League Fights To Save Sharecropper's Life '•EDITION CENT* fSlMPY VOL. 3 — No. 30 — EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1941 N.A.A.C.P. LEADS FIGHT ON MECHANICS ART Workers' Defense League Appeals In The News On Tuskegee's Big '5' James Ruby, (white) 27, of 710 Local Organization I n Strong Protest Diamond-avenue, entered a plea Waller Case To Va. Supreme Court of guilty to a reckless driving charge growing out of a fatal ac­ NEW YORK, (Special To Evans­ raising, hurriedly and through cident Jan. 14 that claimed the Of Policy Of Local School Board |i ville Argus). great sacrifice, the money needed life of Martin Lyles. Deputy Pro­ for the original papers, the criti­ secutor Newman said there was Closest cooperation of the Na­ cal time is still ahead, for much not sufficient evidence for a charge tional Association for the Ad­ more money is needed in connec­ of reckless homicide. Judge Rice In Refusing Entry To Colored " vancement of Colored People and tion with the appeals to the Vir­ suspended a 180 day sentence on The • Industrial and Education the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car contents of the letter further Dendy, vice-president; Miss Al­ ginia Supreme Court of Appeals Newman's recommendation and Committee of the local branch of Porters with tiie Workers De­ pointed out that there were many louise Jaxon, secretary; Allen W. and later to the United States Su­ revoked Ruby's license for six the National Association for the fense League has been marking men and women of this city, eag­ Jenkins, assistant secretary, and preme Court. It is for this reason months. The accident occured at Advancement of Colored People the tour of Mrs. Annie Waller, er to matriculate in the schools the Rev. L. S. Smith treasurer. In­ that this aged, toilworn woman Heidelbach and Richardt avenues has sent a "strong" letter of pro­ mother of the Virginia condemn­ so as to prepare themselves for stallation of the new officers will and her younger companion are when Ruby collided with a WPA test to the Evansville Board of ed Virginia sharecropper, and skilled jobs which are being be held at the regular monthly making a tour that means so much truck enroute to a project, and Education and Ralph Irons, Su­ Pauli Murray, special field repre­ made possible by the issuing of meeting in February. The pro­ hardship and sacrifice for them. overturned it, causing fatal in­ perintendent of Evansville Public sentative of the Workers Defense defense order contracts to various gram committee reported that a In Chicago Mrs. Waller made juries to Martin Lyles, R.R. 6, W Schools, protesting the policy of League. Mrs. Waller and Miss factories by the U. S. Govern­ huge mass meeting will be held her simple and heartfelt appeal, PA worker. the Public Schools system which Murray have been addressing ment. in March at which time Mrs. buttressed by Miss Murray's talk permits only students of the Cau­ meetings in Washington, Phila­ % )): $ # Grace; Wilson Evans, noted edu­ casian race to attend the new TRAFFIC LIGHT delphia, Twin Cities, Chicago and emphasizing the broader implica­ cator and influential political Mechanic Arts School. This fact COMMITTEE REPORTS Detroit to arouse interest and ob­ tions of the case, before the Met­ GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH leader, will be one of the princi­ was brought out in the regular The Traffic Light Committee, tain financial support for the cam­ ropolitan Community Church Theodore Hafner, Pastor. pal speakers. W. Chester Hibbitt, meeting of the organization at composed of Dr. A. H. Wilson, paign the League has been con­ morning service, the Ebenezer managing editor of the Indianapo­ the Community Association last Dr. E. M. Baylor, Robert Anglin ducting to get a new trial for 23- Baptist Church evening service, Sunday School and Bible Class, lis Recorder and fluent orator, Sunday in a report made by that and J. W. Holder, reported on the year old Odell Waller, for whom informal luncheons and meetings 9:15 a. m.; Sunday morning com­ has been contacted and is expect­ with NAACP and WDL people, a munion service: Preparatory ser­ committee. results gained from submitting a ed to appear on the same pro­ it has already obtained a three petition for traffic lights at the months' stay of execution. dinner with liberals and trade vice, 10:15 a. m.; regular service, The committee, composed of T. gram. unionists, the Cosmopolitan Club 10:30 a, m.; sermon topic: The B. Neely, Marion 'Ben' Nail, Rev. intersections of Morton and Lin­ coln avenues and Governor street ORGANIZATION LAUDED Originally scheduled to die in annual dance, and a meeting of Unpayable Debt. I. C. Smith, Rev. L. S. Smith, Robert Anglin and J. W. Holder, and Lincoln avenue. The Board Zan Johnson, prominent politi­ the electric chair Dec. 27, the Local 239, United Retail and Sunday evening service, 7:P0 p. Wholesale Employes Association. recently, was refused a conference of Public Works, through Adolph cal, social and educational leader young sharecropper is-B*w in the B^f%ermon topic: "JSineveh Re­ Brizius, announced that the or­ Cooperating, in addition to NAA With W. A. Pease, principal of the of St. Louis, Mo., gave a short Prison Death House at Richmond, pents. der for the two traffic lights has CP officials and Henry Ross, the sehool, but he did agree to see talk, lauding the progress made Virginia. Governor James H. been placed in the hands of the league's Midwest Secretary, were one of the members at a time. by the local branch as well as the Price granted the reprieve upon The Church Council of Grape authorities at the Southern In­ a presentment by the Workers De­ Francis Heisler, legal advisor to Lutheran Church meets Monday (An account of the proceedings National organization. He seem­ was given in an article in the diana Gas and Electric Company ed well pleased at the progres­ fense League through its Rich­ the Midwest Section of the WDL; evening, Feb, 3, at 7;30 p. m, The and in all probability, the lights mond attorney, Thomas H. Stone, and Ina White, chairman, and adult class meets Tuesday evenr Argus, January 17 issue.) sive and militant spirit as exem­ will soon be installed. plified by the body and predicted who has since been joined by John Howard L'Hommedieu, secretary, ing at 7:30. Choir rehearsal will Mr. Anglin made the report at ANNUAL ELECTION HELD results in the fight to gain ad­ F. Finerty, famous corporation of the Chicago league chapter. be on Wednesday evening at 6 p, the meeting and stated that the m At the meeting, Robert Anglin mittance to the new Mechanic attorney and member of the Lea­ Abraham Plotkin, of the Chicago m. was re-elected president. The new Arts School. A large crowd was International Ladies Garment Boy Scouts, Wednesday even= gue's national executive board, Lincoln Dean of Boys officers chosen were Dr W. F. present and cheered the speaker. who will argue the constitutional Workers Union, was also of as- ing at 6 p. m.; Sunday School aspects of the case on appeal. istance in obtaining hearings be­ Teachers' meeting, Thursday at Elected Head of Though an initial victory was fore labor union locals. 7:30 p. m.; Instruction class meets Tubercular Ass'n won in getting the stay and in In The Twin Cities, meetings Saturday at 10 a. m. Jeremiah Spottsville, dean of REPORT NEGRO INSURANCE boys, treasurer and advisor to the senior class, of Lincoln high COMPANIES HAD GOOD YEAR Charges FBI Has Refused to were held with students and school last week was elected pres­ fatuity members of the Univer­ ident of the Colored Auxiliary of Carolina Mutual has loaned more sity of Minneapolis, the Saturday the Vanderburgh County Tuber­ CONCERNS ARE WELL Probe Georgia Peonage Cases Lunch Club, and an open meeting money to Negroes on their secur­ culosis association, succeeding T. ENTRENCHED, ities than has any other single in connection with the NAACP in CHICAGO, (ANP).—Stirred by wave on a dead man's head. I B. Neely who served three^years. private agency or corporate in­ me Mayors Reception Room in SPAULDING SAYS failure of Federal Bureau of In­ myself, would hesitate to be­ Under the presidency of Mr. stitution in America—an amount City Hall, Minneapolis, with Char­ GEORGE CULVER, one of the best athletes ever produc­ vestigation agents to press char­ lieve them were they not told by Neely, the organization has grown DURHAM, N. C, (ANP).—Fol­ upwards of $15,000,000 during the ges of peonage in Oglethorpe different persons who knew not les Washington, secretary of the ed in this section of the country, is how hitting the hard­ into o»e of quite a helpful nature lowing an established custom, past twenty-five years. $181,093 county, Georgia, despite evidence that thV same evidence was be­ local Urban League, as chairman. wood as a member of the Tuskegee, (Ala,) Institute basket­ and the election of Mr. Spottsville and in keeping with the bylaws was paid living policyholders in against Landowners, Attorney ing given gimultaneQiu§ly by oth­ Of great assistance were Sam is looked upon by all concerned, ball team. A freshman at the Alabama institution, Culver of the institution, the policyhold­ matured endowments paid by William Henry Huff, chief coun­ er witnesses to and other persons Reefl, president of toe §t. Paul as a wise move, because ef his ers of North Carolina Mutual North Carolina Mutual to its pol­ sel for the Abolish Peonage com­ in a different room, and .had I chapter ot the NAACP, and Don­ made the varsity team his first year.
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