FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 33 • NUMBER 159 Thursday, August 15,1968 • Washington, D.C. Pages 11581-11624 Agencies in this issue— Agricultural Research Service Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Atomic Energy Commission Business and Defense Services Administration Civil Aeronautics Board Civil Service Commission Comptroller of the Currency Consumer and Marketing Service Federal Aviation Administration Federal Communications Commission Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Highway Administration Federal Power Commission Federal Trade Commission Fish and Wildlife Service Interstate Commerce Com m ission Land Management Bureau National Park Service National Transportation Safety Board Oil Import Administration Packers and Stockyards Administration Post Office Department Securities and Exchange Commission Small Business Administration Veterans Administration Detailed list of Contents appears inside. Announcing First 10-Year Cumulation TABLES OF LAWS AFFECTED in Volumes 70-79 of the UNITED STATES STATUTES AT LARGE Lists all prior laws and other Federal in­ public laws enacted during the years 1956- struments which were amended, repealed, 1965. Includes index of popular name or otherwise affected by the provisions of acts affected in ‘Volumes 70-79. Price: $2.50 Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Servièe, General Services Administration " Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 . vONALac,. r r n m X 1 WWW ¥ irr,IC,fr r fl Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no puoucawju uu Motional on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Regist > tlonai 1rrlllKAI L I I L I M L t l ^ l ^ lnrlvIM l L U l k J l IHi .,I I Archiyes and Records Service, General Services Administration (met! address N • ^ Area Code 202 1 Phone- 962-8626 Archives Building, Washington, D.C. 20408), pursuant to the authority containe Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 8B ), under regulations prescribed by tne _ . -- — istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR------------- Ch. I ). Distribution is made only by the Superintended of Documents, UiS. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. • 'T- n a y a b le in The Federal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15 per yea , p ior advance. The charge for individual copies varies in proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for the first 8 0 pages a curoents, each additional group of 40 pages, as actually bound). Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 50 tiy eS( pur- The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of Federal R egulations, which is published, un linerintendent of suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code of F ederal R egulations is sold by the bup Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first Federal R egister issue of each month. regulations. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal R egister or the Code of feder Contents AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CONSUMER AND MARKETING FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION SERVICE SERVICE Notices Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Hearings, etc.: Cysticercosis; r e v o c a t i o n of Avocados grown in South Florida; Baltimore Gas and Electric Co., regulations___ « ____________ 11587 increase in rate of assessment and Potomac Electric Co___ 11605 Overtime services relating to for 1968-69 fiscal year__________ 11586 Florida Gas Transmission Co_11606 imports and exports; adminis­ Fresh Bartlett pears grown in Ore­ Glasscock-Chapman, Inc., et al_ 11606 trative instructions prescrib­ gon and Washington; shipment Pennzoil United, Inc___________11607 ing c o m m u t e d travel time limitations___ _______________ 11586 allowances_______ ___ _______ 11587 Valencia oranges grown in Arizona FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Pink boll worm ; exemptions_____ 11585 and designated part of Califor­ Rules and Regulations nia; handling limitations_____ 11585 Prohibited trade practices: AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION Proposed Rule Making Benjamin, Samuel and Ben- AND CONSERVATION SERVICE Milk in Ozarks marketing area; jamin Trimming Co ____ 11596 Rules and Regulations proposed suspension of certain Carletex Corp., and Paul E. provisions of order____________ 11600 Conway _________________11596 Flue-cured tobacco, 1966-67 and subsequent crops; correction__ 11585 FEDERAL AVIATION FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION Rules and Regulations Havasu Lake National Wildlife See Agricultural Research Serv­ Rules and Regulations ice; Agricultural Stabilization Refuge, Arizona and California; and Conservation Service; Con­ Airworthiness directives: hunting _____________________ 11599 sumers and Marketing Service; Boeing Model 707-100 Series Packers and S t o c k y a r d s airplanes_______ 11592 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Administration. General D y n a m ic s , certain See Fish and Wildlife Service; models _____________________ 11592 Land Management Bureau; Na­ ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Federal airways; alteration™___ 11593 tional Park Service; Oil Import IFR a l t i t u d e s ; miscellaneous Administration. Rules and Regulations amendments___ ~_____ _________ 11593 License fees and facility licenses Proposed Rule Making INTERSTATE COMMERCE and material licenses; correc­ Federal airways; proposed altera­ COMMISSION tion ------------------------------- ------11587 tion ________ i________________ 11600 Transition area; proposed desig­ Notices BUSINESS AND DEFENSE nation ______________________ 11600 Arkansas; intrastate freight rates SERVICES ADMINISTRATION and charges_____________ 11620 Belt Railway Company of Chi­ Rules and Regulations FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS cago; rerouting or diversion of Copper and copper-base alloys: COMMISSION tra ffic_______________________ 11620 Domestic refined copper set- Fourth section application for aside--------------------------------- 11596 Proposed Rule Making re lie f--------------------- 11620 Set-aside percentages___ _____11597 Standard, FM, and television Motor carriers: broadcast stations; multiple ownership___________________ 11601 Broker, water carrier and freight CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD forwarder applications________11611 Notices Notices Temporary authority applica­ Aloha Airlines, Inc.; notice of pre- Dearborn C o u n t y Broadcasters tions --------------------------------- 11620 hearing conference___________11605 and Grepco, Inc.; order desig­ Transfer proceedings___________11622 nating applications for consoli­ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION dated hearing_________________11605 LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU Notices Notices FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE California; classification of public Interior Department; notice of lands for multiple-use manage­ title change in noncareer execu­ CORPORATION ment; correction_______________ 11603 tive assignment______________11605 Rules and Regulations Colorado; amendment of notice of filing of protraction diagram__ 11603 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Securities of insured nonmember Director, Denver Service Center; See Business and Defense Serv­ State banks; miscellaneous delegation of authority_________ 11602 ices Administration. amendments________ ________; 11589 Nevada; proposed classification of public lands for transfer out of COMPTROLLER OF THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY Federal ownership_____________ 11603 New Mexico; proposed withdrawal CURRENCY ADMINISTRATION and reservation of lands________11602 Rules and Regulations Notices Washington; opening of National Forest lands___________________ 11603 Proxy statements and other solici­ Mobile homes; Federal motor tations; ownership of proxies— 11587 vehicle safety standards______ 11604 (Continued on next page) 11583 11584 CONTENTS NATIONAL PARK SERVICE PACKERS AND STOCKYARDS SMALL BUSINESS Notices ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION Notice of intention to negotiate Notices Notices concession contracts: Stiefel Bros. Livestock Market et Directors Capital Corp.; notice of Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon al.; posted stockyards________ li604 (North Rim), and Zion Na­ order revoking license________ 11611 tional Parks and Cedar Breaks Manager, Disaster Branch Office, National Monument, Utah and POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT JE1 Paso, Tex. ; delegation of authority-----------------------------1 11611 Arizona_____________________ 11603 Rules and Regulations Glen Canyon Recreation Area, Miscellaneous amendments to A riz________________________ 11603 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT chapter (3 documents) __ 11597-11599 See Federal Aviation Administra­ tion; Federal Highway Admin­ NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE istration ; National Transporta- SAFETY BOARD COMMISSION portation Safety Board. Notices Notices TREASURY DEPARTMENT Accident involving aircraft of U.S., Hearings, etc.: See Comptroller of the Currency. Registry N303Y, Paramount, Alsco, Inc— --------------------------11607 Calif.; notice of hearing_______ 11605 American Electric Power Co., VETERANS ADMINISTRATION Inc., et al_________ :_______ 11607 OIL IMPORT ADMINISTRATION American Research and Devel­ Rules and Regulations opment Corp_______________11608 Department of Veterans Benefits, Notices Cameo-Parkway Records, Inc_11609 Veterans Administration Office Oil import control program; notice Comstock-Keystone Mining Co_ 11610 in Europe; delegations of of request for comment________11604
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