DOCUMENT RESUME ED 110 389 _SO 008 532 TITLE Social Science Researchon Population and Development. INSTITUTION . Ford Foundation, New York, N.Y. SPONS AGENCY Agency for International Development (Dept. ,of State), WaShingtolik D.C.; International Development Research Centre, oTtawa (Ontario).; Rockefeller 6 Foundation, New York, N.Y.; World Bank, Washington, D. C. PUB DATE May 75, . , NOTE 333p.; Papdts.presented at a conference at the Ford Foundation (New York, New York, October 29-30, 1974) EDRS PR2CE MF-$0.76 HC-$17.13 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Conference Reports; *Demography; Developing Nations;. Economic Development; *Educational Research; Higher -Education; International Progfams; *Poulation . .,-., Education; Population Trends; *Research Needs; , *Social Science Research; Social Sciences . ABSTRACT / The papers in this volume areaselected from the '. material prepared for a conference held on social science'researcfr ony population and development. The general purpose of the meeting is tb:, improve common understanding of the state of social science reeatcji' on development probleis and to identify new opportunities for ,," international agencies to contribute more effectively to such reseafCh. The first set of #apers is a series of essays, not_ -;, previlously,published, on topics of direct relevance to the subfd t'S discussed at the conference and the second set is a series-off.. informal memoranda by participants in the 'Meetings. The papefs include Population- Related Choices and Development Strategy; So l Research and Program for Reducing Birth.Rates; Population and4 Development: An Agenda for Policy-Oriented Research; Economic ,'4,, v Research Priorities for Population Policy;The Present and. 1- Prospective State bf Policy Approaches to Fertility; Some Thoughts on. Organizati'nal Models for Population Policy Re'search; Strategy for f Internatio al Agencies; Population, Social Change, and DevelopOnt; ,Ln-rrelat'i on of Population. Policy and Aspects of Development; Social -Science Research Needed for Population.Policy; Interrelationship of Population tolidy and Aspects of Development; and Socials Research Needed. (Author/JR) , -****************************************************************#**** *, Documents acquired by E'SIC include many informal unpublished. I materials not, available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtiin4he best copy available. nevertheless, items of marginq * * reproducibiaity aVe oftenencountered and this affects the gualis * *,of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC mgkeS available *via the EPfC 42cntent Reproduction Service (EDRS) . EDRS is not -* responsible for thy.guality of the original document. Reproductions*\\ *); . ,* supplied by .EARS aare the best thatanA be made from -the original. z, . *******************************4t**************#********************** al Science Researc ori 'dation and Deyelopment. U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE k, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF II EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN o REPRO DUCE'O EY4PCTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATONORIGIN SATING IT POINTS OF VIEWOR OPINIONS STATED 00 NOT NECESSARILYREPRE SI3N4' OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTEOF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY A . V , Papers presented at a conferenci ,.,, at the Ford Foundation, A Nevi York City O 4/ 4, 4 0 0 Octolier 29-30,1974 \ 00002 A SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH ON POPULATION AND DEVELOP NT rY * Papers preSented at a conference. at the Ford Foundation-, . New York' City, October 29-30, 1974 . O Sponsored by the Ford Foundation, Irxternational Development Research Centre, Rddkefeller Foundation, ,U.S: Agency for InternatiOnal DeveloPittent,..-andthel--_, World Bank. j J, Tge A C -et 4 "'7 ij abrary of'Congress Catalog Card Number 75 -14856 May 1975 t;t 5 If 00004' a 'TABLE OF CON TENTS Page Preface, 1 List of Participants vii Agenda Xi Background Papers Population-Related. Choices and Development Strategy by EdgarO. Edwards 5 , Y 'Social-Research and Programs for Reducing Bipth Rates .° by Ronald FreedMan, 25 ,/, 7 '- 1 r Population and Development: An Agenda for Policy-Oriented Research by:Paul Demehy 51 gEconomic Research Priorities forPopulation by Timothy.'King 67 . The Present and Prospective State ofPo4cy Appr aches to Fertility ,by zzic G. Simmons and Lyle Saunders i 85' e Thoughts ofi"Organizational Models fot Population PolicY Research by Amos Hawley 113 Strategy for International Agencies: Questions fOr,Discussion by Oscar' Harkav/ 123 Participants' Memoranda Resource Persons Aziz Bindary -1.49V . 4 K. T. de Graft-Johnson 155. iii r Page ToshioKuroda 165 .Carmen A. Mir6 169 Gerardo P.. Sicat. 189 ,International Agencies -Canadian International Development Agency 201 The,Ford Foundation 209 International Development Research Centre 227 Population Council '237 Rockefeller-Foundation-" 243 Swedish International Development Authority 251 United Kingdom Overseas Development Ministry, 255 United Nations Fund forPopulation Activities . 267 United Nations Population Division 275 United States Agency for International DevelopMent. 2,83 4 Strategy for A.I.D. Support of Social Research on Determinants of Fertility 'by Steven W. Sinding 290 ' Stimufating Demand for Family Planning: A PrOposal by Robert Muscat 313 - World Bank 327 Summary of Discussion. 333 iv 0000G . , "PREFACE The conference on sociail science research on population and development was the first iti a series of specialized meetings,' following a conference on the general subject of social science research and development held at Bellagio in Februaty, 1974. This series of conferences is organized by a steering committee/ drawn from five international agencies:the International De- velopment Research Cent? of Canada, the Rockefeller Foundation,', the United States Ag)ncy for International Development, the World Bank, and the Ford Foundation. 'Further specialized con- ferences are planned on employment and income distributttn, on 'rural development, and on education. The general purpose of these meetings is. to improve our common understandingiobf the state of social science research on development problems and to identify new oppOrtunities for international agencies to contribute more effectively to such research. '-:To this end resource'personS-- scholars and government officials from developing Countries- - are invited to each meeting to join.indiscussions`with repre- sentatives' of international agencies: ,The papers in this volume were selected from the material prepared for the conference. They are of tOo general kinds: the first is a series of essays, not previouily published, on topics of direct relevance to 'subjects under discussion; the second is a series of informal memoranda by participants in the meeting: resource perSons from the developing world and repre- s sentatives of donoI age:ncies. As can be seen from the confer- ence agenda, additional background papers were made available to participants. These,, are not included in this volume because they have been lecently publiShed elsewhere. As can be expected in so complicated, an .area of concern,. conference participants expressed differences of opinion,on the 'ordering of research priorities, on optimum organization for doing research, and on ways of getting the results of research disseminated and used'by policy makers.Nonetheless there were broad areas of agreement on, topics for research, both on the de- terminants and the consequences'of population change, and on the need to strengthen capacity for such.researchdn-the developing world: J To piovide systematic follow-up to the conference, techni- cally qualified representatives of interested international agencies plan to meet from time to time to consider ways in which the agencies may, collaborate to make their efforts in this important field more effeCtive. David E. Bell ExecutiveVice President The Foid Foundation 4 a 41 O r 1 vi 'LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 4 BELL, David E. Executive Vice President The Ford Foundation BERELSON, Bernard President The Population Council BINDARY, Aziz Chairman, The Population and Family Planning Board The Supreme Council f r Population and Family Planning I Government of Egypt I , BLACK, Joseph g. I Dlxector, Social Sciences _ I TRe Rockefeller Foundation I `BROWN, George Director of Population and Health Science International Development Research Centre, Ottawa > CIENERY, Hollis B. Vice President, Development Policy Internatiorall Bank for Reconstruction and Development . DAVIDSON, Ralph K. Deputy Director fop Social Sciences The. Rockefeller Foundation DEMENT', Paid Vide Prdsident The Popil4tion Council GAJENTAAN, Henricus First Secrdtary at the Embassy Government of The Netherlands GILLE, Halvor Deputy Executive Director\ United Nations Fund for Pdpulation Activities vii b 00009 DE GRAFT-JOHNSON, K. T. Deputy Director I Institute of Statiitical, Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana '- 0 HARKAVY, Oscar Officer in Charge, Population Office The Ford Foundation :KIEFFEk, Jarold ' Assistant Administrator for Population and Humanitarian Assistance United States Agency for4International Development . / . 1 ., KRITZ, Mary . Assistant Director, Social Sciencqs-% The Rockefeller yundation L KURODA, Toshio ,.. .4° Director, Population Problem Research Institute i Ministry of Health and Welfare Government of Japan . KING, .Timothy Division Ckief Population and Human Resources Division Internationa.1 Bank for Reconstruction and Development 4 LUX", Andre Special Adviser (DemOgraphY) . Canadian International Development Agency It I
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