TTHEHE TRUETRUE SPIRITSPIRIT OFOF INDEPENDENCEINDEPENDENCE IIssuessue No.No. 7 FFreeree CCDD SSamplerampler PPanicanic CCellell HHugeuge MMailail OOrderrder CCatalogueatalogue AAlbumlbum RReviewseviews TThehe BBitteritter tthehe BBetter...etter... II-Def-I-Def-I BBloodyloody CCasualties...asualties... DDecimateecimate BBulletsullets ForFor TeethTeeth AAbigail’sbigail’s MMercyercy BBohicaohica PPsylencesylence NNightmareightmare VVisionsisions TTestswitchestswitch IIsolatorsolator SSalal FFOREVEROREVER NNEVEREVER HHerratikerratik CContradictionsontradictions EExplained...xplained... FFuelbloodeduelblooded TThehe CCasketasket IssueIssue 01 02 CCOP-OUTOP-OUT #7#7 IIss bboughtought ttoo yyouou withwith thhee hhelpelp aandnd aassistences of the following people. Welcome To Cop-Out 07 sistence of the following people. HHelloello andand welcomewelcome toto anotheranother instalmentinstalment ofof Cop-Out,Cop-Out, thethe underfunded,underfunded, badlybadly writtenwritten andand cclobberedlobbered togethertogether catazinecatazine fromfrom thosethose jokersjokers atat CoproCopro Towers.Towers. SomeSome ofof youyou willwill bebe sur-sur- EEDITORDITOR JJoseose GGrifriffi n pprisedrised toto fi nnallyally havehave anotheranother oneone ofof thesethese fallfall onon youryour doordoor mat,mat, somesome ofof you,you, willwill bebe wonder-wonder- [email protected]@coproreords.co.uk iingng jjustust wwhathat tthehe hellhell thisthis is,is, butbut hopefullyhopefully allall ofof you,you, oror atat thethe veryvery leastleast mostmost ofof you,you, willwill enjoyenjoy tthishis ppieceiece ofof publishingpublishing nonsense.nonsense. SSUB-EDITORUB-EDITOR MMikeike PPriorrior mmike@[email protected] WWee hhaveave fforor thethe mostmost ppartart inin CCATALOGUEATALOGUE // MMAILAIL OORDERRDER tthishis rre-launche-launch issue,issue, playedplayed JJohnohn ClarkClark ccatchatch uupp wwithith a largelarge chunkchunk [email protected]@coprorecords.co.uk ooff tthehe CCasketasket rrosteroster – mmoreore iinn DDESIGN,ESIGN, GGRAPHICS,RAPHICS, LLAYOUTAYOUT tthehe nnextext iissue.ssue. WWee bbringring youyou NNickick HHemingwayemingway tthehe pperennialerennial valuevalue forfor mon-mon- [email protected]@copcartel.com eeyy – iit’st’s ffreeree fforor ppete’sete’s ssakeake AADVERTISINGDVERTISING – CCDD ccoverover mmount,ount, aabsolutelybsolutely NNoeloel AAbelbel [email protected]@co ccrammedrammed withwith qualityquality soundssounds prorecords.co.uk iincludingncluding PanicPanic Cell,Cell, ForeverForever WWRITERSRITERS DDarellarell E GGanapo, Al anapo, Alf DDonatien,onatien, PPepeepe Manel,Manel, NNeverever aandnd Abigail’sAbigail’s MercyMercy JJoo Legle,Leg James O’Toole, Paul Schinbach le, James O’Toole, Paul Schinbach aamongstmongst mmanyany othersothers andand anan eexclu-xclu- ssivei v e ttrackr a c k ON THE CD: COP-OUT # 7 ffromrom tthosehose cchapshaps iinn Bohica.Bohica. FeaturesFeatures alsoalso onon ForeverForever Never,Never, I-Def-II-Def-I In another instalment of the FREE CD Cover mount, this month ,we bring the cream of the Casket aandnd PanicPanic CellCell helphelp fi llll tthehe pages,pages, andand ofof coursecourse ourour usualusual tonnetonne ofof roster, including the bruisers PANIC CELL, whose debut album has gone on to become the top sell- rreviews.eviews. WWee ssincerelyincerely hopehope youyou enjoyenjoy thethe ragrag andand areare temptedtempted toto emailemail inin youryour TRACKLISTING: oobservations,bservations, correctionscorrections andand anyany suggestionssuggestions youyou thinkthink wewe shouldshould cconsideronsider seriously,seriously, withoutwithout fallingfalling overover withwith laughter.laughter. WeWe areare alreadyalready 1. BOHICA – Southside Of Nowehere – EXCLUSIVE!! wworkingorking onon thethe nextnext issueissue andand somesome interestinginteresting ideasideas areare evolvingevolving 2. FOREVER NEVER – As I Lie wwithith tthathat iinn mind,mind, wwee looklook forwardforward toto thesethese excitingexciting proposalsproposals blos-blos- 3. BULLETS FOR TEETH – Sick Of It 4. PANIC CELL – Save Me ssomingoming overover thethe comingcoming months,months, andand wewe hopehope youyou enjoyenjoy thethe resultsresults 5. TESTWITCH ISOLATOR – Nerophiliac’s Tea Party ooff tthesehese ttoo.oo. 6. NIGHTMARE VISIONS – Silent Crow – EXCLUSIVE! 7. FATALLY YOURS – What Have I Gone And Done Now – EXCLUSIVE! AAllll thethe bbestest – ED.ED. 9. PSYLENCE – Ninety 8 110.0. IINN SSOO FFARAR – DDrowningrowning 111.1. SSALAL – DDeatheath RRayay 112.2. HHERRATIKERRATIK – X 113.3. CCIRCLEIRCLE OOFF OONENE – AAutomaticutomatic 114.4. FFUELBLOODEDUELBLOODED – CConstructiveonstructive DDestructionestruction 115.5. DDECIMATEECIMATE – MMyy TTimeime ue. 116.6. DDISRUPTIONISRUPTION – RRotot IInn thisthis iissue.ss 117.7. MMONSTERWORKSONSTERWORKS – HHypertrophicypertrophic MMee 118.8. KK.O.KAINE.O.KAINE – AAfterfter GGlowlow 119.9. AABIGAIL’SBIGAIL’S MMERCYERCY – MMeaninglesseaningless PPage:age: 220.0. SSANDSTONEANDSTONE – BBulidinguliding CCastlesastles 221.1. SSTOLENTOLEN MMIRRORIRROR - UUnderneathnderneath 4 - PANICPANIC CCELLELL –– KKent’sent’s fi nestnest telltell usus whywhy ttheyhey areare inin thethe UK,UK, wwhenhen scheduledscheduled toto bebe iinn thethe USAUSA r them on the Stuck Mojo Tour 6 – FOREVERFOREVER NNEVEREVER – TTellell uuss hhowow tthehe UUSASA wwasas fforo them on the Stuck Mojo Tour 7 – REVIEWSREVIEWS 9 – CASKETCASKET RREVIEWSEVIEWS 1111 – CCOPROOPRO DDIRECTIRECT CCATALOGUEATALOGUE 4433 – I-DEF-II-DEF-I – TheThe MancuniansMancunians telltell usus howhow itit is.is. 4433 - FEATUREFEATURE SSPECIALPECIAL OONN TTHEHE CCDD SSTARS.TARS. 03 Panic Cell Panic Cell were suppose to be in the Unites When we recorded “Bitter Part of Me” What we have to remember is that no- States of America right now. Unfortunately which was over 2 and a half years ago one knew who Panic Cell were when red tape beurocracy has kept them in the we knew we had produced something we we released the album back in 2004. In UK. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Cop were going to build on. The band had only fact the fi rst 9 months or so we worked Out sent Joe Leagle to interrogate Bobby, been together as a unit for a few months from the bottom up. Bear in mind most talk about kick ‘em whilst their down! and what was captured on that album was bands out there will release 2-3 e.ps/ the bare bones of what was to come. In demos and build their audience. We terms of acceptance from the public and did that with Bitter Part of Me and to an performing live with such amazing bands, extent for those fi rst 9 months we were we certainly did not expect so much so partially in the “public” eye. It wasn’t until soon if we’re realistic about things. we performed at Bloodstock 2004 on the main stage as an “unknown” band to THE BAND HAVE STUCK VERY MUCH most that BPOM picked up steam which TO THER GUNS AND DELIVERED was quickly followed by our fi rst tour with ON “BITTER PART OF ME” A VERY American Head Charge at the end of HONEST, MATURE HARD ROCK 2004 that we started to emerge as real ALBUM, THAT STANDS OUT FOR IT’S contenders. Those moments aside, we LACK OF TRENDY TRAITS AND ANY look at 2005 and the fi rst part of 2006 as GIMMICKS. WAS THE BAND AT ANY where we really had to tour the album and TIME CONSCIOUS OF THE CURRENT things were kept so fresh as we were able SCENES AND WHAT EFFECT THIS to perform to bigger audiences who hadn’t WOULD HAVE ON THE BANDS DEBUT heard of Panic Cell and that in itself kept ALBUM? things fresh for us. Going back to the fact that BPOM was the “bare bones” for us, We were fully aware of the music scene at come to a live show and hear those songs the time and in certain places on the album live. we’ve built on them, extended them... you can hear the music leaning towards basically made them more exciting for us current trends of that time. However, we and more importantly, the audience. never set out to imitate. We have roots WE HEARD THE BAND SHOULD BE from growing up listening to great bands IT HAS BEEN A LENGTHY CYCLE FOR ON TOUR IN THE USA RIGHT NOW, like Metallica, Slayer, AC/DC and much A DEBUT ALBUM AT THIS LEVEL, HAS INSTEAD YOU GUYS ARE IN THE more and just wrote those songs as they THIS VERY MUCH BEEN PART OF A UK, TALKING TO COP-OUT, WHAT came to us, no bullshit, just honest wear BIGGER PLAN, OR JUST NATURALLY HAPPENED? your heart on your sleeve type scenario. THINGS FALLING INTO PLACE THAT HAVE KEPT THE BAND ON THE ROAD Our friends in Stuck Mojo kindly offered IT’S BEEN A ROLLERCOASTER RIDE AND AWAY FROM THE STUDIO? for us to come out to the U.S with them FOR THE BAND, SINCE IT’S RELEASE, in July/August to do a bunch of shows WITH SOME AWESOME TOURS, Ideally we would have been in the studio for the pre release of their new album. SHARING STAGES WITH THE LIKES OF earlier but the plan was always to get as Something we were obviously very MICHAEL SCHENKER, FOZZY, STUCK much exposure as we could. We’ve been excited about as we’re gaining momentum MOJO, DISTURBED, AMERICAN fortunate enough to make friends on our in terms of our profi le over there and this HEADCHARGE, SOIL AND STAIND, travels which have led from one project would have been a great platform to build TO SAY NOTHING OF APPEARANCES to another which has enabled us to make on that. Unfortunately due to logistic visa AT DOWNLOAD, WACKEN AND new friends and fans and really help boost reasons we were unable to commit and BLOODSTOCK. SHOWS THAT HAVE our profi le globally. As much as we love had to decline. SEEN THE BAND
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