( Coming Up Timely Tax Tips Your Man in the Aisle Find something firn to do! Deductions for college students Reindeer Games reviewed See page 4 See page 10 _ ___ See page 11 THE COMMERCIAL Let the wind blow through your hair 2 5 $ while you still have some. ~ Dave Weinbaum Heater THURSDAY, March 2, 2000 Established 1922 OF LYNDHURST Battery thief assaults store manager LH) nab car thieves after By Cindy Camtani A 36-year-old Jersey City man was O'Connor said D’Angelo assaulted First C are for injuries to his m outh. fast, high-powered chase sent to the Bergen County Jail Tues­ him and fled the store. The manager According to O ’Connor, D’Angelo B y C in d y C a p ita n i day after being arrested for robbery, and another store employee followed was charged with robbery instead of lt w as like a scene out o f a m ovie. A vent him from exiting the car and chas­ Lyndhurst Police Chief James B. D’Angelo, caught up with him, and shoplifting because during the theft, trio of stolen cars sped, crashed and ing Turner. The BMW apparently got O ’Connor said. wrestled him to the ground. force was used and.that force resulted spun their way through Lyndhurst, away, Valente said. Lyndhurst Police arrived on the in an Injury. hining a police vehicle and half drag­ Turner ran down the road and at­ Christopher D’Angelo was in the scene and arrested D’Angelo and ging one of the thieves before two of tempted to jump into the passenger’s Valley Brook Avenue Shop Rite Feb. charged him with robbery. He was re­ O'Connor said batteries are a fre­ three men were arrested. side of the Caddy, being half dragged 29 where he purchased a soda and m anded to the Bergen C ounty Jail af­ quently-stolen item due to the black Nasir Turner, 20, of Newark was in the process. The Caddy, now oc­ was allegedly seen pocketing six ter Judge George Savino set bail at market value and ease of resale. Health charged with hindering apprehension, cupied by both men, again smashed packs of batteries. When he was ap­ $500 cash, no 10 percent option. and beauty items are also hot items receiving stolen property and elud­ Currino's vehicle and the two cars proached by the store manager. The store manager was treated at for thieves. ing police. Derrick Moore, 20, of went into a spin. The Caddy then sped Bloomfield, was charged with aggra­ away on Rt. 3 East and the pursuit Alhambra State vated assault on a police officer, re­ was called off. Caravan to meet ceiving stolen property, eluding po­ Currino returned to headquarters The monthly meeting of the State lice and hindering apprehension. and discovered that Newark Police Caravan of the Alhambra will take Lyndhurst Police Det. Sgt. John had picked up the chase after hearing place on Friday, March 3 in the Valente said officer Mike Currino the information broadcast by LPD. American Legion Post 139 in heard over the radio that Hasbrouck Currino gave descriptions of the two Lyndhurst. Heights Police had been in pursuit of men and indicated that Turner was Regional Director Joe Sheedy will a stolen C adillac. Currino spotted the likely injured from being dragged. lead the business agenda at 8 p.m . car traveling on Polito Avenue and In the end, Bloomfield found the and advise the planning of imminent noticed a BMW and Acura following Caddy abandoned and called in their events. All Sir Nobles are invited to close behind. As soon as he put on K-9 unit to track down the men, who attend. his lights, the three cars increased were brought into custody soon af­ He acknowledges the donation of their speed. ter. Currino went to BPD, positively $600 to the North Arlington Elks for Valente said that Currino was fol­ identified Turner and M oore, and both their children’s program at Camp lowing the cars onto the Rt. 17 Ser­ were transported to Lyndhurst for Moore by the E 1 Sheedy Caravan 192 vice Road when the Acura spun out processing. ofNorth Arlington. He is a Past Grand of control and skidded across the Commander of that caravan. highway. Turner reportedly jumped Bail was set at $32,500 for Moore, out and attempted to flee the area on no 10 percent option. Turner’s bail was Scholarship money for foot. At that point, Valente said, set at $7,500, no 10 percent option. Moore, who was driving the Caddy, Both men were transported to the Everybody in ttw pool! - Or in this case, the ocean. M embers of the Lyndhurst Police Department partici­ Lyndhurst students crashed into C urrino's vehicle to pre^. Bergen County Jail. p a te d in th e A n n u al P o la r B e a r P lu n g e a t P o in t P le a s a n t B e a c h T h e chilly sw im to o k p la c e S atu rd ay , F e b . 2 5 Lyndhurst Em blem C lub # 72 is o f­ to raise m oney for Special Olympics. Top photo, left to right are: Lyndhurst Police officers Michael Failace, fering a SI ,000 scholarship to any Patrick Devlin, Daniel Yager, Chief Jam es O ’Connor, Richard Pizzuti, Anthony Preite and Francis O’Rourke Lyndhurst resident graduating from Bottom photo left to right are: Bergen County Sheriff’s Department Lt Michael Bradley, Lyndhurst Police high school this June and plans to Officers Failace, Devlin, Pizzuti. Yager, Michael Carrino, Lt Joseph Sarnoski and Chief O'Connor enter the medical or educational field. Interested students may contact their school's guidance department for full particulars or call 939-6249 for additional information. Deadline for submitting applica­ tions is May I. S torytim e a t lib rary The Children’s Room at Lyndhurst Public Library recently announced that the first Spring Toddler Time and Storytime sessions have begun. Children ages 2 and 3 are welcome to attend Toddler Time every Tues­ day through March 28, beginning at 10:30 a.m. Children ages 3 to 5 are welcome to attend Storytime every Friday through March 3 1 starting at 10:30 a.m. Children age 3 can at­ tend either Toddler Time or Story Defunct car dealership may yield to new eatery Time, but not both. Interested par­ t v B o i J ohnson ents can register their children by T he form er D eM aw i C adillac Site T he 8.5 acre site is now controlled years ago, but Argonout had filed a calling Children's Librarian Denise in the meadowlands may be replaced by GM since DeMassi went bankrupt tax appeal to reduce its taxes since ' Y anoscy a t 804-2480. by a restaurant and catering hall, several years ago. The land is taking over the defunct dealership. according to Mayor James Guida. assessed at S2.5 million and GM 's The mayor said the owners of Ponti land holding company Argonout Mayor Guida said the restaurant The circus 1« coming to town • Handlers for the Ringling Brothers- Broadway trips resume Restaurant in New York, a well Holdings of Pontiac Michigan paid and catering hall, if approved, would Barnum Bailey Circus prepare the elephants for their mile long walk Commissioner Paul Passamano, $62,000 in taxes on the site last year. be a good complement to the known eatery, have made a $2 from th e train to th e M e ad o w la n d s A rena. Jr., Director o f the Department o f million offer on the vacant site now The land was assessed at a much proposed golf course and recreation Recreation, announces that he is re­ owned by General Motors. higher figure of S4.3 million several center targeted for the meadowlands. Point o f View suming the trips to Broadway Shows and tickets are available for the fol­ lowing shows: Kiss Me Kate on Tower construction delays opening Saying ‘No’ to NY garbage Wednesday, March 29. Orchestra ■Y B o* Jo h n s o n b y J a m e s M . G u id a , M a y o r o f L y n d h u r s t of the town hall. Upgrading the behind the town hall. No tower will seats cost $88. Aida on Wednesday, Most of the township offices are Throughout this past century our the G overnor has stated, w ith m ore be built on the municipal building A pril 12. Orchestra seats cost $76. back w orking in tow n hall, b ut it will police radio and communications area of South Bergen has been “O pen Space" plans w ith p arks and roof, as the last, tower was, said The Wild Party on Wednesday, A p ril take at least a month for all the equipment was a vital factor in the saddled by the unsightly mounds recreation for all, and to make our Guida because the equipment 26. Orchestra seats cost $77. Satur­ members of the police department to renovations of building. That new and smells of garbage, some hills as meadowlands a place for all o f South damages the building’s roof. day Night Fever on Wednesday, M ay be under one roof. That’s because the equipment has been installed in high as two hundred feet and also Bergen to be proud of.
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