Eastern Illinois University The Keep January 1993 1-21-1993 Daily Eastern News: January 21, 1993 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1993_jan Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: January 21, 1993" (1993). January. 8. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1993_jan/8 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1993 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in January by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Candidate Pinned An Eastern student makes a bid Eastern wrestlers for Charleston's highest office. defeat SIU-E. Page5 Page 12 inton Big-name bands edges may rock Eastern By JOHN FERAK able." Kirk said. renewal Campus editor Open dates in McAfee Gym­ (AP) nasium are also being looked into Jefferson Clinton was Big-name bands like Jesus in hopes of bonging a second act ted the 42nd president Jones, the Black Crowes and Spin - or "sideshow" act - to the United States on Wed­ Doctors top a University Board weekend. in a sunsplashed ceremo- wish-list of bands it hopes to CosL for the spring concert lhe Capitol, ushering in a bring to the 1993 spring concert. bands is ranging anywhere from eration of leadership and "We will bring a good act here $40.000 for the Black Crowes Lo g to "face hard truths and to Eastern." said Brad Kirk. UB $10.000 for Soul Sound. ng steps.·· President. "We want to improve "Whoever we bring in il'JI 'ting a weak economy, a UB 's image and gel more respect probably cost at least $15 to Ilion federal debt and a from students. This concen will $20,000," Kirk said. "With adver­ of ticklish foreign-policy help." tisement, that brings it up to at The last two concerts spon­ • Clinton cal led for national least $25.000." sored by UB - November's al but ac~nowledged. "It The US funds do not come !DOI be easy; it will require Parents Weekend perfom1er Lou from students fees. Kirk said. ce... He specified none in Rawls and last year's spring con­ Instead, the money to bring in augural address. leaving cert of Cheap Trick and Material musicians is pooled from a con­ later. Issue - both experienced sub-par cert reserve fund that has been ton used the word change turnouts. built up over the years. mes. and promised his "We aren't going to bring in "With Lhe recenL Lou Rawls ocratic admini!.tration somebody 1hal hasn't done any­ concert. our fund lost a 101 of thing for the past ) ear~ ... Kirk d end the "deadlock and money.'' Kirk said. "As our of government. said. •·1 can guarantee we're not reserve fund is used up. we can wa.' a day of emotional cele­ looking at Grant Funk." alwa) s get money from a fund we In addi1ion to Jesu... Jone.... the and colorful pageantry. have in Old Main ... Black C'rowe" and <\pin nnctors The Rawls' shO\\ had an atten­ Dn5) h ania Av~nue \\as with well \\ishcrs as the Kirk said Soul Sound and hos! of dance of 3.200 - 1.800 less Lhan ns walked several blocks other performers arc "serious pos­ the usual Parents Weekend con­ sibilities.. for UB. parade route to their new cen. Tentative dates for a concert at the White I louse. But v. ith the help of the 1993 are April 24 and May I in Lant/ tgoing President Bush, spring concert. Kirk said he hopes Gym, Kirk said. More serious a second term by a restive to make money for the fund. negotiations will take place over orate demanding change, Although many students would the next two weeks, he added. d stoically as Clinton was like to see a big name group like "There are lots of people we're in by Chief Justice Will- R.E.M. come to Eastern. Kirk ehnquist. Suddenly an ex­ looking at, but one of the ques­ said this scenario is impossible. tions involves trying to bring in a The Georgia-based band's current t. Bush stepped forward JEFF CULLER/Staff photographer e his successor's hand. performer for those dates," Kirk performance cost is $250,000. erward, Bush new home Lots of laughs said. "Jesus Jones is supposed to "We can't get somebody that be coming out with a new release ton. ending a quarter cen­ Comedian Mike Sweeney entertains the crowd Wednesday night at huge," Kirk said. "Because of our along with tour dates. of public service and 12 Rathskeller in the basement of the Martin Luther King Jr. University lack of facilities here, it's just not Union. Sweeney has been the first comedian invited to perform at "It's bard for us to know one possible to bring in someone of Eastern this year. See story on page 3. way or another on an act until we that kind of caliber. know exactly if they'd be avail- ·1ent torture r the pain of sexual assault, many victims remain silent CALHOUN and Information Service. assaults)." Weber said. ..But when only one Even with all die emotional support and ..A lot of times the victim is afraid of was reported. die idea that these crimes are police attention available, Jane said she society's reaction," Weber said. "There is going unreported is trUly suppomd." was stilt afraid to report her assault because looking forward to her senior sometimes a social stigma attached to To make the reporting process easier for she did not think she would get a convic­ last summer when she went rape." victims, Ealy said the University Police tion. And even if she did. her life would be with her fiance to celebrate a University police officer Mike Baty Department follows a specific set of proce­ ..put under a microscope" in the process. y. It was the best party of agreed that the social stigma seems to dures. Campus police will transport the "With the way society would treat me - until she was raped. make some victims shy away from report.. victim to the hospital if she desires and after finding out I was raped, I couJdn•t friead held a knife to her duoat ing die crime. they will conduct a initial interview to try report die crime," Jane said. "Besides. the her body. Jane (not her real ..A victim knows that her whole life Will to gel a description of the assailant. chances of getting a conviction were slim. I the will never be die same. be brought before a judge and jury (if she When the victim is emotionally ready. would never f ccl like I got any justice." as Jane wu. she never~ reports the crime)." Ealy-said the investigaling offic« will conduct a for­ Illinois has aaempb!d to combat the feel· to the audaondes Jane is not Statisdcs support 1be idea lbat rapes are mal inlaview and file a report. 1ngs of injustice that many victims feel. going umeponed. Polty-eiabt victims came Th casare the victim is as comfortable as Voten added the Victims Risbts Amend­ atcd 25 percent of college to the c:eala' for sexual auault eonmelma pouible. Ealy said a support person - such ment to the Illinois Constitution in ve been vlctbna of rape or during fiscal yar 1992. Weber said. 11 a friend. rdaliv~ or voluntr:er from the November. since aae 14, aecording to a Ealy said oalJ one case of sexual crimi COWlldlng center - is always allowed at The amendment will allow victims to by P8YCbololitt Miry Koss. nal assault was re~cd to the campus any mterView. provkle an impact statement at die~ hllfof all these semi ISUUhs police departmcaE during dial ume period. ThB police also make a special effort to ing bearing and will make it JNIOl.. "Y fof to the pollc:e amborides. Weber is quick to poUll out not all 48 conl8Ct the Sexual Assault Counseling and the viCtim to be nodfied wben 1hc COllVid~·- ....80 lDlllY of: .... npes c.ses ieporred occanecl clmina 1be filcal lafonnalion Center to "PPiY some coun­ eel criminal is etiaible for .... is becuue the vicUm& ue period. or even on campus. However. at eelilll for., vicdm. federal law requires police to will be burt ipiJ. entbm•Hd leiS JlcllJ&lise assaaltS dia occur during "'It ls important 10 get some emodoaal infonnadon and ICalistlcs Oft die number:of crimca JCPlll'.IDd mi yw, mnWna.nai ....1UY not lot (of ~-~·ticila• YiCtim, ~~ ~ seem lib a of ae.mal aliault." Baty tail • Connn-4 on pa.g~ 2 2 Thursday, January 21, t 993 FROM PAGE ONE the bes~ QB's in town are at... Inauguration ., From page I international crises in Somalia and Iraq. Haiti and Bosnia. Mother's years of Republican rule in rhe Untested in foreign affairs, Serving only cold, premium quality draft beer While House. Clinton was forceful in express­ 50 At 46, Clinton is the nation's ing his resolve. Also: • $1. Pitchers third youngest president and the "When our vital interests are first of the postwar Baby Boom challenged, or the will and con­ • $1 Bottles (All flavors) generation to sit in the White science of the international com­ House. munity defied. we will act - with •$1BarDrinks ......... ~ Bush. perhaps the last presi­ peaceful diplomacy when possi­ World Famous]alapeno Sausage 25C dent of the World War II genera­ ble, with force when necessary. tion, was the fourth oldest chief The brave Americans serving 10(; Hot Dogs executive when he was sworn in our nation in the Persian Gulf, in at 64.
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