The Student Newspaper of Lawrence University Since 1884 THE VOL. CXXXIX NO.LAWRENTIAN 13 APPLETON, WISCONSIN FEBRUARY 12, 2021 (RIGHT) Lawrence University Community Council’s logo. Photo from lawrence. Inequity Report pushes LUCC to edu. adjust funding policies Caleb Yuan surer junior Tarrel Nedderman said. ing allows LUCC Staff Writer “We, as a governing body, need to be to discuss the _____________________________________ intentional in the phrases that are funding in- Following an internal funding re- used for our legislation. Legislation equity in view from the past academic year, can always be improved on for the fu- the future. the Lawrence University Community ture, and we will continue to address Ac- Council (LUCC) is working to address issues or misunderstandings of the cording inequities in the funding of student or- legislation as they arise.” to Bern- ganizations on campus. LUCC has be- Although addressing the funding gun its attempt to establish equitable inequities is still a work in progress, a funding policies for all of the student few beginning steps have been made. body. In response to the result, LUCC and According to junior Jason Bern- CODA came to an agreement to set heimer, heimer, the Vice Chair of the Com- aside $7,000 to CODA as a compensa- CODA mittee on Diversity Affairs (CODA), tion for underfunding towards diver- has been CODA looked at the budget allocation sity organizations in the last academic told by made by the Finance Committee for year, according to Bernheimer. The various stu- the 2018-2019 academic year. After set aside funds were partially spent dent orga- calculating the percentage of funds during the last academic year, and the nizations that requested versus funds allocated, the rest was reallocated to CODA for this funding has al- data showed that, on average, diver- academic year. In addition, there are ready become more sity organizations received allocated now two CODA members present in equitable. Sophomore funds 13.4 percent lower than non- the Finance Committee meetings to Genesis Coreas Solorzano, diversity organizations. help ensure funding is allocated in an President of All is One! Em- Bernheimer also Since that realization, LUCC has be- equitable way that represents all of the powering Young Women of Color stressed that the LUCC gun ongoing conversations regarding student body in the community. These (AIO), echoed this sentiment. Several cabinet members are dedicated the funding legislation and discussing CODA representatives are non-voting previous student leaders of diversity [di- to diversity, equity and inclusion. if the legislation needs certain adjust- members of the Finance Committee. organizations have told her that, in versity] ... and [tries]to be inclusive to ments to achieve equitable funding Diversity organizations would be the past, they have struggled to get students who are already tokenized “It feels great that every single for all student organizations. Students able reach out to CODA directly to re- LUCC funding due to their events be- here,” Coreas Solorzano said. member of [the] LUCC cabinet … can expect clearer plans about fund- quest funding for events from the set- ing classified under a large diversity wants to ensure CODA to be success- ing legislation to come out by early aside funds without consulting the Fi- umbrella, but Coreas Solorzano feels According to Coreas Solorzano, ful,” Bernheimer said. “It’s important to mid-Spring Term, said senior Basil nance Committee, according to senior AIO has had access to adequate fund- AIO has plans for an event aimed at for leaders [in LUCC] to hold diversity Eastman-Kiesow, the Parliamentarian Awa Badiane, Co-Chair of CODA. This ing this year. emphasizing the empowerment of all and inclusion as some core values.” of the LUCC cabinet. was not a solution for the fact that “Being able to have more students diversity organizations on campus. “Essentially, LUCC seeks to add LUCC was under-funding diversity of color on [the] LUCC board in stu- AIO has received full allocation from some clarity to the vernacular used in organizations, Badiane said, but hav- dent government allows more voices LUCC for the upcoming event, Coreas the funding legislation,” LUCC trea- ing a set-aside buffer for the time be- to be emphasized and creates more Solorzano said. Lawrence tionhosts will be held Saturday, annual Feb. 13, Lunar New Year celebration Cameron Jones Staff Writer hosted by the Diversity and Intercul- al student organizations. Additionally, Pan-Asian Organization and the Viet- said. “We want to bring everyone to- _________________________________ tural Center, the International Stu- the Chinese Students Association held namese Culture Organization. The gether.” A virtual Lunar New Year celebra- dent Services as well as several cultur- a Lunar New Year Eve celebration event will be a live-streamed YouTube Prior to the YouTube live event, with Assistant Professor of History video featuring clips from each cultur- the Chinese Student Association held Brigid Vance on Thursday, Feb. 11. al organization. There will also be two their own Lunar New Year Eve cel- The Lunar New Year is the first performances. ebration via Zoom on Feb. 11. Before day of the Lunisolar calendar and is In addition to the YouTube live, the Zoom, students placed orders on- celebrated every year by many East there will be a limited number of goody line for food, which the Chinese Stu- Asian countries. In prior school years, bags distributed in each of the dorms, dent Association provided for pickup the Lunar New Year celebration at Warch and International House. Each in the International House. After that, Lawrence has occurred in the Warch goody bag has a small gift from each of students could eat their food and join Campus Center, taking up two floors the cultural organizations. The mean- See page 2 of guest performances and displays ing behind each gift will be explained from cultural organizations. However, in the YouTube live. To access the Lunar New Year this year, the celebrations are going Junior Jamie Dong, the vice presi- video, scan the QR code: to be online as a way for everyone to dent of Lawrence International and celebrate. event coordinator of the Chinese Stu- The celebration for the Lunar New dent Association, said all students, Year is going to be on Saturday, Feb. alumni and friends are encouraged to 13 at 7 p.m. This event is hosted by watch the video and see what each or- the Diversity and Intercultural Cen- ganization put together. ter, International Student Servies, the “Whoever wants to come, people This year, International House will serve as a destination where on-campus students can Chinese Student Association, Korean who have already graduated, or cur- pick up goody bags as part of the Lunar New Year celebration. Photo by Sebastian Evans. Culture Club, Lawrence International, rent students, are welcome,” Dong Sports Variety Features A&E Op-Ed The grandeur of Tom Love in Action: Duality Lunar New Year Let Me Tell You Brady Neuroqueer love PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 6 PAGE 8 PAGE 10 THIS WEEK 2 NEWS February 12, 2021 THE LAWRENTIAN “It’s On Us” sexual assault prevention week begins Monday Hannah Amell rence’s Sexual Assault Crisis Center dents who have been victims of sexual dents know that I’m here to answer reporting] a little less dehumanizing Staff Writer advocate, Allison Bohlen, will be on assault or discrimination based on questions.” and a little less traumatic, so we want _____________________________________ the third floor of the Warch Campus sex. Title IX regulations were recently The presentation will describe the to tie good things to it and not make it Next week, Lawrence is celebrat- Center from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. to an- changed by the Trump administration sexual assault reporting process, sup- scary,” Plascencia said. “That is some- ing the It’s On Us Week of Action for swer questions and share information in legislation that went into effect on portive measures available for sexual thing that I think is very important awareness and prevention of sexual about her role as campus advocate. Aug. 14 of last year. assault survivors and the scope of Ti- and different about [the Know Your assault. Individually wrapped treats will be “Participating in the presentation tle IX resources. It will conclude with Title IX Rights presentation].” It’s On Us was established by the available for students who stop by her with SAASHA is really important [to a question and answer session, first Finally, the week will finish on Fri- Obama administration in 2014 with table during this time. me] because I want students to under- with SAASHA board members and day with “Wear Teal Day” on campus. the mission of providing preventative Thursday, the Student Alliance stand what changes were made and then with Aguilera Wiebusch. Partici- Students are encouraged to show their education on sexual assault on Ameri- Against Sexual Harassment and As- what that means for the Title IX pro- pants will have the opportunity to win support for sexual assault survivors can college campuses. For the 2021 sault (SAASHA), will be hosting two cess,” Aguilera Wiebusch said. “The prizes in a Kahoot! game following by wearing teal, the color of sexual Week of Action at Lawrence, the Sexu- “Know Your Title IX Rights” presenta- changes are here with us for at least a each presentation. assault awareness. Teal masks and ac- al Harassment and Assault Resources tions at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., which will year, but the [Biden] administration Junior Carla Plascencia, the publi- cessories may be distributed as give- and Education (SHARE) department feature Interim Director of Equity and and Department of Education will cist of SAASHA, hopes the event helps aways and prizes during “It’s On Us” of the Wellness Center is hosting sev- Title IX Coordinator Natasha Aguilera likely change them again ..
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