Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 11 / Thursday, January 16, 1997 / Rules and Regulations 2313 Change the 970.5204±52 Foreign travel. management practices; over-collection Clause at 48 date in the When foreign travel may be required and other human disturbance; and parentheses under the contract, insert the clause at naturally occurring events such as fire CFR Chap- following the to read ter 9 (DEAR) clause title 952.247±70. or weather extremes. This rule from implements Federal protection provided 970.5204±60 [Amended] by the Act for the Laguna Mountains 970.5204±12 (APR 1984) (JUL 1994) 28. Subsection 970.5204±60, Facilities skipper and quino checkerspot 970.5204±15 (SEP 1991) (APR 1994) management, is amended by revising butterflies. 970.5204±16 (JAN 1991) (JUL 1991) the date ``August 30, 1993'' following EFFECTIVE DATE: January 16, 1997. 970.5204±17 (JUNE 1988) (JAN 1996) the clause title to read ``(FEB 1997)'' and 970.5204±18 (JUL 1991) (APR 1994) ADDRESSES: The complete file for this by deleting clause paragraphs (c), rule is available for public inspection, 970.5204±20 (JAN 1992) (AUG 1993) Maintenance Management, and (e), 970.5204±21 (APR 1984) (OCT 1995) by appointment, during normal business 970.5204±24 (APR 1984) (OCT 1995) Capital Assets Management. Paragraphs hours at the Carlsbad Field Office, U.S. 970.5204±26 (APR 1984) (SEP 1991) (d), Energy Management, and (f), Fish and Wildlife Service, 2730 Loker 970.5204±31 (JUL 1991) (APR 1994) Subcontract Requirements, are Avenue West, Carlsbad, California 970.5204± (JUNE 1987) (APR 1994) redesignated as paragraphs (c) and (d), 92008. 33(a) and respectively. (b) [two FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ms. places]. 970.7105 [Amended] Marjorie Nelson, Biologist, at the above 970.5204±35 (APR 1984) (JUL 1994) 29. Section 970.7105, Purchasing from address (telephone 619/431±9440). 970.5204±38 (APR 1984) (APR 1994) contractor affiliated sources, is amended SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 970.5204±41 (APR 1984) (APR 1994) in paragraph (a)(3) by deleting the 970.5204±43 (APR 1984) (APR 1994) parenthetical reference ``(See Background 970.5204±45 (APR 1984) (OCT 1995) The Laguna Mountains skipper 970.5204±54 (JUL 1991) (APR 1994) 970.7101(c))''. (Pyrgus ruralis lagunae) is a small 970.5204±55 (JUL 1991) (APR 1994) [FR Doc. 97±938 Filed 1±15±97; 8:45 am] butterfly in the skipper family 970.5204±56 (JUL 1991) (APR 1994) BILLING CODE 6450±01±P 970.5204±57 (AUG 1992) (APR 1994) (Hesperiidae). It has a wingspan of 970.5204±61 (DEC 1993) (APR 1994) about 3 centimeters (cm) (1 inch (in.)) and is distinguished from the rural DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 970.5204±23 [Amended] skipper (P. ruralis ruralis) by extensive white wing markings that give adults, 23. Subsection 970.5204±23 is Fish and Wildlife Service amended in the introductory sentence particularly males, an overall by revising ``970.2902'' to read 50 CFR Part 17 appearance of white rather than mostly ``970.2903''. black, and by the banding patterns on RIN 1018±AC84 the hind wings (Scott 1981, Levy 1994). 970.5204±32 [Amended] The Laguna Mountains skipper is found Endangered and Threatened Wildlife 24. In subsection 970.5204±32 in montane meadow habitats. and Plants; Determination of paragraphs (a) and (b) are amended by The Laguna Mountains skipper is one Endangered Status for the Laguna revising the introductory text and of two recognized subspecies of the Mountains Skipper and Quino adding a heading immediately before rural skipper, Pyrgus ruralis. Scott Checkerspot Butterfly the clause text to read as follows: (1981) described P. ruralis lagunae from (a) In contracts with nonprofit AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, a collection made in 1956 by F. Thorne contractors use the following clause: Interior. in the Laguna Mountains of San Diego Required Bond and InsuranceÐExclusive of ACTION: Final rule. County, California, based upon Government Property (Nonprofit) (APR population isolation and color 1994) SUMMARY: The Fish and Wildlife Service differentiation. The Laguna Mountains * * * * * (Service) determines the Laguna skipper is restricted to the Laguna (b) In contracts with profit making Mountains skipper (Pyrgus ruralis Mountains and Mount Palomar in San contractors use the following clause: lagunae) and quino checkerspot Diego County. The other subspecies of butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino) to the rural skipper (P. ruralis ruralis) Required Bond and InsuranceÐExclusive of be endangered species throughout their Government Property (Profit Making) (APR ranges from the mountains of British 1994) respective ranges in southwestern Columbia and Alberta, Canada, south to California and northwestern Baja the coast ranges and Sierra Nevada of * * * * * California, Mexico, pursuant to the central California, as well as Nevada, 970.5204±44 [Amended] Endangered Species Act of 1973, as Utah, and northern Colorado (Stanford 25. Subsection 970.5204±44, amended (Act). The Laguna Mountains and Opler 1993; John Brown, Dudek and Flowdown of contract requirements to skipper occupies montane meadow Associates, in litt., 1992) and has darker subcontracts, is amended by revising the habitats in a very restricted range within wings than the Laguna Mountains date following the clause title to read San Diego County, California. The quino skipper. ``(FEB 1997)'' and in clause paragraph checkerspot is locally distributed in Three other species in the genus (b)(11) ``40 CFR part 60'' is revised to sunny openings within chaparral and Pyrgus occur in San Diego County: the read ``41 CFR part 60.'' coastal sage shrublands in portions of common checkered skipper (P. Riverside and San Diego counties, communis), the small checkered skipper 970.5204±50 [Removed and Reserved] California, and northwestern Baja (P. scriptura), and the western 26. Subsection 970.5204±50, Cost and California, Mexico. These taxa are checkered skipper (P. albescens). The schedule control systems, is removed threatened by one or more of the Laguna Mountains skipper can be and reserved. following factorsÐloss and degradation distinguished from all three of these 27. Subsection 970.5204±52 is revised and fragmentation of habitat due to species by the whitish appearance of the to read as follows: grazing, urban development, and fire adults and the use of a single larval host 2314 Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 11 / Thursday, January 16, 1997 / Rules and Regulations plant, Horkelia clevelandii (Cleveland's been seen in the Laguna Mountains identified as E. e. wrightii, thereby horkelia), in the rose family (Rosaceae) since 1972 (J. Brown, in litt., 1992). confusing it with earlier taxonomic (Garth and Tilden 1986, Scott 1986). In Historically, the Mount Palomar treatments of the desert checkerspot, E. addition, the western checkered skipper populations were small compared to the chalcedona hennei (formerly ssp. quino) and southern California populations of populations in the Laguna Mountains. (Scott 1981). This error was rectified by the small checkered skipper are Only five specimens have been J. Emmel, based on a study of Behr's restricted to desert areas (Garth and collected from Mount Palomar in this notes and available specimens (Allen Tilden 1986). century (J. Brown, in litt., 1992). Prior to 1990; Dennis Murphy, Stanford The Laguna Mountains skipper specimens collected in 1991 and the University, in litt., 1988). The genus population in the Laguna Mountains in additional populations found in 1994, Euphydryas is also referred to as San Diego County (J. Brown, in litt., the last known sightings from Mount Occidryas, but most authors retain the 1992) was not seen during a relatively Palomar were from 1980 and, prior to former name (Scott 1986, Harrison et al. extensive survey in 1994 (Levy 1994) that, from 1939 (Brown 1991; Levy 1988, Murphy 1990, Brown 1991). but was seen in 1995 (Jack Levy, pers. 1994; J. Brown, in litt., 1992). Adult quino checkerspot butterflies comm., 1995). Prior to that observation, The Laguna Mountains skipper is live from 4 to 8 weeks. The flight season it was last seen in the Laguna apparently bivoltine (two generations occurs from mid-January to late April Mountains in 1986 occupying a small per year). The adult flight season occurs and peaks between March and April. area along a fence in a U.S. Forest from April to May with a second smaller The eggs hatch in about 10 days and the Service (USFS) campground (Levy 1994; flight in late June to late July (Brown larvae begin to feed immediately. Fourth Murphy 1990; D. Hogan, San Diego 1991, Levy 1994). The Laguna instar (development stage) larvae enter Biodiversity Project, pers. comm., Mountains skipper may have evolved a an obligatory diapause as summer 1993;). The Laguna Mountains unique mechanism for coping with the approaches and their larval food plant population was estimated to consist of low daytime temperatures it encounters dries up. Extended periods of diapause fewer than 100 individuals (Murphy during its spring flight, which is may occur during times of drought (Greg 1990; Brown 1991; J. Brown, in litt., unusually early for butterflies in the Ballmer, University of California at 1992). Laguna Mountains (Brown 1991). It is Riverside, in litt., 1990). Post-diapause The Laguna Mountains skipper is assumed that the life history of the larvae develop through four more currently found at four sites in the Laguna Mountains skipper is similar to instars and then pupate to emerge as Mount Palomar region of San Diego that of the nominate subspecies (Pyrgus adults in the early spring (Murphy and County (Levy 1994). It was detected and ruralis ruralis), which diapauses White 1984). collected on Mount Palomar in 1991 by (maintains a state of suspended activity) The quino checkerspot is restricted to D. Lindsley (J. Brown, in litt., 1992: J. as a full grown larva and lives 10 to 20 open grassland and sunny openings Brown, pers. comm., 1993). Two days in the adult stage (J.
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