AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR YAD VASHEM Vol. 45-No. 2 ISSN 0892-1571 November/December 2018-Kislev/Tevet 5779 The American Society for Yad Vashem Annual Tribute Dinner FROM HOLOCAUST TO REBIRTH the notion of “rebirth.” Our YLA was director of ASYV, who noted that what about her experience on the 2018 BY JILL GOLTZER heavily involved in the evening’s pro- “makes tonight extra special is that Yad Vashem Generation to gram, beginning with Halle Wilf and we are honoring the Zborowski family, Generation Mission this past summer. n Sunday, November 11, 2018, Jonathan Friedman, co-chairs of the who exemplify the first generation of Epstein talked about the four sur- the American Society for Yad O YLA Tribute Dinner Committee, lead- survivors, together with the Burian vivors on the trip — Felice Stokes, Vashem (ASYV) gathered at the ing our guests in the motzi. Award- family, who are the true leaders of the Edward Mosberg, Naftali Deutsch, Plaza Hotel in New York City for its winning a cappella group Six13 then second generation.” Dr. Meier also and Leon Green, z”l. These four indi- Annual Tribute Dinner, hon- viduals “opened their hearts oring Celina and Marvin to us and reinforced the Zborowski and Adina and idea of MeShoah Lawrence Burian. Over 700 LeTekumah — that even people attended, including after living through the more than 150 members of atrocities of the Holocaust, the younger generation, by rebirth was not only a possi- far the most in our organiza- bility, but in fact a reality.” tion’s history. Esteemed We were very fortunate to guests included Dr. Ari be joined by some of our Berman (president of esteemed Holocaust sur- Yeshiva University), Malcolm vivors. ASYV Chairman Hoenlein (EVP of the Leonard Wilf invited all the Conference of Presidents of survivors in the room to Major American Jewish stand and be recognized, Organizations), our own and then asked everyone to Mark Wilf (chairman of join them as “we all stand as JFNA), Andrew Lustgarten ONE!” (president of MSG), Andrea Mr. Wilf thanked Dinner Greenberg (president and Chair Mark Moskowitz as CEO of MSG Networks), well as board members Rita Hank Ratner (former presi- Levy and Marilyn dent and CEO of MSG Rubenstein for the tremen- Networks), Titi Ayenaw (Miss dous work they put into Israel 2013), and planning this year’s dinner. Ambassador Danny Danon Dinner honorees Adina Burian and Marvin and Celina Zborowski; Chairman of the ASYV Leonard Wilf ; and Dinner honoree He then presented the Yad (Israel’s permanent repre- Lawrence Burian. Vashem Remembrance sentative to the UN). led everyone in a magnificent rendi- shared stories about his personal Award to Celina and Marvin The theme for the evening was tion of “Hatikvah”. connection to the Holocaust, specifi- Zborowski, who were joined by their “From Holocaust to Rebirth,” which, aster of Ceremonies Jill Martin, cally Kristallnacht (“Night of Broken sons Mark and Ziggy on stage. “It as Dinner Chair Mark Moskowitz ten-time Emmy award-winning Glass”). gives me enormous nachas that my explained, “follows the modern histor- M sportscaster and television personali- This evening fell exactly 80 years children and grandchildren have fol- ical arc of the Jewish people, taking ty, set the tone for the evening by after the events of Kristallnacht, and a lowed in my footsteps and that they us from the depth of the horrors of the emphasizing the importance of pass- mere two weeks after the violent anti- are also involved in the organization Holocaust to the exhilaration of the ing the survivors’ stories “down to the Semitic attack that took place on and the young leadership,” Marvin establishment of the State of Israel 70 next generation with accuracy, love October 27th in a Pittsburgh syna- said. Celina and Marvin are both years ago.” The presence of so many and awareness.” Ms. Martin then gogue. Dr. Meier reminded us that as founding members of ASYV and are members of our Young Leadership introduced Dr. Ron Meier, executive we try to make sense of something Guardians of the Valley of the Associates (YLA) is a testament to that is entirely senseless, what is cer- Communities at Yad Vashem. tain is that Yad Vashem’s sacred mis- Looking out into the audience, Marvin sion is as relevant today as it was 65 stated, “I will continue to do whatever IN THIS ISSUE years ago when its gates first opened I can to perpetuate our memories, so The ASYV Annual Tribute Dinner............................................................1, 8-9 in Jerusalem. The shooting in the world could never forget.” Friend of the Jews...........................................................................................2 Pittsburgh was the deadliest attack on Following the moving tribute to To Auschwitz and back...................................................................................3 the Jewish people in American histo- the Zborowski family, Jill Martin Veit Harlan: The life and work of a Nazi filmmaker.......................................4 ry, and as Ambassador Danon aptly invited board member David Seeking the truth about a Nazi war criminal.................................................4 stated, “it was anti-Semitism in its Halpern, son of Sam, z”l, and Poland honors diplomat who saved 800 Jews during the Holocaust.........7 classic and cruelest form.” Gladys Halpern, to preside over How an astonishing Holocaust diary resurfaced in America.....................11 ollowing a video message from this year’s In Memoriam. Together Nazi collaborator or national hero?.............................................................12 FYad Vashem Chairman Avner we honored the memories of those The tragedy of the Jews of Rhodes.............................................................14 Shalev, Jill Martin invited YLA mem- members of our Yad Vashem family The day the rabbis marched.........................................................................15 ber Laura Epstein to say a few words (Continued on page 2) Page 2 MARTYRDOM & RESISTANCE November/December 2018 - Kislev/Tevet 5779 FROM HOLOCAUST TO REBIRTH (Continued from page 1) inner Chair Mark Moskowitz lings to continue that legacy as we welcomes and honors people of all who have passed on since the last Dintroduced Adina and Lawrence grow older, to want to participate, and backgrounds and of all faiths.” time we gathered. Eleven YLA mem- Burian and presented them with the to get involved as much as we can.” The evening’s program ended with bers then solemnly stepped onto the Yad Vashem Leadership Award. Adina n accepting this well-deserved an uplifting medley of Hebrew songs stage carrying yahrzeit candles. and Lawrence were both founding Ihonor, Lawrence talked about performed by award-winning a cappel- Each recited the name of one of the members of the YLA and are now working with his father, Holocaust sur- la group Six13. Throughout the night, eleven victims of the recent shooting extremely active members of the ASYV vivor Andrew Burian, and Yad our wonderful honorees, Celina and at the Etz Chaim synagogue in board. They were joined that night by Vashem to publish a book about his Marvin Zborowski and Adina and Pittsburgh. Surrounded by our their parents, siblings and four beautiful father’s experience during the war. Lawrence Burian, inspired everyone young leaders, singer and song- children. Their eldest son, Jonah, For Lawrence, this was one of his with their lifelong commitment to writer Arianna Afsar performed a expressed the immense pride he and greatest satisfactions. He and Adina Holocaust remembrance and their beautiful rendition of “Somewhere his siblings have for their parents. “feel privileged to be part of an organ- unwavering dedication to the ASYV. over the Rainbow” in honor of those “Seeing my parents and their commit- ization that so wholly preserves our Guests sang and danced into the night, who were murdered just because ment and passion for working with Yad past while treasuring the foundation celebrating the sanctity of life, the mira- they were Jewish. Vashem…inspires both me and my sib- of our future; an organization which cle of rebirth, and hope for the future. FRIEND OF THE JEWS: HOW DR. ADÉLAЇDE HAUTVAL DEFIED THE NAZIS AND SAVED JEWISH LIVES called her “the saint.” Utilizing her in April, 1945 she continued to treat ments on at least 400 Jews.” BY MENUCHA CHANA LEVIN, medical knowledge to treat Jewish the patients who were too ill to be Asked questions from the defense, AISH.COM prisoners suffering from typhus, she moved. Adélaïde explained how she reacted secluded them in a separate part of Adélaïde was repatriated only in r. Adélaïde Hautval was a psy- during her incarceration in Block 10: the camp to prevent contagion. By not June 1945, with the last French chiatrist who lived in a Vichy- “I had to serve as an assistant to Dr. D reporting the prisoners’ illness, she patients. Because she was not part of controlled area of southern France. In Wirths, a German with gray-blue saved them from the gas chambers. a resistance organization or network, April 1942, Hautval was told of the eyes. He told me that I would also n April 1943, Adélaïde was sent to she had difficulty obtaining a resist- death of her mother, who had lived in have to assist Professor Clauberg, a Block 10 of the main camp of ance deportee card. occupied Paris. In order to attend the I civilian, bald little man, wearing a Auschwitz, where sadistic experi- fter the war, although her health funeral, she applied for a pass to Tyrolean hat and boots. I was trou- ments took place, including the steril- was impaired by her bout with cross the demarcation line. A bled because that is something I did ization of women by injection of caus- typhus and malnutrition, Adélaïde Although her request was rejected, not want to participate in. Having tic products. She was supposed to resumed her medical practice in Adélaïde attempted to cross over. probably noticed my reluctance, he assist with the “medical experiments” France.
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