RHODE ISLA TO HISTORY I'URUSJl ElJ In ' I{IID!>L I SI..-\ ~· !> HISTo RI C -\!. SOCIFTY \(11.. II :\0. I 1.0\1 11""11 \\111.1'\1 " 1I 1 ~ " 1 (If,-j, 'lI._ I -:; S) . Fl II- 1 n I IH " ,,,- " 111.11 II " 1 0 HI ~ 1 H II" ,.,,\- ~ 11" " 11 ' u- 1111 , 'Ill .",,,, I'o,,,..i, ,.1 ", ~< I .. ~./ ./.."J, &) P<U , p</It..,,,. II ..",.-k To, ..... ~, /Vt oW. j ~" ,of 1I ". ' ." 11l1t /I . Ikn (_~"i< I SSCF.D f:!...L'.I RT f:RIX .IT PRO /, /l)F..YCE. RI{()J)F. / SLISD RHODE ISLA ND P A<, I HISTORY tOl., I I J.\:\L'A RY [9-1-3 :\0. 'hUll H . B U C I[ LI N , p,.,iJ....t G .ORGE L. M IN••, TTI~ I "'I' \'IlLLI.'" 11.. ,-" \I " " •.•• SN"ldr~' W " 11..... C . RUH n ., [) ", ,,., ,,~.I l.ih '4ri,,~ T ~ r Rh. J , I , J,,~ J U " lo, i.-,,1 So,-i,,}' ..' """ ., no ,tspo",ihi!ity for th, 'ldl,''',,· ~'' .r Ihr "pmi..., of ,.""ib",,,,,. Samuel] Gorton's Master Stroke " by \"n.Ll" "1 GREESE R OEl.KER T li F [)J:\'!',l-<'I'\tJ: 'I'Ol'THI' ' IT" Always adept in dealing with the I ndians, on April 19, 22 16-1- .... , Sam uel l Gorton made his master stroke. E xploiting to the full the asto nish ment of the Ind ians at his miraculous RHTII"l' FOil ,Il.\\ I". C" I' I I" .I"" I'll '1'11.1 .1",II \.'"1'. escape fro m the clut ches of the M assachusetts authorities" FK"~I .rOil' II<]\n ,·I' 1l 36 he made a treaty with the N arragansett Sachems bringing "those Princes and People to a submission & acknowledge ­ men t of his said Royal M aj " [C harles I J and his successors T il l" ' 1-.\\ " "K I '1',,,, I·" - ' '''' ' I ' CII I 'Kl'll "Il Kings of E ngl and as their supreme L ords and Sove reignc ~1'''''~.-lIl·1I T \\' 1 ' 11\ 111. 1. of that country." hy Philip .\ in,worlh :'I- k J ns T his statement reveals th e importance which the treaty R"dcru./ h· !.." H C I1Cl' C. \Vr"th 37 of subjection had already assumed by 1678. W hen the sub ­ mission was made Oll Ap ril 19, 164- 4- , Gorton's keen legal \\' \ 1.1\, ,\""L '" 1' ''''' ' I IlI '('I min d und oubt edl y appreciated that his posi tion before the 10.' .I")'" I I ukhill' C"d,\' E ngl ish authorities would be strengthened thereby, but it is "Samucll G ort on (h e alwavs wrote his fi rst nam e Sdmut'll) was J master R ,. 6 f ~( ' f '/ ,i." \\' illiJm (;rce l1 <: Roclkcr 3<) pu blicist, Immed iately uJXln reachi ng London in 164 6 he published a full account of his ditlicuhic s with the !\!Js5JCh useli s aut hor ities under thl' /)~ffll e,. \ \ ' \ Il \\ 11K T l l'- l ' ) .. I I ' \I'-\' ([(,~ .1_['H 1) H I tid e, Simplie i fin Ag,;im f Srr'OI-II u'/,.,/ l' uHey, repu blished , with no tes by \Villi,l m R. .:1 taplcs a' volum e [I, Rhu';,. 1,ld'''/ lIi" udedl Su";",)' C r,lIf,.fir>fu , hereafter R, I. II . S. (.',,/1 , T he parti cular rdncncc T hirJ is at [i i - [6 0 . For a condensed ;ICCOUnt, ;,ec !lote 27. COl vr ' From the rcplv of Randal [II H owld cn and I\lJjm ] j " hn G reen [e I, j uJ,r 30 , 16 i S, to th e answer of the agen ts of \ IJssachu >C ll s. 'I'he full rr.ruscription is w be foun d in lr,JiII C"rur Un,cn , lIi,I I,d ,-,;! T r,mJl'rip' s, R 0 1 ... 'II-' " II "T<11lIl'.-\l . ~"C1I"1 Y I' T I ~lI OF \ \ -'AK Bad l oI S- l i-l !> , v ,,,Ium,,", hereafter J. C. H. 1'rdflIa ipf'J 1666- 16l!2, hy K e n l1 ~ l h B, Vlu r.lo... k 2 RHODE 1:'1.:\;-.;1> III:,TORY :'.\\l l· FLI. (iORTOS ':, \ l.\:'TER :,TRO KE ) giving him cred it for too much foresight to say that he an­ " The restoration of the king." writes Professor Ch arl es ticipated the vital role which the treaty was to play in pro­ :\1. Andrews, "rendered doubt ful the legal validity of the tecting R hode Island from the aggressions of M assachu-erts patent of 164-4-. l t i:; to be remembered that parliament, and Connecticut. tho ugh acting in the king's name, had issued the document This treaty, the like of which had never been made be­ without foll owing, as far as we kIlOW, the regular pruce ~ :; tween En gl ish and natives in Xcrtb America, established required for a letters patent, and also that the patent had in the King an indefeasible title to the Indians' land and served in Rhode bland to en force principles, ana lagous to satisfi ed the desire for conformity to legalism so ingrained those of the Comm onwealth and Protectorate which E ng­ in the mind of the 17th century Englishm an, Barely more land had just discarded ."• It was! therefore, of fi rst impor­ than an em pty form at the time it was mad e, the treaty of tance for Rhode b land to demonstrate her loyalty to the subjection took 0 11 real substance when it became necessary to new king. H er agent must be tactful and shrewd and be negotiate a new charter after the restoration of Ch arles II. armed with the proper creden tia ls. The treaty of submis­ T he Patent procured by Roger Williams in I64-J ! ·H had vion by the Xarragnnscrt Sachems to the king's late fat her, Parl iamentarv authcritv cnlv, since it had been granted dur­ Cha rles I, was ready at hand to pro\'e Rhode Island 's loy­ ing the En gli ~h Civil \\~ a r when Charles I was in flight from alty as well as the legality of he r claims. Lo ndon. Rhode bland, like the other Xcw England col­ A letter from Dr. J ohn Clarke in London announcing the onies, had "adhered" to Cromwell and the Protectorate, accession of Charle s II was read til the General Court sit­ hut now there was a new deal." ting at W arwick, October 18, 166 0, First of the New Eng­ No. II" i I ; ab 'lrK! in edOld;J!' "j Sf,lf t" /" lf t"I'J, C"lmt;;J/, 16i i - 1680, land colonies to take such action," the Court immediately So, ; 6 i . ordered the King to be proclaimed "tomorrow mominge at I n ing B. R i('h m .m comments Ih 31 the submi..iun ...-.as p roo...bly I nd ia n eight of the clocke.?" in o ri g in l-ut furth ered l-y G orto n. " Be IhJ.1 J.' it IIIJ.Y', t he ;l(l in the At th e same session the Court authorized a committee ~uel p TUI'eJ 10 he of cumrulling imponauc.. fo r Rhode " b n J . I n the Uta draw up a drauft of a commission" to be sent to J ohn cJ.p.. ble hJ.nJ. tlf R J.nJ J.lI Ilo lJl'n .anJ I \ h j u r I J o h n Greene il saved 10 the (' ulllmun"c J.hh~~s " " shJ.lI se.. in C h J.pte r X \ ·.- t h" rich prU\'i ncc Cla rke, Physician, appointing him vI :\ .a rr ~ g ~ t1>.: t l : ' HI",J.. I,/;JItJ , lt, .\/;J1;i111: ;J1lJ .1 /";J1ti,,g r x. Y., 1908, ou r u nJo u l>teJ ~ g..nt J.nJ ..\ t u rn c ~ ' ; 10 III hwfull intents J.nJ pur­ 2nJ I·J.), 2.H. Riehmau's thuug h t fu l ' h..J ~' H'm J im the best im er pr e­ po~c s bwlu l1~' tend ing unto the preservat ion o f ~ II J.nJ sing ulJ.f the taticn of the p..rio,1 l u .l /,. HJ . -----'- •r h< C.1••i,rI /' " i. ,/ •f .f ,,,,,i fd" II;, for\" C" ." It., <n, 1'1 If» , hrrr. tt. , ..\ nd ,~.. " T h e te ll o f rh.. tr..J \\' is t<> h.. fo u nJ in J. C. H. '/" "l/luiffJ, 16 1~·66 , II . tM , A <Iu, Ol.'l<mrn l o j Ih~ ,liffi<ul lir. I..';n~ RhnJ r 1. IJ.nd i. If> he I,,,, nd in ;-.;... It•. J n J i! print..J 'ill full in Hu " ,.JI ',I fh.. C"/,,n\' "/ Rh" J.. 11/.m J S.m",,1 G ...\ , nul"', lI i" o. ,- of fh, s,~" oj RAt. Jr I ,I~" J ( S. Y. lr ~ , ltd . d.), hr,uftr. ,-\rn ..ld. I, ~ -9.SIl, .100 C1urn<. S. Hr;!!,h, m. in .'; ~ l d ' i IIi" ••, .J [Providence , I H; 0 ' 0; ), hereafter C. at I, I J.nJ two lette rs R. I. R., H -J 6 ; Rh J, l , f~ " J . I , ·0.lUI1. "n the SUhj,'('t, "n" frum th" :' J('h em , ttl \b!>S.l('h ulClh , J.nJ J.nuthe r from •.\ nd,",•• • , .••1., 11, h., r...'d.n. " I S r" ", >T I, et ..h h.d hn-n in London I;"H J u h n \ \ ' u n cr, :'cn" u r~', tu th.
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