Timothy C.Winegard The 1990 Oka Crisis is considered a defi ning moment in Native-Canadian relations. Contrary to popular belief, it was not an isolated event but rather the 300-year long convergence of two distinct cultures that culminated in OOka:ka: a violent clash in the microcosm of Oka and included the A Convergence of Cultures domestic deployment of the Canadian Forces, 4,500 strong. and the Canadian Forces Drawing on a strikingly wide range of hitherto untapped historical and primary sources, including interviews and – Timothy C. Winegard government documents secured through the Access to Informa- tion Act, Oka: A Convergence of Cultures and the Canadian Forces dispels the common mythology and disinformation OOka: surrounding the causes and events of the Oka Crisis. k Winegard highlights the relevance of Oka, as an integral a part of Canadian history, towards the formation of govern- : mental policy and the active participation of Indigenous a A Canadians in their ongoing effort to shape and alter their n d C social and political realities within Canada and their th onver resistance to cultural assimilation. This innovative study e also engages in a detailed probe of the most controversial Ca g and volatile Canadian Forces internal security operation of ence of n the twentieth century. ad i a n F C o ultures r ces OOkaka OKA: A Convergence of Cultures and the Canadian Forces Timothy C. Winegard Copyright © 2008 Her Majesty the Queen, in right of Canada as represented by the Minister of Nati onal Defence. Canadian Defence Academy Press PO Box 17000 Stn Forces Kingston, Ontario K7K 7B4 Produced for the Canadian Defence Academy Press by 17 Wing Winnipeg Publishing Offi ce. WPO30375 Cover Photo: Cpl Colin A. Aitken, 17 Wing Imaging Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publicati on Winegard, Timothy C. (Timothy Charles) Oka : a convergence of cultures and the Canadian Forces / Timothy C. Winegard. Produced for the Canadian Defence Academy Press by 17 Wing Winnipeg Publishing Offi ce. Issued by: Canadian Defence Academy. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-100-10107-1 (bound) -- ISBN 978-1-100-10108-8 (pbk.). Cat. no.: D2-227/1-2008E (bound) ) -- Cat. no.: D2-227/2-2008E (pbk.) 1. Québec (Province)--History--Nati ve Crisis, 1990. 2. Mohawk Indians--Québec (Province)- -Kanesatake Indian Reserve--Claims. 3. Mohawk Indians--Québec (Province)--Kanesatake Indian Reserve-Government relati ons. 4. Indians of North America--Canada--Treati es. 5. Canada--Armed Forces. I. Canadian Defence Academy II. Canada. Canadian Armed Forces. Wing, 17 III. Title. FC2924.9.O6W56 2008 971.4'04 C2008-980324-8 Printed in Canada. 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 For the leader of the band, my Dad. OKA: A Convergence of Cultures and the Canadian Forces ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS There are so many people to thank that I regrett ably cannot menti on every- one individually. For starters, I would like to thank Dr. Sean M. Maloney for his help and guidance as a professor, but also by “urging” me to take my interest in the events and complicati ons surrounding the Oka Crisis and run with it. I would also like to thank the late Dr. John Marteinson of the Royal Military Col- lege of Canada and Dr. David Murray at the University of Guelph for believing in and supporti ng me. A special thanks to Yves Raic for his conti nued friend- ship and enthusiasm in this project. I wish also to extend a warm apprecia- ti on to the staff s at the Nati onal Library and Archives of Canada, the library at RMC, the Access to Informati on Departments at the Department of Nati onal Defence, the Department of Indian and Northern Aff airs and the Directorate of History and Heritage. Without your valuable help this endeavour would not have been possible. A fi nal debt of grati tude must be extended to Colonel Bernd Horn and the staff of the Canadian Defence Academy Press. In the process of researching the madness that was the spring and summer of 1990, numerous people provided me with their personal accounts, memo- rabilia and thoughts, oft en reliving traumati c experiences. Thank you all for your honesty and co-operati on. Your pieces of history need to be recorded, remembered and most importantly taught. A special thank you to Waneek Horn-Miller for reminding me that the names in the books, papers and jour- nals belong to human beings with thoughts, emoti ons and feelings. Aft er all, this is what it is all about. Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for putti ng up with the end- less stories and what must have been copious one-way “conversati ons!” To my parents Charles and Marian, and my sisters Casey and Kelly all I can say is: I love you all. Dad, thanks for your never-ending proofreading and support, and for dealing with my countless bouts of frustrati on! I am forever indebted. Taleitha, everyday you make me realize that dreams come true. Your under- standing during my long periods away from you on research trips, and my seeming absence even when at home while writi ng, has been limitless. I promise, no more Oka stories! Well maybe… Thank you all, Tim Oxford, U.K., March 2008 OKA: A Convergence of Cultures and the Canadian Forces TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword .........................................................................................................i Introducti on ...................................................................................................iii PART I CONVERGING CULTURES .......................................................1 Chapter 1 The Iroquois Confederacy and the Great Law of Peace .........3 Chapter 2 The Eff ects of Colonialism on the Shaping of North America .....9 Chapter 3 Deepening Divisions: Mohawk Communiti es in New France ... 17 Chapter 4 Mohawk Sett lement at the Lake of Two Mountains/Oka ....23 Chapter 5 The Oka Land Claim Post-Confederati on .............................39 Chapter 6 The Rebirth of the Warrior Society ......................................47 PART II FROM CONVERGENCE TO CONFRONTATION ................59 Chapter 7 Kanesatake and the Modern Land Claims Process ..............61 Chapter 8 Akwesasne: Gambling and Civil War ...................................71 Chapter 9 The History and Framework of Aid to the Civil Power and Domesti c Operati on Legislati ons .........................................79 Chapter 10 Operati on FEATHER/Operati on AKWESASNE .......................87 Chapter 11 Protest in the Pines at Kanesatake ......................................97 Chapter 12 The Sûreté du Québec Raid at Kanesatake ........................107 Chapter 13 The Meech Lake Accord and Elijah Harper ........................113 Chapter 14 The Cordoning of Kanesatake and Kahnawake ..................115 cont... Timothy C. Winegard PART III THE CLASH OF CULTURES ..................................................121 Chapter 15 Operati on SALON ...............................................................123 Chapter 16 The Oka Crisis: Nati ve Nati onalism, Internati onalism and the Media War ............................................................149 Chapter 17 The Canadian Forces: Operati ons in Kanesatake and Kahnawake .................................................................157 Chapter 18 The Treatment Centre at Kanesatake ................................167 Chapter 19 Raids, Retaliati on and Relati onships ..................................175 Chapter 20 Exodus from the Treatment Centre ...................................189 Conclusion ..................................................................................................199 Epilogue From Oka to Caledonia—The Clash Conti nues ..................211 About the Author .......................................................................................229 Bibliography ................................................................................................231 Endnotes .....................................................................................................253 Glossary ......................................................................................................291 Index ...........................................................................................................295 OKA: A Convergence of Cultures and the Canadian Forces FOREWORD I am delighted to introduce Oka: A Convergence of Cultures and the Canadian Forces by Timothy C. Winegard as the latest additi on to the Canadian Defence Academy (CDA) Press collecti on. With its humble beginnings in January 2005, the CDA Press has published books of specifi c interest to the Canadian Forces (CF) and to those interested in the study of the profession of arms in Canada. Our aim has always been to create a disti nct and unique body of Canadian mil- itary leadership literature and knowledge that will assist leaders at all levels of the CF prepare themselves for operati ons in a complex security environment, as well as to inform the public with respect to the contributi on of CF personnel to Canadian society and internati onal aff airs. As such, Oka: A Convergence of Cultures and the Canadian Forces is an impor- tant volume in the CDA Press collecti on. Aid to the civil power, parti cularly in cases of civil disobedience, is arguably one of the most diffi cult tasks the military may be called upon to perform. Although military forces represent the government’s legiti mate managers of violence, and oft en the govern- ment’s last resort to re-establish law and order, the image of soldiers using violence against fellow citi zens is one that everyone, parti cularly
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