j CONFERENCE OF '4 CENTRAL ADVISORY BOARD OF EDUCATION ON July 6-7, 1989 New Delhi GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION M' Conference of Central Advisory Board of Education On July 6-7, 1989 New Delhi GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION D jfefpm tliim ttalTH M iaattinn A4^jiiif()Dth^am')£tiog®6tM£l£:DQriryVdil!«iuy^BBa)C{rd)5EB[l([Minni!acbfethihld((boiJUl^j5€i7-7]98®^iniK^\s\0E)liHhii I te m 1.!. C(i®fitmalad5i)K)f)flTiaaTmMifi!i»CBiStiiitf;aw232tBg!jh<liiid)n)iS6^tptt®sit»b.iiiM^519i&te 1 i TH’fcmmrai'.SeK^ s>'i^fela'ftiinm'alatou:l^ jsibatc kadai£ti‘(f<.'! ib!iiiiiM\4iTrt3!<jT;si;aJiiai;di’x;->^ < ^ : 2 Ai(Mffm'iliaflateme^apttnD»it!l'Bfaetiiiimfflmt©bftBriOTmaitiigi^(lM(d)afi^[gS!OTrab^ 3-3 3,5122 3 RB^ddwTOfcflT^iiiTispi]|eimM^!amiro£#?AiNMaciindaP!i)ikf^pK£fiaEH:ia4»'.. kkhiwdiai;ii»crfefeaorK:to. i'll I’tir-sdattadtEiymlaMMSH CuB)lra{jt)bty)diTg:a:kOMTOi®\xvreTira.Ky^^ 188 (ii}i) S6KlaRle£1^1ekmmr^^i5allu^la4a^)a^iiW«l4M^aiaslp(p^sp?f^d^^wfcttl^li^^FR'i8'^¥^^aI;l^ 199 (iii))! NhiidiBdaLIlilacifcMi^EssMttji^iad^fiappsi^ 255 (iVi>',t TaaulirteccMtttiaiiiKiuiflddiid^ 3B1 ( ) R to33naajn®iiHMkaime£CfiBBE6k«Kiriitieie£osDja^iai!U£iigi^'-iiiidieK , 399 (\(iv)i) vS SamKM^-ip^iiiBnaaC!^ . 4Q0 - -Wc*dit»i>ria§kaci»n 441 - SSicrea^cfiffidiEHlaCBQ'n - -EiiulPEaiadDfrStddBajM^ 435 457 (\(i^)i, Hlji^<]®i£&iEMaDbwitk4ii(%gasistt»tat)brof)£{aBu4dokaca3ttiiKfe»h^ autaJnnimiww ; ^ ^ ^ (MHi)i) T3<ddBiBidaEffd(E0aknwfis.Toaaarig^JHQ!EEPflap¥EteV»fcftiTeTcfi^^ ' (i(d)() ESxiaXa4is)£c£DSSS/S^SWMit«BKiti<^sJ^dxii^viam3^tf^dis3d^^ 588 I III; S.No. Item Page No. (x) Resources for Education including external funding. 64 4. Supplementary Agenda Items (i) Suplementary to Agenda item No. 3 (ii) Report of CABE Committee on element­ 65 ary Education , linkage between early child hood care and Education and Prim;iry Education. (ii) Supplementaiy to Agenda item No. 3 (vi) Report of the Adhoc Group of CABE 66 Committee on Vocationlisation of Education. (iii) Supplementary Agenda item Examination Reforms. 69 5. Andhra Pradesh General information on Education. 77 AJj^wddJtSamii Nhill Tlfi (h im inul(Hs;sw^h Itib th iii wci Irbmiyl jbhc'B la: iruu lailtad tld (bhii ^Ntdm h(bi:.si,si,Tia»i)i 'b't»c o n»fi Hncit} i ACTION TAKKN REPORT ON THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINCJ HELD ON SEPTEMBER 13-14, 1988 Agenda Item No. 2 SI. Recommendation Status position in Andhra Pradesh No (1) (2) (3) Elcmentarv and Teachcr Education 1. As Mid-day Meals have been found to inlluence Inspite of the fact that the CABE recommended that attendence and retention in Schools, special funding Special funding shouldbe provided for mid-day meal should be provided for mid-day meals including including from the World Bank Source, Govt, of from the World Bank Source. India has decided that the Education system should not be burdened with this responsibility and also lhal there is no such proposal before World Bank to assist this Project. Andhra Pradesh is one of the Stales in India where mid-day meals is served with the assistance of CABE in the five districts of Adilabad, Karimnagar, Mahabubnagar, Ni/.amabad and Visakhapatnam covering 3.61 lakhs of school going children in the age group of 6-11. The S tate Govermcnt is incurring about Rs. 65.00 lakhs every year on this sc heme. The scheme of free supply of two pairs of dresses and one set of text books to the children of green card holders studying classes I to III have been inu-oduced during 1985-86. This scheme covers 28.71 lakhs of children at an estimated cost of Rs.l,282.25 lakhs every year. The Social Welfare Department is also supplying free Text Books and Uniforms to SC/ST children. 2. Central Govt. Should provide assistance to the State The Govt, of India has rejected this recommendation Governments for improving salary scales and service in view of the report of the Chatopadhya Commission conditions of Elementary School Teachers on the particularly considering the vide disparity in the pay lines of the assistance given for University and scales of school-teachers. College Teachers. There are 98,369 teachers working in Primary schools in the State of Andhra Pradesh. The financial outlay of Education Department during 1989-90 under Plan is Rs. 9,660-00 lakhs and Rs.63,148-00 lakhs under Non-plan. Out of these allocations State Govt, is (0 (2) (3) spending Rs.6,049.54 lakhs under Plan and Rs. 333,19.00 lakhs Non-Plan on Elementary Education. 95% of allocations constitute salary component of teachers in Elementary Schools. It is high time the Central Government should take a decision to provide assistance on par with University and College Teachers, This recommendation is to be agreeable as it will introduce uniformity in the standards and scales of pay throughout the country. It will also help for development of competitive growth among the teachers. An cffcctive system of providing two icachcrs The System of providing incentives and disincentives for incentives for good performance and disincentives good or un-satisfactory performance is already in vogue for unsatisfactory performance should be in State of Andhra Pradesh while the conduct rules and implemented. C.C.A. rules are taking care of erring teachers, the following schemes have been encouraging the dedicated teachers. 1. National awards : 6 Primary, 6 Secondary Teachers arc honoured with National Awards every year by the Govt, of India. 2. State Awards : The State Government is honouring 37 Meritorious teachers upto Secondary level on the eve of Teachers' day every year each with a Medal, Shawl, Cash and a merit certificate. 3. Awards bv Teachers Welfare Fund 92 Retired and in service teachers are honoured every year under this scheme in the Slate of A.P. Financial Assistance is also granted to teachers in the case of their major ill-ness or marriages of daughters or for higher education of their children. 4. The parents committees at district level and voluntary organizations like Lions, Rotarians etc. are honour the teachers. Operation Black Board 4. The Ministry of Human Resource Development District Level Committees and State Level Committees should take up a detailed review and analysis of have been formed State Level Committees have also been the present situation and present it for information constituated for selection of books and teaching learning and appropriate decision of the CASE in its next material. meeting. ( 0 ) m m ) 55. H rfaesm m ^^ stctO'waMssisQb hgf^srootsl<pPanmg g AA3^idcitrtiiaoimgg)pF@^mmoa:(Dw®iari8^Ullaacibd*s-s shholdd cooapfisbic tltbc (i^i) fdrmatidon o5f scbtobi uncidctp||»ted-Iaaddin IhiasbtonfcfrmulaltcKiclunflldiL'r comp^d£Ss;s(iOi^ddDtiri5atidomf)t2[tdihimtTiacoa:svs, MvPD(BI^prg)gn[nm iD£Tff 6 d'ifksidTOtlrtrixihigg)f)fc(kyy (Hi)i) traiadhigg aadd roHDriBiatatidon o6f noDmatjry pf5racmndclbj9ye«p^il(asof)lNSERFrrwmiscooip|eIi£idi I. ppaaoncAjl(i^>)Maniialih4iastsacidi4io£tscsBDrofjj5vs(\(>) lJUdcfctttfc(truiaimgg)f)REmotoc(p<pC30!Osa^I^IIclvci)10hiio frfnna&ODofcl^iaggEHdcatidDCeainmia^ PRrMipfixlaiakddtsiffl^f)Tiri53aadflD61M%f^f€ad(i:a^ bbikiisfdDobkliadmgg^oijnnunhgpiDarotpfDdQD w«iir(g^®iEirtririariirig|) jxpcsoDiKCil: lUWckfc th(h c (>(i^i|lhtoPBianmg^rfDliihEBda2dddDKDfc£xzat5ryl 11 IrttMc 3flldd«®l;ithfc(rasaamc(p<pc«3ianobhiivi®'(pprgpmmci(id cbil(i(i)oaddUlinit}th(a]aiaa. tac©rggaixis(trtriaiirigginddi:'MvT€©Rlduriggh45«o(corMici fdruirgfehof)iVM >iy) ^SS^iadaBdririggW acTifstsfdhnigfeli i of)ldnod988^o»®icirig^ldlOCBtfiBtclac4rtor.s. Ntitiic(r(PRfcinrrini: IrifliirolJtirM nsv'^m akbadnj! j'asH»aiii(3n n GQDCRRNtei o 3 3 4 4 E H d n d t l 1 4 . l i 8 8t a d r n p l t i m o B n i h i i o seiitooof)K^tiHr®*BiQnmg fs^yoDXtitillitig c EH dm ladaaliCG nfim rtlacs spiptl Ihg puiithdsiri f li'nciiddmi s aoddasptpDsi-hHilicks. 66. TViicstsltxiininiri codO ^ dP0@L^HhMi (;isuiihld c Tffto (08 wb: to f) I ridiJi Jifcsi ahrbadyl ysot up [a Cfe'oim ilicke- c s^^tsnirmustb^dc^sfsbiiftfriniQs^ pioiDrKiiring^V undd:th(b‘XDiBMrrnamxfeipii)f)lMdili6r»astiBScmtary ia ' ppFgress.4owaEdriJlhfc gaali bf^iUWiv®miifcatitiniiof)l st'Udy thib-motkJbiLias of monjiloringLlhfccgoai of- Pfimary/Eldiirontary Education and ihitiinithfedKDw Universalisation of Elementary Education. Their system, emphais should shift from collcction of report is awaited. mere enrohncnt data to informatikon conccrning retention and attainment of minimum levels of learning. The new system should cover both the formal and non-formal streems. Strengthening of school complex centres and the 7-13: It was stated that the recommendations of administrative machinery at the block and district Committee set-up by the Govt, of India have been levels would be necessary for which Central Govt, included in the terms of reference for the working should consider an appropriate schemc of assistance group constituted on early childhocxl care and in the VIII Plan. Elementary Education for the VIII th Plan. It was also stated that the report of the working group is awaited. The State Govt. Therefore needs to implement and The State Govt, is initiating action in this regard to co­ co-ordinate pre-school education effectively. Also ordinate pre-school education programmes in the the early childhood component of the ICDS Primary school system. Due to this, the enrolment, programme needs to be strrengthened and retention of children can be achieved in the Primary qualitatively improved. schools. Reading and writing material and school Uniform should be supplied free of cost to all the students in the long run and atleast to those belonging to dis­ advantaged groups immediately. Other incentives like Mid-day meal, attendance scholarships etc., should be introduced.
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