he elowna ourier T K C t:nKHUi<enflrwri!M 9> N I’M HER 9 Kelowna.. British .. Columbia. ■—— iMmul.WiPHWiaB—MM— Monday. August 30th. 1948 ■1.JCr-WKWr«WWMM«WWSWn*«T.\»C Audited Paid Circulation jsawr-*7«,’a!-fljVO LU M E 45 TWICE WEEKLY—MONDAY & THURSDAY Noted Trick Rider Conservative Candidate W ill WORLD NEWS FLASHES Be Chosen By Conservatives (B y Canadian P resa) And Liberals September 15th Bodies Scattered Over One Mile LAKE LEVEL Liberals Will Not Oppose Pro-Conservative Candidate Peel Contesting Forthcoming South Okanagan By- Area as 36 People Die When Huge Level Ibis moralng ...........103.02 Election—Nominating Convention will be held Level on Tlmrsday ...........103.93 4^ Decrease ......... — ..... —....... nil at Zenith Hall, September 15—Several Promin­ U.S. Airliner Struck by Lightning 1918 peak level (Juno 28) ....l(Mi32 ent Conservatives will Allow Names to go Before Agreed maxlmiun ............... 102JW WINONA, Minnesota—Thirty six persons were killed Sun­ Previous record high 1028 ..KNLSO Meeting day when a Northwest Airlines passenger plane crashed into a 1942 high ...............................101.12 500-foot Mississipi River bluff during a severe storm. An eye witness said apparently the plane broke up in midair, after be­ Election by Mid-November ing hit by lightning. , , . , i i „ Parts of the wreckage were found m swamplands along Many Get h f l i b e r a l orgajlization in South Okanagan constituen­ the river. A few bits landed in a ball park seven miles south of cy will not oppose the nomination of a Progressive-Conser­ the crash scene. Gordon Closway, executive editor of the W i­ Tvative candidate to contest the forthcoming by-election when a nona Republican-Herald, who was one of the first on the scene, Coalition candidate is chosen at a nominating convention to be said the “bodies were scattered over an area of one mile.' Lifesaving held at the Zenith Hall September 15. This was stated in well-inlormcd political circles this morn­ CHICAGO—C. C. Plummer, of Flin Flon, Man., qnd his ing following the annonneement by W . G. Gillard, of Suniincr- wife, today were listed among the 36 passengers and crew who (kirlificates land, president of the South Okanagan Progressive-Conserva- died in the plane crash Sunday near Winona, Minn. _____ tive organization, that a meeting will be held here to select a > ■^^'!r 'Twentv-four Local Swimmers to contest the vacant seat as a result of the resignation of HEAVY DAMAGE DONE BY ONT; TWISTER yjt- ^ J W -rT W. A. C. Bennett. Mr Bennett resigned on May 12 to contest SMITH FALLS, Ont.—A wind twister,' striking like a Presented Awards the Yale Federal by-election. thunderbolt, roared through this Western Ontario town of 8,- A nominating committee was appointed last week to select 500 population Saturday and in a few minutes caused damage PASS EXAM S several likely candidates for the Coalition candidacy, although expecting to run into hundreds of thousands of dollars.. Outstanding________ _ cow-punchers- . in Western Canada and who has been allowed to race on the Santa Anita race nominations will also be received from the floor. The commit- a. • M. a _.IV \_a—1_S__ ^ 1m a1 .^1 ■ VVl O *<« It felled more than 200 trees, chopped off electrical power the United States will be taking part in Kelowna’s the above picture, Miss Mills is shown per- Final Tests Conducted by Field tec includes President Gillard, H. A. Truswell, C. G. Bccstoii, and tamrdamaged several homes a„S''™ore .ha„ M ears No ^ forming on her well-trained horse. Several new at­ Supervisor of Red Cross So- and A. K. Elliott, Summerland. ' casuulties were reported. The twister Icisted for 15 minutes. the show. Highlighting the diversified program will be tractions will be offered stampede patrons this year. ciety In view of the fact South Okanagan constituency has been The local B.P.O. Elks sponsor the annual rodeo. Anna Lee Mills, noted trick rider. This will be Miss ■ ; -- a Conservative strong-hold for many years, Mr. Gillard said the RATTLER-BITTEN SHOWMAN FAIR Mills’ first appearance in Canada, and is the only girl were UMWWV.WTWU.M* M* U b -a l organisation,^ ^ had mutually agreed that it would not VANCOUVER—^John Conway, 65-year-old employee of tions Wednesday of last week that oppose the nomination of' a Conservative candidate for the Ziegler’s Shows, is fighting for his life today after being bit by W. C. CRETIN'S wound up the Canadian Red Cross vacant scat. a rattlesnake he was handling at the Pacific National Exhibi­ Society’s 1948 swimming and water __________________________ It is understood that several pro­ tion, From Reading, Pa,, where he joined the .show three weeks Another Grandstand Now GET-RICH-QUICK minent Conservativeb will allow “ '& n S S " « r e r e conducted by R A I f C r H O f l l their names to stand so that there ago, he was told not to touch the snakes. His condition is only A. R. T. Chetwynd, field supervi- 1, x b JLiI j kJVlUVvlJ is no question of “railroading” one fair. HOPES VANISH sor, B.C. Division, Canadian Red m w '^nigir jkTkTT^Tri Conservative choice alone through Being Built To Handle Cross Society. Chairman of the T g R j j J the convention. It is reported an KOREAN REDS THREATEN DESTRUCTION William C. Cretin, 21-year-old water safety program in Kelowna, equal number of Liberals and Con­ mcchnnic at hla fatten ^ g a on ®;/«.^"g 5 SS'’5 ,.o S r- servatives will be appointed, rep­ SEO U L, Korea—The Russian puppet regime of North Ko­ resenting all points of South Oka­ rea, in a broadcast intercepted by the U.S. Army, threatened Large Stampede Crowd Richter Street, last week had vi- ^yon” of the Kelowna Aquatic As- SEPTEMBER? nagan riding. A total of 116 dele­ "to destroy” the elected government in American-occupied sions of winning a fortime up to statio n , the directors and instruc- gates from each party will be rep- South Korea.. O VyWi’MX’ix-'jj-j.'*CONFIDENT j. aitare intmutisymembers v,iof the local Elks organization------------—. y—>$31,000— when------- a- tickettt he•+ was Ahold- ' intor^ K( for another successfiil season Enrolment of School resented. The broadcast heaped abuse on the Korean Republic which 3S that ^a record crowd will attend the fifth annual Kelowna ing.in the QuebecQuebec^Unit Umt 33^Aimy. A ^ ^ k instructional pro Pupils Anticipated by School was the outgrowth of the United Nations-observed elections in stampede that work on constructing another grandstand at Navy and Air Force Veterans was in operation this year, Officials will open at 7 p.m. to receive cre- the U.S. occupation zone May 10. "Each of our election cards exhibition grounds is now underway. In view of the fact sweep was drawn on the horse also m_Okanagan KTT^ixr c dentials. Hon. Herbert A n sco^, will turn into bullets to destroy the puppet government of South j-o^eo is less than a week away, work is being rushed F°rter. ^ of a S bad^Sier cut down attend- NEW SCHOOLS provincial Tory lead ^ and minister Korea,” the broadcast threatened. to completion, and the new stands are expected to accommo- +^!i”weAks le ^ e d Fri- ance at the free instructions, Gen- of inance,' will be one of the chief f i n d ' DEFINITE LINK IN SPY HUNT __ WASHINGTON—-Congressional spy hunt today shifted on,” dedared Bob Phinney, exalted HopetUl S l S i at Sat- Next year the numbers “should be quate didate to the satisfaction of both MAYOR LYONS’ atoga,a, N.Y. iaaHe is expected---------------_ to slfere doubled-j j j in1. all^e. fourIt commumties, . , thc Liberals and the Conserva- to New York for Whittaker Chamber’s own story of landing ruler of the local B.P.O.E. No. 52. in about $60,000 distribution and he added hopefully. Record enrolment of school pup- jyjj.. Gillard told The Cour- a government job while drawing pay as a Russian secret agent. SouW^in arrlS- OFFICE RIGHT mav « « iv e up to $500 for hav- Successful candidates m the expected when the f ^ term The testimony given at a secret session, led Representa- a diversified program, and ma- ing drawn a horse.- three classes m Kelowna '^ere. _ opens on September 7, while sup- Bruce Woodsworth, Westbank tive Richard Nixon (Rep.-Calif.) to claim that for the first time new attractions will be oHered CHALLENGED---------------- —----- ]vir. Cretin married Miss Isobel P^y 8^ teachers to s t ^ schools in and son of the late PENTICTON — -Affidavits have Rhodes, also of Kelowna, here 4 - Kelowna School District _No. 23 is j 3 -^oodsworth, one of the C(3F the committee has a "definite probable link” between the pre- stampede patrons, ■ " The young couple were hill, Nancy JEUis, Lmda CTiezzi, expected to be adequate. Some Hag been chosen by the war Red underground and wartime spy activities related' by ^ been drawn "to^^ive'badc Kelowna some June JViens, LiUian Scantiand and school pupils left t h ^ class c ^ ^ p g rty on Smith’ Okanagan rl- Elizi^eth T. Bentley.^The-committee served^a subpena,^ S^^a“ Jnee^o maife points Mayor Albert Patten. Ke- ^StemSes-Terry Griffin. Pe- g SW^ed^fo bTboStU to g^em- Peters, described by Chambers as the head of the Communist in tiie C^^yJE^otect^^^^ simi- ter ar^nd the 4,000 mark this fall. not se?"^a^ate for the by- office, underground- tion championships, high calibre according to the executive of “gfp^ns’ swe Michael Catchpole.
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