LITURGY NEWSLETTER Vol. 3 No. 3 May 2003 A Quarterly Newsletter prepared by the Liturgy Office of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales News from Low Week meeting The gift of unity is con- of Bishops’ Conference tained in “earthen ves- sels,” which can break, At its Low Week meeting the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales gave permission and because of this for work to begin in preparing a new translation of the Lectionary for Mass using the New require the greatest of care. It is necessary to Revised Standard Version translation of the Scriptures. Guidance for this important work has been cultivate among Chris- provided by the Holy See in the recent Instruction Liturgiam Authenticam. Steps are presently tians a love that is being taken to ascertain whether, as in the past, other English-speaking conferences will wish to committed to surmount- collaborate with the Bishops of England and Wales in this task. If so, a new mixed commission ing the differences; it for this work will be established by the Congregation for Divine Worship. The hope is that is necessary to make the effort to overcome any such new edition of the Lectionary will begin to be published at the same time as the every barrier with inces- English translation of the Roman Missal. That translation is presently being prepared for the sant prayer, with per- Bishops’ consideration by ICEL. severing dialogue, and with a fraternal and The Bishops also commended the work done by Fr Peter McDonough and his collaborators in concrete cooperation in the Catholic Deaf Association in preparing Signs of God, a lectionary for Sundays and feastdays favour of the poorest for use at Masses celebrated for the Deaf community. The first two volumes, for years A and B of and neediest. the 3 year Lectionary cycle have already been published by Redemptorist Publications. The third From address of Pope John Paul at general audience during the volume will be available later this year. This resource is the first of its kind in the world, and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. (January 22nd 2003) initiative has received a very warm welcome from many quarters. Permissions with regard to the preparation of the General Instruction for use in England and Wales, as requested by the Holy See, are still awaited. Publication of the General Instruction and the various formation materials prepared by the Department to assist its full implementation is expected during the autumn of 2003. Ecclesia de Eucharistia cific application to the English language of the Promulgated at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper principles contained in Liturgiam Authenticam, this year, Pope John Paul II’s Encyclical speaks Additionally, the committee examined transla- with passion and love of the Eucharist which tions of select parts of the Missale Romanum “contains the Church’s entire spiritual wealth: with a view toward providing the congre- Christ himself, our Passover and living bread,” gation with texts that might be considered gifted to the Father and shared with the exemplars of liturgical translations that con- Church. Key sections consider the dignity form to Liturgiam Authenticam’s criteria. proper to Eucharistic Celebrations and the ‘In particular, the committee was pleased to particular role of Mary, ‘Woman of the Eucha- hear of recent initiatives by the International rist’ in guiding the Church to a deeper under- Commission on English in the Liturgy to standing of the sacrament. The Department assure the effective application of the principles will be preparing materials to assist parishes to of Liturgiam Authenticam to the processes and engage with the teaching of this Encyclical. principles underlying the timely translation of the Missale Romanum, editio typica tertia, into the Vox Clara welcomes English language.’ recent ICEL initiatives Contents Vox Clara, the Committee of Bishops called Marriage with a conscience News 1–2 to assist the Congregation in its work of con- The Archdiocese of Milan is promoting simple Tried and Tested 3 sidering the translation of liturgical texts met marriage celebrations that highlight ways of Book Reviews 3 from March 12-14 in the Vatican. The Congre- celebrating the sacrament of marriage alert to Papal Meditation gation for Divine Worship noted that ‘The the needs and circumstances of society at large on Psalm 150 4 committee considered a draft of a document, and as an ideal occasion to manifest concrete termed a ratio translationis, describing the spe- love for the needy. Liturgy Newsletter — Page 1 Coming Events Suggestions for include rent- kind in this country to recognise to members of the relevant Faith. ing reception premises from a good practice in responding to These beautifully crafted letters The Museum of the Mind: social cooperative for the pre- the challenges of creating and are, in essence, meditations on art and memory in world culture. British Museum, London. vention of juvenile delinquency, enhancing spaces for Christian shared values and aspirations. 17th April – 7th September 2003. Admission free. or having a dinner catered by worship and for school com- They invite an ideal response to The exhibition and its catalogue a relatively low-cost agricultural munities. The winners of the topical issues such as the pro- explore issues concerning memory and ritual in culture and religion. cooperative. A social cooperative Awards will be announced on motion of peace, family values, http://www.thebritishmuseum.ac.uk enables marginalized persons to 26th November 2003 at the the dignity of the person and Society of St Gregory assist with the production and Summer School Royal Society of Arts, London the value of human life and the Grace as from a fountain distribution of wedding invita- Specially commissioned art importance of education as the 29 July – 2 August 2003 Worth Abbey tions and booklets. and architecture are vital to the key to promoting religious free- www.ssg.org.uk Conference details: The archdiocese suggests the living heritage of the church’s dom and respect for people of Mrs Helen Murphy names of wedding-gift stores worship. The judging panels will different religious traditions. 01933 680 955 [email protected] that, in addition to conducting an be looking for theological imagi- Three times a year on the RCIA Network Conference ethical business, contribute to the nation and artistic excellence in Buddhist Feast of Vesakh, the 3–5 September 2003 funding of development projects Hinsley Hall, Leeds equal measure. Awards are offered Hindu Festival of Diwali and the Contact Nicky Stevens in the Third World. for: Muslim Festival of Id al-Fitr, the 01329 835 583 [email protected] Instead of buying an expensive • a Commissioned Artwork Committee for Other Faiths cir- Panel of Monastic Musicians wedding dress, brides can rent a in Ecclesiastical Space culates each letter of Greeting Annual Conference dress from the Community and St Gabriel’s, All Hallows, • Religious Architecture, to all the Bishops and, with Ditchingham Family Association. • gardens reflecting spiritual an accompanying letter from 22 –26 September 2003. The theme Psallam Spiritu et Mente The honeymoon can be and community values Bishop Kevin McDonald, Chair —an exploration of the psalms planned with a care for social from the two angles of spirituality Entries close on 30th June, of the Committee, to national and music. issues too: Recommended travel 2003 and the winners of the bodies and to diocesan Inter-faith Further details agencies in Milan conduct Fr Mark OCSO, Awards of £3,000 each will be Co-ordinators, for more local cir- Mt St Bernard Abbey, Coalville, ‘responsible tourism’ in Brazil or Leicester, LE67 5UL announced from a shortlist of culation. Copies of the texts of Venezuela. Sacrosanctum Concilium three at a special event on 18th these letters may be obtained Study Day November, 2003. from the Committee. Organised by Heythrop College Divine Mercy Indulgence in collaboration with the Depart- Through this outreach these The Apostolic decree giving full ACE have also recently ment for Christian Life and Worship greetings are now reaching an Saturday 6 December 2003 details of the indulgences recently appointed their first Loans to Heythrop College, London Churches Project Officer, Paul ever wider audience and are well contact Andrew Cameron Mowat SJ attached to this devotion are [email protected] received and appreciated. available from the Department Bayley. He is anxious to hear Clearly, personal contact is by website. from interested parties within the art world and from places of far the most effective means of Actor-director Mel NRSV Lectionary worship interested in taking part reaching people though this is Gibson interviewed by not always possible. Feedback Zenit.org on his forth- Readers of the last Liturgy in a temporary loan scheme. Newsletter might have thought suggests that the Greeting is prov- coming film on the Pas- Religious Festivals sion of Christ. we’d made faster progress than ing to be an extremely valuable “I don’t think other films expected with the NRSV Lec- of the World Religions means of making and fostering have tapped into the tionary for England and Wales. Each year, on the occasion of relationships with members of real force of this story. Churchill Systems are advertising the Festivals of the Major World Other Faiths. I mean, have you seen a new NRSV lectionary available Religions, the President of the Often parishioners undertake any of the others? They from them on CD-Rom from Pontifical Council for Inter- to share this greeting with faith are either inaccurate in Churchill. It is not the Lectionary religious Dialogue, Archbishop communities situated in their their history, or they approved for use in the Catholic Michael Fitzgerald, sends out a parishes. It is a simple and effec- suffer from bad music Church in England and Wales, letter of greeting to each Bish- tive way to assist in promoting a or bad hair.
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