1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 6853 livery of the goods that we may win this during the present war, and for other pur­ By Mr. HOFFMAN: war. · poses. H. Res. 534. Resolution to appoint a com­ Paul's second point was: "Forgetting ADJOURNMENT mittee to investigate alleged improper con­ duct; to the Committee on Rules. those things which are behind"; and at Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. Speaker, I move this time I think it is one of the most that the House do now adjourn. important of all to civilians on the home The motion was agreed to; accordingly PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS front. Now is no time to wa.s~e hours (at 1 o'clock and 21 minutes p. m.) the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private and energy going br,ck, the result of House, pursuant to its order previously bills and resolutions were introduced and which would only be helpful to our entered, adjourned until Monday, August severally referred as follows: enemies in dividing and conquering. 17, 1942, at 12 o'clock noon. By Mr. OSMERS: Those differences of opinion went down H. R. 7486. A bill for the relief of Asmus at Pearl Harbor, and rightly so. Let us C. Erichsen; to the Committee on Claims. keep them down. Concessions must be EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. H. R. 7487. A bill for the relief of the legal made by all, and thl subject must be Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, executive guardian of Edward Polak, a minor; to the dropped if we are to remain a united Committee on Claims. communications were taken from the By Mr. VORYS of Ohio: people and exart our best to win this Speaker's table and referred as follows: damnable war, in the shortest possible H. R. 7488. A bill for the relief of Lafay­ 1852. A letter from the Reconstruction ette Gibson; to the Committee on Claims. time and with the least sacrifice of lives, Finance Corporation, Charles B. Henderson, money, and suffering. Napoleon's great chairman, transmitting reports for the PETITIONS, ETC. achievements were accredited in part to months of October 1941 to June 1942, inclu­ the fact that he lost no time brooding sive, which are submitted as provided by law; Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions over mistakes already made, and there­ to the Committee on Banking and Currency. and :c,apers were laid on the Clerk's desk fore about which he could do nothing, 1853. A letter from the Chairman, Recon­ and referred as follows: struction Finance Corporation, transmitting He was said to have analyzed the situa­ 3292. By Mr. ANGELL: Petition o! Mrs. tion to be sure he would never make that a report covering operations of the Recon­ struction Finance Corporation, for the fourth B. A. Purcell and others, from Klamath Falls, mistake again, and then to have dis­ quarter of 1941 and for the period from the Oreg._urging the adoption of Senate bill 860; carded the whole matter forever. organization of the Corporation on February to the Committee on the Judiciary. The third part of Paul's statement was: 2, 1932, to December 31, 1941, inclusive (H. 3293. By Mr. BULWINKLE: Petition of "Reaching forth unto those things which Doc. No. 830); to the Committee on Banking Mrs. J. H. White and others in the town are before." This would be of great help and Currency and ordered to be printed. of Marshall and Madison County, petitioning 1854. A letter from the Chairman, Recon· passage of Senate bill 86C and House bills in expediting our victory, if we could look 4.000 aml 6785; to the Committee O!l Mili­ straight to the mark and never take our struction Finance Corporation, transmitting P report covering operations of the Recon­ tary Att :> ~rs. eye off it. Every worker has a production struction Finance Corporation for the third 3294. By Mr. TREADWAY: Resolution o! goal ahead of him, whether he be a farm quarter of 1941, and for the period from the the Department of Massachusetts, Veterans of worker, factory worker, or legislator. organization of the Corporation on Febru­ Foreign Wars of the Unitd States, urging The farmer and the factory worker have ary 2, 1932, to September 30, 1941, inclusive that members of the armed forces, traveling accepted their challenge and your Con­ (H. Doc. No. 831); to the Committee on on furlough tickets, be accorded the privi· gress has accepted its respor.sibEity for Banking and Currency and ordered to be lege of purchasing sleeping-car berths when printed. the same are available; to the Committee seeing that proper legislation is passed on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. in order to win this war and preserve 1855. A letter from the Acting Secretary of the Interior, transmitting copies of legis­ our democracy at h0111e. We all hav ~ our lation passed by the -: 1:unicipal Council of separate parts to play, and even though St. Thomas and St. John, V. I.; to the Com­ your part may seem insignificant, it is an mittee on Insular Affairs. SENATE integral part of the whole war effort, and 1856. A letter from the Acting Secretary of must be played by someone. You can­ the Interior, transmitting copies of certain MoNDAY, AuGusT 17, 1942 not play two positions at the same time legislation passed by the Municipal Council of St. Croix, V.I.; to the Committee on Insular Rev. Daniel A. Poling, D. D., pastor, and play them well, so when you have Baptist Temple, Philadelphia, Pa., of­ selected your job, put everything you Affairs. 1857. A letter from the Acting Secretary of fered the following prayer: have into it to be sure it is not your part the Navy, transmitting a draft of a proposed that is holding up our victory parade. bill for the relief of Charles H. Koch; to the God of our Fathers, we thank Thee The last of Paul's statement is: "I press Committee on Claims. that Thou art our God, and that in spite toward the mark"; and herein is a chal­ of dungeon, fire, and sword, our Father's lenge to all of us. Let us press on with faith is alive in us. We would be true our very best efforts that this war will PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS to Thee. Vouchsafe unto us strength be brought to the earliest possible con­ Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public bills that we shall not falter, purpose that we clusion, at which time we can settle down and resolutions were introduced and shall not fail, courage to finish the work to the problem of rebuilding a better severally referred as follows: we are in, and wisdom to win the peace. world and a lasting peace. In us and in our time may our great free­ By Mr. BARDEN: dom, now an inheritance, become an EXTENSION OF REMARKS H. R. 7484. A bill to provide for the voca­ tional rehabilitation of individuals suffering achievement. Unimpaired and strength­ Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask from war-connected or other disabilities; to ened may we hand it on to our children, unanimous consent to include in my re­ the Committee on Education. to our children's children, and to all who marks the views of the War and Navy By Mr. HARTER: come after them. Departments as expressed in letters ad­ H. R. 7485. A bill to prohibit the establish­ We pray for our sons who on the land dressed to the Speaker of the House with ment of maximum prices, under the Emer­ and in the air, on the sea and beneath gency Price Control Act of 1942, in the case reference to the bill passed today. of certain commodities essential for war pur­ it, offer now their full measure of devo­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without poses: to the Committee on Banking and tion. God, our Father, shame us if in objection, it is so ordered. Currency. shop or office, in home or school, in There was no objection. By Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: church or in chambers of government, ENROLLED BILL SIGNED H. R. 7489. A bill to proTide for rehabilita­ we forget their sacrifices, delay support tion in civil employment of persons disabled of them, and the more endanger their Mr. KIRWAN, from the Committee on in the active military service during the pres­ precious lives. Forgive us not if we for­ Enrolled Bills, reported that that com­ ent war, and for other purposes; to the Com­ get. mittee had examined and found truly en­ mittee on World War Veterans' Legislation. Pour out Thy spirit and wisdom upon rolled a bill of the House of the following By Mr. BLOOM: H. J. Res. 342. Joint resolution authorizing the President of the United States, and title, which was thereupon signed by the the execution of certain obligations under upon all those who above us and beneath· Speaker pro tempore: the treaties of 1903 and 1936 with Panama, Thy almighty hand direct the destinies of H. R. 7211. An act to facUitate the disposi­ and other commitments; to the Committee the Republic. Bless the honored presid· tion of prizes captured by the United States on Foreign Affairs. ing officer and Members of the Senate of 6854 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE AUGUST 17 the United States. Equally bless our military camps and naval establishments; hearted loyalty and allegiance to the Presi­ Allies, those free peoples who, however ordered to lie on the table. dent, to the Government of the United States for the moment enslaved and whatever PROHIBITION OF LIQUOR SALES AND SUP­ of America, and as loyal citi2.ens we hope and pray that this resolution be accepted in the tragedy of their present estate, offer PRESSION OF VICE AROUND MILITARY the same spirit and justice in which it was their utmost for the Highest.
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