took probably to delegate, of authorities show Cabinet the oath of come entangled with the con- manner. But when they entered upon go some Northern :that only Legislature can suspend Secretary Illinois E. of Michigan the office as of Commerce and test and it is understood that in the a comparison of views it became evi- and Thomas Barkworth the writ corpus. Justice -White are mentioned of habeas Labor at the' House at 4:30 event of- the Harrison delegation win- dent that there are differences and Patrick A. Collins- " Eteele says ir:part: He succeeds George B. whic^ in that connection. --"IT o'clock. Cortel- ning out Mayor's influence will go will have to be smoothed down before • person slightest position. the. The committee on arrangements" for No who hat the claim to you in that The Cabinet to Folk. An effort is being made to the desired result can be secured. :r>!;t'ectabillty thould hesitate to approve the was the of the convention will hold meeting to- enforcing meeting las.t season. arrange similar compact with the Evidently the principal contention *he a •'•ft-.on of th« <Jovernor ia the law a morrow, expected «ad I am wflllac to uphold him an<! to ap- President Roosevelt had a long talk Hearst leaders, the difference being will be over the point as to whether but It is not that it y,su(! him bo long: as he k*>eps within the lines on general topics, will make any recommendation with the with his advisers and that after their favorite they are to there shall be a specific declaration <C const .tution. But 1 an not wllline to political regard to convention officers. Vli^cld him when. In my opinion, he breaks especially the situation. He fall in line for the Missouri boom. favorable to affirmation of the prin- •ecun the barriers erected by the people for for Oyster Bay to-morrow morn- The national committee willalso taka prelection. willing leaves ciples enunciated In the platforms of .tf-exr r_?r am I to accord ing, July up and dispose of the on the ..to the constitution elastic properties for the to remain there until 28. 1S96 and 1900. There is to-day some contests j-u-rppse cf to Moody the oath of office as part of the rival delegates. The most sustaining him. nor join In the took At- strenuous contention as po whether establishment of a precedent which will not torney General 9 o'clock. When E. prominent of these is the Illinois case. .6: r'y to other at any whatever other claxtet cr condition* Hanna, FRIENDS OF JUDGE PARKER. there shall be reference Delegate Hopkins, cre- . **fcen enother Governor undertakes to exercise P. solicitor of the Navy De- to two declarations, there and who -holds t!"f -raTne arbitrary power. addressed oath of office those and as delegate at large;.has been partment, the are many shades of views as to how dentials ENGINE OF OPPRESSION. to Morton at 9:50 o'clock General From Pa«re 1, Column 1. in the city all day busily occupied in Continued the subject should be covered. *•-'¦" ¦1 am net to Moody turned to his and presenting his claims. ¦ wl'.jinr concede the power successor Delegates who are close to Bryan .- .- C'ain-.ed by the Governor and exercised by him. said: "I sincerely congratulate you, give changed lr ray opinion, such power Is net will way under the condi- want a reaffirmation in terms, but ••IrcBuse. Secretary, advent into MAY VOTE FOR 'vested in him by the. 'constitution. The peo- Mr. upon your tions to New York, Pennsylvania, to say that, CLEVELAND.' .{T-le- could never have intended to erect such come into daily Maryland, Jersey Eng- some of them are content t-r. this office. You will New and New making reassertion, they con- linriwf of oppression." contact some of while the Florida Delegate Says Former Presi- .'; .It folJcws. of course, that if the .present with the finest sailors land. sider other and newer questions o-f -* - is the «cle Judte of the conditions in the world." is a little talk about what Wil- State. .executive*>Mch call into action the military power leading importance and are willingon dent Is Strons in His. can outgoing of Moody was marked may do, strong July x:"lae Jjuverninent and can exercise a!l means The liam J. Bryan but some that account to give more prominence CHATTANOOGA. Tenn.. 1. ;rcfffBary to effectually abate ihe condition*. by a general regret on the part of the are given that he will not Florida delegates the Inquire assurances to them. Others take the position that The to •'St. Louis . tnd.'ths Judicial •derartment cannot department officials, who realize his topic passed through city J-.to. th« locality ".nf fcls acts, the next bolt. A of discussion also Is what it would be invidious to mention the convention the ¦C->vemor rr.ay. 'by his 'ukas^e. exercise the strength and the beneficial features of may with Bryan. It to-day en .to • arbitrary pewr. the convention do Chicago City utterances route St. Louis. Governor c ua« 1/ the military au- naval policy during his administra- expected vigorous and Kansas Jennings, Bryan, ¦;'th.;.:::ty; rr.ay de-port the miner* this year it the is that he willhave a and urge will be sufficient to a cousin of W. J. and ,.ca.— -<1e7""Vt the year.
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