Our Gal Sunday page 23 A 5c Magazine, to Increase Your Listening Pleasure, Made Available for Only lc by Your Friendly MARKETBASKET PAGE 2 .RADIO LIFE JANUARY 26, 1941 he mentioned thatt was his belief that Locate Your Stations Here the "koff" in the last name indicated that K TRKFI KECA it meant the family of Micha.Then he KHJ KFVD KFSGKGFJ KFOX KGB KERN KVOE KGP1. KESITKIAPC said, "Some of the Russian members of KIEVIKEWITKNX KOKO' 7FAIKCERJ KDB KPMC the orchestra do not agree with me on that.But while 1, myself, am not a Rus- -11.111 111171 111111hIltalia1 IFill1111111.111151 sian, I am a DAMroschan." 600 700 800 600 1000 1100 1200 1300 14 00 1500 1700 I am not sure whether the above meets with your approval, but if it does, may I have three tickets for the Sunday Chase THE EAR INSPIRES THE PEN- and Sanborn program. N..tes This department is open to Ed. Note: You wintickets, Miss readers to air their opinions on any that I have been a steady and consistent Sylvia G. Vega. - hope the busbies, subject Inspired in radio listening, In reader of Radio Life, since last summer. office will send Chase and Sanborn generalto give the radiolistening Since the Metropolitandailies gotinto ours. public an outlet for expression. The their scrap with the broadcasters, we of editor reserves the right to editall Paul Specht, letters. The Writer's name will be the listening public, have had to go with- withheld onrequest,butallletters 1585 Broadway, New York City. must be signed. Try to keep all let- out having answered many questions that ters within 100 words. arise in our minds. Sirs: The recent NBC network broad- Radio Life has come to the rescue-and casts of "Music in the Morgan Manner" how! from the Palace ho:el in San Francisco Mrs. F. L. Bartram, , With asmall have been including a new instrumental 1628 S. Park, Pomona, Calif. five -tube RCA setI tune which calls fo- encores.Troubled often pick up northern and eastern sta- with the new radio chain regulations that Sirs:Just alineinappreciationof tions, particularly at night. restrict broadcasting of ASCAP tunes, your little magazine. Ithink sending it Often I have felt the need to identify Maestro Russ Morgan has been looking out from the markets is a splendid idea. them as to their connection with the majorthwugh dozens of manuscript tunes sub- I'm very much interested in the poetry chains. mitted to him by a new crop of composers. department, and do hope you will enlarge May I suggest that some time, in theSome of these writers are identified with that part of it. very near future, you compile a list of all the Broadcast Music, Inc., better known I am a collector of poetry,. and haveof the coast and west slope stations that as BMI, and some are publishing their own good reason to know that many people songs and music. love such things.My collection is widely are outlets for any of the major chains- known, and I receive many requests for andidentifysuchstationswithsuch ** * poems.So there must be many interested. chains. Thanks again for the pleasure you are I doubt that there are 100 stations all giving. told on the coast that are so identified, Contests therefore, it should not be a heavy task. E. W. H., I do know that such stations as KFSD FOLLOWING are contests and offers Los Angeles. (San Diego), KPO (San Francisco), and which are being presented to South- KOA (Denver) are National Broadcasting ern California listene-s as part of various Sirs: I especially your article outlets.Also KFRC (San Francisco) and programs broadcastover KNX. Those last week on Dr.Maier's "Lutheran marked with asterisk (*) are new: Hour."I was surprised, however, to find KHST, (Chico, Calif.) are Mutual outlets this hour is not listed alphabetically. The but this represents only a small proportion 111)WEY'S, INCORPORATED of the total. Newerand Rhythm last was my fifth issue of Radio Life. I intend, if and when you should pub- Send In "Goofy Headlines" (as used would not miss it now for anything. Please on program)with Dari-Rich bottle withhold my name in case this is pub- lish this information, to cut the same out cap. Ten prizes of $5 each, plus 200 lished. of the magazine and paste it in my log certificate.for onoireuartof Dari- book.(i.e."Log Book" means to me, Rich. Mail: Bari -Rich, Chicago, Ill. T. Brown, general station information). .BROWN WILLIAMSONmos.CO. ltd. Note, In the nearing future the "Paul Sullivan, News" 934 Fourth St., Santa Monica. listingaskedfor by Reader -Listener Send questions about current news Joseph H. Stace will he printed. facts, one Raleigh Cigarettes package Sirs: May I suggest that alongside each wrapper. $111 if queartion answered on station in "News Broadcasts" you print Sylvia G. Vega, program. Hail: Paul Sullivan, Louis- thedial number ofthestation.This 1433 Arapahoe St., Los Angeles. ville, Kentucky. would also be of help in Program High- COLGATE PALMOLIVE PEET CO. lights and even in the full program list- Sirs: This letter is three -foldin pur- Ask -It Basket ing.I don't bother looking up dial num- pose: to express my enjoyment of your Send In question and one carton of Colgate for each question submitted. bers on page two so miss good things. magazine; tocallyour attentiontoa If question is used, 15 plug year's sup- Ed.Note: ToResider -ListenerT. slight error therein; and to submit a gag. ply of Colgate. Mail: Ask -it Basket, Brown, thanker for a good Idea. Will Your magazine is certainly a boon to all CBS. N.I other Radio Life -Inns write Inex- avid radiolisteners. For p e o p 1 e, like COLGA'VE PALMOLIVE PEET CO. pressing, their wishes In this matter! myself who spend much of the day alone, Wayne King*, Orchestra depending upon the radio for company, Request your favorite song and tell Joseph A. Fornia, reason in fifty words or less. Six dia- "Radio Life" is an invaluable aid toward mond rings each week. Mail:Vt ay or 1820 Edgemont St., San Diego, Calif. getting the best programs with the least King.CBS, Chicago. Sirs:Your splendidarticle"Musical effort, and the bits of news included in CONTINENT II. B %KING CO. Showdown" (Radio I.ife, Jan. 5) is surely the magazine are also very pleasant. Marriage Club appreciated by all composers not members Inoticed that for the last two weeks Questions0011(410,1aboutmarried of ASCAP. I had the usual "pass -up" lifeIf used on programyoureceive you list the Radio City Music Hall pro- $5. Mail: Haven MtuAuarrie, care of experience with them, aswellasmail gram as Starting at10a.tn.Sunday Station. N. Y. from numerous gyp publishers.As an old mornings on KFI.I hope I'm not wrong, trouper, past 70,I KID'S edUlZAROO did not fall for thisbut I believe this program starts at 9:80., Two teams. Four boys and girl. on racket. In listening to the Music Appreciation each. Two dollars in cash each, for Hour conducted by Walter Damrosch, I the members of the winning team. Joseph H. Stace, heardanespeciallycleverquip 'that MIDNIGHT MERRY-GO-ROUND 4415 Ambrose Ave., Los Angeles, Three of the four ..brass rings" each seemed more spontaneous than fore -plan- night with cash prizes and tickets for Sirs: Without handing out any "soft- ned.When Mr. Damrosch introduced his the correct title of the recording and soap" and a lot of "bull" I want to say, first violinist, Micha Michakoff, as soloist, production it's from, also questions. RADIO LIFE ispublished weekly by Compton PrintinaCompany.1029 West Washington Boulevard. Los Angeles: Hanson HHathaway. Editor: Vinson Vaughan. Business Manager. Postpaid Bubscilptions are $1.50 per year of 52 Issues. Advertising Rates may be had on application to the Business Mana- ger. Engle Copies are 5 cents. Unsolicited materialissent at sender'sis Rea, Lir, assuming no responsibility for sameAll remittances should be by Postal Money Order. Express Money Order orCheckin favor of Radio LifeCurrency is sent at sender's risk.This Issue numbered V lume 2. No. 2u. Entire contents of this lsau. Copyrighted 1940. Reprinting in whol or nart without nermission strittly prohibited.TedenhoneRichmond 5262. "NEWS MAGAZINE JANUARY 26 OF THE 1941 AIRLANES" PAGE 3 JANUARY 26, 1941 RADIO: West * National *International 'Mrs. Lawrence' Program Changes This Week Editor's Note: As rapidly as they are furnished by Log Editors of principalbroadcasting net- works and major western independents, complete program and time changeswill be noted, week to week. In this section. Readers are informed, however, that even notedchanges may not hold true, because of broadcasting problems, and nearly overwhelming pressure ofworld affairs, to which the Radio industry. ininterests of public service,sacrifices time, money and, in some cases, programs. that Mel], of public service shall be maintained. "NP" meansNew Program. "NT" means "New Time ' Change Program Station Time Day KILL KGBKGB. ..KVOE. 11:30 a.m.-Sat. NP Democratic Club Forum KINM KN X n.m.-Sat. NP St. Paul Winter Carnival KELL KGB. KVOE, 1:15 n.m.-Sat. NP Bahamas Handicap K FAH NT News of Americas KNX 2:00 p.m.-Sat. NT Of Men & Books KMPC 2:30 n.m.-Sat. NT Garden Club KEt'A 5:00 n.m.--Sat. NP Faith Builders KH.I. KGB. KVOE ' 8:30 a.m.-Sun. NT Voice of Prophecy Choir KILI 9:15 a.m.-Sun. NT Miniature V.tronolitan ILMPC 2:00 p.m.-Sun. NP Gilbert & Sullivan Tunes KMPC 4:30 n.m.-un.
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