E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1995 No. 100 House of Representatives The House met at 12 noon and was DREIER] come forward and lead the for 1 minute and to revise and extend called to order by the Speaker pro tem- House in the Pledge of Allegiance. her remarks.) pore [Mr. SHAYS]. Mr. DREIER led the Pledge of Alle- Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, I f giance as follows: join the gentleman from New Mexico in I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the sending greetings, if that is what you DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER United States of America, and to the Repub- could call it, to Aung San Suu Kyi who PRO TEMPORE lic for which it stands, one nation under God, is still imprisoned in Burma. And I The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. think when we look at this, if we look fore the House the following commu- f at many other issues affecting women nication from the Speaker: all over this globe, we see that they are AUNG SAN SUU KYI WASHINGTON, DC, still not in very good shape. June 19, 1995. (Mr. RICHARDSON asked and was It is amazing because she was the I hereby designate the Honorable CHRIS- given permission to address the House daughter of a very prominent Burmese TOPHER SHAYS to act as Speaker pro tempore for 1 minute and to revise and extend leader. Her people elected her to lead on this day. his remarks.) them and yet even though she has re- NEWT GINGRICH, Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, ceived the Nobel Prize, she has done all Speaker of the House of Representatives. today is the 50th birthday of Burma's sorts of things, no one in that country f Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Daw Aung has been able to break this incredible San Suu Kyi who is being held under lock they have on her as they hold her PRAYER house arrest for the sixth year by the under house arrest. The Chaplain, Rev. James David Burmese military regime known as the But we can also look at China and Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- SLORC. She was imprisoned 6 years the fact that they are not very happy er: ago after her party won overwhelming about having this International Wom- We pray, O gracious God, that though victories in elections in Burma. en's Symposium there. They seem to we may depart from Your spirit While today is this remarkable wom- have thought it was a craft fair and did through our willful ways, Your spirit an's birthday, sadly, there is not much not have any idea that women were will not depart from us. And though we to celebrate as the Burmese military really going to come and talk about may wander in our rush to do all the regime continues her imprisonment women's rights. things that crowd our days, You will be and the repression of the Burmese peo- And we saw a very interesting article patient with every person. Grant to us, ple. Last year I met with this remark- in this morning's paper pointing out O God, and to all Your people, the wis- able individual and witnessed the he- that for every courageous male raising dom to heed Your Word and meditate roic stature of her crusade to restore a family alone in America, there are on Your ways that in our busyness and democracy to her native land. seven women doing the same thing, and in our seeming significance we do not My efforts to visit her again last child care and all of those issues that lose the great blessings that are Your month were rebuffed. There is a retro- have impacted on single parents are gifts to us. Amen. gression of human rights and democ- not being dealt with. f racy in Burma. Just this week the Bur- Things do not look very good, and we mese military regime expected to allow need to roll up our shirt sleeves and THE JOURNAL the Red Cross to inspect prisons in that work on all of these issues. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The country. They have refused the Red f Chair has examined the Journal of the Cross to inspect those prisons as they last day's proceedings and announces originally stated. FRENCH NUCLEAR TESTING to the House his approval thereof. Mr. Speaker, let us rejoice in this re- (Mr. MARKEY asked and was given Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- markable woman's 50th birthday and permission to address the House for 1 nal stands approved. stand with her in her struggle. minute.) f f Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, the French Government has announced PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WOMEN'S RIGHTS that they are going to resume nuclear The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the (Mrs. SCHROEDER asked and was testing in the South Pacific. This is a gentleman from California [Mr. given permission to address the House terrible precedent to be setting for the b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 6085 H 6086 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 19, 1995 rest of the world as we try to encour- passage of the North American Free- State of California, and I will get into age the Third World nations of this Trade Agreement, completion of the that for a moment in just a moment, planet to back away from the nuclear Uruguay round of the General Agree- will be very negative. And I have to weapons option. But worse, the United ment on Tariffs and Trade, and having say, Mr. Speaker, it saddens me to con- States Government has now begun the pursued a very strong prohuman rights clude that the President is threatening process themselves of following this policy in China. to significantly set back the prospects French fashion of the season and going I have been proud to have worked not for additional multilateral trade initia- back to a nuclear testing regime. Noth- only with President Clinton but with tives and a forward-looking Asia policy ing could be worse for the United my fellow Californian, the U.S. Trade that ties the United States into that States and for this world than if we Representative, Mr. Kantor, and with a extraordinarily growing market in the ourselves set that poor example of test- bipartisan group of Members of both Pacific rim. ing nuclear weapons and, in fact, en- the House and the Senate; here in the Let me take a couple moments and couraging dozens of Third World coun- House I have been privileged to work talk about my State of California. tries across this planet to emulate us. with Chairman ARCHER of the Commit- California, whether you like it or not, There is a very idealistic and prac- tee on Ways and Means, Chairman it is the seventh largest economic tical set of objectives which this coun- CRANE, who chairs the Trade Sub- power on the face of the earth; 32 mil- try should be seeking to achieve as nu- committee; my friend Mr. KOLBE on lion people in California. California is clear nonproliferation and biological this side. On the other side my col- the Nation's largest exporter. Its $811¤4 weapons proliferation becomes the sin- league, the gentleman from New Mex- billion in exports is 20 percent of our gle greatest danger to peace and secu- ico, Mr. RICHARDSON, who was here a Nation's total. Exports support 1.5 mil- rity on this planet. few minutes ago; my fellow Califor- lion jobs in the State of California. f nian, Mr. MATSUI; the gentleman from Foreign investment supports another Florida, Mr. GIBBONS, of course, the half million jobs. While California has SPECIAL ORDERS former chairman of the Trade Sub- suffered greatly due to the defense and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under committee of the Committee on Ways aerospace cutbacks, which have taken the Speaker's announced policy of May and Means. And we have pursued very, place for the past several years, the 12, 1995, and under a previous order of very strongly a bipartisan approach to one bright spot has been California's the House, the following Members will trade. I am proud to have worked close- access to other markets so that we be recognized for 5 minutes each. ly in rallying support for NAFTA. could, in fact, be the gateway to the f The gentleman from Arizona [Mr. Pacific rim and Latin America. KOLBE] and I and a couple of others in- California's No. 1 trading partner is The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a troduced legislation calling for the Japan, with exports of $22.5 billion last previous order of the House, the gen- limitation of the tariff barriers for the year. Japanese-owned companies em- tleman from New York [Mr. OWENS] is North American Free-Trade Agreement ploy 150,000 Californians in electronics, recognized for 5 minutes. 8 years ago. I spent the last 7 days with entertainment, and computers, among [Mr. OWENS addressed the House. Mr. GIBBONS and Mr. MATSUI and mem- other industries. If you add in the sup- His remarks will appear hereafter in bers of the Committee on Ways and pliers, there are a quarter of a million the Extensions of Remarks.] Means before completion of the Uru- California jobs which are tied directly f guay round of the General Agreement to Japanese investment.
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