Minneapolis Friends Meeting Library Author List Author Title Category Year Publisher --- Amongst Friends [videocassette] Audiovisual --- --- --- Apocrypha of the Old Testament, {The} Bibles 1957 Thomas Nelson --- Book of Psalms, {The} [reference] Bibles 1902 Am. Bible Society --- Complete domestic Bible, {The} [on cover: "Presented to Bibles 1881 Domestic Bible Pub. Co. the Friends Meeting of Minneapolis in memory of Minnie Gorton Truman"] [reference] --- Fellowship in prayer (Dec. 1987 issue) Devotional Works - General 1987 Fellowship in Prayer --- Friends consultation on Quaker treasure: what do we hold Quakerism - History & 1991 Earlham School of in trust together? Beliefs Religion & Quaker Hill Conf. Center --- Friends one in the Spirit Quakers in the World --- Friends United Press --- Holy Bible, {The}: King James Version Bibles --- World Publishing --- Holy Bible, {The}: new international version Bibles 1984 International Bible --- Holy Bible, {The}: red letter, King James Version Bibles --- A.J. Holman Co. --- Holy Bible, {The}: the Oxford self-pronouncing Bible Bibles --- Oxford --- How we come to be Friends Quaker Journals & Writings --- --- --- Index of Pendle Hill pamphlets, 1934-2012 [reference] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2012 Pendle Hill --- Introducing the great chronicle of the Hutterian Brethren World Religions 1986 Plough Pub. House --- Living Bible, {The} Bibles 1971 Tyndale House --- Lots of queer Quakers, some of whom are gay Audiovisual 1984 --- [videocassette] --- New American standard Bible, {The} Bibles 1987 Thomas Nelson --- New English Bible, {The}: New Testament Bibles 1961 Oxford / Cambridge --- New Testament, {The} (King James Version) [reference] Bibles --- Am. Bible Society --- New Testament, {The}: red letter, King James Version Bibles --- World Publishing --- New Testament, {The}: Revised Standard Version ("The Bibles 1946 Thomas Nelson & Sons new covenant") --- Psalms, {The}: American standard version [owned by Bibles 1901 Thomas Nelson & Sons Edith Jones] [reference, in envelope, has loose pages, marginalia] --- Quaker faith & practice: the book of Christian discipline of Quaker Faith & Practice 2009 Britain Yearly Mtg. the yearly meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain [4th ed.] --- Religious poems: selected Fiction & Poetry --- H.M. Caldwell Co. --- Revised English Bible Bibles 1989 Oxford 3/25/2019 Minneapolis Friends Meeting Page 1 of 97 Author Title Category Year Publisher --- Revised standard version of the Bible Biblical Reference 1952 Thomas Nelson & Sons --- Sayings of Buddha Devotional Works - General 1957 Peter Pauper Press --- This we can say: talking honestly about sex Sexuality 1995 Nine Friends Press --- Twentieth century New Testament: part 2, Paul's letters Bibles 1900 Revell --- Women of the Bible Theology 1958 Church World Press Abbott, Margery Post Experiment in faith, {An}: Quaker women transcending Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1995 Pendle Hill differences [pamphlet #323] Abbott, Margery Post Quaker views on mysticism [pamphlet #375] [2 copies] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 2004 Pendle Hill Abileah, Joseph & Riki, Mira & Elliot, Voices for a Middle East confederation: two interviews International Peace & 1977 Soc. for Middle East Jeffrey [pamphlet] Justice Confed. Abrams, Douglas & Dalai Lama XIV & Book of joy, {The}: lasting happiness in a changing world Devotional Works - General 2016 Avery / Penguin Random Tutu, Desmond House Ackerman, Dorothy Quaker looks at yoga, {A} [pamphlet #207] [2 copies] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1976 Pendle Hill Ackerman, Dorothy (contrib.) & Taber, Variations on the Quaker message: articles of lasting Quakerism - History & 1990 Quaker Universalist William P. (contrib.) & Seeger, Daniel A. interest on varied theological perspectives from the Beliefs Fellowship (contrib.) Friends Journal [pamphlet] Adede, Rose Joel Litu, pioneer African Quaker [pamphlet #243] Pendle Hill Pamphlets 1982 Pendle Hill Adelsman, Carole Mpls. Friends Mtg. 11/13/88: On faith, work and Audiovisual 1988 Mpls. Friends Mtg. relationships [audiocassette] Adeney, Bernard T. & Dodson, Shirley & Latin American liberation theology [theme of issue in QRT Quaker Religious Thought 1986 QTDG Boroughs, Philip L. 22:1-2, Fall-Winter, 1986] Adkinson, Helen & Pullinger, Edna Guide to A Hymnal for Friends, {A} [2 copies?] Devotional Works - Quaker 1955 Friends General Conf. AFSC American Friends Service Committee North Central International Peace & 1998 AFSC Region 50th Anniversary Celebration, Sept. 12, 1998 Justice AFSC Hunger--why? International Peace & 1969 AFSC Justice AFSC In place of war: an inquiry into nonviolent national defense Pacifism & Nonviolence 1967 AFSC AFSC Nameless to nameless: the material aids program of the Audiovisual 1994 AFSC AFSC [videocassette, 16 min.] AFSC Peace in Vietnam: a new approach in Southeast Asia International Peace & 1966 AFSC Justice AFSC Quaker approaches to human brotherhood [pamphlet] International Peace & 1949 AFSC Justice AFSC Queries on disability issues [pamphlet] [3 copies] Justice, Crime & Social 1995 AFSC Issues AFSC Questions and answers on Lebanon [pamphlet] International Peace & 1982 AFSC Justice AFSC Speak truth to power: a Quaker search for an alternative International Peace & 1955 AFSC to violence [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] Justice 3/25/2019 Minneapolis Friends Meeting Page 2 of 97 Author Title Category Year Publisher AFSC Speak truth to power: a Quaker search for an alternative Pacifism & Nonviolence 1955 AFSC to violence [pamphlet] [1 of 2 copies] AFSC Struggle for justice Justice, Crime & Social 1971 Hill & Wang Issues AFSC United States and the Soviet Union, {The}: some Quaker International Peace & 1949 Yale proposals for peace [pamphlet] Justice AFSC Where the heart stands [videocassette, 22 min.] [2 copies] Audiovisual 1987 AFSC AFSC Who shall live?: man's control over birth and death [2 Illness, Death & Loss 1970 Hill & Wang copies] AFSC & Boulding, Kenneth E. (contrib.) Draft?, {The} Tax Resistance & Military 1968 Hill & Wang Draft AFSC & Cray, Robert Videos for Waging Peace [DVD]: 1. Bringing the war Audiovisual 2006 AFSC home: on the road with Eyes Wide Open / 2. Before you ? enlist! / 3. Wage Peace / 4. Twenty (by The Robert Cray Band) AFSC & Gerson, Joseph (ed.) & Birchard, Sun never sets, {The}: confronting the network of U.S. International Peace & 1991 South End Press Bruce (ed.) military bases Justice AFSC & Gerson, Joseph (ed.) & Deadly connection, {The}: nuclear war and U.S. International Peace & 1986 New Society Publishers Gumbleton, Bishop Thomas J. (foreword) intervention Justice AFSC & Simon, Scott (narrator) Love amid the ruins: Quaker service after the war Audiovisual 1996 ZDF German Public [videocassette, 60 min.] Television Akenson, Donald Harman Saint Saul: a skeleton key to the historical Jesus Life of Jesus 2000 Oxford Univ. Press ["advance, uncorrected reading copy"] Albom, Mitch Tuesdays with Morrie: an old man, a young man, and Illness, Death & Loss 1997 Doubleday life's greatest lesson Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous: the story of how many thousands Personal Growth 1976 Alcoholics Anonymous of man and women have recovered from alcoholism [3rd ed.] Alderfer, E. Gordon (ed.) & Penn, William Witness of William Penn, {The} Biography - Quaker 1957 Macmillan & Tolles, Frederick Barnes (ed.) Alexander, Horace (contrib.) & Quaker Universalist reader, number 1, {The}: a collection Quakerism - History & 1988 Quaker Universalist Hetherington, Ralph (contrib.) & Seeger, of essays, addresses, and lectures (study guide) Beliefs Fellowship Daniel A. (contrib.) [pamphlet] Alexander, Horace, et al. Gandhi remembered [pamphlet] Biography - General 1983 Wider Quaker Fellowship Alexander, Howard George Fox and the early Quakers [pamphlet] George Fox ? Friends United Press Alexander, Michelle & West, Cornel New Jim Crow, {The}: mass incarceration in the age of Race 2011 The New Press (foreword) colorblindness (revised ed.) Alexander, Stella (comp.) Quaker testimony against slavery and racial Race 1958 Priory Press discrimination: an anthology Ali, Ahmed (trans.) al-Qur'an: a contemporary translation [English & Arabic] World Religions 1988 Princeton Univ. Press Allen, Irene Quaker indictment ["an Elizabeth Elliot mystery] Fiction & Poetry 1998 St. Martin's Press 3/25/2019 Minneapolis Friends Meeting Page 3 of 97 Author Title Category Year Publisher Allen, Irene Quaker silence ["an Elizabeth Elliot mystery"] Fiction & Poetry 1992 Villard Books Allen, Irene Quaker testimony ["an Elizabeth Elliot mystery"] Fiction & Poetry 1996 St. Martin's Press Allen, Joan Our George: the early years of George Fox, the Quaker, George Fox 1990 Bethany Enterprises 1624-45 [pamphlet] Allen, Ronald D. & Kolp, Alan & Barker, Theology of evangelism and outreach [theme of issue in Quaker Religious Thought 1982 QTDG Lawrence E. QRT 19:3, Spring 1982] Allison, DeAnn & Wilson, Dick What's the matter with the world today? [audiocassette of Audiovisual 1996 Stradivarius Productions musical] Allport, Gordon W. Nature of prejudice, {The} Race 1958 Doubleday Al-Qazwini, Moustafa Discovering Islam World Religions 2001 Islamic Educational Center of Orange Co. Althouse, Lavonne When Jew and Christian meet World Religions 1966 Friendship Press Ambler, Rex Light to live by: an exploration in Quaker spirituality [the Devotional Works - Quaker 2002 Quaker Books English version of the Cary Lecture 2001] [2 copies] Ambler, Rex Quaker way, {The}: a rediscovery [3 copies, 1 possibly Quakerism - History & 2012 Christian Alternative missing] Beliefs
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