ullerton bserver FULLERTON’SF ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWS • Est.1978 (printedO on 20% recycled paper) • YEAR 42 #12 • JULY 2020 Submissions: [email protected] • Contact: (714) 525-6402 • Read Online at: www.fullertonobserver.com School Board Votes to Remove Plummer Name from Auditorium by Jesse La Tour The Fullerton Joint Union High School District Board of Trustees voted unanimously on June 16 to remove Louis E. Plummer’s name from the Plummer Auditorium because of evi- dence that Plummer was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. The community and school board were made aware of his past in an online petition started by Fullerton resident Jacqueline Logwood that gathered over 27,000 sig- natures. The Board agenda item read as fol- lows: “The historical record indicates that Louis Plummer was associated with the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK is known to have engaged in acts of violence and terrorism against minority populations. Louis Plummer’s association was noted in a 1979 doctoral dissertation by Christopher Cocoltchos (UCLA) enti- tled The Invisible Government and the Reckoning with History: The High School Board voted to remove Louis E. Plummer’s name from the Viable Community: The Ku Klux Klan in Auditorium at Fullerton Union High School due to Plummer’s ties to the KKK. Photo by Mike Ritto. Orange County, California During the 1920s. Continued on page 2 BLM Protests Lead to Virtual ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Town Halls with Police Chief •COVID-19 INFECTIONS RISE By Matthew Leslie Chief in June, 2019, Dunn had served as (p. 3) Acting Chief since August, 2018 after The Fullerton Police Department and having been brought on as a captain in members of the City Council are January that same year. On June 25 he •CITY COUNCIL PRESORTED PRESORTED POSTAGE PAID PAID POSTAGE STANDARD U.S. STANDARD responding to calls for defunding and/or described the department’s personnel as ELECTION FULLERTON CA FULLERTON PERMIT NO. 1577 PERMIT rethinking policing across the country being “champions of change, and (p. 3) with virtual town halls featuring mem- accepting of change.” bers of the Council and FPD Chief Chief Dunn, who formerly served as a •ROAD CONDITIONS Robert Dunn. The first, hosted by Public Information Officer for the (p. 4) Councilmember Ahmad Zahra and the Anaheim Police Department, fielded Fullerton Collaborative, took place in questions from members of the public •FIRE DEPT. AGREEMENT the mural room of the police department and the Collaborative, presenting his (p. 5) on June 23. The other, just two days department as one that is intolerant of later, was hosted by Mayor Jennifer racist and misogynist behavior, and COM . Fitzgerald remotely from City Hall, with whose officers follow clear procedures •THE DOWNTOWN REPORT Chief Dunn appearing from his office and are subject to disciplinary action if (p. 6) police headquarters next door. Hired as they don’t. BSERVER Continued on page 8 •OUR TOWN CROSSWORD O RESIDENT (p. 7) THE VISIT COUNCIL APPROVES EMERGENCY RENTAL IN •CIVILIAN POLICE OR ASSISTANCE PROGRAM OVERSIGHT 714-525-6402 (p. 9) CURRENT by Jesse La Tour The program will provide rental assis- FULLERTONOBSERVER . tance grants to income-eligible individu- DVERTISE •FULLERTON MUSEUM OR Fullerton City Council unanimously als and families who have been econom- A approved an emergency rental assistance ically impacted during the COVID-19 WWW CENTER program to help those impacted by the pandemic through job-loss, furlough, or (p. 10) COVID-19 pandemic at their June 16 reduction in hours or pay. meeting. During public comments, several OUNG BSERVERS At a previous meeting, Council did Fullerton renters urged Council to •Y O not have the votes to pass a temporary approve the program. Many of them (p. 13) rent freeze amid pleas from many low- were residents of Palm Gardens. All of income renters, specifically those of them were Latinx, and some were •TRAIN MUSEUM Palm Gardens Apartments, who recently undocumented. (p. 14) received notice of an 8.5% rent increase, Some said they had lost their jobs due despite the fact that many renters had to the pandemic and were ineligible for lost their jobs or had reduced incomes any government assistance because of •COMMUNITY OPINIONS due to the pandemic. their legal status. Undocumented work- (p. 16-17) Funding for the program ($300,000) ers generally have taxes deducted from will come from federal CARES Act their paychecks but are ineligible for any BSERVER RIBUTES PO BOX 7051 •T ULLERTON funds, specifically the Community government assistance. O F Development Block Grant program. (p. 18) FULLERTON CA 92834 CA FULLERTON Continued on page 15 Page 2 FULLERTON OBSERVER LOCAL NEWS JULY 2020 School Board Votes to Remove Plummer Name from Auditorium Continued from front page Prior to Board discussion of the item, Louis Plummer’s attitude and actions President Andy Montoya read the many toward Mexican immigrants and their public comments that had been submit- children was complex, but it should be ted, the majority of which were in sup- noted that he presided over a school sys- port of the name change. tem that segregated its Latinx students Here are some excerpts from public from its white students. The definitive comments in support of removing the work on this topic is historian Gilbert name: Gonzalez’s book Labor and “Members of the KKK should not be Community: Mexican Citrus Workers honored in Orange County or anywhere Villages in a Southern California else in the United States.” County, 1900-1950. “Vote against hatred and anti-black- Other public commenters felt that the ness. Be on the right side of history.” board should not erase or “sanitize” his- “Having a public building named after tory by removing the name. a former KKK member is absolutely “Wiping out a man’s otherwise good unacceptable and sends name and good works for the wrong message to our mere membership in an students. At this moment organization 100 years we are watching racist ago, however distasteful, monuments being “Members of is not going to make a removed in cities across meaningful change,” America, and we should the KKK should wrote one commenter. join them.” not be honored Other public com- “Over 10,000 students in Orange County menters suggested that in the district are Latino, or anywhere else the Board should “slow Black, and Asian/Pacific down” and do more Islander…As elected in the research on Plummer’s officials, I call on you to United States.” KKK ties before voting do the right thing and to change the name. stand against racism and “I ask that the board white supremacy. Your doesn’t get caught up in actions today will be remembered in his- the movement and brand a local leader tory, and if I was in your position, I who did a lot of good for our community Jacqueline Logwood, who started the online petition to re-name Plummer would want to ensure that I was on the as a member of the KKK without doing Auditorium, stands in front of the building. right side of social justice.” more research,” wrote one commenter. Some public commenters opposed the During Board discussion of the name name change, citing Louis E. Plummer’s change, Trustee Joanne Fawley, who establishment of Fullerton College. It’s I’m not trying to erase history. I do not many contributions to Fullerton’s educa- placed the item on the agenda, said that part of the district’s history…I believe want to erase Plummer’s name, nor do I tional system. she not only read Cocoltchos’ disserta- it’s time to turn the page to a new era in want to discount the things that he did. “The research into Louis Plummer’s tion, but she was able to actually contact history.” But I do not want one of our buildings life shows no indication of discrimina- him. He is now a retired history profes- Trustee Cheseter Jeng said, “As an named after a person who joined the tion on his part,” wrote one commenter. sor. “I thought it was important since we immigrant of color, it is very offensive group, participated, and was a member “In fact, his life was filled with compas- are leaning on that as part of our deci- to me to walk into a building that is of the KKK.” sion for others, particularly the Mexican sion-making to hear from him,” Fawley named after a person associated with the Trustee Marilyn Buchi said that she immigrants who labored in the area’s said. KKK.” was conflicted about removing the citrus industry. Mr. Plummer worked “I believe that the research and analy- “I have spent numerous days research- name, but it was speaking with her with others to set up schools for the chil- sis from my dissertation speaks amply ing this issue and doing a lot of soul- younger family members that moved her dren of immigrants and to teach their for me,” Cocoltchos said. searching,” Board President Andy to support the name change. parents basic English in order to read Regarding the Plummer name change, Montoya said. “I feel that we all have “Plummer certainly did a lot in his 20 grocery labels. Weekly, he and his wife Fawley said, “No one’s denying the his- new eyes, a larger heart, and more years as a superintendent to benefit chil- would visit the labor camps and have a tory that took place with the establish- understanding. The name and associa- dren and the district, and the college. meal with the immigrants.” ment of Fullerton High School and the tion of Plummer and the KKK has to go.
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