This is part three of the book Medical, Social & Political Aspects of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Crisis: A Bibliography, compiled by Donald W. McLeod and Alan V. Miller (Toronto: Canadian Gay Archives, 1985). The other parts of the book can be found at the University of Toronto Library’s T-Space repository: http://hdl.handle.net/1807/4396 MEDICAL, SOCIAL & POLITICAL AsPECTS of the ACOOIRED IMMONE DEfiCIENCY SYNDROME (AIDS) CRISIS: ABIBIIOBRAPHY Compiled by Donald WMcleod and Alan V. Miller Canadian Gay Archives Publication Number 10 LeBlanc, Denis. The Red Cross and AIDS.~.Qi. Ottawa Info 10(5): 4, June 1984. Le Du, Bernard. La fete contre la mort <Gay Men's Heal th Crisis benefit. circus, New York>. Gai Pied Hebda 70: 12-13, May 21-27, 1983. Le Du, Bernard. SIDA: rafle a Haiti. Gai Pied Hebdo 83: 12-13, Sept.ember 3-9, 1983. Lee, Harvey. No change seen at blood cent.er. ~ Paper 5(5): ?, May 1983. Lega 1 group fights discrimina tion against. peop 1 e with AI D S <six 1 esbian and gay pub 1 ic interest 1 aw groups and 1. ega 1 defense funds>. Our Paper, Your Paper 2(17): 2, August. 31, 1983. Leigh, Ian R. Disgust. with Ch. 7 <letter reo t.elevision coverage of candlelight march>. !2.1!Y Area Report.er 13(20): 9, May 19, 1983. Lejeune, Claude. Le cancer gay. Samourai International 3: 6, Janu ary 1983. Lejeune, C laude. A qui profite le SID A <article by the president of 1 'Association des Medecins Gais (AMG), Paris>? Gai Pied Hebdo 77: 16-17, Ju 1 y 9-15, 198 3• Leonard, B. Medical discipline <information reo AIDS>. Gay Male S/M Act.ivist.s News 1(4): 6, April 1983. Lesbian and Gay Associated Engineers and Scientists. Bas ton Chapter. To t.re editor <letter reo Chapter response t.o Nature, April 28, 1983, "No need for panic about AIDS">. Boston: LGAES, 1983. Ip. Lesbian/gay physicians host. real t.h fair <Bay Area Physicians for Human Right.s>. ~ Area Reporter 13(16): 12, April 21, 1983. Let's go to the circus <G ay Men's Hea 1 t.h Crisis>! ~ Ma le S/M Activists News 1(3): 2, January 1983. A letter from your Gay Men's Heal th Crisis <advert.isement space donated by B1 ueboy>. B1 ueboy 76: 74, February 1983. Levent.hal, Stan,. James Alan Fraser, tenor with Chorus <New York Cit.y Gay Men's Chorus tenor dies of AIDS-related illness>. New York Nat.ive 79: 8, December 19, 1983-January 1,1984. Leventhal, Stan. Klaus Nomi dies. New York Native 71: 13,56, August. 29-September 11, 1983. Levent.hal, St.an. Klaus Nomi dies of AIDS. GLC yoice 4(21): 8, September 6, 1983. Levent.hal, St.an; Person, Glenn; Umans, Richard; Borgman, Charles. 205 Rf3Tlembering Fred Cantaloupe. New Yori< Native 87: 15,46, April 9-22, 1984. Levet., Georges. Ouf! Merci poppers••• <AIDS and poppers>. Gai Pied Hebdo 72: 16, June 1983. Lewis, Bill. AIDS Committ.ee formed in Toronto <AIDS Committ.ee of Toront.o>. Action! !l Publication.Qf. t.t-e Right..l2. Privacy Committee 3(3): 8, 1983. Libertarian Bergland hits gay bat~ouse closures <David Bergland>. ~ Area Reporter 14(15): 2, April 12, 1984. Liephart., Jeff. Can psycho-incubation of AID S virus be reversed? ~ Area Reporter 13(39): 14-15,17, September 29,1983. Lifestyle changes may be resulting in AIDS slowdown. Mont.rose Voice 142: 1, July 15, 1983. Linebarger, Char 1 ie. AI D S con ference at UC Medical Cen ter; experts concentrat.e on st.opping sex. ~ Area Reporter 14(19): 2,10, May 10, 1984. Linebarger, Charlie. The AID S Fund: survivor and st.ill a pioneer. ~ Area Reporter 14 (18): 10, May 3, 1984. Link between hormone, AIDS <t.hymosin alpha-I>. Empty Closet 137: 1 3, April 1 98 3. Lipner, Jay C. Preparing for the worst; lega 1 aspects of AID S. New York Native 88: 17,19, April 23-May 6,1984. Living in the AID Sera: t.wo workshops for gay men <Berkeley Holistic Healt.h Center>. ~ Area Report.er 13(34): 19, August. 25, 1983. Lobbying alert issued on stat.e funding for AIDS. New York Native 84: 9-10, February 27-March 11, 1984. Local AIDS benefit money missing <$1000 raised by Monte's, bar in St.. Louis>. ~ News-Telegrar;tl 2(10): 3, July 1983. Local AI DS group meets <Minnesot.a AID S Project>. [qua 1 Time 32: 8, June 29, 1983. Loca 1 AI DS/K S founda tion forms two support groups <S acramento AID S/K S Foundation>. Sacrament.o Star 2(3): 1, June 29, 1983. Local AIDS/K S foundat.ion releases $$$ report <San Francisco>. Sentinel 10(25): 2, December 8, 1983. Loca 1 AID S vigil draws 70 + t.o FE D. News..Qf the Columbus ~ and Lesbian Community 6(10): 405, November 1983. Local AIDS Vigil set 5:00 pm, October 8 Coffman Union Great Hall. 206 GLC Voice 4(23): 1, October 3, 1983. Local AIDS vigil will include issue of the list <list of names of Seattle AIDS patients>. Lights With Current 12: 3, September 30­ Octa ber 13, 19 8 3 • Loca 1 group Forms AID S educationa 1 committees <Committee For Pub lic Heal th Awareness, Houston>. Montrose y'-oice 151: 10, September 16, 1983. Local group to raise Funds For blood-Filtering device <AIDS Medical Fund>. Egual Time 29: 9, May 18,1983. Local KS/AIDS Foundation publi~s annual report. M,ontrose Voice 142: 1,5, July 15, 1983. Local man discusses AIDS <Garland Tillery on WVEC-TV's "Morning Magazine ll >. Our Own Community Press 7(11): 5, September 1983. Loca 1 manuFacturer claims poppers &: AID S are unrelated <Great Lal<Es Products>. Tre Works 2(8): 15, May 1983. Local Red Cross screens For AIDS. Our Own Community ~ 7(7): 1,14, May 1983. Locke, John. An open letter to the gay community on AIDS <reo joint eFFort. to Fight AIDS>. ~ News(Philadelphia) 7(23): 13, April 15­ 21, 1983. Londoners victims of OxFord AIDS smear. Capital~, June 17, 1983, p.7. Long, Larry. Pride on closure <letter reo Pride Foundation support For batttlouse closure>. ~ Area Reporter 14(15): 6, April 12, 1984. Lorch, Pau 1. AID S Funding- no games p lease <responsibilities For projects, et.c>. ~ Area Reporter 13(19): 6-7, May 12,1983. Lorch, Paul. AIDS reaches the term paper stage <popularization of AIDS topic>. ~ Area Report.er 13(41): 6, Oct.ober 13,1983. Lorch, Paul. Tre ascorbate doctor <Dr. Robert. Cat.hcart and vitamin C>. ~ Area Report.er 14(10): 6, March 8, 1984. Lorch, Pau 1. Tre ba tttlouses and zea 1 otry. ~ Area Report.er 13 (28): 6-7, July 14, 1983. Lorch, Paul. Brit.t paves way For stopping sex; bathhouse ll surveil 1 ance and II no sex enForcement authority created For Hea 1 t.h Department inspectors. ~ Area Report.er 14(20): 1,10, May 17, 1984. Lorch, Paul. Cancer virus lat.est. AIDS suspect; word expect.ed on link between 1 eukemia virus and AI DS < H T L V-3 >. ~ Area Reporter 207 14(16): 1,11, April 19, 1984. Lorch, Paul. Continuing coverage <edit-orial reo fear of contact>. ill. Area Reporter 13 (1): 6,14, August. 4, 1983. Lorch, Paul. Cures for t.he asking, cures for the buying <alternative AIDS t.herapies>. ~ Area Report.er 14(4): 6-7, January 26, 1984. Lorch, Pau 1. '83, a hard year t.o fat.hom <AI D Sand San Francisco>. ~ Area Reporter 13(52): 8,11, December 29, 1983. Lorch, Pau 1. F act finders c lear AI D S/K S fundraiser: call charges baseless and sensational <National AIDS Foundation investigators and Da vies Hall Debbie Reynol ds event.>. ~ Area Reporter 13 (50): 5, December 15, 1983. Lorch, Pau 1. Gay men dying: shifting gears- part. III: wo 1 ves and Easter lambs <editorial>. ~ Area Report.er 13(12): 6 , March 31, 1983. Lorch, Pau 1. How does it go with AI D S: part 1. ill. Area Reporter 13(20): 6, May 19, 1983. Lorch, Paul. How does it go with AIDS: part II- life with AIDS. ~ Area Reporter 13(21): 6, May 26, 1983. Lorch, Paul. KS t.akes Paul Dague: former DC <Operation Concern> director loses two-year battle. ill. Area Reporter 14(4): 1,10, January 26, 1984. Lorch, Paul. Naming t.he diseases: part I: on t.he way to no man's 1 and. ~ Area Reporter 13(42): 6, October 20, 1983. Lorch, Paul. Naming the diseases: part II: defanging the portrait. <AIDS terminology>. ~ Area Reporter 13(43): 6, October 27, 1983. Lorch, Paul. Tre price of bad news <"t.he AIDS dilemma is fert.ile ground for our greatest. vice. Homosexism: a fear and loathing of our own kind ...">. ~ Area Report.er 13(27): 6, July 7,1983. Lorch, Paul. Runner dies at AIDS race: Golden Gate event marred by collapse. Ba_y Area Reporter 13(29): 1, July 21,1983. Lorch, Pau 1. Scientists compete for AI DS honors: taking credit for breakt.hrough (with reservations) causes transat.lantic tensions <HTLV-3 vs. LAV>. ~ Area Report.er 14(18): 1,5, May 3, 1984. Lorch, Paul. Tre Sea Captain Motel and questions <reo accommodation for AID S patient.s>. ~ Area Reporter 14(13): 6,8, March 29, 1984. Lorch, Paul. Sex practices re-open AID S war.
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