annual operational report 2018 for the reporting period 01 January – 31 December 2018 annual operational report 2018 for the reporting period 01 January – 31 December 2018 © 2019 United Nations Relief and Works Agency The development of the Annual Operational Report was facilitated by the Department of Planning, UNRWA. About UNRWA UNRWA is a United Nations agency established by the General Assembly in 1949, mandated to provide assistance and protection to a population of over 5.4 million registered Palestine refugees. Its mission is to help Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, West Bank and the Gaza Strip achieve their full human development potential pending a just solution to their plight. The Agency’s services encompass education, health care, relief and social services, camp infrastructure and improvement, microfinance and emergency assistance. UNRWA is funded almost entirely by voluntary contributions. UNRWA Communications Division P.O. Box 19149, 91191 East Jerusalem t: Jerusalem (+972 2) 589 0224 f: Jerusalem (+972 2) 589 0274 t: Gaza (+972 8) 677 7533/7527 f: Gaza (+972 8) 677 7697 www.unrwa.org Cover photo: The first day of the 2018-19 school year in Sidon, Lebanon.© 2018 UNRWA Photo by Ahmad Mahmoud table of contents acronyms and abbreviations 7 executive summary 8 report overview 9 chapter one: context 10 1.1. political, economic and security developments 1.1.1. syrian arab republic 1.1.2. lebanon 1.1.3. jordan 1.1.4. gaza 1.1.5. west bank 1.2. operational and organisational developments 1.2.1. syrian arab republic 1.2.2. lebanon 1.2.3. jordan 1.2.4. gaza 1.2.5. west bank 1.3. legal matters 1.3.1. agency staff 1.3.2. agency services and premises 1.3.3. other matters 1.3.4. legal status of palestine refugees in the agency areas of operations 1.4. financial overview chapter two: annual reporting under mts strategic outcomes 24 2.1. strategic outcome one: protection 2.2. strategic outcome two: health 2.3. strategic outcome three: education 2.4. strategic outcome four: livelihoods 2.5. strategic outcome five: food, shelter and environmental health 2.6. management and operational effectiveness 2.7. accountability to affected populations 2.8. combatting sexual exploitation and abuse 2.9. unrwa and the grand bargain 2.10. environmental protection 2.11. value for money chapter three: annual reporting under the 2018 oPt emergency appeal 58 executive summary 3.1. funding summary 3.2. gaza: sector-specific interventions 3.2.1. strategic priority 1 3.2.2. strategic priority 2 3.2.3. strategic priority 3: 3.3. west bank: sector-specific interventions 3.3.1. strategic priority 1 3.3.2. strategic priority 2 3.3.3. strategic priority 3 3.4. gaza, west bank and headquarters 3.4.1 strategic priority 4 chapter four: annual reporting under the 2018 syria regional crisis emergency appeal 82 executive summary 4.1. funding summary 4.2. syria: sector-specific interventions 4.2.1. strategic priority 1 4.2.2. strategic priority 2 4.2.3 strategic priority 3 4.3. lebanon: sector-specific interventions 4.3.1. strategic priority 1 4.3.2. strategic priority 2 4.3.3. strategic priority 3 4.4. jordan: sector-specific interventions 4.4.1. strategic priority 1 4.4.2. strategic priority 2 4.4.3. strategic priority 3 4.5. regional response chapter five: annual reporting under the 2016-2018 resource mobilization strategy 108 5.1. results analysis: rms strategy goals 1-5 5.2. goal 1: effective and efficient resource mobilization 5.3. goal 2: traditional donor partnerships are strengthened 5.4. goal 3: diversified donor base 5.5. goal 4: enabling environment 5.6. goal 5: working capital and staff safety and security are resourced annexes 116 united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees in the near east 7 acronyms and abbreviations AAP Accountability to affected populations LFO Lebanon Field Office AOR Annual Operational Report MHPSS Mental health and psychosocial support APC Area Protection Committee MTS UNRWA Medium Term Strategy ASO Area Support Office NBC Nahr el-Bared camp AUB American University of Beirut NCD Non-communicable diseases AVAC Addressing Violence Against Children NFI Non-food items 1946 Convention Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the NGO Non-governmental organisation UN OCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of CBO Community Based Organisation Humanitarian Affairs CERF Central Emergency Response Fund oPt occupied Palestinian territory CfW Cash-for-work OSO Operations Support Office/Officers CG UNRWA Commissioner-General PAC Programme Advisory Committee CIU Crisis Intervention Unit PAS Poverty assessment system CMHP Community Mental Health Programme PCBS Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics CMM Common Monitoring Matrix PCM Programme cycle management CSC Camp Service Committee PDCU Professional development and curriculum units DCG UNRWA Deputy Commissioner-General PDM Post-distribution monitoring DCL District Coordination Liaison PHC Primary health care DES Designated Emergency Shelter PMTF Proxy-means testing formula DIOS Department of Internal Oversight Services POA Post occupancy assessment DM Diabetes mellitus PRJ Palestine refugees in Jordan EA Emergency Appeal PRL Palestine refugees in Lebanon ECHO European Commission Directorate-General for PRS Palestinian refugees from Syria European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid PSO Programme support office Operations PSS Psychosocial support EHC Ein El Hilweh Camp PTA Parent-teacher association EiE Education in Emergencies 3RP Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan EMIS Education Management Information System RBM Results-based monitoring EPI Expanded Programme of Immunization RMS Resource Mobilization Strategy e-SRS Electronic student registration system RSS Relief and Social Services ERCD External Relations and Communications Department SEA Sexual exploitation and abuse ERW Explosive remnants of war SEFSec Socioeconomic food security survey ES Education Specialists SFO Syria Field Office ESC Employment Service Centre SFW Summer Fun Weeks ESF Education Science Faculty SIMS Security information management system FESA Faculty of Educational Sciences and Arts SLM Self-learning materials FHT Family health team SMS Short message service FSRM Field Security and Risk Management SOP Standard operating procedure FTE Full-time equivalent SSAFE Safe and Secure Approaches in Field Environments GBV Gender-based violence SSNP Social Safety Net Programme GES Gender Equality Strategy ToT Training of trainers GMR Great March of Return TSCA Transitional shelter cash assistance GFO Gaza Field Office TVET Technical and vocational education and training GRM Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism UNBOI United Nations Headquarters Board of Inquiry HC Health Centre UNCT United Nations Country Team HCT Humanitarian Country Team UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees HP Health Point UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency HRCRT Human rights, conflict resolution and tolerance Fund HRP Humanitarian Response Plan UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee Refugees in the Near East ICD International Statistical Classification of Diseases US$ United States Dollar ICIP Infrastructure and Camp Improvement Programme VAT Value added tax IDP Internally displaced person VTC Vocational training centres IHL International humanitarian law WASH Water, sanitation and hygiene IHRL International human rights law WBFO West Bank Field Office ILP Interactive Learning Programme WFP World Food Programme ISF Israeli security forces WHO World Health Organization JFO Jordan Field Office WSTC Wadi Seer Training Centre KAP King Abdullah Park YBB Yalda, Babila, Beit Sahem 8 2018 annual operational report executive summary In 2018, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for basic needs were provided to 16,602 PRS. In addition, 247 Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) maintained extremely vulnerable PRS families were supported through the delivery of human development, protection and one-off emergency cash grants to help them absorb shocks humanitarian assistance for registered Palestine refugees. This and respond to specific protection concerns. Medical services was accomplished through a collective commitment on the were extended to over 15,200 PRS. The Agency also continued part of the Agency, its donors and refugee hosting countries. to provide basic education to 1,353 PRS and Syrian children in During the reporting period, UNRWA succeeded in providing Jordan through a network of 141 schools. over 8.5 million primary health care (PHC) consultations, In 2018, the provision of food assistance remained a priority education for 532,857 children (2018/19), social safety in Gaza. With emergency funds, the Agency supported net assistance (including cash and food) for over 255,000 the food and nutritional needs of approximately 933,979 individuals, technical and vocational education and training vulnerable Palestine refugees, including 18,116 female- (TVET) for 7,564 youth and microfinance loans for 38,183 headed households. UNRWA also provided temporary cash people, including 13,052 Palestine refugees. In addition, 1,138 for work (CfW) opportunities for over 10,000 refugees, families benefited from shelter rehabilitation or construction including 3,633 women. Under the Education in Emergencies assistance and, in accordance with Agency protection and (EiE) programme, schools were supplied with essential safety standards, UNRWA either constructed, upgraded or reconstructed six health centres (HC) and 16 schools.
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