KOITER (W.T. ) . --- joint-ed. Applied mechanics. Proceedings of the tenth International Congress of Applied Mech anics ... See INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF APPLIED MECHANICS, 10th, Stresa, 1960. KOITZSCH (RICHARD. --- ed. Vermessungskunde fur Kartographen sowie alle ingenieurtechnischen Mitarbeiter des Karten-Vermessungswesens. Besorgt von R.K. unter Mitwirkung von E. Lehmann, F. Topfer and W. Zill. Bde. 1-2. [Petermanns Geog. Mitteil. Erganzungshft. Nr. 263, 269, Kartenpraxis.] Gotha, 1957-60. r^^^z-• KOIVUMAA (KALERVO K.). --- Changes in periodontal tissues and supporting structures connected with partial dentures; a clinical, histological and roentgenological study ... [Helsinki Univ. Inst. of Dentistry, Dept. of Prosthetics and Dept. of Dentistry.] Helsinki, 1956. Dentistry Lib. KOJECKY (ROGER). --- T.S. Eliot's social criticism. Lond., 1971. .82191 Eli. Koj. KOJEVE (ALEXANDRE). --- Introduction a la lecture de Hegel; legons sur La phenomenologie de 1'esprit, professees de 1933 a 1939 a 1 1 Ecole des Hautes- Etudes, reunies et publiees par R. Queneau. [Coll. Philos. Syst. et Confess.] [Paris, 1947• 1 •1935 Koj. --- [Introduction a la lecture de Hegel.] Introduction to the reading of Hegel; lectures on the Phenomenology of spirit. Assembled by R. Queneau. Ed. by A. Bloom. Tr. from the French by J.H. Nichols, Jr. New York [1969.] .1935 Koj - --- Another copy. Politics Lib. ADDITIONS KOIZUMI, FUMIO. --- joint-ed. Asian music6in an Asian perspective ... See ASIAN TRADITIONAL PERFORMING ARTS, 1976. Asian musics in an Asian perspective ... KOIZUMI, MAYA. --- See KNIGHT (ROLF) and K., M. KOJIKI. --- Kojiki. Tr. with an introd. and notes by D.L. Philippi. [Princeton] 1969. .8956(265) KOJIMA (KEN-ICHI). --- ed. Mathematical topics in population genetics. [Biomath. Vol. 1.] Berlin, 1970. Animal Genetics Lib. --- Another copy. JCM Lib. KOJIMA, KIYOSEI. --- Japan and a new world economic order. Lond. [ 1977•] •33(5204) Koj. KOJIMA (KEN-ICHI). --- ed. Mathematical topics in population genetics. f [Biomath. Vol. 1.] New York,1970. Animal Genetics Lib. KOJIU, KIYOSHI. --- Direct foreign investment; a Japanese model of multinatioA business operations. / Lond. [1978•] •33888(52) Kaj. --- Another copy. Business Stud. Lib. KOJIMA ( OSANU ) . --- ed. Studies in the business economics. Ed. on behalf of [the] Institute of Industrial Research, Kwansei Gakuin University by O.K. Kyoto, 1977. .658:.33 Koj. KOJO (VILJO). --- Kymmenen savun kyles; pieni valikohtaus suuressa sodassa. Jyvgskylgssa, pr. 1943• •8945413 Koj. KOJOUHAROFF (CONSTANTINE D.). --- See CARUSI (C.F.) and K.(C.D.) KOK (DAVID DE). --- ed. Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Klarissen en Tertiarissen voor de Hervorming. Uitg. door D. de Kok. [Lat. or Dutch.] [Hist. Genoots. to Utrecht. Werken. 3e Ser. 52.1 Utrecht, 1927. .9(492)06 His. KOK (GERARD P.). --- See HUANG PO-FEI and K.(G.P.) KOK (JACOBUS). - Vaderlandsch woordenboek. Dl. 2-35. Amsterdam, 1780-96. E.B. .9(492)03 Kok. --- Byvoegzels op het Vaderlandsch woordenboek. 3 dl. Amsteldam, 1797-99• E.B. •9(49 2 )03 Kok. KOKEN (ERNST). --- Die Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft in den Jahren 1848-1898, mit einem Lebensabriss von E. Beyrich. Berlin, 1901. Q P. 125911. --- Die Leitfossilien ... Leipzig, 1896. O.S. .56017 Kok. --- Palaeontologie and Descendenzlehre. Jena, 1902. Q P. 125912. KOKER (DE). --- See REYNARD THE FOX. GERMAN. Reineke de Vos, mit dem Koker. ik1)1)ITI0NS KOK (A. DE). --- Studiec on flavinc and flavoproteins, with special attention to L-aaaifyo acid oxidase. [Wageningen, Landbouwhogesch. Mededel. 70-1.1 Wageningen, 1970. Botany Lib. KOK (ADAM). --- See ROSS (ROBERT) Writer on Southern Africa. Adam Kok's Griquas; a study in the development of stratification in South Africa. KOK (J.P. FILEDT). See FILIDT KOK (J.P.). KOKER (JOANNES DE). - Diss. ... inaug. de morbo epidemico anni 1719. Lugd. Bat. (1720.) P. 1080/17. KOKER (NICOLAUS HENRICUS JUSTUS). --- Specimen ... inaug. exhibens de Lucio Valerio Aureliano disquisitionem historicam. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1873. N P. 429/15. KOKHTEV (NIKOLAY NIKOLAETVICH). --- See ERMOLENKO (INNA NIKOLA.EVNA), K.(N.N.), etc. KOKKA (THE) PUBLISHING CO. --- ... Ten choice Japanese pictures. [By Hokusai Katsushika, Hoitsu Sakai, Eshi Chobunsai, etc.] n.p., n. d. Ulpga "ne—z^ X Call. F F 6 --- Another copy. _Z24NA 414 11+45. x Coll. FF7 KOKKALIS (ALEXANDER). --- Introduction to the total theory of labor; new positive foundation of economics. Concord pr., copyright 1950. .3301 Kok. KOKONCHOMONSHIT. --- See ECKARDT (H.). Das Kokonchomonsha des Tachibana Narisue als musikgeschichtliche Quelle. KOKOREV (A.V.). --- comp. XpeCTomaTZH no pyccxovc ,nxTepaType XVIII Bexa. 1134. 2oe. MOCHBa, I956. .891708 Kok. --- Two other copies. Russian Lib. --- I113p, . 3-hire 10CHBa, I96I. .891708F Kok. Another copy. Russian Lib. ADDITIONS KOKI (ALHAJI MAHMUTDU). See MAHMUDU (ALHAJI). KOKOSCHKA (OSKAR). --- Schriften, 1907-1955• Zusammengestellt and mit Erlauterungen and bibliographischen Angaben hrsg. von H.M. Wingler. 1.-2. Tausend. Munchen [1956.] .83391 Kok. - Das schriftliche Werk. 4 Bde. Hamburg. •83391 Kok. 1. Dichtungen and Dramen. 1973• 2. Erzahlungen. 1974. 3. Aufsatze, Vortrage, Essays zur Kunst. [1975•] 4. Politische Kusserungen. [1976.] --- H.M. Wingler. Oscar Kokoschka; the work of the painter. Salzburg [1958•] F •75(43604-05) Kok. --- [Mein Leben.] My life. (Tr. ... by D. Britt.) Lond. [1974•] •75(43604-05) Kok. --- [Spur im Treibsand.] A sea ringed with visions. (Tr. by E. Wilkins and E. Kaiser.) Lond., 1962. .83391 Kok. EXHIBITION CATALOGUES --- Kokoschka; a retrospective exhibition of paintings, drawings, lithographs, stage designs and books, organized by the Arts Council of Great Britain [held at] the Tate Gallery, 14 September to 11 November. (Catalogue translation by I. Schrier.) [Lond.] 1962. .75(43604-05) Kok. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS KOKOSCHKA (OSKAR). FXHIBITION CATALOGUES --- Oskar Kokoschka. [Catalogue of an exhibition held by the] Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz, Juni-August 1951. [Linz, 1951•1 P •75(43604-05) Kok. KOKOSCHKA (OSKAR) [continued]. APPENDIX --- See HOFFMANN (E.). K.; life and work. --- See REISINGE1 (ALFRED). Kokoschkas Dichtungen nach dem Expressionismus. --- See VERGO (PETER). Art in Vienna, 1898-1918; Klimt, K., Schiele and their contemporaries. ASASI.I. --- The memorial feast for Kokotoy-Khan ...; a Kirghiz epic poem. Ed. ... with translation and commentary by A.T. Hatto. [Lond. Orient. Ser. 33.] Oxford, 1977. .89431 Kok. KOKOULIN (LEONID LEONTIEVICH). --- KOJIbIMCXZI i KOTJIObaH; Z3 3anzcox rWAp0CTP0XTe0S1. 2e z3A. HocKBa, I980. .8917342 Kok. KOKSMA (JURJEN FERDINAND). --- ed. Asymptotic distribution modulo 1. See NETHERLANDS UNIVERSITIES FOUNDATION FOR INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION. --- Diophantische Approximationen. [Repr.] [Ergebnisse d. Math. u. ihrer Grenzgebiete, Bd. 4, Hft. 4.1 New York, copyright 1936. JCM Lib. KOKTANEK (ANTON MIRKO). --- Schellings Seinslehre and Kierkegaard. Mit Erstausgabe der Nachschriften zweier Schellingvorlesungen von G.M. Mittermair and Soren Kierkegaard. Munchen, 1962. .1934:.198 Kie. Kok. KOKTVEDGAAR.D (MOGENS). --- Konkurrencepraegede immaterial `retspositioner; bidrag til laeren om de lovbestemte enerettigheder og deres forhold til den almene konkurrenceret. With a summary in English. K^benhavn, 1965. 6556( 489) Kok. KOKDRITU KOKUGO IOENKYMO. See NATIONAL LANGUAGE RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Tokyo. ADDITIONS KOKUSAI BUNKA KAIKAN. See INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF JAPAN. KOKUSAI BUNKA SHINKOKAI. --- K.B.S. bibliography of standard reference books for Japanese studies ... 10 vols. (in 6). Tokyo. Ref. .9(52)0 1 6 Kok. 1. Generalia. 1966. 2. Geography and travel. 1966. 3. History and biography. 3 pts. 1965. 4. Religion. 1966. 5A. History of thought. 2 pts. 1965. 5B. Education. 1966. 6A. Language. 1966. 6B. Literature. 5 pts. 1966-68. 7A. Arts and crafts. 1966. 7B. Theatre, dance and music. 1966. 8. Manners and customs, & folklore. 1966. 9A. Politics. 1970. 9B. Law. 2 pts. 1968-70. 10. Economics. 2 pts. 1969. --- A guide to Japanese studies. Orientation in the study of Japanese history, Buddhism, Shintoism, art, classic literature, modern literature. K.B.S. Publ. Ser. A.3.1 Tokyo, 1937• •9(5201 Kok. --- Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai (The Society for International Cultural Relations). Prospectus and scheme. Tokyo L1934•1 P .327 Kok. Continued overleaf.] KOKUSAI BUNKA SHINKOKAI [continued]. --- Kurze Bibliographie der Bucher uber Japan in Deutsch, Hollandisch, Danisch, Schwedisch and Norwegisch. [Publ. A.45.] Tokyo, 1938. P .015(52) Kok. --- A short bibliography on Japan (in English). (Prepared with the assistance of the Committee on Bibliography under the chairmanship of Dr. Masaharu Anesaki.) Rev. ed. [Publ. B.1.] Tokyo, 1936. P .015(52) Kok. KOKUSAI SHOKURY6 NOGYO KYOKAI. See JAPPIT FAO ASSOCIATION. K6-KY6 (KIMOURA). See KIMOURA KO-KY6. KOL (ERZSEBET). --- The snow and ice Algae of Alaska. [Smiths. Inst. Misc. Coll. Vol. 101, No. 16.] Washington, 1942. Sd.7. KOL AMI MUSEUM, Highland Park, Illinois. --- See HIRSCHHORN (HARRY J.). ... Mah nishtana. [Catalogue of an exhibition of] a selection of one hundred & eleven Passover Hagadot Lat the] Kol Ami Museum ... KOLAJA (JIRI). --- Workers' councils; the Yugoslav experience. Lond., 19 65• •331152(497) Kol. KOLAKOWSKI (LESZEK). --- [Filozofia pozytywistyczna.] The alientation of reason; a history of positivist thought. Tr. by N. Guterman. Garden City, New York, 1968. .146409 Kol. --- H-;_sserl and the search for certitude. `Cassirer Lects.] New Haven, 1975 . •1939 Hus. Kol. --- Marxism and beyond;
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