ESTATE Manchester, Conn. Horn# of the Week It tpontortd by lh<i Manchfttttr Herald Sunny today, Saturday, Sept. 24, 1983 warmer Sunday Single copy. 254 BIANCHARD & ROSSEHO — See page 2 llanrhrHlrr Hrralb BRINGS BACK A MANCHESTER TRADITION HOME THE EXPANDABLE CAPE $64,900 Architecturally designed capes being built on Westerly Street (next to Market) at the intersection of Hilliard and Broad streets. These quality constructed homes being built by Blanchard A Rossetto Construction. Inc. will feature spacious kitchens with custom cabinets, full bath, comfortable living room, formal dining room, one bedroom or nodiningroom and two bedrooms, full basement, vinyl siding, dishwasher, carpeting, and laundry facilities Plus room on the second floor as Lebanon OF THE your needs increase. These homes can be built with options such as full dormer, extra lavatory, fireplace, andtvrofinished bedrooms on the second floor. CHFA MORTGAGES Senate agrees Marines can stay If you qualify we will arrange for you to take advantage of the next C H FA bond issue. Don't miss this opportunity! Join the more than 20 satisfied buyers. Only a limited number of lots lefti “COME ON HOME” By Robert Shepard under artillery fire from Syrian-backed days unless Congress agrees to let them United Press Internotlonol Moslem (actions and (our MaHnes have stay. BLANCHARD & ROSSEnO REALTORS been killed in shelling. "The bipartisan agreement did not WEEK WASHINGTON — A compromise plan The administration-backed plan (or an extend to the Senate,” said Sen. Alan 646-2482 189 WEST CENTER ST. COR OF MCKEE, MANCHESTER, CT. 06040 allowing President Reagan to keep U.S. 18-month extension was briedy endangered Cranston, D-Cali(. He said Reagan "did not Marines in Lebanon (or another 18 months when Sen. Charles Mathias, R-Md., de­ consult adequately” with Senate bareiy won Senate Foreign Relations lected and voted with the Democrats (or the Democrats. Cranston earlier lost, on a 9-7 vote, a bid to ^^C«ivoi^om«inbe^*heiHnterei^ite^»er^O%^ Committee approval Friday over the solid six-month extension. Lat u i refresh your memory with these great buys. On opposition of committee Democrats. dump the 18-month extension and simply Mathias later reversed himseK under trigger the war powers act, starting the either or both, the owner will give 10% APR financing 1 The final vote was 9-7 and came after the with $12,000 down payment. Both properties are availa­ pressure (rom an obviously angered Senate 60-day clock ticking and requiring Reagan i . ti;* * j committee rejected, on a 9-8 vote, a ble lor Immediate occupancy. Call today lor details. m Republican leader Howard Baker. Mathias to (ormally seek authorization to keep the Democratic move to limit the extension of said the issue will “ ultimately be decided on Marines in Lebanon. the Marines' deployment to six months. 156 E Center St the door" o( the Senate, where Republicans The Democrats are expected to o((er hold a 55-45 majority. Manchester The resolution, virtually the same as one their amendments again when the (ull approved by the House Foreign Affairs The IB-month plan was negotiated by the Senate takes up the issue. Committee 30-6 Thursday, now goes to the White House and House Democratic Chairman Charles Percy, R-lII., voiced M A N C H E S T E R $59,500 full Senate for debate begining Monday. leaders, but Senate Democrats objected, the administration's objection to a six- Charming starter home in excellent condition. Living The 1,200 Marines are in Lebanon as part saying President Reagan should (ully month extension, saying hostile (orces room, bath and front bedroom newly redone with ‘NEW USTMC in COVENTIV and CUH oi A MmON" of a multinational peace-keeping force, comply with the timetable provision o( the would increase their attacks on the Marines Completely renovated two bed room ranch. along with troops from Italy, France and war powers act, which would require the in hopes o( pressuring Congress to with­ new insulation, wallboard and windows. Quiet resi­ Hook up for wood stove, new roof, nice level lot. dential area. England. The troops recently have come Marines to be pulled out o( Lebanon in 60 draw the troops at the end o( the six months. Town house - 2 Bedrooms. 1% baths, applianced just couple mins, walk to lake for year round kitchen, full basement, sliding glass doors toSunny pri­ vacation. Priced to sell at $37,900.00 vate deck. $55,900. U.S., Syrians skirmish as taiks faiter BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) — Syrian- anchored off the Lebanese coast. between the nation’s warring religious and backed militiamen attacked U.S. Marines As the shelling intensified and spread to political factions could be announced by nightfall. Attractive 5+ room ranch. 3 good sized with artillery, rockets and small arms other sections of the city, the Marines began Friday, wounding two ol the Americans. shooting back with their 155mm howitzers But only hours later, diplomatic sources bedrooms, lower level den or extra bed­ U.S. gunners responded by blasting rebel and the destroyer USS Virginia offshore said Syria had posed new demands that room, 26x14. IVj baths, fireplaced LR & "EXTRA ROOM in TMS ONE" positions with ground and naval (ire. fired a volley from its S-inch guns. almost certainly would be rejected by Shaded Private deck comes with this 2 Bedroom completely fenced back yard. Priced at Huge three bed room cape in Coventry. 1 st floor The lighting broke out as edorts to In Damascus, a radical Lebanese resist­ President Amin Gemayel. - town house. 1V4 baths, numerous closets, applianced $69,800. _ _ family room, Formal dining room, fireplaced liv­ negotiate a cease-(ire in the Lebanese civil ance group warned it would attack “ They have come up with at least one kitchen, wall to wall carpeting and full basement. ing room. All this and more for only $66,900.00 condition that is very unlikely to be $57,900 ^ , war appeared near collapse. American, British. French and Italian w e cen help you become a IB U.S. F-14 lighter jets (lew reconnaissance civilians in Lebanon if the four nations' acceptable to the government,” said one FREC Western diplomat. ' REALE" PROFESSIONAL! MARKET TEDFORD missions over the war (ront and released peace-keeping troops became more deeply Call 646-4525. and ask lor Dan. SENTRY,EVALUATION REAL ESTATE, INC. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED heat balloons as decoys in caseol attacks by involved in the fighting. The attack on Marine positions at Beirut 1 Real Estate Services inc' O b h iK m 3 Family, consisting of two — 5 room Soviet-made SAM-7 anti-aircralt missiles, News of a breakdown in negotiations for a airport was believed to have been started D.F. REALE, IN C 223 East Canter St., AAanchaater 64 7-9914 apts. and a 3 room apt., pantrtaa, the Christian Voice of Lebanon radio station cease-fire came as the Senate Foreign . by Shiite Moslem militiamen, but intensi­ Real Estate 646 Hartford Tpka, RIa. M Vamon porches, 2 Newer furnaces, 2 yr. old said. Relations Committee in Washington ap­ fied when Syrian-backed Druze Moslem e.«rti.iiw. ct. 29 Connactlcut Bkrd., Eaal Hartford, roof and 2 car garage. A Marine spokesman, Maj. Robert proved a plan that would allow President gunners in the nearby Shouf mountains 60 Poquonock Ava.. Windsor I 646-4S2S Rt. 44A Bolton Don't wait on this one! Jordan, said one Marine was slightly cut in Reagan to keep the Marines in Lebanon opened fire with artillery and rockets. the face and that the other suffered a bullet another 18 months. The Druze have been battling the wound in the thigh and was being Early in the day, Lebanese government hospitalized aboard a U.S. 6th Fleet ship officials were predicting a .cease-fire Please turn to page 10 EAST WINDSOR Completely refurbished older colonlol with brand new kitchen, new bathroom with w/w carpeting, attached garage and more. Call for details. UPI photos A Lebanese soldier armed with an M16 and a grenade attached MANCHESTER to his rifle crouches Friday under a huge hole made by an French legionnaires, wearing their traditional white Friday as French troops rotate. The legionnaires will •Move right in Manchester artillery shell in the mountains east of Beirut. kepis, march toward a landing craft at Beirut port be replaced by parachutists. •Large Ranch Enjoy leisure living in this desira­ MANCHESTER $59,900. •Custom built ble 3 bed Rm Town house Con­ Well maintained older Colonial conve­ •Rockledge area niently located in Manchester. Priced •Winter view of valley dominium, large living Rm, and to sell at $59,900.3 Bdrma., formal din­ •2 bedrooms dining Rm area, Kitchen with ing room, living room with w/w carpet­ Design work to be funded for new Hartford interchange •Aluminum siding family Rm Area, 2 'h baths. Gas ing. hot air heatwith AirConditioning, ELLINGTON Please Call Althea Roberts 649-4324 / By Mark A. Dupuis work on a new interchange be­ The project is the final step in and 1-91 in Hartford. Haven and improvements to Route for feasibility or planning studies •Immaculate conaition Owner anxious to find o couple for this 7 Rm Raised United Press Internotlonol tween Interstates 84 and 91 in work, when completed, will make The interchange will replace the for resource recovery or incinera­ car port. $84,900. Ranch. Large lot for the children to ploy In. Fireplace In 872-7777, 7 in the Norwalk and Danbury •Family Room family room ore lust o few extra's for Mom 8i Dad. Coll Hartford to replace what has been Route 8 a modern expressway existing connection, requiring mo­ areas.
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