October 17, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6597 its existence. Northampton also offers and resounding testament to the idea est calling to provide for the common many degree programs specifically de- that women’s rights are important, defense, as the preamble of our Con- signed to meet the needs of industries that it is smart policy to promote gen- stitution makes clear. I am awed by in the region. In 2012 it is estimated to der equality, and that societies are bet- their sacrifice. create 541 new jobs, $15.9 million in new ter off when all of their members— Today, I am honored to congratulate economic revenue activity, and $2.8 women included—can safely exercise Jay T. Lane for earning the Silver million in tax revenue. their fundamental rights and become Star. It is well deserved.∑ Northampton continues to lead the drivers of economic security and polit- f pack in higher education and has prov- ical opportunity. en to be a model for community col- Let’s take this moment to remember REMEMBERING MAYOR JERRY leges across the country. The faculty, another Nobel Peace Prize winner, Dr. WASHBURN staff, and administration, under the Wangari Maathai, who passed away ∑ Mr. LEE. Mr. President, the city of leadership of President Art Scott, put just days before this year’s announce- Orem recently lost a great leader and students first. This new campus is evi- ment. Dr. Maathai led the Green Belt public servant—Mayor Jerry C. dence of this institution’s steadfast Movement with tenacity and vision, Washburn. commitment to preparing students for transforming Kenya’s landscape and Mayor Washburn called Orem his the 21st century economy. I could not women’s lives. She and the women who home for over 50 years and acted as the be more pleased and honored to recog- are honored this year leave an indelible longest-serving mayor in the city’s his- nize such an exceptional educational mark on our social consciousness. I tory. He was known as a natural leader accomplishment and ask that you want to congratulate President John- who took the time to listen to all opin- would join me today in celebrating son Sirleaf, Ms. Gbowee, and Ms. ions, and created an environment that along with Northampton Community Karman on their selection and to encouraged an open exchange of ideas. College.∑ thank them for their service to their As mayor he focused on enriching the f communities and commitment to up- quality of life in Orem, and dedicated hold global standards of human TRIBUTE TO NOBEL PEACE PRIZE his time to projects that will benefit rights.∑ WINNERS generations to come. Citywide f ∑ streetlights, the swimming pools at Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, on Fri- SCERA Park, Lakeside Sports Park, day, October 7, the Nobel Peace Prize TRIBUTE TO WARRANT OFFICER JAY T. LANE and Nielsen’s Grove Park are just a few for 2011 was awarded to three distin- that residents today and in the future ∑ guished women for their courageous ef- Mr. LEE. Mr. President. today we will enjoy. forts to promote peace and democracy. honor WO Jay T. Lane as a hero for an Mayor Washburn also served as President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Li- act of incredible bravery and courage. chairman of the Utah County Trans- beria, her compatriot and peace activ- He has earned the Silver Star and I am portation Planning Organization, ist Leymah Gbowee, and prodemocracy humbled and honored to submit these chairman of the Utah County Board of campaigner Tawakkol Karman of words of deep gratitude and apprecia- Health, and was a founding board mem- Yemen join the ranks of the chosen few tion. ber of the Utah Lake Commission. His whose dedication to peace is acknowl- In 1971, Jay was the pilot of a lift hel- life was truly devoted to serving his edged by the international community. icopter that was struck by two rocket- community, his church, and his family. President Johnson Sirleaf, Africa’s propelled grenades, the incredibly He will be greatly missed by all who first democratically elected female deadly weapon of choice for our en- knew him.∑ head of state, has helped Liberia re- emies in Vietnam. It is a miracle that cover from 14 brutal years of civil war. wasn’t the end of Jay right then and f Taking office in 2006 after a lengthy there. TRIBUTE TO NICHOLAS CORVINO exile, she led her nation to greater Known as an extraordinarily skillful ∑ peace and security, while transforming and talented pilot by his peers, Jay Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I Liberia in the eyes of the world. somehow safely landed what was left of recognize Nicholas Corvino, a summer Ms. Gbowee, a founding member of the helicopter. Relatively speaking, intern in my Washington, DC office for the Women in Peacebuilding Network, Jay was OK, but one of the infantry- all of the hard work he has done for mobilized over 3,000 Muslim and Chris- men on the vehicle was badly wounded. me, my staff, and the people of the tian women to hold nonviolent protests After removing his fellow soldier State of Florida. that helped bring an end to Liberia’s from the wreckage, Jay then went back Nicholas is a rising senior pursuing a civil war. Her efforts demonstrate that into a burning helicopter under intense major in political science and a minor the desire for peace and the power to fire from the enemy to retrieve the in history at the University of Central effect change transcend ethnic, reli- first aid kit and began to care for his Florida. He is a dedicated and diligent gious, and gender divides. wounded friend. worker who has been devoted to get- Ms. Karman has for years been a Knowing he needed to get to a safer ting the most out of his internship ex- vocal champion of human rights in area, Jay carried the wounded soldier perience. Yemen. In 2005, she founded a group on his back through the jungle and I would like to extend my sincere called Women Journalists Without waited until help arrived. thanks and appreciation to Nicholas Chains. Since then, she has braved After the episode, Jay’s superior offi- for all the fine work he has done and physical threats and harassment to ad- cer wrote, ‘‘His gallant actions and de- wish him continued success in the vance the cause of freedom in her coun- votion to duty were in keeping with years to come.∑ try. And this year, she has emerged as the highest traditions of the military f one of the leaders of Yemen’s non- service and reflect great credit upon violent democratic uprising. As the himself, his unit, and the United States TRIBUTE TO TIMOTHY COSTA first Arab woman to receive a Nobel Military.’’ ∑ Mr. RUBIO. Mr. President, today I prize, her selection honors all of the I couldn’t agree more. Jay’s bravery recognize Timothy Costa, a summer in- mothers, daughters, and sisters across stands as a fine example of the char- tern in my Washington, DC office for the Middle East who have been stand- acter of our men and women who have all of the hard work he has done for ing for their rights alongside their fa- fought for and defended this country. me, my staff, and the people of the thers, sons and brothers. Those who wear the uniform today still State of Florida. In the history of the Nobel Peace display that same courage in far away Timothy is a rising senior pursuing a Prize, very few women have received places, just as Jay did that day in Viet- major in philosophy and a minor in po- this high honor. The choice of the se- nam. litical science at Temple University. lection committee this year is more Without their sense of duty to our He is a dedicated and diligent worker than a recognition of the strength and country, we would not enjoy the free- who has been devoted to getting the courage of these women; it is a clear doms we have today. It is of the high- most out of his internship experience. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:03 Oct 18, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17OC6.022 S17OCPT1 PWALKER on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SENATE.
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