Readers are encouraged to forward items which have thus far escaped listing to: Christine Worobec Distinguished Research Professor Emerita Department of History Northern Illinois University [email protected] Please note that this issue has a separate category for the "Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Periods." It follows the heading "General." All categories listed by Country or Region include items from the modern and contemporary periods (from approximately 1700 to the present). GENERAL Aivazova, Svetlana Grigor'evna. "Transformatsiia gendernogo poriadka v stranakh SNG: institutsional'nye factory i effekty massovoi politiki." In: Zhenshchina v rossiiskom obshchestve 4 (73) (2014): 11-23. Aref'eva, Natal'ia Georgievna. "Svatovstvo v slavianskoi frazeologii." In: Mova 22 (2014): 139-44. [Comparisons of Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian] Artwińska, Anna, and Agnieszka Mrozik. Gender, Generations, and Communism in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond. London: Routledge, 2020. 352p. Baar, Huub van, and Angéla Kóczé, eds. The Roma and Their Struggle for Identity in Contemporary Europe. New York: Berghahn, 2020. 346p. [Includes: Kóczé, Angéla. "Gendered and Racialized Social Insecurity of Roma in East Central Europe;" Schultz, Debra L. "Intersectional Intricacies: Romani Women's Activists at the Crossroads of Race and Gender;" Zentai, Violetta. "Can the Tables Be Turned with 1 a New Strategic Alliance? The Struggles of the Romani Women's Movement in Central and Eastern Europe;" Magazzini, Tina. "Identity as a Weapon of the Weak? Understanding the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture: An Interview with Tímea Junghaus and Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka."] Balázs, Eszter and Clara Royer, eds. "Le Culte des héros." Special issue of Etudes & Travaux d'Eur'ORBEM (December 2019). [Eszter Balács and Clara Royer. "Préface," 5-22; Baric, Daniel. "Les uscoques, héros au grand coeur ou antihéros cardiophages? De héros collectif à Zora La Rousse," 23-52; Pabijanek, Katarzyna. "The Making of a Hero: The Problematic Heroism of Emilia Plater and Berek Joselewicz," 53-72; Galmiche, Xavier. "Homohéroïsme/homoérotisme: Contexte centre-européen et cas tchèque (années 1880-1930)," 73-90; Masłowski, Michel. "Józef Piłsudski, héros de la Pologne," 91-116; Sipos, Balázs. "Representation of Heroines of the Great War and of the Post-War Period in Hungary," 117-36; Zaagsma, Gerben. "Tracing the 'Jewish Freedom Fighter': The Legacy of Naftali Botwin and the Construction of a Transnational Cult of Jewish Heroes," 137-64; Pető, Andrea. "Les héroïnes improbables de l'extrême-droite: Genre et mouvements politiques dans la Hongrie de l'entre-deux-guerres," 165-80; Hüchtker, Dietlind. "Heroes, Heroines, Sacrifices and Victims: Political Strategies in the Writings of Rosa Pomeranz, Natalja Kobryns'ka and Maria Wysłouchowa," 181-98; Chmurski, Mateusz. "Becoming an (Anti)Hero: From Diaristic Pact to Self-Heroicization in the Works of Karol Irzykowski, Ladislav Klíma and Géza Csáth," 199-28; Eszter Balázs, "Entre débat et combat: Pratiques et représentations du duel chez les écrivains de la revue moderniste Nyugat au début du XXe siècle," 229-70.] Bucur, Maria. "Women and State Socialism: Failed Promises and Radical Changes Revisited." In: Nationalities Papers 44, 5 (2016): 847-55. [Review essay] Bühler-Dietrich, Annette, ed. Feminist Circulations between East and West/ Feministische Zirkulation zwischen Ost und West. Berlin: Frank and Timme, 2019. 403p. [Bühler-Dietrich, Annette. "Introduction," 11-24; Ousmanova, Almira. "In a Position of a Participant Observer: Gender, Knowledge and Power in P.S. Academia," 25-46; Mayerchyk, M., and O. Plakhotnik, "Between Time of Nation and Feminist Time: Genealogies of Feminist Protest in Ukraine," 47-70; Solovey, Vanya Mark. "Feminism in a Subaltern Empire: Russian Colonialism and Universal Sisterhood," 71-90; Černohorská, Vanda Maufras. "Who's Afraid of the Istanbul Convention? Resisting 'Gender Ideology' Narratives in the Age of Digital Feminism," 91-108; Lórand, Zsófia. "Sisterhood and Second Wave Feminist Stakes in Women's Art and Women's Literature in Yugoslavia in the 1970s and 1980s," 109-28; Ross, Johanna. "The East, the West, and the Feminist Bildungsroman: A Soviet Estonian Novel Half Remembered, Half Forgotten," 129-50; 2 Schahadat, Schamma. "Nomadic Writers: Authors from (East) Central Europe on the Road," 151-64; Rösch, Heidi. "Gender-Migration in Die juristiche Unschärfe einer Ehe von Olga Gijasnowa aus intersektionaler, diversitätsbewusster Perspektive," 165-86; Jeleč, Marijana. "Geschlect und Gewalt in heterogenitätsorientierten Literaturunternicht: Überlegungen zu Léda Forgós Roman Der Körper meines Bruders," 187-206; Gušić, Lee Teodora. "Liebe in lieblosen Zeiten ist ein ampatiertes Gefühl: Zu Ökonomie, Emotionen und der Ökonomie der Emotionen im Liebesroman von Ivana Sajko," 207-22; Willms, Weertje. "Genderaspekte in Julya Rabinowichs Jugenbuch Dazwischen: Ich (2016): 223- 38; Zimmermann, Yvonne. "'Woher kommst Du?': Antwortversuche in Saša Stanišićs Roman Herkunft (2019)," 239-58; Saks, Triinu. "Es gab keinen Abschied: Eine Figurenkette der Diktatur in Herta Müllers Herztier," 259-76; Bühler-Dietrich, Annette. "Die Banalität des Alltags in den Romanen von Anna Galkina," 277-96; Hog, Olga. "Exklusion erzählen: Fremdheit und Identitäten in Sasha Marianna Salzmanns Auser Sich," 297-326; Krenz- Dewe, Linda. "Widerspenstige (Erinnerungs-)Körper in Sasha Marianna Salzmanns Auser Sich: Zum zusammenhang von Körper, Gedächtnis und Erzählung," 327-56; Pasewalck, Silke. "Die virliehene Stimm: Ein Frauenleben im Sozialismus am Beispiel von Noémi Kiss' Roman Dürre Engel," 357-76; Pailer, Gaby. "Engel – Mägde – Bienen: Autofiktion, Staatssatire und Katastrophendiskurs in Romanen von Noémi Kiss, Margaret Atwood und Maja Lunde," 377-96.] Buyantueva, Radzhana, and Maryna Shevtsova, eds. LGBTQ+ Activism in Central and Eastern Europe: Resistance, Representation and Identity. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 403p. [Buyantueva, Radzhana, and Maryna Shevtsova. "Introduction: LGBTQ+Activism and the Power of Locals," 1-24; Leksikov, Roman, and Dafna Rachok. "Beyond Western Theories: On the Use and Abuse of 'Homonationalism' in Eastern Europe," 25-50; Neufeld, Masha, and Katharina Wiedlack. "Visibility, Violence, and Vulnerability: Lesbians Stuck Between the Post-Soviet Closet and the Western Media Space," 51-76; Glenn, Clinton. "Мы не ошибка (We Are Not an Error): Documentary Film and LGBT Activism Against the Russian Anti-'Gay Propaganda' Campaign," 77-100; Weaver, Cai. "'I'm Gay, but I'm Not Like Those Perverts': Perceptions of Self, the LGBT Community, and LGBT Activists Among Gay and Bisexual Russian Men," 101-25; Aavik, Kadri. "Negotiating Uncertainty: Sexual Citizenship and State Recognition of Same-Sex Partners in Estonia," 127-52; Bonacker, Thorsten, and Kerstin Zimmer. "The Localization of Sexual Rights in Ukraine," 153-84; Dima, Romona. "Trends of Homophobic Activism in Romania, or 'How to Turn Religious Convictions into a Referendum and Still Fail,'" 185-208; Baker, James E., Kelly A. Clancy, and Benjamin Clancy. "Putin as Gay Icon? Memes as a Tactic in Russia LGBT+Activism," 209-37; Vērdiņš, Kārlis, and Jānis Ozoliņš. "The Latvian LGBT Movement and Narratives of Normalization," 239-64; Struzik, Justyna. "Framing Queer Activism in Poland: From Liberal Values to Solidarity," 265-88; Kurowicka, Anna, and Ela Przybylo. "Polish Asexualities: Catholic Relgiosity and Asexual Online Activisms in Poland," 289-312; Béres-Deák, Rita. "Activism for Rainbow Families in Hungary: Discourses and Omissions," 313-40; Turai, Ráhel Katalin. "Gender and Class Tensions in Hungarian LGBTQ Activism: The Case of 3 Ambiguous Bisexual Representation," 341-68; Buyantueva, Radzhana, and Maryna Shevtsova. "Conclusion," 369-78.] Channell-Justice, Emily. "Gender, Feminism, and Nation: Contributions of the Socialist and Post-Socialist Worlds." In: Feminist Anthropology 1, 1 (2020): 24-37 https://doi.org/10.1002/fea2.12001 [mainly Russia and Ukraine] Cukrowska-Torzewska, Ewa and Magda Iga. "The Gender Wage Gap in the Workplace: Does the Age of the Firm Matter?" In: European Journal of Industrial Relations 26, 2 (2020): 123-37. [Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia] Cvajner, Martina. Soviet Signoras: Personal and Collective Transformations in Eastern European Migration. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019. 272p. Dean, Laura A. Diffusing Human Trafficking Policy in Eurasia: Beyond the Natasha. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, an imprint of Bristol University Press, 286p. Edgar, Adrienne, and Benjamin Frommer, eds. Intermarriage from Central Europe to Central Asia: Mixed Families in the Age of Extremes. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2020. 372p. ["Boundary Crossings and the Evolution of German Identity: Protestant-Catholic and Jewish-Non-Jewish Intermarriage, 1875-1935" / Eric Garcia McKinley (23-46) – "Privileged Victims: Intermarriage between Jews, Czechs, and Germans in the Nazi Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia" / Benjamin Frommer (47-82) – "Sporadically Mixed: Lowering Socialist Expectations and Politicizing Mixed Marriage in 1960s Yugoslavia" / Fedja Buri_ (83-110) – "Being Mixed and Showing It: Ethical Dilemmas of Self-Presentation in Bosnia" / Keziah Conrad (111-36) – "Memory and Asymmetry in Russian-Estonian Intermarriages in Estonia during Late Socialism" / Uku Lember (137-62) –"Maintaining, Dissolving, and Remaking Group Boundaries through Marriage: The Case of Khujand in the Ferghana Valley" / Sophie Roche (163-200)
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