n 8 III SUII a dime · 1980 Sludent Publications Inc. Iowa City'S Morning Newspaper Friday, June 20. 1980 t e c Regents okay Law Center • budget plan By WILLIAM NICHOLS " It's a different but Interesting Staff Wol.r design ," said Regent Arthur Nell. "I like the concept of solar beating." The state Board of Regents Thursday approved an $18.5 million preliminary In a related item , the reg nts ap­ budget for a new U1 Law Center and a proved a resolution to acquire - by revised budget for the Hawkeye Sports legal means If nece ry - a house ow­ Arena , ned by Nick and Genevieve Lutgen on the site of the proposed law school Architect GUMar Blrkerts of Bir­ mingham , Mich . presented slides of The regents approved a $23 million schematic plans and artists' concep­ revised budget for the new Hawkeye tions of the new UI Law Center. Sports ,Arena . said. all nice The current UI Law Bulldlng has in­ THE REVI ED BUDGET is $1 adequate library space and not enough million Ie than the preliminary conference room , said College of Law budget because state funds for the Dean N. WIIllam Hines. Hines said the arena road have been deferred. Ran­ American Bar A sociation commented dall Bezanson, UI vice president for after a 1977 accreditation inspecl10n finance, said that he did not know when that " they could not think of a com­ the state would allocate fund for the parably highly-regarded program in roads. the country that was nearly so badly If funds are obtained from th state housed ." legislature, a road wHl be built to con­ The new law facility , scheduled to be nect the arena, areas on the we t side built in the Varsity Heights area, will of the UI and the hospItal complex with be half-cylindrical in shape with three Highways 6 and 218 United Pr... International noors above ground and two beloW, The arena is slated for completion in !I This one did it Birkerts said, lime for the 1982 basketball ason . Aller .11 the Aman. VIP excitement, It ..ema like everyone goe. In for the ThomptOn 0' Toco, Tella, appear. thrilled holding the ball with which he hit. RICHARD GIBSON, Ul director of And, re ponding to Thursday's an­ I'1IIt - IOmetlmet with ,peelal etfectlon for the equipment. Rocky hole-In-one Thul'ld., during the 'Ir,t round of the Canedlan Open. the Facilities Planning, told the nouncement by state comptroller regents that the UI is "in the proce of Ronald MOSher that slate agencies examining the practicality of solar may have to cut their 1980-81 budget.5 heating" using the building's tOO-ya rd by up to 4 percent, Ul President south wall. The study results are due In Willard Boyd said Thursday the U1 'Repairs block Gilbert St. stores August. " has almost no flexibility in the budget" and will be " very hard He said giving the building a solar ByJODI PARK roadwork began Monday. ' ber) at 1225 S. Gilbert St., where the on the duration of the construction pro­ pressed" if forced to make more cuts. Staff Writer "I think it's probably hurt everybody customer count has dropped by one­ ject. heating capacity would cost an ad­ ditional $35(1 ,000. down here," Vidal said, "I glless we're half since the intersection closed. Assistant City Engineer Frank Far­ "WE MAKE TilE best possible Some merchants near the Gilbert pretty lucky that It's only SO percent." . Manager Charles Luedtka said the mer aid Thur day the arell of GIbson said con trucUon of the iaw budget we can with ex eechngly , Street realignment project are suffer­ timing of the street closing was par­ Highland Avenue, Gilbert Street and facility probably will not begin for at limited funds and lhen face the ing a decrease in business due to the VIDAL SAID many of his regular ticularly bad because the new 3rd Street should be re-opened July 7, iea t 18 months. traffic diversion in that area. customers are still coming to his sta­ hardware business is in the process of "barring bad weather." See Regent., page 3 Although businesses in the south tion via alternative routes, but he said establishing its clientele, Dave Stett, manager of Best Rental Gilbert Street area are still accessible, that other potential customers "just go at t210 S. Gilbert St., said he has not several merchants say that the closing a different way and stop on Rive.rside "WE WERE JUST getting to be noticed a significant drop in busine s, Felton named new dean of known around town and now this hap­ the Highland Avenue-Gilbert Street or somewhere else for their gas." but he noted an increase in complaints. i intersection - a major traffic Business is also down at the Highland pens," Luedtka said , "I'm just glad it thoroughfare to many of the businesses Avenue DX at 1310 S. Gilbert St. where didn't happen a month ago at the height "A lot of people are bitching about it , along Gilbert Street - is discouraging access is currently limited to one lane. of the garden supply buying, " he said. and trying to avoid that intersection - of UI College of Nursing customers from shopping there. Co-manager Frances Lewis said the Business has also dipped somewhat I know I am," Stett said. Leonard Vidal, manager of Sav-Mor amount of customers has "slowed at the Gilbert Street Tap, a bar located Farmer said that his office had not By CRAIG GEMOULES teristics you'd look for in a dean ." Felton'S appointment will end the Deep Rock at 1104 S, Gilbert, said down noticably." at 1134 S. Gilbert St., according to bar­ received "any complaints to speak of" Slaff Wrlt.r tender Todd Skay. He predicted that it concerning construction in the Gilbert nine month national search thal began Thursday that his business has dropped Another hard-hit business is Iowa The U1 College of Nursing will have a more than 50 percent since the Ace Hardware (formerly Iowa Lum- may continue to decrease, depending Street area , after former dean Evelyn Barritt new dean in March, after the state resigned last fall . UI administrators Board of Regents Thursday approved had encouraged Barritt to step down. the appointment of Geraldine Felton, Barritt has since filed a lawsuit dean an~ professor of nursing at against eight faculty members, who Oakland University in Rochester, she said held secret meetings to "dump Stay in line 'The Empire' is here Mich. the dean ." Felton will assume her poSition at By T,JOHNSON imitating their older brothers and the record set by Star Wars could Wars saw it six times. And it seems Barritt is now dean of nursing at the SfattWrller sisters waiting in line for rock con­ easily be broken by September. like everyone saw Star Wars . the Ul March I, 1981 at an aMual University of MIami, Florida. certs. There were about 100 people In line salary of $53,000. Felton was a nursing supervisor and Thursday morning there were tnree Tbt Empire Strikes Bacll is, in case THE STAR WARS Empire is a kid for the 4 o'clock show, Most of them Reached at Oakland Univer ity, professor while serving in the U.S. 1little kids camped out in front of the there is someone somewhere who show for adults, or maybe a big-budget were young adults, older than most of Felton said, "Obviously I'm delighted, Army. She held the position for 20 Englert Theater, Tbey were hunched doesn't know, the sequel to Star Wars , real-people cartoon. It began on film the hard-<:ore Star Wars freaks . otherwise, I wouldn 't have accepted years. up against the wall with thermoses full the most profitable motion picture of and continues in toy shops and on "I don't know, I guess I just feel Uke the position." of - what is it that kids who are too all time (it cost $10,5 million and has promotional placemats, and it seems I ought to see it." said one. She has also served on the faculty at Felton said she accepted the position the University of Hawail , Georgetown Young to drink coffee keep in ther­ grossed, to date, over $400 million), If to have struck a nerve . Whatever com­ "Afternoon, " said another, "that's Thursday morning , moses? - hot chocolate,' maybe, . the early returns are any indication, plicated terms one applies to this the tOOe to see it. If you try to get in at University and Wayne Slate Univer­ Sue Rosner, acting dean of the sity. They were wai ting to get into the Empire will surpass Star Wars in no phenomenon, these movies are loved. night, forget it. " College of Nursing, said, "Isn't it very first Iowa City showing of The time, In its Ilrst few weeks at only 26 "It's great," commented one 12- The third chapter of the Star Wan great? Everyone is extremely pleased. Prior to taking the job at Oakland, Empire Strikes Back, They had gotten theaters across the country, Empire year-old fan . "I saw Star Wars six saga goes into production next J8I)uary She's a very strong person for the posi­ Felton was deputy director of the there unnecessarily early, but ap­ grossed $33 million. It opens this week times, " and is slated for release in May of 1982. tion. Walter Reed Army Institute of peared to be having a grand old time at a few hundred more theaters, and It seems as if everyone who saw Star The line forms to the right.
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