H3484 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 6, 2012 I ask God in His loving arms to hold that is numbing to the soul and de- June 6, 1944, D-day. Brigadier General their families who have given a child pressing to the economy, which is sub- Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., played by dying for freedom in Afghanistan. ject to decline in the future as the en- Henry Fonda in the movie, was the son Mr. Speaker, I would ask three times, tire area ages and deteriorates at the of President Theodore Roosevelt. You God, please, God, please, God, please same time. We’re watching this phe- remember President Roosevelt. He led continue to bless America. nomenon on display in communities the charge up San Juan Hill in the f across the country as first- and second- Spanish-American War. tier suburbs deteriorate. Teddy, Jr., fought in World War I as MODERNIZING THE HISTORIC As I mentioned at the beginning, His- well with his brothers. His brother PRESERVATION TAX CREDIT toric Tax assistance has been in the Quentin, a fighter pilot, was killed in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Tax Code since 1976. That’s why it’s im- action. General Roosevelt was crippled Chair recognizes the gentleman from portant with all the justifiable pres- from the wounds of World War I and Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- sure and concern to reform and sim- had a heart condition, but he was not utes. plify the Tax Code that we must retain finished fighting. At the age of 56, Gen- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, tools for historic preservation. Indeed, eral Roosevelt was the highest ranking sometimes simple concepts are the I think it’s time to modernize the his- officer that landed on the shores of most powerful. toric property tax credit to reflect the Normandy. He was determined to lead Since the beginning of my career, I many changes since 1976. Some of the this new generation of warriors—who have seen the power of historic preser- most profound adjustments were made became the Greatest Generation—as vation as a key component to a during the administration of Ronald they took on the Nazis. liveable community that is rich and Reagan, but it’s been over 25 years His son Quentin Roosevelt II, named varied, not just merely the historic since the provisions were addressed after Teddy Jr.’s late brother, the character, but the mixed uses, archi- comprehensively. fighter pilot, was also on the beaches of tectural diversity, human scale and We need to recognize the difficulty Normandy that day. They were the function, economic development, jobs, with the current investment climate only father and son duo known to fight and the creation of value. that makes it more difficult for people on D-day. Roosevelt and his boys were Today, the National Trust for His- to take advantage of the tax credit as part of Operation Overlord. The great- toric Preservation will be announcing well as opportunities going forward to est invasion in history was expected to with their president, Stephanie Meeks, maximize the capacity for this impor- come at a high cost. And, it did. Amer- some of the most endangered places tant program. That’s why I have intro- ican youth gave their lives that day for that we might lose, serving as a call to duced, with my Republican partner, the future of others. action. Our heritage matters. Congressman AARON SCHOCK, H.R. 2479. Armed only with a walking stick and That’s why for over 35 years Federal It would provide more benefit to small- a pistol and under constant enemy fire, Tax Code has granted special recogni- er-scale, Main Street rehabilitation. Roosevelt led several groups of 20- tion to help with the cost of rehabili- There will be a 10 percent bonus for sig- something Americans up Utah Beach tating historic properties, and for good nificantly enhancing energy conserva- and inland. General Omar Bradley de- reason. Over 37,000 historic properties tion and special incentives that can be scribed Roosevelt’s actions as the ‘‘sin- have been rehabilitated, have leveraged used in tandem with the 33 historic tax gle greatest act of courage’’ he wit- $90 billion in investment, and created 2 credit programs in individual States nessed in the entire war. million jobs. across America. On D-day, thousands of American Historic preservation is good for the It’s hard to think of a better value boys charged out of the sea onto soul. People love the enhancement of for strategic investment in commu- French soil, beginning the liberation of historic properties, neighborhoods, and nities that provide a sense of place in Western Europe. Our boys laid claim to districts. It directly links people to history with the creation of jobs and the beachheads inch by bloody inch. who they are, helping us understand wealth. A modernized historic preser- The remarkable Army Rangers climbed and appreciate our roots. It is very im- vation tax credit will be a key ingre- the cliffs at Pointe due Hoc under portant that most people also appre- dient for years to come—a building heavy, brutal German fire. They had ciate historic preservation. That’s why block for a livable community where to. it serves as a magnet for tourists and families are safe, healthy, and eco- Americans did not go to Normandy other investors so that surrounding nomically secure. I urge my colleagues to conquer. They went and they sac- properties and neighborhoods can be to join me in supporting this important rificed to ensure that Hitler would no strengthened. modernization of the historic preserva- longer be a threat. Hitler had little re- It also strengthens the economy. The tion tax credit. gard for American GIs. He was certain investment and its ripple effects create f that the ‘‘soft’’ sons of America would more tax revenue and avoid the cost of never become soldiers. He thought the THE TALLEST WARRIOR ON THE rundown property and blight. As a Nazi youth would be able to outfight LONGEST DAY local official, for years I learned first- the Boy Scouts. He was wrong. The Boy hand that it is hard and expensive to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Scouts took them on D-day. The sand deal with deterioration of the building Chair recognizes the gentleman from was stained red with the blood of stock in the neighborhoods in which Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. American warriors and that of our al- they are located. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, lies. Historic preservation is the best op- growing up, I knew that my dad, when Mr. Speaker, to my left is a photo- tion for the environment. Recycling a he was a teenager, fought in the ‘‘Great graph of the Cliffs of Normandy, where building usually has more net environ- World War II.’’ Because my father Americans are buried. In all, 9,387 mental benefit than a LEED-certified never spoke much about it until re- Americans are buried at the top of the new building. cently, I was curious about what hap- beach at Normandy. Buried on the pened. My fascination with World War cliffs, their white crosses and Stars of b 1010 II began when I saw the movie ‘‘The David shine and glisten in the morning Historic preservation strengthens the Longest Day’’ as a kid. Young Ameri- sunshine over now peaceful Omaha and community. A varied streetscape with cans—mainly boys, really—who had Utah Beaches. One of the ones buried a mix of uses makes that community never been far from home were sent to there is the tallest warrior on the long- safer and more resilient the same way a faraway land to free a people they est day, Brigadier General Theodore that a forest that is composed of a va- had never met. They charged onto a Roosevelt, Jr. This is his grave. It is at riety of different tree species is more beach through a hail of gunfire in order the front of Normandy. Fittingly, he is resistant to fire and disease than a to stop the spreading threat of evil in buried next to his brother Quentin. monoculture of a single species. His- Europe. Quentin was the only person from toric preservation avoids that This action-packed movie depicts the World War I to be buried at Normandy. monoculture of the built environment graphic details of the longest day on General Roosevelt, who died of a heart VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:44 Jun 07, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06JN7.002 H06JNPT1 tjames on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE June 6, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3485 attack shortly after the Normandy in- tion instead of military force. And in- He chose not to come because he vasion, later received the Medal of stead of launching drone attacks on could not defend his actions to his em- Honor for his heroics at Normandy. In troubled nations half a world away, ployer, the people of Texas 22, the dis- this photo is his cross in Normandy’s SMART Security would have us em- trict I represent and the people of Re- cemetery. powering and investing in the people gion 6. He could not defend interfering Today, we express our gratitude to who live there. And why? Because it’s with Texas’s flexible permitting sys- the Greatest Generation of Americans the right thing to do. Absolutely. But tem to minimize the emissions from who defied danger and fearlessly fought also because the goodwill it engenders our farmers and power plants of ni- for freedom.
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