A WORD lN JUS TIFICATION . t own s HE , villages , capes , coves , hills , valleys , rivers , lakes our sea and harbors of this , glorious province by the , have many strange and beautiful names . Many of them were m na ed by the original Indian tribes ; others , by the brave Spanish , French , Norse and English adventurers of the early times ; and still r others by the Scotch , I ish and English emigrants who at a later date luckily made this province their adopted home . Often have we heard the stranger within our gates exclaim : ” “ " “ What an odd "or pretty"name " What does it mean And "" why was it so named k f x This little boo is intended to urnish , to a limited e tent , the answers to these questions . The material has been gleaned from many sources ; it would obviously have added considerably to the work to have credited the many authorities from which the information has been so ruth P lessly plundered . The Author ( ) will , however , frankly admit that so far as he is concerned , there is very little of the contents o riginal matter . The manuscript has been placed in the hands of the printer o i m with the full knowledge f t s i perfections , but with the hope that it may some day be of assistance to a more competent crafts man . ff of As a Peace O ering , it is dedicated to the memory Nova ’ Scotia s past and present historians . Rock Eyrie , . S . S . North Sydney , N , THO J BROWN D 2 2 1 . ecember , 9 N m o i T d a es of places form an i mport ant part of ur h story . hey stan as memori als of m n a n e ents n the a t The throw li ht on the scenes a n d e d v i p s . y g movements of former a es a n d therefore cannot be ne lected i n our stud of the g , g y o P la ce- N a mes b "I n la t e n e tra t from an n b she MS . n A x c u pu li d , y r i . a t t e s n of P tou N . R ev. D . P r o , c , S AME OF CAN AD TH E I N D IAN N S A . of The memory the Red Man , ca n How it pass away, While their names of music linger On each mount and stream and bay ; ' ’ While Musquodoboi t s waters Roll sparkling to the main ; While falls the laughing sunbeam ’ On Chegoggi n s fields of grain ; ’ While floats our country s banner ' ’ Chebuct o s O er glorious wave , And frowning cliff s of S ca t ari e The trampling surges brave ; While breezy Aspot oga n Lifts high its summit blue , And sparkles on its winding way The gentle S i ssi bou ; ’ While Eska son i s fountains Pour down their crystal tide ; ’ While I n gon i sh s mountains Lift high their forms of pride ; ’ Or while on Ma bou s river The boatman plies his oar , Or the billows burst in thunder ’ On Chi ckaben s rock- girt shore of The memory the Red Man , It lingers like a spell m- l On many a stor swept head and , On many a leafy dell ; ’ Where Tusket s thousand islets Like emeralds stud the deep ; Blomi don Where , a sentry grim , His endless watch doth keep . ’ Ca t a lon e s It dwells round blue lake , Mid leafy forests hid , Round fair Descouse and the rushing tides Of the turbid P i si qui d ; a And it lends , Chebogue , a touching gr ce To r thy softly flowing iver , As we sadly think of the gentle race That has passed away forever . Written by Mr . Richard Huntington , Y 1 armouth , 8 8 3 . AMERICA . m 1499 The na e first appears in , and is called after Amerigo . Vespucci , an Italian Astronomer and Explorer The name as applied t o the New World had its origin in Germany . m t o Am so Columbia , the na e sometimes applied erica , is called who i 1492 . from Columbus , d scovered America in CAN ADA . 1 540 m The name first appears in , and is derived fro the Indian ” “ ” Ka n n at a or Ka n n a t ha word which means a settlement , or o of ca bi n s. be c llection , It is said to of Iroquois Indian derivation , and was supposed t o have been applied to the Indian encampment at Montreal , but was unwittingly applied by Cartier to the whole country . MARI TIME P RO N VI CES . The Maritime Provinces were known by the Indians as Mega " . of m . or age i e home the Micmacs , the true man . — N ate. 1 . The names in this book are in alphabetical or di ction mm ar . edi at el y order I y after the name appears the initial letter . or of letters the County in which the place is located . N — ote 2 . S o far as t o this date the - P la ce N a mes of N ova S cotia . A P — so ABERCROMBIE ( . ) This place was likely named after G General James Abercrombie , a British eneral , who was connected with the 42 n d or the first battalion of Royal Highlanders . H e ‘ wa s made several campaigns in Canada , and killed at Bunker Hill in 1 775 . - ABERDEEN , C . B . See New Aberdeen . — ABUP TI C BO D VE Y. HAR R AN RI R ( ) See Argyle River , — C I . or Ka dd A AD A Acadia , sometimes Cadie y , is the Micmac of or Indian equivalent region , field , ground , land place , the place of ; and when joined to an adjective , it denotes that the place referred to is the appropriate or special place of the object expressed - by the noun or noun adjective . In the Micmac Indian language “ ” “ adjectives of this kind are formed by sufli xi n g a or wa to t he noun . As an example : S egubbun is the Micmac Indian f or ground bbu a o r . S e u n f o S e ubbun nut g , relating to ground nuts g a Ka dd or of . y , is the place region ground nuts This gives us the “ Dla ce name of Shubenacadie . The Ma li ci t e Indians used the word quoddy f or Ka ddy “ as it occurs in the place name Passamaquoddy . of Acadia included the greater part Maine , Nova Scotia and “ Du ’ ” New Brunswick , and was known as the ke s territory and later “ ’ ” “ as the King s territory , it was also sometimes called the provi nce ” of S a ga da hock . C — A ADIA COLLEGE See Wolfville . — ACADI AVI LLE R . m ( ) For erly Little Arichat , changed by of o Act Parliament t its present name in 1 8 6 6 . ADDINGTON FORKS (An t - Likely so named in honor of the Addington who was the British Prime Minister in the years ' of w -i - f o that Edward , the Duke Kent , as Commander n Chie f Nova - 1 1 . Scotia , 796 8 00 I — AINS LIE ( . ) The Township of Ainslie on e of the four sub of - of divisions the north western part Cape Breton Island , was formed in the year 1 8 28 and was named after Lake Ain slie which O 8 PLACE - NAMES OF NOVA S C TIA - in turn had been named after Lt . Governor Ainslie , who was the - 1 8 1 6 1 8 2 0. - Governor of Cape Breton Island Lt . (See Lake Ainslie) . AL A I —This place formerly kno n as Boom was given . B ( ) w . its present name by Act of Parliament m 1 8 93 . It is the Latin name for white ” and the name is applicable owing to the large quantities of white plaster rocks to be found in the neighborhood . D — B . ALBERT BRI GE (G. ) The Bridge and place was no n m doubt named in honor of the Prince Co sort , who arried Queen Victoria in 18 40. D — A AL ERNEY (R . ) place on Isle Madame , named after the i s n Channel Island Alderney , which name a corruption of the Fre ch “ r Auri gn y . A number of Alderney fishe men frequented this port of Cape Breton . ‘ — n ow i ven ALLEN RIVER OR CREEK (A. ) This is the name g “ ’ L E s ui lla the smaller Annapolis River , once known as q from the “ ” “ ” ui lle fish ; German Eq , meaning a sea needle or little French “ “ ’ L E ui lle a n meaning splinter . This name q is now given to Di ervi lle 1 708 D other river in this county . Called by in , u Moulin “ . River , the French for Mill River P —S o e ALMA ( . ) named in commemoration of the place wher a great victory was won by the Allies over the Russians in the Crimean War in the year 1 8 54 . - i s AMAGUADUS POND (C . B This place said to be named “ ” from a Micmac Indi an word meaning plenty . It was first settled by Europeans in the year 1 8 05 . At the request of the inhabitants 1 the name was changed to Castle Bay (see) in the year 8 96 . — o AMETHYS T COVE (K. ) S named owing to then umber of fh n et h st .
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