AUTUMN AVAILABILITY 2014 Late summer and early Autumn are the traditional time to plant up any new beds or fill existing gaps before the weather turns cooler. Make sure to use a loamy soil in troughs or containers (John Innes No. 1 or 2 (2 parts) mixed with horticultural grit (1 part) and avoid multi-purpose compost. Our nursery & alpine garden are situated at over 900ft. in the Yorkshire Pennines, with lovely views across the moors. The nursery is open in the autumn by prior appointment (call 01422 845348 or email). All plants listed below are currently available by mail order. We are one of very few alpine nurseries where all plants for sale are propagated and grown on the nursery and are fully hardy. Species of which we hold very small stocks are not listed, so please ask if you have any special requests. A warm welcome and friendly service awaits! Please note: we can only take payment by CASH or CHEQUE at the nursery, no cards sorry. PLANTS Further details and plant photographs are available on our website. All plants are totally hardy, unless stated. AGM denotes Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit. {P} denotes poisonous if eaten: {SI} denotes possible skin irritant NEW for 2014 New plants for Autumn 2014 are marked below on the list as (^). Six new Plant Collections to make ordering easy – listed at the end of this A-Z. Our new book ‘Alpines – An Essential Guide’ (£19.95) which will be on sale at the nursery and our plant events, or by post. ^Abies balsamea ‘Hudsonia’ Good for raised bed/rock garden, 50cm tall in 10 years. Easy, hardy, likes some sun. 4.00 Achillea umbellata Much cut grey lvs, tight mat. Umbels of white flwrs, su 12cm tall. Sun and good drainage. 3.00 Aetheonema ‘Warley Rose’ AGM Small shrublet, tiny narrow leaves, heads of pink flowers summer. 6” tall x 10”. 3.00 Allium farreri Umbels of starry plum-purple flowers in summer, 6” tall. V easy, rock garden, some sun best. 3.00 Allium flavum Many-flowered umbel of yellow flowers in summer. Long flowering. Hardy and easy. Sun. 3.00 Androsace mathildae Cushion 4-6cm across, studded with white flwrs in sp. Likes crevice/v well drained spot. 3.00 Anemone nemorosa x lipsiense Pale lemon yellow flowers in spring, 4” tall, creeping habit, light shade best. 4.00 Anemone nemorosa ‘Blue Beauty’ Large pale blueish flowers in spring, 5” tall, creeping, light shade. 4.00 Antennaria dioica ‘Minima’ Attractive prostrate evergreen foliage, pink flowers in summer. Trough. 3.00 Antennaria dioica rosea AGM Evergreen creeper, grey lvs, fluffy pink flowers 4” spring. V tough. 3.00 1 Anthyllis montana rubra AGM Pink ‘pea’ flowers late sp-su, hardy, easy in well drained soil & sun.10cm x 30cm. 3.00 ^Anthyllis vulneraria Pink form Good pink flowers in summer, any decent soil with sun. 10cm x 30cm. 4.00 Aquilegia saximontana A dwarf species up to 12cm. Sky-blue and cream flowers. Easy in good gritty soil. 3.00 ^Arenaria montana Low hummock, masses of good white flowers. Good for walls, raised beds etc. Easy, hardy. 3.00 Arisaema candidissimum AGM White striped pink spathe, summer. Good soil, light shade. {P,SI} Flowering size. 9.00 Arisaema consanguineum Chocolate and white striped spathe. Very easy & hardy. {P, SI} 6.00 Armeria juniperifolia AGM A miniature sea thrift, sunny well drained site, good for a trough. 3.00 Armeria juniperifolia ‘Alba’ White from of the above. 3.00 ^Aruncus aethusifolius Astilbe-like sprays of creamy flowers, su, followed by good autumn colour. Sun/part shade. 4.00 Aster alpinus Large yellow centred purple flwrs su. Easy,well drained soil, some sun. 10cm x 20cm. 3.00 Aster coloradoensis Tidy mat of greyish lvs, nice pink daisies all summer. 2” x 6”. Nice for trough. 4.00 Aster ericoides v prostrata Clusters of tiny white flowers in late Autumn, well drained soil, sunny spot. 1 litre pot. 5.00 Aster himalaicus Tight mat of crisp evergreen leaves, 4” stems of soft blue daisies, summer. 4.00 Aubrieta ‘Elsa Lancaster’ Stiff, crinkly leaves, non-trailing habit. Unlike ‘normal’ Aubrieta. 3.00 Aubrieta gracilis Masses of purply-blue flwrs all sp and into su. Good for walls, hanging over edge of beds etc. 3.00 ^Aubrieta ‘Swan Red’ Splendid red flowers, sunny well drained spot. Good for walls etc. 3.00 ^Azorella trifurcata Slow mound forming, spiky evegreen leaves, clusters of green-yellow flwrs su. V hardy 3.00 Calceolaria falklandica/biflora Dark evergreen mat, 4” wiry stems bear yellow ‘pouch’ flowers in sp/su. Shade. 3.00 Campanula arvatica Tiny toothed leaves <1cm. Flowers upturned purple stars. Good for container/crevice etc. 4.00 Campanula beibersteiniana Non invasive. Gritty soil, container/crevice. Star shaped purple flwrs early su.6x12cm. 3.00 ^Campanula bellidifolia Compact non-spreading. Pretty blue flwrs in su. Sunny, well drained. Crevice/trough. 3.00 Campanula betulaefolia AGM Wiry stems bear pendant creamy-white flowers, summer. Non creeping. 3.00 Campanula carpatica v. turbinata Neat mat of foliage 4”, large good blue flowers, su. Sunny spot best. 4.00 ^Campanula ‘Dicksons Gold’ Lovely golden-yellow foliage, blue star-shaped flowers in su. Sun/part shade. 3.00 Campanula garganica ‘W.H.Payne’ Neat form, white eye, dark blue flowers sp-au. Well drained/ sun. 4.00 Campanula pulla Pendant shining purple thimbles in summer. Very popular and easy. 3". Sun/part shade. 3.00 Campanula pulla alba Slowly creeping, abundant creamy-white bells, summer. 10cm x 30cm. Sun or light shade. 3.00 ^Cardamine glanduligera Pretty lilac-pink flowers in spring. For rock garden of border edge. Easy & hardy. 4.00 Celmisia bellidioides Small glossy green leaved creeper, white daisies summer. Acid soil. 2” tall. Some sun best. 4.00 ^Celmisia gracilenta Bronzy-green lvs, white daisies. 4" tall. Cool conditions. Good for container, raised bed etc. 4.00 ^Celmisia ramulosa v tuberculata Easy, neat, branched, small silver leaved. Small white daisy flwrs in summer. 4.00 Centaurium scilloides Pink starry flowers on 2” stems, very pretty. Late spring-autumn. Trough, crevice. 3.00 Corydalis ‘Kingfisher’ Blue flowers from April-Dec. Nice foliage, 8” x 12” spread. Sun/light shade. Very nice! 5.00 *Cotoneaster microphyllus cochleatus Splendid evergreen shrublet. Prostrate creeping. V hardy. 3.00 Crepis incana AGM Masses of double pink dandelions in su. 9". Very tough. Very showy & hardy. 4.00 Cyclamen cilicium Silver mottling, pale pink-purple flwrs aut. Well drained shelter in cold areas/alpine house 4.00 Cyclamen purpurascens ex Lake Garda form Well drained light shade. Flowers fragrant bright pink late su-au. 5.00 The following Delosperma are striking plants with their gaudy flowers and fleshy leaves, they are extremely cold hardy - surviving minus 18c at the nursery in 2011. They do not tolerate excess wet well so are best grown in very gritty soil with little food, or grow in containers and keep under cover in winter. Full sun best. Delosperma ashtonii Alpine ‘mesembryanthemum’, large stemless pink flowers all summer. Stunning! 3.00 D. ?alpina coll. Sani Pass 3x10cm, lvs mahogany-red/green. Flwrs small gleaming white, su. Trough/crevice etc. 3.00 Delosperma basuticum Compact, fleshy mats, large yellow, cream centred flowers in summer. Trough/crevice. 3.00 D. ‘Beaufort West’ Tiny variety, dense mat, small nice pink flowers all summer. Trough/crevice. 4.00 Delosperma ‘Graff Reinet’ Very compact variety forming a dense dome 8” x 8”. White flowers. Trough/crevice. 3.00 2 Delosperma jonesii Possibly not a Delosperma! Tight mat of pointed leaves, clear yellow flowers all summer. 3.00 Delosperma lavisiae Smallish brilliant pink flowers, summer. 6cm x 15cm spread, twiggy habit. 3.00 Delosperma spalmanthoides? Large pale pink flwrs su. Sunny. Give overhead protection from prolonged rain. 4.00 Dianthus alpinus Dense evergreen mound, lge stemless red-pink flowers. Sunny, well drained site. 3.00 Dianthus deltoides V easy, semi-trailing, brilliant pink flowers 15cm stems. Walls, crevices, paving. 3.00 Dianthus microlepis Very compact fine-leaved species with stemless pink flowers. Good drainage and sun. 3.50 Dianthus neglectus Cushion 4cm x 12cm, short stems of single pink flwrs su. Not for limey soil. Sunny spot best. 3.00 Dianthus scardicus Compact mat 3x15cm. Clear soft pink flowers on short stems summer. Sunny position best. 3.00 Dianthus ‘Slack’s Cerise’ Silver-grey foliage and good pink flowers with a wonderful scent! 3.00 Dianthus subacaulis hybrids Tight mat, 3x12cm, greyish blue-green lvs, single pink flwrs, summer. Gritty soil, sun. 3.00 Dierama igneum Dwarf ‘Angels’ fishing rod’, 30 to 45cm. Well drained soil & sun. 4.00 ^Dierama ?pauciflorum Pretty pinkish-purple flowers, su, 20cm tall, sun, well drained, trough/rock garden. 4.00 Draba polytricha Dense cushion 4cmx8cm, wooly rosettes, neat umbels yellow flowers spring. Alpine house best. 3.00 Draba rigida v. imbricata Slow growing cushion with bright yellow flowers in spring, good for container. 3.00 Edraianthus dalmaticus Grassy lvs.10 x 6cm tall. Clusters of purple flowers in su. Rock garden/container etc. 4.00 Edraianthus ? pumilio x dinaricus Violet flowers, summer, compact spiny cushion. 2x10cm. Trough, crevice. 3.50 Erigeron karvinskianus AGM ‘Mexican daisy’. Seeds into cracks. Pink-white flowers summer. 4.00 Erinus alpinus AGM Bright purple-red flowers on 3" spikes, spring-summer, easy with some sun, walls, paving. 3.00 Erinus alpinus alba White form of fairy foxglove. Grows pretty much anywhere, but v.good in walls and paving. 3.00 ^Erinus alpinus Pink form ‘Fairy foxglove’ pretty pink flowers, well drained sun/part shade.
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