mittee. Since lie was 20 years «old Swaju 45 BROWN ENTERS lie has been active in every political LIVERMORE FALLS Christopher, 43 ICE FISHING ON campaign and is an effective stump Geer, 42 UPON HIS DUTIES speaker, being known locally as the RIFLE CLUB Frank L. Bean, 42 AT MOOSEHEAD “ Boy Orator of Piscataquis.’’ N. D. Bean, 41 New Man on the Maine Fish and Mr. Brown is married, a member Good Shots Among the Ladies- Hai-ifes, 40 Fishing Party Have Novel Way of Game Commission. of every branch of Odd Fellowship, Wood. 40 Knights of Pythiais, Foresters, Mac­ Supper to Be Served. Glover, 39 Fishing. .. cabees, Elks, the Gnotona Club and Raynes, 39 - The examplexkm of thie Maine Fish the Milo Democratic Club, which he Livermore Falls, Feb. 9.—Thursday and Game Commission has again night, Feb. 3, the ladies shot the first (Special to Maine Woods.) founded. 417 changed, it new being composed of of the series for the month of Feb­ Greenville, Feb. 8, 1916.—The ice He is said to he the first man Livermore Falls Rifle Club won Harry B. Austin, Phillips; Leon G- ruary with the following score: fishing i-s on in Moosehead Lake, and from Piscataquis county to hold that bv 15 points. many fine strings are being taken, C. Brown, Milo; and Frank E. Mace, position. Cora Waite, 41 Augusta. The new member, Mr. M abel J ew-el 1, 40 mostly togue. Paul D. Sanders and Browiij went into office on Feb. 5, Maude Bradford, 40 party of six friends, fishing off at the expiration of the term of of­ DEATH OF WELL Lida Gibbs, 40] AROUND THE of two mile island, near Greenville fice of Walter I. Neal of Waldo. He Gladys Hyde, ' 39 village, -succeeded in taking 16 fish bas qualified and Ms commission has KNOWN GUIDE M rs. Foyt, 37 STATE HOUSE Sunday afternoon. Those fish., of been forwarded to him from the sec­ Annie Fournier, 37 which- 15 were togue and one sal­ Laura Waite, 37 mon averaged about 3 pounds each. retary of State’s office. One of thie best -bnown and most * The Fish and Game Commission Ava Robin sen, 36 It i® not often we take a salmon ' Mr. Brown is 34 years old and is popular guides in the Rangeley re­ had a little run-together Tuesday Augusta Putnam, 35 through the iice. a native of Medford, Me. His par­ gion, Loring N. Haley, died at his afternoon and evening for the pur­ Elizabeth Routli, 33 A party from Augusta and Auburn ents died when lie was 6 years old, home in Rangeley village Thursday- pose of making acquainted the new Mrs. Blair, 31 are enjoying the ice fishing at thie leaving a family of six small children morning, Feb. 10. member of the commission, Leon G. Cora Waite was high gun for the East Outlet and D-eeir I-sland. W-ben Hi® boyhood days were spent upon One year ago last Thanksgiving Mr C. Brown of Milo, with the old mem­ evening and at present holds tine I say enjoying, I will add a little ex­ a farm in Medford. There is no Haley went to the Massachusetts Gen bers and give him an opportunity of Lida Gibbs’ prize, Mabel Jewell holds planation- for tlie benefit of those better hunting section in Maine than eral hospital for an operation for re­ properly starting his active duties. the H. F. Small prize with a score of wh-o have never enjoyed tlie sport in has native town and county, and moval of the spleen, this being the Mr. Brown in addition met many 40 points.- pro-perly : The party fishing have a he profited accordingly. first operation of this kind perform­ members of tine State House conting­ Monday, Feb. 7, the Livermore nice little house, about 6x8 feet, all , Wlien 17 years of age, becoming ed in the New England states. It ent, some of them old friends, but Falls Rifle Club held a sheet for a boarded and shingled in which they fired with ambition to obtain an edu­ was successful and after recovering most of them new acquaintances. supper with tlie following score: hav-e a little sheet iron stove with cation, Mr. Brown went to Milo, has strength from the operation lias Adkins, Oapt. , plenty of wood', a hole cut through whore he worked hdis way through seemed apparently to have regained Game Warden Bert F. Spencer of Maude Bradford, 35 tlie ice in two of the comers, and the High school, afterward teaching his health. Eddington was a visitor Tuesday at Barbara Pushard, 39 perhaps several outlying holes in school far a time, when he decided It is thought by many that he the department. He patrols the P. Alien, 42 which they plant a baited- hook and upon law for a profession. He grad­ overworked during the post summer Canadian line along tlie St. John to Dr. Waite, 34 line attached to a pole with a light uated with honorable mention in 1905 as he was of an ambitious nature and the north western boundary. Asked Foyt, 39 steel spring and hook with a red from the Law' college of the Univer^ guided many parties and that his ill­ as to the presence of tlie bend of Mabel Jewell, 35 flag on the end. Those are hooked sity of Maine, having also worked ness was brought on by this. He has caribou reported there last yeair, he Winter, 41 on and when a fisli -bites he wiggles his way through that institution. been confined to the house for six says the herd is still there and appar­ F. Jewell, 43 around and unhooks the spring and In November of that year he was weeks, but was only confined to Ms ently well contented. It has also Chandler, 39 ur goes tlie red flag; w-liereupon the admitted to the county bar and be­ bed one day. The day before his increased, a® where last year he Laura Waite, 34 party in the house throw down their gan practice in Milo. For 10 years death he received several calllis from coanted 36 of the caribou, this year Annie Fournier, - 35 card®, upset the crihbage board and be served as clerk of the town and friend®. b 4 saw 32 in the herd. Lida Gibbs, * 39 things and- rush ou-t and land the fish in 1910 was elected county attorney, The funeral services will be held at L. King, 32 —easy isn’t it? and lot® of fun. being the first Democrat to hold the the home Saturday morning at 9 The registration of automobiles Us Sawtelle, 39 We are having a splendid winter office in his county. o'clock. steadily going on and the numbers Kniight, 41 ud this way, the weather lias been For 10 years he has served an Tlie deceased leaves a wife and are climbing higher and higher. The Flanders, 42 fer tlie most part taild, and just en­ the town committee and is now' a one daughter eight years old, who total of truck numbers issued at the Small, 46 ough, snow to make good roads for member of the Democratic State com­ have tlie sympathy of friends. dose of business Tuesday was about Lockilin, 42 the lumbermen. The deer and bird® 587, while the general registration Adkins, 39 are wintering fine. The d-eer are was about 3,850. PLEASANT ISLAND CAMPS Roys, 41 not yarded and are able to get around 1 HOTEL BLANCHARD Tlie automobile department of the On Cupsuptic Lake. Fishing unex­ Dalton, 35 anywhere so that they are getting STRATTON MAINE secretary of State’s office has this celled. Best of hunting. Special rates abundance of feed and are in good year adopted a ruling which will safe In the center of the Fish and Game for June, October and November. 812 shape. guard the interests of all, the owner, Section. Write for booklet. Write for booklet. Ch-esuncoolk, -Feb. 7, 1916.—Frank S. the driver and the State. Last year HOTEL BLANCHARD, WESTON U. TOOTHAKER, Prop., Pengra, Oapt. Duford, of Gbesumooolk, passed away it was the custom if an auto owner the 5th. He was one cf the best STRATTON MAINE. E. H. GROSE. Prop. Pleasant Island, - - Maine | Mrs. Foyt, 39 lost a plate, on application- to issue Dr. Robinson, 41 known guides in this county. Many another plate of the same number, Newburg, 40 sportsmen, who have .been with, Frank or iin case of delay, to give him a J. G. Cotolidge, 44 on the trail will be grieved to learn certificate of application, so that he Bradford, 44 that he ha® taken the “Long Trail.” need not be obliged to lay up his i .Mountain View House |Mar telle, 44 His many friends here extend their v» car, Ava Robinson, 36 heartfelt sympathy -to- hils widow. Mountain View, Maine Automobile Clerk Harold Davis Pushard, 37 Howard Wood. states that it was demonstrated to For further particulars write or address Grace Wilson. 42 the satisfaction of the department Piper, 39 the department by elm p-Iy asking for | L. E. BOWLEY, that this method allowed the fraudu­ Esther Read, 28 lent use of plates, even to the ox- it, that thie people xouLd take enough Mountain View, m • * Maine.| Lon a Fren ch, 32 tent of two men having two autos but interest in their own cases to infeirm 42 Bartlett, running both under one set of plate. themselves- and have their papers Laura Sawtelle, 32 sent in the proper form.
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