Da Archive Annex of new links (^^) July 6th 2017 New links will be placed here for a while before adding them to Da Archive. PLEASE BUY A COPY OF THE BOOKS THAT YOU USE. If you can't understand why you should support your game, go work at Burger King for 2 weeks for no pay and you might get a clue. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sorry for the incomplete links This way seems to be a good idea, what with all the matrixbots and cyber crotchspiders out there. ss, @SS or $$ is Send Spaace, m3g@ is Megaa, <d0t> is a period or dot as in dot com, etc. There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one. Anon Has Pointed Out That A Few Sites Used Have Unwanted Clutter That Can Be Annoying. “Be warned the site it's on is rife with malware traps. When you figure it out make sure the file you're saving is a .PDF and not the same thing with .EXE stuck on the end. The second one is a million bad programs that eat your compooter like I eat Cheetos.” I found this list of rpgs, that probably means everyone has known about it for ages. It stopped in 2007. http://www.darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ This one started in 2008 http://www.thefreerpgblog.com/ Special thanks to Mageguru, Decoderfriend, Here!, Agent13, TheWiz!, Dio, The Warden, Fat Charley, Blink_Dog, helpful, and the entire Anon Brigade. You make this happen and you are Awesome. --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- A Hard To Find Game www an onfi les cc/file/3afdbf1484a673a0e5a0c9a2e32c0d3b files dot c4tb0x dot moe /1d6m5k.zip TheWiz! Presents The Freebie Collection! 600+ Open Source, Copyright Free RPG PDFs M3G4<dot>EnZed /#F!Nq5mVJqR!6WdkQ9T9awc07Uu8oaUzHg Mageguru's Astoundingly Beautiful and Complete Troves $nip<dot>li /TSRTrov /WOTCTrove /PFTrove /HomebrewDesign The Numenera stuff (Numenera - Exploring Numenera Strand; Numenera - The Bridges We Burn; Numenera - Ninth World Bestiary 2) s3ndsp4c3 /filegroup/U%2FAvimeFbK5PQ4GK%2FL0wiSTgwIePwn4x Fire on the Velvet Horizon - Optimized to just under 72MB W/ Cover $nip<dot>li /376502 ? s3ndsp @ce /file/xlmd1s Masks of Nyarlathotep Companion PDF (draft) https://www.sendspace.com/file/a6gzkx http://www.mediafire.com/file/52en2v00hbigat9/Do_Not_Let_Us_Die_In_The_Dark_Night_Of_This_Cold_ Winter.pdf More for the Kid-friendly trove - Shadows, Buggin, Bean, Wildlings, Dungeonteller, 2 spanish kids rpgs (pequeno detectives, Magissa), Dungeon Romp, Dndish, How to Train your dragon, Mini dungeon adventures $end$p@c3<d0t>c0m /filegroup/69Rzr251GRu5ZuJHN7FvROvvmzED%2BL0TOk2bhLMNzYbxlf %2FY6GKV1KqUSAqXkD93oFXjaBQ%2F40IURfARdI5wOb2PdYfk9eeW2A4rm%2BKbnVtRjtvbHtjeYw Zweihander www14.zippyshare. com /v/fp7HeByR /file.html Top Secret AC5 the space to send /file/gjlzbx TS4 102.zippyshare.com /v/JeUmT2yZ /file.html Maybe more for kids trove PDQ system, Truth & Justice, Swashbuckler of 7 skies, Dragon, Land of Og, Faraway Land quick, bestiary, & adventure, Everything is dolphins, Mouse Tails, Dungeon Escape & Abstract Dungeon S3nd the $p@ce /filegroup/qm41%2FS01N6JhXJSLPodp2tHWAAupRHaEb0e2q %2FhUrHZWM753UVW3m2eTAjvN0SBEJrotyOLiC1nfYc2fkt8KPBZ3E2DyDZJ2WLEjcGlzf8w faith and coin rogue trader sendspace /file/ek8uk7 https :/ /ww w.sendspace . com/file/di8xlu 5e Version... FGG - Bard's Gate (5e) $nip<dot>li /1558800 Bard's Gate (PFRPG) $nip<dot>li /009148 ~ Dare the Stars ~ Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells ~ Cursed Empires (Crimson Empire) 2nd ed. ~ Witch Hunter: The Invisible World 2nd Ed ~ Hubris: a World of Visceral Adventure (DCC) ~ Unhallowed Metropolis ~ Swordbearer 2nd Ed. s3ndsp4c3 /file/dy1xyc Grand Grimoire s3ndsp4ac3 /file/1fnfgm Mutant Year Zero m3d1af1r3 /?fmqn7fzpuy4a8 Savage Worlds version of Agents of Oblivion s3ndsp4c3 /file/4fn92b ST Adventures (re-up zip contains both versions) s3ndsp4c3 /file/j0ry5g ??? s3ndsp@ce /file/v1pc4g free TORG Eternity quickstart guide is up on Drivethru: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/215400/Torg-Eternity--Free-RPG-Day-Special Scum & Villany, keep in mind that you do need Blades in the Dark for it. sendspace /file/wkh7zj Bluebeard's Bride, which is honestly flippin' incredible and you really should go buy it. sendspace /file/qknkof Infected! RPG us3rscl0ud /aakpdkk1xbp5 Conan the Thief (Mophidius) m3g4 /#!Q8d2SBYD!vtOT41CEuIZrTOcUpJ3wXtXpAkkzibaSy2JeTf9vI24 Hyperborean Mice ssp@ce /file/zwrij4 Perdition @$3nd$p@ce<d0t>c0m /file/gkh5b5 C45u5 B3ll1 #22 https://www.sendspace.com/file/bsb9wp Chr0n1qu35 0ubl1335 https://www.sendspace.com/file/0pktt3 Another Hyperborean thing up10admb c0m /dw.php?id=1499098684 New Delta Green Rulebook raw text @$3nd$p@ce<d0t>c0m file/omn3oh This is Not a Test www111<dot>z!ppysh@re<dot>com /v /DNJ1fCIe /file <dot>html Pandemonio @s3ndsp@c3<d0t>c0m /filegroup/ZOtuLte%2FapQ9iJpYZXxL355Q5Zt4Qm7MZ1KR%2BeHABbMyeesW3jZiYw Pulp Cthulhu : Two-Headed Serpent send space dot com /file/12hbw4 Vornheim the complete city kit s3ndsp4c3 /file/qj7d4i Leverage RPG stuff send space dot com /file/al9fqi Zweihander s3ndsp4c3 /file/4zjcg8 Awaken us3rscloudDOTcom/w9t45tnyvb3i - - - Argyl3 & Cr3w Gummybears Secret lif3 of G!ng3rbread Tale Weaver C@vem@ster K!ng of $l!m3s Kid$ & Cr!tt3rs RPG Trillogy Nighttime Animals s@ve the world LEGO rpg on $end$p@c3/filegroup/YZigg1S2BVLkawrDhZVETTl1Awqnp50T01F9mht3vDlkpSj7Rg8vX7DrsgGKebGms %2FqUIbEa%2FxC5DpXp6YvtGIeeqUpKpNP1h - - - ***PATHFINDER AP #119 - IRONFANG INVASION - PRISONER'S OF BLIGHT*** https://mega.nz/#!aMsR1CLD!yYyMiKdF5Zly8jO8Fh8ZnAQc2jYfhXuWYSdSbZvoRM0 ***PATHFINDER AP #119 - INTERACTIVE MAPS*** https://mega.nz/#!TNknnYyZ!CMukJOcwmMMq9PkW2H0OLi7oRlvSKGwdVrILZYyfeVw ***PLAYER COMPANION - ADVENTURER'S ARMORY 2*** https://mega.nz/#!qUEWkYyZ!Q7HIGim7gKP-k-c_QkaBY8RUFMaljg3qPDNoeID8LOE ***PATHFINDER CAMPAIGN - AQUATIC ADVENTURES*** https://mega.nz/#!SEcx2JpI!tTeo42uxvQULUvB05AZJT3BnfhDP-CGxL3EZ5lISr_g ***FLIP MAT - BIGGER CAVERNS*** https://mega.nz/#!TIMXHDxI!PIyEUbCudr_54ihyEQLD8tFvh-XYcNtOtk3EL3X_1nY ***MAP PACK - RUINED VILLAGES*** https://mega.nz/#!vccyiIpL!UoCzMslsSh8zKbL_PuWTqECdDJ2QYDGK-GfuUtIB6k4 ***PATHFINDER SOCIETY - RUINS OF BONEKEEP*** https://mega.nz/#!GUNw0QJS!KCMNUMThKnDpAghbpgi6QtYJA1s5ZU0nong6T_n0m2M New versions of Ruinations (LotFP homebrew) and the character sheet Core (v2.5): >https://www.docdroid.net/FrxCKOl/ruinations.pdf.html Character Sheet: >https://www.docdroid.net/6zjkFLM/ruinations-cs.pdf.html ghostbusters RPG https://mega.nz/#!c3gjXbwI!6tmiPF8Vgn5nIvrt4Fb9SoRfLqBhgGcxqMBTU7-976M Hoodoo Blues www22 <dot> z1ppysh@re <dot> com/v/o8AJnqT2/file.html Into the Breeding Pits for Frostgrave s3ndsp@c3<d0t>c0m/file/dyjb0l Kult: Beyond the Veil s3ndsp4c3/file/czs7tr The Coming Storm send space dot com/file/tu8ngk - - - $nip<dot>li Shadowrun 5e - Ripping Reality /850859 COC - Curious Characters Deck /803354 COC - The Phobia Deck /2160398 COC - Unfortunate Events Deck /5397442 COC - Weapons Artifacts Deck /585304 Pugmire - Core Rulebook /32404 Sunken City (DCC) /4817642 - - - C@rebears the St@ring, C@mp Myth, a kids D&D scenario - Monster Sl@yers W@rriors Adventure Game, T@ils of Equ3stri@ (by far the most simple MLP RPG actually aimed at kids) $3ndsp@c3<d0t>c0m /filegroup/OsgH2%2BGVH1mdKRcCU7cdGhr0n3d3IIFmb6Rcm8vlzWc Fire on the Velvet Horizon: https://mega.nz/#!tMtk3b4A!ICubXRK9C7O_dlCfGoFaqa-cvdesY2fsps43PI_sGBE Catacombs Gnomes 100, Dragons 0 $endsp@ce<d0t>c0m /file/aesxjt Kamigakari Baseline stuff http://www.mediafire.com/file/183vmgy8b3w1uj3/Kamigakari.rar Expansions and errata http://pastebin.com/u/RoyalTeaRed Google Docs Character sheet (for if you play online) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xY5uiJleOpnlh93SGLq2_iKteOFZnlMH1X-MtEDsWsw/edit#gid=0 Mononoke homebrew Guide, FAQ, And quick rules cheatsheet https://pastebin.com/u/HomebrewAnon - - - M-Space s3ndsp4c3/filegroup/Leo30E5D%2BKWXIOrRLRw8fw Witch Girls Adventures and supplements s3ndsp4c3/filegroup/GqJCAODlMwr1doSSlTJ3G%2BENJJEuI8vF s3ndsp4c3/file/2a7ry8 No Thank You, Evil! s3ndsp4c3/file/e9e38l book of the manor s3nd /file/9kpbic Indie Hack s3ndsp4c3/file/9up8nx Use $nip(d0t)li for... The Big Crime (noir RPG which I've seen requested before) The Big Crime - Death Kisses Coldly (adventure) Retrostar (1970s scifi TV RPG) Slash Flick (Director's Cut) all at a Spectrum Games trove under /Aagsf Play Dirty 2 send space dot com/file/y7q6t7 Tales from the Crypt stuff send space dot com/filegroup/SiWk3qHG6GDs6woPIUChlzIRVrnEYZTY French Language Call of Cthulhu //m3g4 dot nz//fm/BDxDRDAD Les 5 Supplices: m3g4 dot nz/#F!lTIinbzS!VE205k6WeJFoXVglUPzv4w Les Contrees du Reve: m3g4 dot nz/#F!4OBlnSxR!Y9dLdKhuZONdZpDacIHQPw Le Plateau de Leng: m3g4 dot nz/#!9WA2xJKC!ISdk0k01_qU71wbecxDMhjVX7Z5NlHvkq0xFOsBZkOI - - - Operation Whitebox Mega:/#F!nlVkzaaI!DJpMkMnq-2Ax-PLiRvUgjg Iron Edda & Lonely World - PbtA games that are not in the PbtA trove s3ndsp4c3/filegroup/OVFHlzqLphlOjpgaDmOSOw Mythos World + bits s3ndsp4c3/filegroup/xoPhb8AkEXSDcGAP54xBcywllpo5DB7%2B - - - $nip<dot>li Castle Falkenstein - Babbages Engine /74678 Castle Falkenstein - The Ability Variations /2180 Fantasy AGE - GMKit /8527505 Fractured Futures - Ethernauts /2029944 Golden Oceans Bundle /9090194 Runed Age Bundle /6688000 Kaigaku - Chronicles of the Ninja Issue 2 /247768 Leagues of Gothic Horror - Guide to Walking Dead /0128118 Necropolis 2350 - Templar Handbook (Savage Worlds) /6592331 The Code of Shojo and Shonen /60840 - - - Paint tiny men http://www.talkwargaming.com/2014/02/how-to-paint-deathwatch-marines.html Hunt the Wicked s3ndsp4c3/file/n4malr Tome of Enlargement http://www10.zippyshare.com/v/MjKWbWGs/file.html
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