Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC May 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984 5-7-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, May 07, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_May1984 Volume 69, Issue 152 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, May 07, 1984." (May 1984). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Daily 1igyptian Monday, May i, 1984, Vol. 69, No 152 Southern Illinois University Committee Council may seek refuses new ruling on bond issue election By Bruct' Kirkham Makanda, has said that he will Starr Writer assist the city in obtaining a By John Siewart Staff Writer quick ruling from the IRS. The Carbondale City Council A memo ~o the council from will decide on Monday whether Donald Monty, director of The UndeTRraduate Student to request a ruling by the In· community development, said Organization election com­ ternal Revenue Service on the that authOl'ization to seek the miesion has failed to find cause legality of a proposed $14 IRS ruling does not mean that to hold new student elections, million bond issue for con· the city is reacting favorably to and Trojan Party presidential struction of a downtown hotei Hoye's offer. candidate Lamont Brantley and conference center said he won't appe~l the ruling, Carbondale developer Stan Brantiey's:;omplaint, filed re~\:,e ~:: ~::t ~~~r!!nftt: Hoye proposed the bond issue bond issuance would be lengthy April 19, demandf!d a new last week as a means of and costly, the city should wait election due to &lIeged im- financing cOIll'truction of the for the Ifur decision before trouble-plagued downtown pursuing the matter, Monty's rr/:r:;:~e:i~t::: ,~~~O~i~S%~ conference center and parking mell.!) states. His 13-point prf)test "had some garage. Hoye lias proposed building a substance, ' but not enough to Federal regulations limit the warrant a new election, ac­ 24(}.room hotel with a l,5O(}.seat amount of ind~~';al revenue conference center with cording to Franco Latena, USO b;mds that can be issued cn a election commissioner. procel'ds fmm the bonds Hove single project for OJ single has asked Uw City to guarantee "Election commi:;glOn developer to $10 million, ac· !kcisions Wf're not prejudlcial cording to information provided See COUNCIL, Pag/! 3 to either party, and the Trojan's to the council. complaints .'lnd allegations The city currently has a bond were unfounded and made only issue outstanding for downtown after initial vote counts in­ redevelopment which will be (jus dicated Brantley WRS losing," automatically recalled in ,·itt l.aterza said Wednesday. December. Howf>ver, if the Brantley said Sunday that he second bonds are issued, the was not appealing his COill­ staff Photo by Stephen Kennedy feder.J1 Hmit would be exceeded plaints to !he Campus Judlcial until the Cirst bonds are ::~~- Board for Governance because The reel thing recalled. that would serve only to "drag Charles CampbeU, aDWant direetor of computing a ffa In, Ho)e has requestel that the Gus says the City Council may the proce:,;s out over the sum­ examines tapes stored at the computer center is the Wham city seek a ruling by the IRS on learn tbat in dealing with the mer, ,. He said tha~ although his Building. stU-C'. computer problems are is Focus, Page 5. the legality of the bond issu,~. IRS, it's best to .peak only when complaints were valid, he WI!.'1 U.S. Rep. Paul Simon. D· spoken to. giving up hill protest "for the gooil of the organizsUon." "I don't agree ·.. i.h the decision of the election com· Large turnout for EI Salvador elections mission on the complaintll," Brantley said, but added that it SAN SALVADOJ\ lAP) - negotiations wi th the leftist On hoard.vith Pickering were 1 a.m. Monday. would be logistically impossible Despite scattered fightlr.!g guerrillas batUing the govern· Sen. Pete Wilson, R-CaliC .. Rep. Guerrilla snipers in San to have .. judicial board hearing around the country, large ment. D'AubuissOIl, 40. vows to G.Y.Montgomery, D-Miss., and Miguel op.ened fire at dawn and another USO election by the numbers of Salvadorans turned defeat them on the battlefield if other observers. from the cathedral and end of the sl~mester. out Sunday for the presidential he is elected to the five-year At least six bombs e:!ploded National Ttleater on the lJ'lain runoff election, which appeared term. in San Salvador, and rebel plaza, whel"! the city's voting The t'lectiun of Action Party largely free (>f the chaos Near the city of San Miguel, sabotage briefly blacke:.l out materials were stored. candldl te! Andy Leighton and marring tile first round of shots were iired at two half the country, includlr'3 the Jack Cl'anley as USO president voting. heJicopter3 carrying U.S. capital. An army patrol ~cattered the and v;ce president and 36 RunnJng for election were the Ambas~ador Thomas R But ~! voting appeared to be rebels, killing six and capturing senatON, was confirmed by the bp vote-getters in the March Pickering, two congressmen, free of I.he bungling that kept two, during an hour-long battJe, Stooent Senate on Wednesday, balloting: Former President other U.S. el~tion observers about ~l)O,OOO of 1.8 million Ll. Col. Domingo Monterrosa, alter :I walkout of 10 Trojan Jose Napoleon Duarte, a cen­ and reporters, accol ding to U.S. eligible voters from casting the militarY commander for 8Enators failed to deny the trist Chrisban Democrat, and officials who asked not to be ballots in the first round on eastern El Salvador, told The senatp. of a quorum. The Roberto d'Aubuisson, a former identified. The aircraft March 25. Associated Press. Ht: said the resolution to approve ;he army major accused of links to carrying reportel"S was hi! and Council officials said they do voting materials were retrieved election passed 11 to 1 with one rightist death squads. slightly damaged, but :'.{) one not expect to have any abstet1Uon. Duarte, 58, has vowed to seek was hurt, tIlf'y said. sigmficant results hefore See ELECTIONS, Page Z Panel to consider financial aid changes 8y Pbil.ilp FiorIni Grant financil" assistance, occt,pation-related work ex­ (It four, fer the different aid report seven months ago, Stair Wrlt.'!r "with a higher ceiling reflecting perience with a stuQent's progr!!"llS. suggested that 10,000 the several rising college curriculum. Re.searcil facilities and scholarships - 23 in each A cOllgre3sioraal panel is costs," said Marcia Wice, a She Mid, however, that it was Iib."aries would be enhanced by congressional district - be expected to act on a flew five­ Simon press aide. J.~sible ttle plan could still be the bill, which would also foster made avail:lble to the top 5 year blueprint for U.S. higher Pell Grant eligibility would redrafted during thi!! week's endowment·buildl:lg to improve percent cf high school ~ducation policy that would also be extended to & ruth year sessions, which were originally quallt" she said. gradu.ates, regardless of re!ltr\'lcture federal sturlel!t aid for studerlts pursui~ advanced Scheduled for last week. It would also encourage finanCial need. ano college development studies, ahe said Fnday. faculty study and teaching Simon is pushing for an en­ To "repay" the scholarships. pr~ams to boost access and The 350-page bill would titlement aid plan under which abroad, and outreach through a she said, students would be qual~ty, eliminate the 5 percent loan all students would be eligible new Urban Grant University required to teach two years for The House Subcommittee on )rigina~ion fee, which was for aid, "like Social Security," Prograr•• , help ailing (!OlIeges each year of scholarship aid. Postsecondary Educa~oc has established by the Reagan she said. through a new Black College The bill would also initiate a schedu!ed three sessions t:arly administration unoer the "Simon ;vants that," she said, and University Act; and national program of university­ this week io consider L~ Higher Guaranteed Student Loan "but it may oot be in the new provide the first direct aid to run summer institutes and Education Act Arnendment~ of Program. bill." Hispanic schools, Wice said. workshops, offering training to 1984, HR 5240, written by U.s. It would als .. eliminate the For colleges and universities, Elementary and secondary 200,000 school teachers each Rep. Pa.d Simon, 0 Maka.,da, "delays and yea'rly fluctuations the bill would simplify the school classrooms wo\J:J a1su be ye3r in &dvanced subjects, c.'lairman of panel. The plIL'I that have plagued publication of stude-nt aid delivery aystelIl "by affected by the bill, she said, by tJ-.c emerging t~hnologies and is to raY/rite the Hi~htr the FaDiII;r .Contribution allowing campuses to put implementing recom­ teaching ~kilJs, she bdid. Education Act - the cha.·rer of ScheduJe an other eligibility together the package so mendations from the U.S, Merit all federnl higher education standards" for federal aid, she students would only deal with. Pay Task !o'oree, which is made It would al~o ere'ate policy - \vhicfi expires at the said, one source," said V'Ice. up of educators, parents, ad­ "Talented Tea('ber end of 1985 Wice said mOre emphasis That package deal, she said, ministrators and lawmakers.
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