The Sibelius Edition Choral Music

The Sibelius Edition Choral Music

THE SIBELIUS EDITION CHORAL MUSIC BIS-CD-1930/32 BIS-CD-1930-32_f-b.indd 1 10-07-19 16.48.02 SIBELIUS, Johan (Jean) Christian Julius (1865–1957) Choral Music 2 DISC 1 [78'52] Music for Male Voice Choir Kullervo, Op. 7 (1892) (Breitkopf & Härtel) 37'58 Movements III and V for soloists, male voice choir and piano World Première Recording Text: Kalevala XXXV: 69–286, passim & Kalevala XXXVI: 297–346 (see page 179) 1 III. Kullervo ja hänen sisarensa (Kullervo and his Sister). Allegro 26'00 2 V. Kullervon kuolema (Kullervo’s Death). [No tempo marking] 11'47 [1] Johanna Rusanen soprano · Jorma Hynninen baritone [1–2] Ilmo Ranta piano 3 Rakastava, JS 160a (1893) (Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat) 7'40 (The Lover) Text: Kanteletar I: 173, I: 174 & I: 122 (p. 185) Rauhallisesti – Keveästi – Reippaasti – Tempo I – Hitaasti Tuomas Katajala tenor Six Songs, Op. 18 (Breitkopf & Härtel) 11'49 4 1. Sortunut ääni (The Broken Voice) (1898) 1'20 Text: Kanteletar I: 57 (p. 187) · Ei liian hitaasti 5 2. Terve kuu (Hail, O Moon) (1901) 3'10 Text: Kalevala XLIX: 403–22 (p. 187) · Reippaasti, mutta vakavasti 6 3. Venematka (The Boat Journey) (1893) 1'34 Text: Kalevala XL: 1–16 (p. 188) · Reippaasti 3 DISC 1 7 4. Saarella palaa (Fire on the Island) (1895) 1'23 Text: Kanteletar I: 186 (p. 188) · Comodo 8 5. Metsämiehen laulu (The Woodsman’s Song) (1899) 1'36 Text: Aleksis Kivi (p. 189) · Alla marcia 9 6. Sydämeni laulu (Song of my Heart) (1898) 2'12 Text: Aleksis Kivi (p. 190) · Lento assai 10 Heitä, koski, kuohuminen, JS 94 (1893) (Manuscript / Breitkopf & Härtel) 1'11 (Cease , O Cataract, Thy Foaming) Completed by Erik Bergman in association with Jussi Jalas and Erik Tawaststjerna Text: Kalevala XL: 23–40 (p. 190) · [No tempo marking] 11 Hymn (Natus in curas), Op. 21 (Breitkopf & Härtel) 4'01 Revised version (1896, rev. 1898) Text: Fridolf Gustafsson (p. 191) · Moderato 12 Kuutamolla, JS 114 (1898) (Breitkopf & Härtel) 1'53 (In the Moonlight) Text: Aino Suonio [Aino Krohn] (p. 191) · Andantino 4 DISC 1 13 Athenarnes sång, Op. 31 No. 3 (Breitkopf & Härtel) 3'15 (Song of the Athenians) Version for boys’ and mens’ voices, piano and harmonium (1899) Text: Viktor Rydberg (p. 192) · Alla marcia, ma moderato Helsingfors gosskör · Gunnar Döragrip vocal trainer Ekenäs gosskör · Kristoffer Holmberg vocal trainer Minervaskolans musikklasskör · Nike Lönnqvist vocal trainer Folke Gräsbeck piano · Harri Viitanen harmonium 14 Sandels, Op. 28 (Sällskapet Muntra Musikanter) 9'22 Version for male voice choir and piano (1898) World Première Recording Text: Johan Ludvig Runeberg (p. 192) · Allegro assai (Alla breve) Folke Gräsbeck piano Tracks 1–12: YL Male Voice Choir · Matti Hyökki conductor Tracks 13–14: Akademiska Sångföreningen · Henrik Wikström conductor 5 DISC 2 [76'06] Music for Male Voice Choir continued 1 Har du mod? JS 93 (1903–04) (M/s HUL Ö. 23 / Fennica Gehrman Oy Ab) 1'26 (Have You Courage?) – version for male voice choir a cappella World Première Recording Text: Josef Julius Wecksell (p. 196) · Friskt 2 Ej med klagan, JS 69 (1905) (M/s HUL 1024 / Fennica Gehrman Oy Ab) 1'11 (Not with Lamentation) – version for male voice choir World Première Recording Text: Johan Ludvig Runeberg (p. 197) · [Brett] 3 Laulun mahti, JS 118 (1895) (Ylioppilaskunnan laulajat) 3'01 (The Power of Song) Ballad by Jāzeps Vītols, arranged by Jean Sibelius. Text: Aukselis [Mikus Krogzemis]; Finnish version by Jooseppi Julius Mikkola (p. 197) Andante tranquillo – Allegro – Allegro – Sostenuto – Con moto – Sostenuto 4 Veljeni vierailla mailla, JS 217 (1904) (Breitkopf & Härtel) 3'13 (My Brothers Abroad) Text: Juhani Aho (p. 198) · Reippaasti 5 Isänmaalle, JS 98b (Breitkopf & Härtel) 2'10 (To the Fatherland) – final version (1899, rev. 1908) Text: Paavo Cajander (p. 198) · Pontevasti 6 DISC 2 6 Tulen synty, Op. 32 (Breitkopf & Härtel) 8'42 (The Origin of Fire) Version for baritone, male voice choir and piano (1902, rev. 1910) World Première Recording Text: Kalevala XLVII: 41–110 (p. 199) · Lento assai – Allegro moderato Raimo Laukka baritone · Folke Gräsbeck piano 7 Har du mod? Op. 31 No.2 (M/s Sibelius Museum / Fennica Gehrman Oy Ab) 3'07 (Have You Courage?) Revised version for male voice choir and piano (1904, rev. 1911) World Première Recording Text: Josef Julius Wecksell (p. 196) · Allegro moderato Folke Gräsbeck piano 8 Uusmaalaisten laulu, JS 214b (1912) (Warner/Chappell Music Finland Oy) 2'04 (Song of the People of Uusimaa) – version for male voice choir Text: Kaarlo Terhi (p. 201) · Reippaasti, mutta haaveillen Five Songs, Op. 84 14'23 9 1. Herr Lager och Skön fager (1914) (Sällskapet Muntra Musikanter) 1'57 (Mr Lager and the Fair One) Text: Gustaf Fröding (p. 202) · Lätt och med humor 10 2. På berget (On the Mountain) (1915) (Sällskapet Muntra Musikanter) 3'01 Text: Bertel Gripenberg (p. 203) · Andante patetico 11 3. Ett drömackord (A Dream Chord) (1915) (Sällskapet Muntra Musikanter) 3'36 Text: Gustaf Fröding (p. 203) · Andante assai 7 DISC 2 12 4. Evige Eros (Eternal Eros) (1915) (Sällskapet Muntra Musikanter) 2'58 Text: Bertel Gripenberg (p. 204) · Andante assai · Olle Persson baritone 13 5. Till havs (To Sea) – published version (1917) (Fennica Gehrman Oy Ab) 2'24 Text: Jonatan Reuter (p. 204) · Friskt 14 Fridolins dårskap, JS 84 (1917) (Gehrmans Musikförlag, Stockholm) 2'27 (Fridolin’s Folly) Text: Erik Axel Karlfeldt (p. 205) · Lugnt och graciöst 15 Jone havsfärd, JS 100 (1918) (WSOY / Breitkopf & Härtel) 2'29 (Jonah’s Voyage) Text: Erik Axel Karlfeldt (p. 206) · Allegretto Two Schybergson Songs, JS 224 (1918) (Fennica Gehrman Oy Ab) 3'37 Texts: Gösta Schybergson (p. 207) 16 1. Ute hörs stormen (Outside the Storm is Raging). Comodo (ma poco agitato) 2'11 17 2. Brusande rusar en våg (The Roaring of a Wave). Agitato 1'20 18 Likhet, JS 121 (1922) (Fennica Gehrman Oy Ab) 2'08 (Resemblance) Text: Johan Ludvig Runeberg (p. 208) · Poco rubato 8 DISC 2 19 Jääkärien marssi, Op. 91a (1917) (Breitkopf & Härtel) 2'20 (March of the Finnish Jäger Battalion) Original version for male voice choir and piano World Première Recording Text: Heikki Nurmio (p. 208) · Rasch Folke Gräsbeck piano Viipurin Laulu-Veikkojen kunniamarssi (Viipurin lauluveikot, Helsinki) 2'44 (Honour March of the Singing Brothers of Viipuri) Text: Eero Eerola (p. 209) 20 Version I, JS 219 (1920). Reippaasti 1'24 21 Version II, JS 220 (1929). Reippaasti 1'14 Two Songs, Op. 108 (1924–25) (Laulu-Miehet) 6'17 Texts: Larin Kyösti (p. 210) 22 1. Humoreski (Humoresque). Nopeaan ja paatoksella 3'28 23 2. Ne pitkän matkan kulkijat (Wanderers on the Long Way). Nopeaan 2'44 24 Skyddskårsmarsch, JS 173 (1925) (Breitkopf & Härtel) 1'11 (Skyddskår’s March) for male voice choir and piano Text: Nino [Hjalmar Johannes] Runeberg (p. 211) · [No tempo marking] Folke Gräsbeck piano 9 DISC 2 25 Siltavahti, JS 170a (1928) (Breitkopf & Härtel) 1'37 (The Guardian of the Bridge) Text: Wäinö Sola (p. 212) · [No tempo marking] 26 Karjalan osa, JS 108 (1930) (Fennica Gehrman Oy Ab) 4'14 (Karelia’s Fate) World Première Recording Text: Aleksi Nurminen (p. 212) · Marcia Folke Gräsbeck piano 27 En etsi valtaa, loistoa, Op. 1 No.4 (Fennica Gehrman Oy Ab) 2'38 (Give me no Splendour, Gold or Pomp) Version for male voice choir (1909, rev. c. 1942) · Olli Hannuksela tenor Text: Zachris Topelius; anonymous Finnish translation (p. 244) · Lento 28 Finlandia Hymn from Op. 26 (1899, arr. 1940) (Breitkopf & Härtel) 2'05 Text: Veikko Antero Koskenniemi (‘Oi, Suomi, katso’) (p. 213) – version for male voice choir Ei hidastellen Tracks 1–2, 7, 24: Akademiska Sångföreningen · Henrik Wikström conductor Tracks 3–6, 8, 19–23, 25–28: YL Male Voice Choir · Matti Hyökki conductor Tracks 9–18: Orphei Drängar · Robert Sund conductor 10 DISC 3 [66'31] Music for Mixed Choir 1 Ensam i dunkla skogarnas famn, JS 72 (1888) (Fennica Gehrman Oy Ab) 2'31 (Alone in the Dark Forest’s Clasp) Text: Emil von Qvanten (p. 214) · [No tempo marking] 2 När sig våren åter föder, JS 139 (1888) (M/s HUL 1234/2 / Breitkopf & Härtel) 1'58 (When Spring is Born Again) Text: Johan Ludvig Runeberg (p. 214) · [No tempo marking] 3 Tanke, se, hur fågeln svingar, JS 191 (1888) (M/s HUL 1053/1 / Breitkopf & Härtel) 1'16 (Thought, See how the Bird Swoops) Text: Johan Ludvig Runeberg (p. 215) · [No tempo marking] 4 Hur blekt är allt, JS 96 (1888) (M/s HUL 1029/1 / Breitkopf & Härtel) 2'05 (So Faded Everything Is) Text: Johan Ludvig Runeberg (p. 216) · [No tempo marking] 5 Upp genom luften, JS 213 (1888) (M/s HUL 1230/2 / Breitkopf & Härtel) 2'45 (Up Through the Air) Text: Per Daniel Amadeus Atterbom (p. 216) · [No tempo marking] Gustav Djupsjöbacka piano 6 Ack, hör du fröken Gyllenborg, JS 10 (1888) (M/s HUL 1019 / Breitkopf & Härtel) 1'03 (Ah! Listen, Miss Gyllenborg) Arrangement of a folk ballade from Pernaja (p. 217) · [No tempo marking] 11 DISC 3 7 Työkansan marssi, JS 212 (1893) (Fennica Gehrman Oy Ab) 2'19 (March of the Labourers) Text: Juhana Henrik Erkko (p. 217) · [No tempo marking] 8 Soitapas soria neito, JS 176 (1893–94) (M/s HUL 1022 / Breitkopf & Härtel) 1'23 (Play, Pretty Maiden) for tenor and mixed choir Text: Kanteletar II: 238 (p. 218) · [No tempo marking] · Tom Nyman tenor 9 Juhlamarssi (1894, rev. 1896) (Fennica Gehrman Oy Ab) 4'02 (Festive March) from Kantaatti tohtorin- ja maisterin-vihkijäisissä 31 päivänä toukokuuta 1894 (Cantata for the University Graduation Ceremonies of 1894), JS 105 Text: Kasimir Lönnbohm (Leino) (p. 219) · Maestoso Italian Folk Song Arrangements, JS 99 (1897–98) World Première Recordings 4'51 10 1.

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