E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2017 No. 178 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was of Redlands and our region. She was housed at, and managed by, Penn State called to order by the Speaker pro tem- the earliest advocate for Redlands’ pas- Behrend. It is in partnership with three pore (Mrs. MIMI WALTERS of Cali- senger rail, supported the Healthy additional Erie County universities: fornia). Communities Initiative and Open Mercyhurst, Gannon, and Edinboro. It f Space Initiative to honor our citrus was the first of its kind in 2016, and its heritage. success established a business network DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO When I was just starting out on the across Erie County—or, in other words, TEMPORE city council, Pat’s leadership and poise the beehive. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- helped shape the type of public servant The beehive sites will operate as both fore the House the following commu- that I aim to be. She was pragmatic, individual service providers and as part nication from the Speaker: measured, and listened intently to the of a larger, connected network, with WASHINGTON, DC, public. multiple points of entry for entre- November 2, 2017. I will always be thankful for every- preneurs. All services will be available I hereby appoint the Honorable MIMI WAL- thing that she taught me, not the least to the public and to businesses seeking TERS to act as Speaker pro tempore on this of which was how to hide the chocolate to develop new products or enter new day. in the city council dais so we could eat markets. PAUL D. RYAN, it during our late night council meet- Each lab will specialize in different Speaker of the House of Representatives. ings. aspects of product or business develop- f A loving mother and grandmother, ment: Edinboro University will provide ad- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE she was always proud to beam about her family. I know that when they look vertising, marketing, and public rela- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- at her legacy and the impact she made tions strategies for business startups. ant to the order of the House of Janu- in the community, her family can be Both current students and those entre- ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- just as proud of her. preneurs in the community can all nize Members from lists submitted by Pat will always be remembered in seek assistance with all of these uni- the majority and minority leaders for our region for her thoughtfulness, her versities. The lab, which will be morning-hour debate. dedication, and her problem-solving equipped with high-end printers, art The Chair will alternate recognition ability. I will always remember her for supplies, drafting tables, and other between the parties. All time shall be her friendship. multimedia support, will be located in equally allocated between the parties, f the Baron-Forness Library; and in no event shall debate continue Gannon University will focus on busi- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other ERIE COUNTY INNOVATION BEE- ness development, including business than the majority and minority leaders HIVE SUPPORTS ENTRE- analysis. The Gannon beehive, which and the minority whip, shall be limited PRENEURS will be located in the Center for Busi- to 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ness Ingenuity, will offer access to the f Chair recognizes the gentleman from Small Business Development Center Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 and the Erie Technology Incubator; REMEMBERING PAT GILBREATH minutes. Mercyhurst University will provide The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. business intelligence services and solu- Chair recognizes the gentleman from Madam Speaker, I recently visited the tions to help developers commercialize California (Mr. AGUILAR) for 5 minutes. Innovation Commons at Penn State their ideas. Blended faculty-student Mr. AGUILAR. Madam Speaker, Behrend in Erie County, which is an teams will use high-end computers, today, I rise to honor the life of some- idea lab that offers support for entre- plotters, and other tools to develop one I was lucky to call a colleague and preneurs and startup companies. custom intelligence products from mentor—Redlands City Council mem- It opened in January of 2016 to within the Ridge College of Intel- ber Pat Gilbreath. innovators, including those at the stu- ligence Studies. I was heartbroken to learn of Pat’s dent level, who sought a place to orga- Madam Speaker, this northwest passing in early October, but I will al- nize, collaborate, compose, and con- Pennsylvania Innovation Beehive net- ways be grateful for her countless con- struct their ideas. work is working to serve the region. It tributions to our community. Her im- The Innovation Commons is a part of will enable innovators to access univer- print can be seen throughout the city the Innovation Beehive, which is sities’ resources and applied research b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8389 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:11 Nov 03, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02NO7.000 H02NOPT1 H8390 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 2, 2017 capabilities for new business develop- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Madam Speaker, DREAMERS ment or expansion at little to no cost. our veterans represent one of the most The SPEAKER pro tempore. The I recently participated in a round- highly skilled workforces in American Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from table discussion with the university history—the product of rigorous train- Massachusetts (Ms. CLARK) for 5 min- presidents, and I am very excited to see ing, an ironclad commitment to team- utes. this collaborative effort take root in work, and the remarkable ability to Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. Erie County. This network was made succeed where others might fail. It is Madam Speaker, DREAMers are young possible thanks to the Ignite Erie In- no wonder that veterans are 45 percent people who are fighting to give back to dustry and Business Acceleration Col- more likely to be self-employed than the only country they have ever known laborative, the Erie County Gaming nonveterans. In total, veteran-owned as home. They are not political bar- Authority, and the Appalachian Re- businesses make up nearly 10 percent gaining chips, and they didn’t ask to be gional Commission. of all businesses in the United States at the center of this immigration de- This truly is a collaborative effort, and account for more than $1 trillion in bate. They were brought here before and it is my hope that the beehive will business receipts every year. they were old enough to know the dif- soon be abuzz with good ideas through- One of those businesses is Navmar ference. They grew up as our neighbors, out Erie County. This is an excellent Applied Sciences Corporation, based in our kids’ classmates, and our friends. partnership that will give innovators Warrington. Owned by Air Force vet- They are also taxpayers, teachers, and students hands-on, real-world expe- eran Tom Fenerty, Navmar engineers rience to test their ideas and make medical students, and they are young technology to make sure that our mili- people who are signing up to serve in their dreams become reality. tary has the best tools possible to com- Madam Speaker, I am glad to see our military. plete any mission. Tom has also com- Let me tell you about some of the Erie County leveraging the strengths mitted to employing veterans in the of these four universities for the bet- DREAMers I have met in my district. community. I am privileged to rep- Richard Kim is a student at Tufts terment of its community. It is an ex- resent Tom and others like him in Con- citing time in Erie County. I look for- University. He was brought here by his gress. parents from Korea when he was just 2 ward to seeing what this brings to the In honor of their service—both in region. years old. His parents sacrificed a great uniform and as part of our economy—I deal in America—even becoming home- f am proud to recognize the importance less and living in a car for a while—for REPUBLICAN TAX PLAN of veteran-owned small businesses in the chance that Richard would have a our community by introducing and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The better life than they had. supporting H. Res. 588, which recog- Chair recognizes the gentleman from Their son worked hard, got good nizes National Veterans Small Busi- New York (Mr. JEFFRIES) for 5 minutes. grades, and, ultimately, was admitted Mr. JEFFRIES. Madam Speaker, the ness Week this week, from October 30 into one of the best schools in the so-called Republican tax plan will in- to November 3. country. Now he is a freshman at Tufts Madam Speaker, I urge my col- crease taxes on the middle class, ex- University, studying international re- leagues—and all Americans—to join me plode the deficit, and undermine Medi- lations. One day, he wants to work here in supporting the veteran-owned small care and Medicaid. It will saddle your in Congress. Richard calls himself 100 businesses in our community. children and grandchildren with more percent American. In his words, he than $1 trillion in debt, simply to pro- NATIONAL OBESITY CARE WEEK says: I grew up here just like everyone vide millionaires and billionaires with Mr.
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