tally. MMIUT thnmk riUv. B*MB4 CUM FMUSI RED BANK, N. J.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1962 VOL. 85, NO. 72 •t lUd >uk US** AMttlaul HUUBM Ottttm. 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Schirra's Capsule Soars Into, Orbit Experts Tell Planners: Reports All Systems Outlaw Septic Tanks, Invite ApartmentsWorking In Green' tate taxes, while the apartment tlon estimate that Monmouth SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS >- As to a preference, economy 95 school-age children, while SO CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Astronaut Walter M. Schirra attained suc- An; end to septic tanks and a wise, of apartments to single- apartments account tor seven. families will yield a net profit County, with a 300 per cent popu- •tart on railroad modernization single family homes, Mr. Sterner On school costs, he said, the 95 of about $5,600. lation increase, to a total of 1,- cessful orbit today and his tiny spacecraft started whirling on the first of six drew prime attention last night said • recent survey showed that children will reflect a $20,000 a Mr. Sterner pointed to last 185.600 in 1985, will be New Jer- cheduled circuits of the globe. at the Ninth Annual Monmouth 50 homes produce an average of year deficit, below local real es- month's Regional Pl»n Associa- sey's most populous county. County Planning Board Confer- He said the report emphasizes With a mighty roar from its engines, an Atlas rocket blazed skyward from ence at the Spring lake Golf and the need for proper planning a Cape Canaveral at 8:16 a.m. (EDT) to boost Schirra on the way to the most ambi- Country Club. ' all levels In the county. tious man-in-space shot yet attempted by the .United States. More than 200 members of mu- Against this background of Talks on Glue Sniffing growth, Mr. Shaw, assistant di- As the 39-year-old Navy commander soared upward on the powerful force nicipal planning boards and governing bodies. Joined the din- rector of the Environmental of the big rocket, he re- ner session addressed by Robert Health Division, said henceforth septic tanks should be outlawed. ported by radio that all S. Shaw, of the state Department Danger Set In Schools systems in the capsule were of Health, and Herbert A. Toom He called them public health ai, Jr., director of railroad trans- nuisances.,too often responsible "in the green." portation in the state Highway MIDDLETOWN — In an eff< rt for infectious hepatitis, polio, and He said fuel and oxygen Department. to impress upon township yoiih other contagious diseases. the dangers of sniffing glue supply and electrical power While the two guest speakers (See PLANNERS. Page 3) the police authorities will condi ct focused on action needed for the were excellent a series of lectures tomorr w future, E. Donald Sterner, chair- in the school system. Five minutes after liftoff man of the county board, re- , .,,.„_ The lectures, to be given to Wall Mother the Project Mercury control ported on the county's two new- called students In grades 7 through 12 est industrial projects and called center on the Cape re- cone in the wake of the tragic for close study of the values of ported to newsmen that Schirra's death Monday night of a U-yeir Of 3 Suffers apartment house construction. "Sigma 7" spacecrafp t had set- old East Keansburg boy. The On new Industry, Mr. Sterner youth had been sniffing glue In Fatal Burns tled into the intended orbital said the Bell Telephone Com' a wooded area at the foot, of path more than 100 miles above WALL TOWNSHIP - A 38-year pany Laboratories and the Lily- Whitest. the earth. Tulip Company paper cup manu- old mother of three teenage Immediately after Insertion in- facturing plant, both in Holmdel Dr. Julius A. Toren, countv daughters was burned to death physclan, ruled yesterday that to orbit, Schirra used his fly-by- Township, will produce abfout yesterday in her home On Wool' wire controls—a combination of 4 000 new fobs. This is the first the boy Robert Jamieson, MM ley Rd. when, police reported, Palmer Ave., died of suffocation automatic and manual—to spin year, he said, new jobs have out- her cigarette apparently set his capsule 180 degrees on its numbered new homes. His body was found about 10 couch afire. p.m. with a plastic bag over hi* yaw axis so that he was riding Mrs. Clara A. Woolley, who upright and backward through head. The bag contained tra *s died before help reached her, was of dried model airplane cement space. Belmar Man discovered in a ball of fire by He reported his craft was "fly- Dr. Toren estimated that the her husband, Albert, and « town- boy died about 6 p.m. The toy Ing beautifully." ship policeman who responded to At the same time, he made his KilledinWall was last seen alive at 4:30 pm fire alarm sounded by neigh by a friend. The friend tcld first blood pressure reading, us- bors. ing a special cuff attached to his police that he and the victim had Mr. Woolley, a township road Auto Crash been in the woods sniffing gl ie arm. department employee, and the The rocket performed with the WALL TOWNSHIP — The re- Search Party couple's daughters, Bette, 18, tired head of an Irvington food The body was found by i vi same precision that other Atlases Patricia, 15, and Bonnie, 13, ha< did earlier this year in propelling market was fatally Injured yes- companions and the victim* had breakfast with their wifi SCHIRRA CLIMBS IN—Astronaut Walter Schirra climbs terday in a two-car collision at father who had been searching astronauts John H, Glenn Jr. and and mother less than an houi into his Mercury capiule atop its Atlas booster at Caps Malcolm Scott Carpenter on three Rt. 38 and New Bedford Rd. for him after he failed to come before she died. home for supper. orbit journeys. Albert Szlaga, 76. of 332 19ft Police said Mrs. Woolley ha< Canaveral. Beneath his chin is small packet containing At a press conference yesier- The silver-skinned projectile Ave., Belmar, w pronounced suffered-from a back ailment for Hos- day Capt. Raymond T. Walling, a life vest,, Line connected to the helmet is attached to shoved Schirra's Sigma 7 through dead on arrival at Fitkln Hos- many years and probably was juvenile officer, outlined toners communications lints within the capsule. Schirra was a "keyhole in the sky" at the pital, Neptane, after the crash. resting on the couch when the men the effects of glue sniffing proper speed and angle. If it had His wife Rose, was treated tor fire broke out, launched on a »!x-orblt flight around the earth at 8:16 He said the usual practice » missed this spot 100 miles high shock and wa» released.. The father had left -for wori for a person to cover his "nose GRIM $Cim>4Rr#^i<lnw «w*^«et Wfirk (See SCHIRRA, Page 2) Mr. Silaga was driving east and me girls for the Wall Town and mouth with the plastic bag on the state, kighs&PW. >«» •%* cally ancUn vain trying fo raviy* ,^11+ J«ml«s*n, 13, shifts Regional High School so that the full effect of the was strack on the driver** «We of 600 Palmer Av«., East Keanstufg, Monday night after Flames spurting from the living glue fumes can be felt by a car Mining out d New room attracted neighborhood a He noted that the Jamltson hii body was diiebvered in a wooded araa. Th« boy Bedford Rd., a stop street, driven tention and soon brought M Mutual Association-Committee youth apparently had gone a by James Zalma*. tt, ol 104 St. wa* found with' a plastic bag over hit head. The bag Woolley, Patrolman William Mad- step forther and placed the bag CJalfXvfc, Spring lake, poUce contained tracljs of dried airplane glue. A companion den, and, later,- fire companies about his head like a baseball •said . • ... told polie* that Be end the Jemiejon youth had bean to the scene. > . shed Township Patrolman Robert catcher's mask. Capt; Walling said the fumes sniffing gluaMfnday. Authorities said the boy died of Dr. Harry L. Harwood, assist- SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP - Reilly said Mr. Zalmos, a retired ant Monmouth County physician, Both, he said, have indicated The mutual is expected to be cause a person to go uncon- t meeting between represent a businessman from Perth Amboy, suffocation. ••, ascribed the death, to the burnt. a willingness to attend, Mr. primarily Interested in the effect (See GLUE. Page 3) tlveg of the Alfred Vail Mutual Padula prefers to meet after reported he had stopped «t the Patrolman Madden suffered of the urban renewal project upon feasibility approval of the plan atop street and had started up smoke inhalation and had to be Association and the Township taxes. It represents the town- has been received from the again. No traffic law violation relieved from duty later In thi Committee will be held within ship's sola taxpayer. Also to be Federal Housing Authority. charges were made pending fur- day. the next three weeks to discuss discussed is the problem of ther investigation, the policeman Schoo^ Besides her Immediate family. slble effects of the forthconr Mayor Annoyed sewerage, •aid. Mrs. Woolley Is survived by a sis- urban renewal of Crawford A second letter requesting the An original plan for redevelop- The Szlagas lived with their ter, Mrs. Dorothy Fickert of Jer- St. upon the mutual. meeting had ' Mr; Menzzopane ment of the former Army bar- ton, Casimir Szlaga, who now In Russian fo Teacher'sQuery sey City.
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