William Hugh Robarts UQ ..::;) / V ..:J, / WID W J'BOII TIIJI BRIGHT LEGACY Oae ball Ibe lacolDe frOID Ibl. Le.... r. wblcb ..... r.. celyed la 1880 aader Ibe "Ill of JONATHAN BROWN BRIGHT of WalthalD ..._ ..baoettl.1I 10 be expeaded for boob for Ibe CoUe,e Library. Tbe olber balf of Ibe lacoDle :e::~~I:: ::'::~d!!':.b!r la Ha"ard Ualyenltr for Ibe HENRY BRIGHT. JR •• wbo died al WaleRoWD. Masoacbaoettl. ia 1686. la lb • • bRace of oacb deoceadaall. olber penoa. are eU,lble 10 Ibe ICbo!anblpe. Tbe will reqal ... Ib.llbll &Daoaac .. lDelll .ball be lDade III eyery boot added 10 Ibe Library aDder III p_lIlo.... _____r Q \ MEXICAN WAR VETERANS1 " A COMPLETE ROSTER OF THE REGULAR AND VOLUNTEER TROOPS IN THE WAR BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO, FROM 1846 TO 1848. THB VOLUNTBBRS ARB ARRANGBD BY STATBS, ALPHABBTICALLY. COMPILED FROM OFFICIAL SOURCES By WM. HUGH ""ROBARTS.· . Prioe, lSO Cent.. ---._--- (1/ \.1 BRENTANO'S, (A. S. WITHERBEE & CO., PROPRIETORS,) WASHINGTON, D. C. 1887· Digitized by Google Oopyrighted 1887. All rights reserved. Digitized by Google THE MEXICAN VETERAN PENSION LAW. [PUBLIO-No. 33.] AN Am granting pensions to the soldiers and sailors of the Mexican war, and for other purposes. Be it en.atJt«i by tM Senate and HO'IUe of ilepreMrntatifJU of the Unit«l States of America in OongrBI/II (JIl8embled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension.roll the names of the surviving officers and enlisted men, including marines, militia, and volunteers, of the military and naval services of the United States, who, being duly enlisted, actually served sixty days with the Army or Navy of the United States in Mex­ ico, or on the coasts or frontier thereof, or en route thereto, in the war with that nation, or were actually engaged ina battle in said war, and were honorably dis­ charged, and to such other officers and soldiers and sailors as may have been personally named in any resolution of Congress for any specific service in said war, and the surviving widow of such officers and enlisted men: PrO'Dided, That such widows have not remarried: Provided, That every such officer, enlisted man, or widow who is or may become sixty-two years of age, or who is or may become subject to any disability or dependency equivalent to some cause pre­ scribed or recognized by the pension laws of the United States as a suffioient reason for the allowanoe of a pension, shall be entitled to the benefits of this act; but it shall not be held to include any person not within the rule of age or disability or dependence herein defined, or who incurred such disability while in any mannel' voluntarily engaged in or aiding or abetting the late rebellion against the authority of the United States. SBO. 2. Tilat pensions under section one of this act shall be at the rate of eight dollars per month. and payable only from and after the passage of this act, for and during the uaturallives of the persons entitlElll thereto, or during the con­ tinuance of the disability for whioh the same shall be granted: PrO'Dfded, That seotion one of this act shall not apply to any person who is receiving a pension at the rate of eight dollars per month or more, nor to any person receiving a pension of less than eight dollars per month, except for the difference between the pension now reoeived (if less than eight dollars per month) and eight dollars per month. SBO. 3. That before the name of any person shun be placed on the pension­ roll under this aot proof shall be made, under suoh rules and regulations a, the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, of the right of the applicant to a pension; aud any person who shall falsely and corruptly take any oath required under this act shall be deemed guilty of perjury; and the Secretary of the In­ terior shall cause to be stricken from the pension-roll the name of any person whenever it shaJl be made to appear by proof satisfactory to him that suoh name was put upon such roll through false and fraudulent representations, and that suoh person is not entitled to a pension under this aot. The loss of the certifi­ cate of discllarge shall not deprive any person of the benefits of this act, but other record evidence of enlistment and servioe and of an honorable discharge may be deemed suffioient: PrO'Dided, That when any person has been granted a land-warrant, under any act of Congress, for and on acoount of service in the said war with Mexioo, such grant shall be prima facie evidence of his service and honorable discharge; but such evidenoe shall not be conolusive, and may be re­ butted by evidence that such land-warrant was improperly granted. SBO.4. That the pension laws now in force which are not inconsistent or in oonftiot with this act are hereby made a part of this aot, so far as they may be applicable thereto. SBO. 5. That seotion forty-seven hundred and sixteen of the Revised Statutes is hereby repealed so far as the same relates to this aot or to pensioners under this ~ct. SBO. 6. That the provisions of this aot shall not apply to any person while under the political disabilities imposed by the fourteenth amendment to the oon­ stitution of the United States. Approved January 29, 1887. Digitized by Google Digitized by~oogle LIST OF ALL OFFICERS OF THE REGULAR OR PERMANENT ESTABLISHMENT WHO BELONGED TO ANY COMMAND IN EITHER OF THE ARMIES OF MEXICO. GENERAL OFFICERS. Major Generals. Winfield Scott (bvt Major General fm Chippewa and Niagara), GBNEBAL IN CIIIBP of the Army. Zachary Taylor (bvt Brig. General fm Flo to 9 May 46), oomd. Army of Oooupa­ tion; bvt Major General fm La Palma. Brigadier Generals. Thomas S. Jesup, Quartermaster General; bvt Major General fm '28. John E. Wool, bvt Major General fm Buena Vista. William J. Worth (by brevet fm Flo), bvt Major General fm Monterey; died sinoe the war. David E. Twiggs, bvt Major General fm Monterey. Stephen W. Kearny, bvt Major General fm Ban Pasoual, where twioe tIJO'Und.j dUd since the war. Persifor F. Smith (by brevet fm Monterey), bvt Mfljor General fm Contreras. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. AmSt. A4iutantB General, bvt rank of Mlfjor,. Lorenzo Thomas, bvt Lieut. oolonel fm Monterey. George A. MoCall (Capt 4. infy to 7 July 46), bvt Major and Lt colonel fm La Palma. WilliBm W. S. BliBs(rk Capt to July 46), bvtMajorfm La Palma; bvtLtoolonel fm Buena Vista. Awt. A4iutantB Gen. bvt rank of Oaptains. (James H. Prentiss, relinquished Staff 18 June 46); 1. arty. Randolph Ridgely (Fst It 3. arty to July 46)-killed (fm his horse) 27 Dot. 46. George Linooln (Fst It 8. infy to July 46)-killed at Buena Vista. Osoar F. Winship (Fst It 2. drags to July 46), bvt Major fm Churubusoo. William W. Maokall (Fst It 1. arty to Deo. 46); bvt Major fm Churubusoo. George Deas (Fst It 5. infy to Deo. 46), bvt Major fm Churubusco. Joseph Hooker (Fst It 1. arty to Mar. 47),bvt Major fm National Bridge; bvt Lieut. oolonel fm Chapultepeo. Edward R. S. Canby (Fst It 2. inly to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Churubusco; bvt Lieut. colonel fm Chapultepec. Irvin McDowell (Fst It 1. arty to May 47). bvt fm Buena Vista. Francis N. Page (Fat It 7. infy to May 47), bvt Major fm ChurubUBOo. INSPECTORS GENERAL. Impectqr8 General, rank of Oolonel. George Croghan-died sinoe the war. Sylvester Churohill, bvt Brig. General fm Buena Vista. Digitized by Google 6 OFFIOERS OF U. 8. ARMY. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. QutJrUrmtJBter Gen. rank of Brig. General. Thomas S. Jesnp, bvt Major General (8 May 28). Aui8t. ~B Gen. rank of OolondB. Trueman Crose-killed on the Rio Grande 21 Apr. 46. Henry Whiting, bvt Brig. General fIn Buena Vista; died since the war. Quart8rmaBterB, rank of M~orB. Oharles Thomas, bvt Lieut. colonel for mer. condo in )lenco. Samuel McRee, bvt Lieut. colonel for mer. condo in Menco; died. since the war. Thomas Swords, bvt Lieut. colonel for mer. condo in Menco. George H. OrOBBman, bvt fIn Palo Alto. Henry Smith-died. at Vera Oruz 24 July 47. Osborne Orosa (Assist. Qrmr to July 47). Aui8t. QuartenruuterB, rank of Oaptaim. James R. Irwin, Chief of Qrmr's dept. to Gen. Scott; died. in Menco city Jan. 48. Ebenezer S. Sibley, bvt Major fm Buena Vista. Edwin B. Babbitt,' bvt Major for mer. condo in Menco. Edmund A. Ogden, bvt Major for mer. conduct. James M. Hill-died since the war. Abraham O. Myers, bvt Major fm La Palma; bvt Lieut. colonel fIn Ohapultepec. Wm. M. D. McKissack-died since the war. Alexander Montgomery. Robert Allen, bvt Major fIn Oerro Gordo. William W. Chapman, bvt Major fIn Buena Vista. Henry O. Wayne, bvt Major fIn Ohurubusco. Joseph L. Folsom (in 5. infy to Sept. 46). John P. J. O'Brien (in 4. arty to Jan. 47), bvt Major fIn Buena Vista; died since Arthur B. Lansing( fIn Jan. 47). [the war. William H. Ohurchill (in 3. arty to Mar. 47)-dkd at Ft Polk 19 Oct. 47. James L. Donaldson (in 1. arty to Mar. 47, and bvt Major). Thomas L. Brent (in 4. arty to Mar. 47). George W. F. Wood (in 1. infy to Mar. 47), bvt Major fm Churubusco.
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