i<l ■r'.. i PAGE TWENTY-FOUR flim A Y , OCTOBER 1*, IM t Avarkge Daily Net Preaa Ron iianrlj?0t(r Cttrnlttq U m lb ^ For Hw Week Ended The Weather - i * - ; ------------------------------------------------- ---------- -— 1 - — -------------- October IS.'lM S F ereenet of V. 8. Weatbar Bm m 13,645 OldiM||r, not ee eool toalgM. Lew la 4Mb. Saaday eiondy, a Mfle Member of the Audit cooler, ehaaee af ahowera. B t h B oreM o f Cbreolntlon In 60a. PUMPEl M atu:hegUir-^A City ot/riU age Charm VOL. LXXXII, NO. 18 (TE^ RAGES—TV SECTION) TONIGHT AND TOMORROW ONLY! ALE MANCHESTER, CONN., SATI'W ^DAY, OCTOBERC 20, 1962 (C laaalfM AdverUataic aa F afa S) PRICE FIVE CENTS h : rf St J t i i ( * i * MEN’S IMPORTED B O YS’ AIVD YO U TH S’ DACRON PICTURE-FRAMED<( 100% VIRGIN WOOL WINTER PARKA etreats CAPE COD CURTAINS ragularly 19.99 Di^ Tkey Play Rbola, Boola or rag. 3.59 I Fair Harvard? regularly 1.50 and 1.95 14.99 i:79 In Fight id a 54”, 63” , 72” lengths NEW H A ^ N (AP) — • fine Reeves winter weight Seven members of the Har­ .75 combed cotton a.3” ruffle all around vard University band were ar­ a plain and dotted rested here early today after 1.29 3 -3 a curon laminated for some pre-dawn serenading at Reds Push extra warmth’ • easy care, washable curtains the Yale campus. • shrink resistant Police said they brought the a orlon pile lining performance to a halt at 4:30 alnv. • reinforced heel and toe BDT, and charged the collegiate a zipoff orlon pile hood musicians with breach of the peace Both Ends a regular and long lengths V2 PRICE CURTAIN SALE and parading without a permit. a button fly front with ..They were en route to New • 6 X 8 rib giant inside zipper a washable, dacron flocked tailored curtains York to play with the 130-piece band at the Harvard-Columbia O f Border • black, oxford, loden, brown, navy • top quality make a famous perma flock finish football game, police said. All ■/ were released after posting $60 a 11 to 18 a olive, antelope NEW DELHI (AP)—The a several exquisite patterns bond each. Indian army fell back today a 8 to 20 before superior Red Chinese a 5 popular lengths: 54” , 63” , 72” , 81” Door hangs from one hinge on rear of Allegheny Airlines p la ^ from which stewardess Francolse Youth Killed de Moriere fell to her death last night. Ihe plane landed/M Bradley Field, a stop on its Wash. forces in heavy fighting at Ingbon to Providence route. (AP Photofax). / HOOSICK FALLS, N. Y. (AP) both east and west ends of In-- MEN'S FAMOUS NAME r«g. 3.99 ------------------------------------------- - '■■■' " / ------------------------------ ' - — Walter W. Carpenter Jr., 19, of MEN'S I 00% PURE WOOL 1.19 1*99 28 Lincoln PI., Bristol, Conn., was dia’s Himalayan boundary. killed early today when his auto­ News of the Indian move fol­ DRESS AND SPORT r«g. 4.59 mobile smashed into a tree beside lowed a Defense Ministry an­ NEW FALL DRESS SLACKS 1.49 2.29 Stewardess Pluiiges to Death a county road about four miles nouncement that Red Oiinese SHIRTS west of this Rensselaer C ou n ty forces attacked all Indian outposts our regular 15.99 slacks r«g. 4.99 village. on the northeast frontier 'area in 1.69 2.49 State Police said Carpenter had the Himalayan mountains early • perma set crease lived near here until aliout six this morning after mortar and ragularly 2.99 to 5.00 ^ From Plane over Farmington machine gun fire. At almost the a plain and pleated fronts 12.99 r«g. 1.99 months ago and had returned to 1.79 2.99 the area for a visit. same time, the Chinese attacked a broadcloths^ oxfords, madras, woven and printed a worsted flannels — WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) — in Ladakh's Chip Chap Valley in 2 for lOO^MUe Stroll the North West FYontier area, the cottons, dacron and cotton a fancy, hard finish worsteds _ 1.89 The pretty stewardess was an­ Indians said. a spread, buttondown coUara a charcoal gray, charcoal brown, navy, black olive nouncing the landing at Brad­ ATHOL (AP)—Clayton S. Wil­ Indian announcements said the ley Field when a tremendous blairt liams, 63-year-oId grandfather Red Chinese attacked with "very a regular and poncho pullover • 29 to 44 from Lebanon, Conn., was on the 25.00 of air -oared through the plEihe. large forces"—possibly thousands ........... .*•,, Ladles’ Printed Matte Jersey last lap of a 100-mile three-state a whites, solids, stripes, checks and novelties 1.87 Heads turned but all tha^xould —and indicated that Peiping’s at­ stroll today. a 14 to 17^ . S-M-L-EX.L tack was launched after accusing be seen was the rear dooiyflapping Williams, who was bedridden l4ew Delhi of initiating the offen­ from one hinge. She w(as gone, with arthritis five years ago. left sive. SPECIAL PURCHASE SHIFT DRESS Athol early today for Swaniey. ■wept out into the night. N. H. The Defense Ministry said In­ dian troops (ell back over a mUe LADIES’ ALL WEATHER POPLIN a wrinkle resistant Two hours later/Friday night, Williams said he promised him­ the body of Framioise de Moriere, to the northeastern battle area MEN’S LEATHER GLOVES self five years ago, when he was and were fighting three to (our • looks and feels like wool 29. was found in a field 1,500 feet ill, that if he ever walked again Albert E. Waugh, pro'vost of the University of Coiinedticut. assists Gov. John Dempsey with his below. miles south of the lint which India > LINED AND UNLINED 1 - ha would visit his wife’s relatives academic robes before ceremonies this morning at which Dr. Homer D. BaM>idge, left, was in­ regards as her frontier. a cuddly soft for year round wear Charles MAck. 36. o f Springfield, in Swanzey. augurated as the University’* president. (Herald photo by Pinto). ragularly 4.00 and 5.00 COATS Mass., had been sitting next to Williams left Connecticut Oct. T h e Defense Ministry n id In­ a english balmacaan style rag. 12.99 • ideal for travel Miss De/Moriere on the second leg 13. He expects to reach Swanzey, dian troops also withdrew from a linings: fur, wool and dacron, rayon and cotton of A ll^ hen y Airline’s Flight 928 18 miles from Athol, tonight. one or two posts to the Chip Chap beautifully tailored with colorful print lining fro^^fronv Washington to ProWdenoe, ‘Not Doing All They Might’ Valley of Ladakh! a S-M-L-EX.L and stretch sizes a a prints in blue, green, beige, gray Kennedy Cuts Defense Minister V. K. Krishna a black, brown, gray ' ■ , sizes 6-20 Between Philadelphia and Wind­ Convicted in Slayirtg Memon called the fighting very 2.99 a a lO to 18, street floor, sportswear heavy and severe and told news­ 8.90 sor Locks, site of Bradley Field, LITCHFIELD (AP)—Wife-»lay- Political Tour; the -wind began screaming •r Anthony J. Com a J r, |1. New men '"our troop* wUl naturally through a gap that opened around Milford, was convicted of man­ Dr. H. D. Bahhidge meet the Chinese attacks.” the rear door, Ma<^ said. slaughter yesterday by a Superior Has Slight Cold Red China earlier had accused , W B G I V E AMPLE Miss De Moriere, a native of (fourt jury which declined to find Iniha of opening 'attacks on both Parle and a veteran-of-two'yeam’ him guilty o f .jaie more m Msmi ends of the disputed border — FREE PARKING service with Allegheny, went for­ chaise of second degree murder. CHICAGO (A P ) —J>reald*nt the Ladakh area to the west and ward and brought back co-pllot (fom a had been Mled on the Installed at UConn Kennedy today canceled the re­ the northeast frontier about t(X) Thomaa Hawkins. Together they murder charge for klllHir his wife mainder of his weekend trip be­ mines to the'southeast. Menon as­ IN THE REAR stuffed pillowcases around the Beatrice, 29, with a hampier at cause of a slight cold and pre­ serted Peiping’s charge was a eov- pared to fly back to Washln^on ORBEN loose door. Mack said. their home-Aug. 7. IWORRS (AP)—Dr. Homer D.^demonstrated that a free people OF STORE . , “The noise stopped,” he said. Com a testified he had struck Immediately. (Contlnued on Page Three) J S T A M P S ^ Baibbidge Jr., was Inaugurated as have it within their power to ere The announcement was made by “She sat down a^n and we his wife on the head with fh* the eighth presideii%f>f the Uni­ ate and to sustain institutions of Ma in St., Manchastar chatted. A little while later, she hammer but did not Intend to kill press Secretary Pierre Salinger, versity of Connecticut today in learning that rightly take their who said the decision was reached HOU said, ‘Ehccuse me. I have to an­ her. eolprful ceiremonles. place among the most impressive nounce our descent.’ ’’ ’The jury of seven women and on the advice of the Presidenf^s In his inaugural address, Bab- among human creation.s.’’ physician, Dr. George Burckley. ’The terrific blast of air ended five men deliberated 27 minutes bidge made an apparent reference Babbidge said the university’s before reaching Its verdict on the FYiday night, Salinger said, Dr.
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