!"#$%&'(%)*#+%,#!"-.')*#$/01/,-2') USPS 680020 Published Every Thursday OUR 111th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 31-111 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. Thursday, April 12, 2001 Since 1890 (908) 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Westfield Population Jumped 774 or 2.4 Percent Since 1990 By DEBORAH MADISON Some of the results have been re- housing questions. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader leased over the course of the last few For the first time in history, Ameri- Editor’s Note: The following is the months and are available on the Cen- cans could classify themselves by first of a two-part series on the 2000 sus Bureau’s web site at: more than one race only, using any Census. This week’s article concen- www.Census.gov. Demographics combination of six racial categories trates on overall for New Jersey and available at this time include na- for a total of 63 possible race classi- Union County. The second part will tional, state and county figures, bro- fications. Respondents who indicated focus on the Census will impact leg- ken down by race, household income they were of Hispanic origin, listed islative districts will be effected by and education level. A more detailed as an ethnicity, could classify them the new numbers. analysis, along with figures broken selves in any race of their own choos- down by legislative districts and ing. * * * * * municipalities will become available, Most counties in New Jersey saw a What is the only thing more diffi- to the public, over the course of the rise in population as did the state and cult to count than thousands of next few months. the nation. New Jersey’s total popu- dimpled and pregnant chads? The In 2000, the Census Bureau sent lation saw an 8.6 percent gain from 281,421,906 people in the United out about 83 million short forms 1990 to approximately 8.4 million States, of course. That is the national with seven questions and 15 million residents, while the nation increased population total in the latest figures long forms with 52 questions. In 13.1 percent. released from the Census Bureau’s most areas, the Census Bureau re- According to figures released on 2000 Census report. ported, about five out of six homes the Census Bureau’s Web site, the It took thousands of administra- received the short form, while the racial breakdown for New Jersey was tors, enumerators, statisticians and remaining one out of six received the as follows: demographers eight months to col- long form. The short form contained White: 72.6 percent, Black: 13.6 lect and tally the results for the 2000 six population questions and one percent, American Indian/Alaskan Census, called by the Bureau, the housing question, while the long form Native: .2 percent, Asian: 5.7 per- “the largest peacetime effort in the had 31 population questions and 21 cent, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: too history of the United States.” small to calculate, and “some other Ingrid McKinley for The Westfield Leader race”: 5.4 percent. These figures DRESSED FOR THE HUNT…Children of the employees at Children’s Specialized Hospital in Mountainside enjoyed the closely resembled percentages for thrill of the hunt on Saturday, April 7, during an egg hunt held on the lawn of the facility. This youngster, who was dressed CONTINUED ON PAGE A-12 to the nines, gathered plenty of vibrant plastic eggs in his bag. Voters in Westfield to Decide Fate of School Budget; Elect Unopposed BOE Candidates By MELISSA BETKOWSKI and intermediate schools rently finishing out a two-year term Mr. Solomon, and his wife, Amy Specially Written for The Westfield Leader • Introduction of graphing calcu- as treasurer of the WHS Parent Seid, reside in the Franklin El- Voters in Westfield will go to the lators in the seventh and eighth Teacher-Student Organization. ementary School area. They have polls on Tuesday to decide the fate grade math curricula Previously, she served as record- two sons, Josh and David, in kin- of the 2001-2002 school budget, • Introduction of the elementary ing secretary of the same organi- dergarten and third grade, respec- which currently stands at school foreign language into the zation. Mrs. Leiz lives in the tively. Mr. Solomon, employed by $60,220,956. fourth grade Jefferson Elementary School dis- CBS Television, is also a member The spending plan would be sup- • New textbooks for social stud- trict. of the TV-36 Advisory Board. ported by a tax levy of approxi- ies, world language and music mately $51 million. The proposed Additionally, voters will elect budget consists of a base budget of three new members to the Board of $59,859,635 and a second question Education to replace President of $1,464,067. Darielle Walsh, Budget and Finance The $51,202,096 tax levy would Committee Chairman Michael J. equate to an increase in property Kessler and Long Range Planning taxes of 18 cents per $100 of as- Committee Chairwoman Eileen sessed value. On the average home, Satkin. that amounts to an increase of $300. The candidates are Lisa Alter, In addition to the tax levy, the Virginia (Ginny) Leiz, and Richard district will receive state aid in the Solomon. amount of $4,519,404 and federal Ms. Alter, a lawyer, and her hus- and state grants totaling band, Dr. Joel Confino, have been $1,102,746. residents of Westfield for nearly 15 Educational initiatives included years. They have two daughters, in the proposed budget are as fol- Arielle, currently in eighth grade lows: at Roosevelt Intermediate School, • Introduction of new K-5 math and Jordana, in fifth grade at curriculum Franklin Elementary School. • Additional staffing at the inter- Mrs. Leiz and her husband have mediate school level also lived in Westfield for nearly • A computer technician for the 15 years. They have two children, Ingrid McKinley for The Westfield Leader intermediate schools Matthew, 17, and Christine, 15, SPRING FUN…Kaitlyn Gallo, 10, of Kenilworth recently participated in an egg • Upgrades to the library com- both enrolled at Westfield High hunt held on the lawn of Children’s Specialized Hospital in Mountainside. puter systems at the high school School (WHS). Mrs. Leiz is cur- Hillside Authorities Apprehend Accomplices In Murder of Roofing Supply Company Owner By DEBORAH MADISON two of his three sons and two cus- ark and dumped the stolen vehicle. The April 4 press release stated Specially Written for The Westfield Leader tomers, when Tillman entered at 8:45 Detectives believe the three men that prosecutors would be seeking Authorities from the Union County a.m., demanding cash. After he gave then split the $300 proceeds from the $350,000 bail for Burgess and Reese, Tillman $300 in cash, Mr. robbery, with Reese and Burgess the same amount set for Tillman. Prosecutor’s Office in conjunction Ingrid McKinley for The Westfield Leader with the Hillside Police Department Licciardello was fatally shot in the getting about $60 each from Tillman. The alleged accomplices were ar- EVERYBODY LOVES A BARGAIN…The Annual Book Sale at the Westfield charged two Newark men as accom- head by Tillman, when the store Tillman then made his way to Atlan- raigned on April 4 before Judge Joan Memorial Library was once again a resounding success. Pictured above, area plices in the murder of Westfield owner told him there was no more tic City and boarded a Greyhound Robinson Gross at the Union County residents sort through hundreds of books for sale. Funds are raised to help resident and Hillside store owner, cash in the store. Tillman then shot bus headed to relatives in Tennessee. Courthouse in Elizabeth. purchase books and make improvements to the library. Joseph Licciardello. Mr. Licciardello’s 28-year-old son, Mr. Licciardello was slain in his Gregory, in the shoulder and arm roofing supply store on Saturday, before fleeing. Escalating Parking Problem Continues to Plague March 24, during a robbery. Gregory was released from the hos- Union County Prosecutor Thomas pital on the following Monday and has V. Manahan and Hillside Police Chief been recovering. John Bryson said that Jeffrey Bur- Investigators discovered evidence Westfield High School Students and Community that Burgess went to the store on the gess, 30, and Robert Reese, 40, were By MELISSA BETKOWSKI with students parking in the two- provide additional parking spaces change the traffic pattern on Codding taken into custody on Wednesday, day before the shooting and got in- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader volved in a dispute with Mr. hour spots is that students are then for the school’s use. Road to accommodate the ingress April 4, on charges of first degree The parking problem in Westfield felony murder for their alleged roles Licciardello over his final paycheck, unable to move their cars, and are His second plan would be for stu- and egress from the lot. Mr. Manahan said in a press release. continues to rear its ugly head as the frequently issued tickets for surpass- dents to be issued placards which CONTINUED ON PAGE A-12 in the robbery that resulted in Mr. Westfield High School (WHS) com- Licciardello’s death and for wound- “The next morning, Burgess alleg- ing the time limit. would identify cars parked in two- edly met up with Tillman and Reese munity feels the effects. Also, Brent said that there is a hour parking spaces as student cars, ing his son, Gregory. Burgess was a WHS Student Council President Publisher’s Note former delivery truck driver, em- and planned the robbery,” the press problem with students parking in and therefore exempt them from the release stated. Brent Bramnick addressed the teacher spaces when they are unable two-hour time limit.
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