THE AVUMLOB DAILY OIBOULATION fheaeael el V. B. Wchthcr tm n t for tte Hootb of Jaanary, 19SS B arlfari fhir taalghi; fMdaj laereaBag 5,568 doodliMM ^ b ob ly fMlewed hy rala Member of the AnAt Bareau la soath aad nia er aaow ia aerth of OboolatleM. portteo. VOL. LI.,. NO. 131. (Oteililad Advcrttiring on Pag* 10.); SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSD!^Y, MARCH 3, 1932. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENtS BOSTON UNEARTHS LINDY CLUE L D Y DECIDES CoL Lindbergrh’s Home From the Air TOKEEPPOUCE LETTER STATES INFANT ONSOirSTRAIL HIDDEN IN BAY STATE Someone Made Suggestion POLICE RUN DOWN That They Be CaDed Off MANY FALSE CLUES MISSIVE IS POSTED and Appeal Be Sent Out to BY AN ^ WOMAN the Kidnapers. Auto Carrying Babies Re­ Hopewell, N. J.. March 3.— (AP) ported In Eastern States; —Col. Charles A. Lindbergh decided Police Get Permission to Read It From Father of Kidnaped oday to keep the police on the job Police Checkup Cars. and make every effort to run down Child— Details Kept Secret— Governor Moore of New the kidnapers of his baby son. There was no indication, however, New York, March 3.—(AP) — Jersey After Visit to Lindhergh Home Says No Contact that he had withdrawn his offer to The high pitch to which citizen in­ pay reinsom for the baby’s return. After Gov. A. Harry Moore visit­ terest has been atc^sed In the Has Yet Been Made With Kidnapers and Denies Rumor 'd Col. Lindbergh it was learned Lindbergh baby kidnaping led po- that the suggestion had been made lice of several states today in That Baby’s Return Is Expected Today; Nation Keeps that Col. Lindbergh call off the po­ search of automobiles reported to lice search and issue an appeal to the kidnapers to return the baby on have been c a r r ^ g babies. Up Search— Nmnerotts False Clues Ran Down In a Half a no-questions-asked basis. Police radio In New York City and It was not revealed who made this the teletype system connecting five i:uggestion but it was learned that states were used to broadcast Dozen States. Col. Lindbergh repudiated It instant- alarms for automobiles, most of ((Tintlnued Un Page it.) them reported by citizens. Among the cars were: Boston, March 3.— (A P )— Tlie kidnaped son of Col. Charles Boston—A touring car bearing A. Lindbergh according to a letter mailed by a woman in Boston New Jersey license J-6989 driven by today addressed to the famous aviator is held in a house in a AVIATOR IS KILLED a woman who mailed a letter to Col. small Massachusetts town. Lindbergh. The letter mailed by an elderly woman of foreign extraction, New York City—Radio broadcast TESTING AIRPLANE for a car carrying two women and was taken from the mails and opened by authority of Colonel a baby seen in Sixth Avenue. The Lindbergh. It read: citizen who reported this incident Col. Lindbergh: 'T don’t want to say how this infor­ to police evidently mistook the li­ mation came into my possession. I urge you to act <m it The bleak scene of the kidnaping of the Lindbergh baby Is vividly portrayed In this Herald-NEA Service picture taken from the air above Colonel cense number, as a checkup showed Wing Breaks Off and Para­ Charles A. Lindbergh’s lonely, wilderness estate at Hopewell, N. J. Note the cars of investigators'that filled the courtyard while the widespread the license had been issued to Fred though. ’I know that your son is held by two men and a woman search for the stolen child was at its height. Clearly visible in the background are the wooded lands and acres of rough ground which surround Schultz, Jr., of Tuxedo, N. Y., and at (name of town and address of house to which she referred.) ” the famous flyer’s mountain retreat—a white-painted, French country style hpuse. The kidnaped infant’s nursery was In the section of the hous^ the car had not been out of the vi­ The letter ended, “I received this information from a long chute Does Not Have Tune seen at the left cinity of Tuxedo and Suffern. A distance.” / second radio alarm was broadcast The letter was mailed shortly aft-s - To Open In Fall. for an automobile seen coming er 10 a. m. In postal station A at .Qutnigh the Holland tunpel from 8:30, using the same road the kid- i^evf Jeitiey ca«fying a nuua, womaa Canton Washington streets in naper«T.inust have used. There was LIFE SENTENCE MKHMGSQHir ' ghd'li diild about.two yeat* old. Boston’s «ptttl| w d by a woman, de­ no car in the road at that time. A t Bethany, March 3.— (AP) —Loss JAPANESE ORDERED Wrong Numbers scribed about 60 years (fid, five feet 9:15 He wrat to his desk, wbJeh is of a wing from an all-metal mono­ White Plains, N. Y.—A faded six Inches tall, weighing about 140 under the nursery and if the ladder plane he was testing, caused Elliot FOR KIDNAPING JOBS IN HARTFORD green sedan driven by a man with pounds, dressed In dark clothes and had been raised while he was there he would have seen it. He remained McCtme, Wallingford transi>ort pilot a blond yoimg women in the rear speaking with a marked accent, seat. The license plates of this car probably German. at the desk imtil the nurse scream­ to jump to death. TO STOP FIGHTINCJ also were evidently misread, as a The woman had bought an airmail ed that the baby was missing. His sweetheart Miss Blanche lefuse to Accept 25 Per checkup showed no such plates were stamp, affixed it to the letter and Banach of Wedlingford watching But Eight States Haye Pro­ issued. then departed, apparently in a state ALL NIGHT VIGIL from the Bethany airport, saw him Syracuse, N. T.—Blue sedan re­ of extreme agitation. A postal clerk Hopewell, N. J., March 3.— (AP) leap with his parachute when the vided Death Penalty For IN SHANGHAI AREA Cent Wage Cut— Post Of­ ported by hotel guest seen near quickly found the letter, which was —All night the Lindhergh home disabled plane was 500 feet from Holland tunnel In New York City 3 called sharply to his attention by blazed with lights. For five miles it the ground. The parachute however a. m., March 2, carrsdng a man, this typewritten notation on the en­ could be seen, standing against the did not have time to open. The ac­ Such Crime. fice Work Delayed. woman and a baby wrapped in a velope: “Please spare no effort to black sky like a beacon inviting the have this message concerning Col. cident which occurred late yester­ blanket. baby’s kidnapers to bring him back day afternoon followed when Mc- Heads of Army and Navy Is­ WOMAN IS SOUGHT Fitchburg, Mass.—Car covered Ldnberg’s son rushed with all speed with mud and occupied by two men, ixjssible. This is no hoax, but it is a home, no matter the monetary cost. Cune sought to gain altitude at con­ Boston, Mass., March 3— (A P) — Hartford, March 3 — (AP) — But the coming of a dull dawn found clusion of a barrel roll. Witnesses a woman and a baby. vitally Important communication.” Life Imprisonment for persons sue Word to Cease Hostili­ Work on the new post office building the little crib still empty. said the plane roared over the air­ Washington, D. C.—Search for a [ INUNDBERGHCASE here, which should be going at fuU There was a hint of hope. First, port at the bottom of a zoom at a^ guilty of kidnaping would be pro­ man, woman and a baby believed to j GOVERNOR’S STATEMENT blast under existing weather condi­ the postcard, mailed in Newark yes­ altitude of 2,000 feet, successfully vided in a bill filed with the House ties; Japs CoBsoiidate New have abandoned an automobile at i Hopewell, N. J., March 3.— (AP) Hyattsville, Md., Tuesday night. terday M d received by Colonel went through a barrel roll, and of Representatives today by Repre­ tions, is almost at a standstill with —Governor A. Harry Moore of New Binghamton, N. Y.—A black se­ Charles A. Lindbergh later in the then began to lose speed. sentative J. J. Reardon of Boston. union tradesmen unwilling to ac­ Jersey called on the Lindberghs to­ Position^ Chinese Say Or­ dan with New Jersey license plates day, stating that the baby was safe Wing Breaks Sends Airmail Letter to Colo­ cept a 25 per cent cut in wages de­ day and afterward stated positively The existing law provides for two manded by the msister builders of containing three men, a woman and for the man who flew the New As McCune attempted to gain al­ to ten years imprisonment and a that no contact with the Iddnapers York to Paris air trail to await fur­ fine of $1,000 for ordinary kidnaping ders Have Not Been of the Lindbergh baby had been titude the plane went into a dive. A t nel and Then Disappears; (Continued on Page S.) (Continued on Page Three.) ther instructions. one thousand feet the wing broke was for purposes of extortion. made either by the Lindberghs or Second, there was the intimation off. Shortly afterward witnesses saw The kidnapers of the Lindbergh Obeyed. Letter Kept Secret. the police. from the household itself that the McCune leap. baby face a maximum penalty of There is absolutely no basts for child might possibly be restored to Inspectors George F.
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