' 'Have ihey caug im?' Protopappas sentenced to 15 years yROBERT AR s dnvsn nd h ve become Of IM DdJ f'lltf ltaft hysterical ByJEFF OLER 0 Parent , school nd police re 1'he kid re really fnnd." OlllleO.-, ......... tightenina unty measures to ad Shelly Repsher. n p rent of form r CC)$.t Mc d n11 Tony protect scltool children followmg two )'9ung daughters whO alt nd ProtopapPf wa scnt ctd to three three rooent all~d k1dnappmg Kettler Elementary School at concurre t 1~ year to hfe pnson attempt in Huntanston Bench. 8750 Dorsen Drive, •• nd the terms Monday for the anesthesia· In some instances, keen ~r­ marents are concerned ·· overdose killings of three paucnts m ent I concem - ifnot fear - has R~her, who J>reviou ly ha 1982-and 1983. e calated in neighborhood , ac­ been able to stand in front of her The sentence, pronounced by Or· cotding to parents. Some young- home and watch as her daughters anit County Superior Coun Judge 5ters reportedly h ve see" a car walked to school, has uined L.u1 Cardena following 1 da)-long similar to on older model green walking them 10 nd from the sentencao=na m the Santa Ana ............................ Chevrolet the suspect nll~dly (Pleue Me l"EAR/A2) (P eee DEKTISTI A2) Vlctim'e ltln 111& JKken &11d Dlo~ IDwat ........ Forecaate on A2. COAST IDlllDN - TUESDAY OCTOBER 23. 1984 ORANGF C OUNTY C A LI FORNIA :?5 CENT S Coast crashesI · kill woman, tot injuries she suffered when her car was Bradley said Ramsey, drivjng a to the hospital as a precauuon, m tly unrestra10ed in :the passenger &eat of • 'Minor injuries' claim Newport victim; broadsided in a Corona '"del Mar 1977 (.:tJc,.·rolet, was not wearing a be<::ause ofher aie. Bradley id. the truck. rudi was tra\d1"' at intersection police reponed. scat belt. Her car was struck by a truck boUt 2S mph. 1 girl dies after falling out of truck Apparently, the woman suffered driven by Oark R. Vanwick. 26, of Meanwhile, Shannon Meccico. 3. internal iajuries. She died at Hoag Fountain Valley. was lc.illed Monday montln,g w}\en she - he ap~tly opened the dOor Memonal Hospital in Newport apparently fell out of a pickup tnK:k somCho • saidDaiJy. By STEVE MARBLE Juan Capistrano who were killed Van\\iCk, driving north on the her mother "'BS driving on Beach about four hours after the 10 OnCfJl A passing motorist oppcd at lhe Of ....,.., l'W hllf Monday in separate car- accidents, Pacific O>ast Highway, was not cited. llipwa) about five miles east of [a a. m. collision at Pacific Coast High­ accident scene and P''C first aid to the Seat belts might have saved the authorities said today. way and Marguerite Avenue. said Paramedics at hrst judged Pata A~enuc, said catifomia High­ way Patrol spokesman Ken Daily. girl, who •was pron.ounad dead at lives of an elderly Newport Beach Inez Esther Ramsey. 86. died from Newport Beach traffic investigator Ramsey's injuries to be of a minor Mission Community Hospital 1n woman and a )..year-old girl from San what at first appeared to be minor Rick Bradley. nature and amnged to transport her Daily said the young girl was ndu1a M1sston ~ICJO, Daily said. Billy ·Martin UC Irvine basketball coach Biii found innocent Mulllgan suf­ ferecf'a mild stroke Friday in CdM ruckus In Biiiings, Mont., and on doctors' By STEVE MARBLE Ot ..DllJ ..... orders, will take a couple Billy Martin, the fiery ex-m rutF. of weeks off from his and J?layer known for his ruIMns with normal coaching routine. umpires. finally got an arbiter to rule /C1. in his favor when a NewPort Bcacb juc4c today found him not guilty of being drunk in public. Wearing a gray suit, blade cowbo) Coast tiOOtS. a ms 'tie and :a 'IOmber 'Aire Manin aid he'd rather bneball A beach parking lot at­ than courtroom strategy f ollowmg his tendant got a message victory an Harbor Municipal Coun. from the heavens: mar­ .. I'll answer a baseball gucstion if A you have one... Manin said before riage proposal. I A3 ducking out ofthe courtroom with his , attorney is tow. The former New York Yanees' manager was arrested April 13 after CaM.fomla .. ewport Beach police found him on An expert witness says ~ the front lawn of a prlfriend's house (Pleue eee BILLY/A2) the children In the ~ McMartin Preschool ca f are terrified by thel' al· leged molesters./A4 Badham revives Nation Urban Man's on view at his challenger's·. the Metrozoo In Miami - and attracting reco'd crowds./88 anti--Israel stand ~rB ' By &OBERT HYNDMAN fountain Valley.. the ewpon Beech World Of .... DlilJ ........ congressman produced a letter writ­ Rep. Robert Badham hu ac:custd ten to him two yean ago t?,• Bradford President Marcos has or· challenger Carol Ann Brldfotd of that called for cuttin& miliwy and dered seven military men Nancy Reaga~ in OC to visit havinJ.a ..shoot from the tip" attitude economic aid to Israel. prosecuted after a report on political issues - speaficall), aid "This is a good example of het accused them of plotting to Israel. 'shoot from the lip' philosophy on the At a candidates forum Monday in (Pleue Me BADRAJl/A2) Benigno Aquino's as­ suppor~ers, teen d~ug center sassination./A5 T ..... '• h '1i program funded by the unty. F)lriet lady tours Santa Ana s p oenix ouse. Phoenix House representatives said 1 fi '> L.a b GQ I' ' 1 ' 0 "" Monday's visit ·was Mrs. Reagan's Mlnd&Body C eercu y p VO unteers D range third in the ~st four years. Santa Ana winds Following theSantaAna visit, Mrs. Feeling woozy In a By ROBERT HYNDMAN that I can do in addition to what I'm Reagan ped off to Orange Count) Jacuzzi? Better alt down OflMDll!r,...IUff . already doina. please let me know," Republican Party hea~qu!U'1Cf5 in qulckly./81 First I..ady Nin Rn.po made said Mrs. Reagan, who has made the Orang'C where n enthus.aast1c pther­ bring clear skie$ two brief stops in Orange County crusade qgainst drug abuse one of her inachantcd "four more years! aubc Monda.)' afternoon to tour a drug top concerns in recent years. entered the buildina." Fnm staff aJHI wire repor11 planes would be traveling anto the rehabihtalion center in Santa Ana Chatting with four teens who were In a bnef add~s to 58 oounty Seasonal northeastCtly San\I Ana ,..; nd. Entertainment and t~twale.;iipUblican Pany accompanied b) their parents for the Republican ~oluntccrs. Mrs. Reagan said ..These arc the folks who really winds picked up speed toda). brina­ Ralph Odenwald. air trafli man· ~olurbccnln Ot'Antie.' fim lady's 3 p.m. ~isit. Mrs...Reapn ager of the aiq>0rt's tower. said the StOJ)pin1 visit at the Pbocnix was a kcd ~hat:message she had for ~in election • • i ng dear 5kics and ·warm "' thCI' to Ambition overcomes In· fon Southern Califomia . alternate path IS used v.bcocvcr the 1 House in Slnta Ana, Mrs. R~n young people faced with drop. These last two weeks. as you know. experience In 'Cat on a Gust of up to 34 mph were wind becomes ruona and cha Old the t~-age residents, "We need "Say no," me quickly rephed. arc &0ina to be vCf'), '\Cl) difficul~" Hot Tin Roof" In Mission she s11d. ..But as I id at the reponed this mominga1 JOhn Wayne dlrection. you clear.eyed and clear-headed." The Phoenix Hou.~ has 70 adults .. Instead of takiftl off .south over Vlejo./83 "There's a lot of 1pcoplc out there and 30 adolescents unde!'loina drug convention. we'll make it one more Airport. ~'here \akt'--Off and landing ~ttem we~ cha at 9 a.m . so {Pleue ... WIMD8/A2) MWq~ohelp}'ou. lftherc~sanyih1ng tthabilitataon treatment through a (Pleue eee NAJllC'!' I A2) . " INDEX Erma Bombeek B2 Br1dge 84 On.Jy ~ Coast cities au11et1n B~d A3 Missing girl, 3, 'Bulfneu 85~ Cellfornla News A4 ct.... fled C4·6 take stands on· 36 Comlcl 94 feared victim CrOMWOrd ce ~ost Death NotlcU 88 opppse tax cut. • HelpVourtelf 82 but.fear backlash HoroecQPt cs of kidnapping Ann Landerl ·92 Mind and Body 81-2 RBI.£ Mutual Funds 86 Net16n81 News A4 Opinion A8 Potlce Log AS PUbMC Notion .c.. Sport• C1~ StOOk Marketa .. 87 TMYtllOn 82 nt.t9'1 83 WMthet A2 WOridNewt A5 .. ~1-DAU..i PtLOTnUMOIW 0GtGlll•23 1814 'Dangerous desperado' gets I 00 years for bank holdups Clear and windy along the Coast tour pnor nk holdups. h ientcnoe, m de up of four =.• Coaatal M 0.Vld Dean Dahlen" 24, of La SCP ratc25·)'ear tcnns, as believed to :: =ft Habra""'' described by :rCdcral Jud be one of the harshest ever handed u .. Jamts ldcman a ··dangerou dC$· down for bank robbery conviction. .. $7 pcndo" who had no rcmonc for his ··1 don•t rcalll a. sentence th t vic:um1 and presented a clear r Jo°" d fcdCT11f nrosccutor J m =;: m M" .. to society. Berliner. M 41 ~ N 87 .. 81 66 1•78 ,,eo . 83 to 11 10 M M BILLY MARTIN INNOCENT•.• .,." 1161 From Al ., 12 was not called bca\use ofthc3udge·s ..... "11 in Corona del Mar. Police said ruling. Bolh tdcs llateed to waive a 11 .. Martin, color and controvmiaJ u M q rieiahbors had complained that a ball player and man.aaer. has had trial and let Bostrom make the .
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